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2019-09-03 09:45:25 -04:00
// Project : VST SDK
// Category : Interfaces
// Filename : pluginterfaces/vst/ivstrepresentation.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 08/2010
// Description : VST Representation Interface
// This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
// and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
// No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
// or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "pluginterfaces/base/funknown.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/vsttypes.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpush.h"
namespace Steinberg {
class IBStream;
namespace Vst {
/** RepresentationInfo is the structure describing a representation
This structure is used in the function \see IXmlRepresentationController::getXmlRepresentationStream.
\see IXmlRepresentationController
struct RepresentationInfo
RepresentationInfo ()
memset (vendor, 0, kNameSize);
memset (name, 0, kNameSize);
memset (version, 0, kNameSize);
memset (host, 0, kNameSize);
RepresentationInfo (char8* _vendor, char8* _name = 0, char8* _version = 0, char8* _host = 0)
memset (vendor, 0, kNameSize);
if (_vendor)
strcpy (vendor, _vendor);
memset (name, 0, kNameSize);
if (_name)
strcpy (name, _name);
memset (version, 0, kNameSize);
if (_version)
strcpy (version, _version);
memset (host, 0, kNameSize);
if (_host)
strcpy (host, _host);
kNameSize = 64
char8 vendor[kNameSize]; ///< Vendor name of the associated representation (remote) (eg. "Yamaha").
char8 name[kNameSize]; ///< Representation (remote) Name (eg. "O2").
char8 version[kNameSize]; ///< Version of this "Remote" (eg. "1.0").
char8 host[kNameSize]; ///< Optional: used if the representation is for a given host only (eg. "Nuendo").
/** Extended Plug-in interface IEditController for a component.
\ingroup vstIPlug vst350
- [plug imp]
- [extends IEditController]
- [released: 3.5.0]
- [optional]
A Representation based on XML is a way to export and structure, group Plug-ins parameters for a specific remote (could be hardware or software rack (like quickcontrols)).
It allows to describe more precisely each parameter (what is the best matching to a knob, different titles lengths matching limited remote display,...).\n See an \ref Example.
- A Representation is composed of Pages (this means that to see all exported parameters the user has to navigate through the pages).
- A Page is composed of Cells (for example 8 Cells per page).
- A Cell is composed of Layers (for example a cell could have a knob, a display and a button which are 3 Layers).
- A Layer is associated to a Plug-in parameter using the ParameterID as identifier:
- it could be a knob with a display for Title and/or value, this display uses the same parameterId, but it could an another one.
- Switch
- link which allows to jump directly to a subpage (an another page)
- more... See Vst::LayerType
This Representation is implemented as XML text following the Document Type Definition (DTD): http://dtd.steinberg.net/VST-Remote-1.1.dtd
\section Example
Here an example of what should be passed in the stream of getXmlRepresentationStream:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE vstXML PUBLIC "-//Steinberg//DTD VST Remote 1.1//EN" "http://dtd.steinberg.net/VST-Remote-1.1.dtd">
<vstXML version="1.0">
<plugin classID="341FC5898AAA46A7A506BC0799E882AE" name="Chorus" vendor="Steinberg Media Technologies" />
<originator>My name</originator>
<comment>This is an example for 4 Cells per Page for the Remote named ProductRemote
from company HardwareCompany.</comment>
<!-- ===================================== -->
<representation name="ProductRemote" vendor="HardwareCompany" version="1.0">
<page name="Root">
<layer type="knob" parameterID="0">
<name>Mix dry/wet</name>
<layer type="display"></layer>
<layer type="knob" parameterID="3">
<layer type="knob" parameterID="15">
<page name="Page 2">
<layer type="LED" ledStyle="spread" parameterID="2">
<name>Width +</name>
<!--this is the switch for shape A/B-->
<layer type="switch" switchStyle="pushIncLooped" parameterID="4"></layer>
<layer type="display"></layer>
<layer type="LED" ledStyle="singleDot" parameterID="17">
<name>Sync Note +</name>
<!--this is the switch for sync to tempo on /off-->
<layer type="switch" switchStyle="pushIncLooped" parameterID="16"></layer>
<layer type="knob" parameterID="1">
class IXmlRepresentationController: public FUnknown
/** Retrieves a stream containing a XmlRepresentation for a wanted representation info */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getXmlRepresentationStream (RepresentationInfo& info /*in*/, IBStream* stream /*out*/) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IXmlRepresentationController, 0xA81A0471, 0x48C34DC4, 0xAC30C9E1, 0x3C8393D5)
/** Defines for XML representation Tags and Attributes */
#define ROOTXML_TAG "vstXML"
#define COMMENT_TAG "comment"
#define CELL_TAG "cell"
#define CELLGROUP_TAG "cellGroup"
#define CELLGROUPTEMPLATE_TAG "cellGroupTemplate"
#define CURVE_TAG "curve"
#define CURVETEMPLATE_TAG "curveTemplate"
#define DATE_TAG "date"
#define LAYER_TAG "layer"
#define NAME_TAG "name"
#define ORIGINATOR_TAG "originator"
#define PAGE_TAG "page"
#define PAGETEMPLATE_TAG "pageTemplate"
#define PLUGIN_TAG "plugin"
#define VALUE_TAG "value"
#define VALUEDISPLAY_TAG "valueDisplay"
#define VALUELIST_TAG "valueList"
#define REPRESENTATION_TAG "representation"
#define SEGMENT_TAG "segment"
#define SEGMENTLIST_TAG "segmentList"
#define TITLEDISPLAY_TAG "titleDisplay"
#define ATTR_CATEGORY "category"
#define ATTR_CLASSID "classID"
#define ATTR_ENDPOINT "endPoint"
#define ATTR_INDEX "index"
#define ATTR_FLAGS "flags"
#define ATTR_FUNCTION "function"
#define ATTR_HOST "host"
#define ATTR_LEDSTYLE "ledStyle"
#define ATTR_LENGTH "length"
#define ATTR_LINKEDTO "linkedTo"
#define ATTR_NAME "name"
#define ATTR_ORDER "order"
#define ATTR_PAGE "page"
#define ATTR_PARAMID "parameterID"
#define ATTR_STARTPOINT "startPoint"
#define ATTR_STYLE "style"
#define ATTR_SWITCHSTYLE "switchStyle"
#define ATTR_TEMPLATE "template"
#define ATTR_TURNSPERFULLRANGE "turnsPerFullRange"
#define ATTR_TYPE "type"
#define ATTR_UNITID "unitID"
#define ATTR_VARIABLES "variables"
#define ATTR_VENDOR "vendor"
#define ATTR_VERSION "version"
/** Defines some predefined Representation Remote Names */
#define GENERIC "Generic"
#define GENERIC_4_CELLS "Generic 4 Cells"
#define GENERIC_8_CELLS "Generic 8 Cells"
#define GENERIC_12_CELLS "Generic 12 Cells"
#define GENERIC_24_CELLS "Generic 24 Cells"
#define GENERIC_N_CELLS "Generic %d Cells"
#define QUICK_CONTROL_8_CELLS "Quick Controls 8 Cells"
/** Layer Types used in a VST XML Representation */
namespace LayerType
kKnob = 0, ///< a knob (encoder or not)
kPressedKnob, ///< a knob which is used by pressing and turning
kSwitchKnob, ///< knob could be pressed to simulate a switch
kSwitch, ///< a "on/off" button
kLED, ///< LED like VU-meter or display around a knob
kLink, ///< indicates that this layer is a folder linked to an another INode (page)
kDisplay, ///< only for text display (not really a control)
kFader, ///< a fader
/** FIDString variant of the LayerType */
static const FIDString layerTypeFIDString[] = {
/** Curve Types used in a VST XML Representation */
namespace CurveType
const CString kSegment = "segment"; ///<
const CString kValueList = "valueList"; ///<
/** Attributes used to defined a Layer in a VST XML Representation */
namespace Attributes
const CString kStyle = ATTR_STYLE; ///< string attribute : See AttributesStyle for available string value
const CString kLEDStyle = ATTR_LEDSTYLE; ///< string attribute : See AttributesStyle for available string value
const CString kSwitchStyle = ATTR_SWITCHSTYLE; ///< string attribute : See AttributesStyle for available string value
const CString kKnobTurnsPerFullRange = ATTR_TURNSPERFULLRANGE; ///< float attribute
const CString kFunction = ATTR_FUNCTION; ///< string attribute : See AttributesFunction for available string value
const CString kFlags = ATTR_FLAGS; ///< string attribute : See AttributesFlags for available string value
/** Attributes Function used to defined the function of a Layer in a VST XML Representation */
namespace AttributesFunction
/// Global Style
const CString kPanPosCenterXFunc = "PanPosCenterX"; ///< Gravity point X-axis (L-R) (for stereo: middle between left and right)
const CString kPanPosCenterYFunc = "PanPosCenterY"; ///< Gravity point Y-axis (Front-Rear)
const CString kPanPosFrontLeftXFunc = "PanPosFrontLeftX"; ///< Left channel Position in X-axis
const CString kPanPosFrontLeftYFunc = "PanPosFrontLeftY"; ///< Left channel Position in Y-axis
const CString kPanPosFrontRightXFunc = "PanPosFrontRightX"; ///< Right channel Position in X-axis
const CString kPanPosFrontRightYFunc = "PanPosFrontRightY"; ///< Right channel Position in Y-axis
const CString kPanRotationFunc = "PanRotation"; ///< Rotation around the Center (gravity point)
const CString kPanLawFunc = "PanLaw"; ///< Panning Law
const CString kPanMirrorModeFunc = "PanMirrorMode"; ///< Panning Mirror Mode
const CString kPanLfeGainFunc = "PanLfeGain"; ///< Panning LFE Gain
const CString kGainReductionFunc = "GainReduction"; ///< Gain Reduction for compressor
const CString kSoloFunc = "Solo"; ///< Solo
const CString kMuteFunc = "Mute"; ///< Mute
const CString kVolumeFunc = "Volume"; ///< Volume
/** Attributes Style associated a specific Layer Type in a VST XML Representation */
namespace AttributesStyle
/// Global Style
const CString kInverseStyle = "inverse"; ///< the associated layer should use the inverse value of parameter (1 - x).
/// LED Style
const CString kLEDWrapLeftStyle = "wrapLeft"; ///< |======>----- (the default one if not specified)
const CString kLEDWrapRightStyle = "wrapRight"; ///< -------<====|
const CString kLEDSpreadStyle = "spread"; ///< ---<==|==>---
const CString kLEDBoostCutStyle = "boostCut"; ///< ------|===>--
const CString kLEDSingleDotStyle = "singleDot"; ///< --------|----
/// Switch Style
const CString kSwitchPushStyle = "push"; ///< Apply only when pressed, unpressed will reset the value to min.
const CString kSwitchPushIncLoopedStyle = "pushIncLooped"; ///< Push will increment the value. When the max is reached it will restart with min.
///< The default one if not specified (with 2 states values it is a OnOff switch).
const CString kSwitchPushDecLoopedStyle = "pushDecLooped"; ///< Push will decrement the value. When the min is reached it will restart with max.
const CString kSwitchPushIncStyle = "pushInc"; ///< Increment after each press (delta depends of the curve).
const CString kSwitchPushDecStyle = "pushDec"; ///< Decrement after each press (delta depends of the curve).
const CString kSwitchLatchStyle = "latch"; ///< Each push-release will change the value between min and max.
///< A timeout between push and release could be used to simulate a push style (if timeout is reached).
/** Attributes Flags defining a Layer in a VST XML Representation */
namespace AttributesFlags
const CString kHideableFlag = "hideable"; ///< the associated layer marked as hideable allows a remote to hide or make it not usable a parameter when the associated value is inactive
} // namespace Vst
} // namespace Steinberg
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpop.h"