
712 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2010 Paul Davis
Copyright (C) 2017 Ben Loftis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <gtkmm/comboboxtext.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/spinbutton.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/treeview.h>
#include <gtkmm/liststore.h>
#include <gtkmm/treestore.h>
#include <gtkmm/notebook.h>
#include <gtkmm/cellrenderercombo.h>
#include <gtkmm/scale.h>
#include <gtkmm/alignment.h>
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/unwind.h"
#include "pbd/strsplit.h"
#include "pbd/stacktrace.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/bindings.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "ardour/audioengine.h"
#include "ardour/port.h"
#include "ardour/rc_configuration.h"
#include "us2400_control_protocol.h"
#include "device_info.h"
#include "gui.h"
#include "surface.h"
#include "surface_port.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace ArdourSurface;
using namespace US2400;
US2400Protocol::get_gui () const
if (!_gui) {
const_cast<US2400Protocol*>(this)->build_gui ();
return _gui;
US2400Protocol::tear_down_gui ()
if (_gui) {
Gtk::Widget *w = static_cast<Gtk::Widget*>(_gui)->get_parent();
if (w) {
delete w;
delete (US2400ProtocolGUI*) _gui;
_gui = 0;
US2400Protocol::build_gui ()
_gui = (void *) new US2400ProtocolGUI (*this);
US2400ProtocolGUI::US2400ProtocolGUI (US2400Protocol& p)
: _cp (p)
, table (2, 9)
, _device_dependent_widget (0)
, _ignore_profile_changed (false)
, ignore_active_change (false)
Gtk::Label* l;
int row = 0;
set_border_width (12);
table.set_row_spacings (4);
table.set_col_spacings (6);
table.set_border_width (12);
table.set_homogeneous (false);
_cp.DeviceChanged.connect (device_change_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&US2400ProtocolGUI::device_changed, this), gui_context());
_cp.ConnectionChange.connect (connection_change_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&US2400ProtocolGUI::connection_handler, this), gui_context());
/* device-dependent part */
device_dependent_row = row;
if (_device_dependent_widget) {
table.remove (*_device_dependent_widget);
_device_dependent_widget = 0;
_device_dependent_widget = device_dependent_widget ();
table.attach (*_device_dependent_widget, 0, 12, row, row+1, AttachOptions(0), AttachOptions(0), 0, 0);
/* back to the boilerplate */
vector<string> profiles;
for (std::map<std::string,DeviceProfile>::iterator i = DeviceProfile::device_profiles.begin(); i != DeviceProfile::device_profiles.end(); ++i) {
cerr << "add discovered profile " << i->first << endl;
profiles.push_back (i->first);
Gtkmm2ext::set_popdown_strings (_profile_combo, profiles);
cerr << "set active profile from " << p.device_profile().name() << endl;
_profile_combo.set_active_text (p.device_profile().name());
_profile_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &US2400ProtocolGUI::profile_combo_changed));
append_page (table, _("Device Setup"));
/* function key editor */
VBox* fkey_packer = manage (new VBox);
HBox* profile_packer = manage (new HBox);
HBox* observation_packer = manage (new HBox);
l = manage (new Gtk::Label (_("Profile/Settings:")));
profile_packer->pack_start (*l, false, false);
profile_packer->pack_start (_profile_combo, true, true);
profile_packer->set_spacing (12);
profile_packer->set_border_width (12);
fkey_packer->pack_start (*profile_packer, false, false);
fkey_packer->pack_start (function_key_scroller, true, true);
fkey_packer->pack_start (*observation_packer, false, false);
fkey_packer->set_spacing (12);
function_key_scroller.property_shadow_type() = Gtk::SHADOW_NONE;
function_key_scroller.add (function_key_editor);
append_page (*fkey_packer, _("Function Keys"));
build_available_action_menu ();
build_function_key_editor ();
refresh_function_key_editor ();
US2400ProtocolGUI::connection_handler ()
/* ignore all changes to combobox active strings here, because we're
updating them to match a new ("external") reality - we were called
because port connections have changed.
PBD::Unwinder<bool> ici (ignore_active_change, true);
vector<Gtk::ComboBox*>::iterator ic;
vector<Gtk::ComboBox*>::iterator oc;
vector<string> midi_inputs;
vector<string> midi_outputs;
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports ("", ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI, ARDOUR::PortFlags (ARDOUR::IsOutput|ARDOUR::IsTerminal), midi_inputs);
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports ("", ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI, ARDOUR::PortFlags (ARDOUR::IsInput|ARDOUR::IsTerminal), midi_outputs);
for (ic = input_combos.begin(), oc = output_combos.begin(); ic != input_combos.end() && oc != output_combos.end(); ++ic, ++oc) {
boost::shared_ptr<Surface> surface = _cp.get_surface_by_raw_pointer ((*ic)->get_data ("surface"));
if (surface) {
update_port_combos (midi_inputs, midi_outputs, *ic, *oc, surface);
US2400ProtocolGUI::update_port_combos (vector<string> const& midi_inputs, vector<string> const& midi_outputs,
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
Gtk::ComboBox* input_combo,
Gtk::ComboBox* output_combo,
boost::shared_ptr<Surface> surface)
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> input = build_midi_port_list (midi_inputs, true);
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> output = build_midi_port_list (midi_outputs, false);
bool input_found = false;
bool output_found = false;
int n;
input_combo->set_model (input);
output_combo->set_model (output);
Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = input->children();
Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator i;
i = children.begin();
++i; /* skip "Disconnected" */
for (n = 1; i != children.end(); ++i, ++n) {
string port_name = (*i)[midi_port_columns.full_name];
if (surface->port().input().connected_to (port_name)) {
input_combo->set_active (n);
input_found = true;
if (!input_found) {
input_combo->set_active (0); /* disconnected */
children = output->children();
i = children.begin();
++i; /* skip "Disconnected" */
for (n = 1; i != children.end(); ++i, ++n) {
string port_name = (*i)[midi_port_columns.full_name];
if (surface->port().output().connected_to (port_name)) {
output_combo->set_active (n);
output_found = true;
if (!output_found) {
output_combo->set_active (0); /* disconnected */
US2400ProtocolGUI::device_dependent_widget ()
Gtk::Table* dd_table;
Gtk::Label* l;
int row = 0;
uint32_t n_surfaces = 1 + _cp.device_info().extenders();
dd_table = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Table (2, n_surfaces));
dd_table->set_row_spacings (4);
dd_table->set_col_spacings (6);
dd_table->set_border_width (12);
vector<string> midi_inputs;
vector<string> midi_outputs;
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports ("", ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI, ARDOUR::PortFlags (ARDOUR::IsOutput|ARDOUR::IsPhysical), midi_inputs);
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports ("", ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI, ARDOUR::PortFlags (ARDOUR::IsInput|ARDOUR::IsPhysical), midi_outputs);
input_combos.clear ();
output_combos.clear ();
int portcount = n_surfaces;
for (int32_t n = 0; n < portcount; ++n) {
boost::shared_ptr<Surface> surface = _cp.nth_surface (n);
if (!surface) {
PBD::fatal << string_compose (_("programming error: %1\n"), string_compose ("n=%1 surface not found!", n)) << endmsg;
Gtk::ComboBox* input_combo = manage (new Gtk::ComboBox);
Gtk::ComboBox* output_combo = manage (new Gtk::ComboBox);
update_port_combos (midi_inputs, midi_outputs, input_combo, output_combo, surface);
input_combo->pack_start (midi_port_columns.short_name);
input_combo->set_data ("surface", surface.get());
input_combos.push_back (input_combo);
output_combo->pack_start (midi_port_columns.short_name);
output_combo->set_data ("surface", surface.get());
output_combos.push_back (output_combo);
boost::weak_ptr<Surface> ws (surface);
input_combo->signal_changed().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &US2400ProtocolGUI::active_port_changed), input_combo, ws, true));
output_combo->signal_changed().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &US2400ProtocolGUI::active_port_changed), output_combo, ws, false));
string send_string;
string receive_string;
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
//port 1,2,3 are faders & pan knobs. like mackie MCU
//port 4 is the joystick
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
//port 5 sends "chan" knobs (24 of them)
//port 6 --- ??? (could be send to knobs... ?)
send_string = string_compose(_("US-2400 send port #%1 (faders %2 to %3):"), n + 1, n*8+1, n*8+8);
receive_string = string_compose(_("US-2400 receive port #%1 (faders %2 to %3):"), n + 1, n*8+1, n*8+8);
if (n==3) {
send_string = string_compose(_("US-2400 send port #%1 (joystick):"), n + 1);
receive_string = string_compose(_("US-2400 receive port #%1 (joystick):"), n + 1);
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
l = manage (new Gtk::Label (send_string));
l->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5);
dd_table->attach (*l, 0, 1, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0));
dd_table->attach (*input_combo, 1, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0), 0, 0);
l = manage (new Gtk::Label (receive_string));
l->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5);
dd_table->attach (*l, 0, 1, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0));
dd_table->attach (*output_combo, 1, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0), 0, 0);
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
l = manage (new Gtk::Label ("US-2400 Port #5 is reserved for use as a generic USB device. (click the CHAN button to activate)"));
l->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5);
dd_table->attach (*l, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0));
l = manage (new Gtk::Label ("US-2400 Port #6 is unused."));
l->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5);
dd_table->attach (*l, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0));
l = manage (new Gtk::Label ("NOTE: you must select mode 4 on the US-2400 unit."));
l->set_alignment (1.0, 0.5);
dd_table->attach (*l, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), AttachOptions(0));
return dd_table;
US2400ProtocolGUI::make_action_renderer (Glib::RefPtr<TreeStore> model, Gtk::TreeModelColumnBase column)
CellRendererCombo* renderer = manage (new CellRendererCombo);
renderer->property_model() = model;
renderer->property_editable() = true;
renderer->property_text_column() = 0;
renderer->property_has_entry() = false;
renderer->signal_edited().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &US2400ProtocolGUI::action_changed), column));
return renderer;
US2400ProtocolGUI::build_available_action_menu ()
/* build a model of all available actions (needs to be tree structured
* more)
available_action_model = TreeStore::create (available_action_columns);
vector<string> paths;
vector<string> labels;
vector<string> tooltips;
vector<string> keys;
vector<Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> > actions;
typedef std::map<string,TreeIter> NodeMap;
NodeMap nodes;
NodeMap::iterator r;
ActionManager::get_all_actions (paths, labels, tooltips, keys, actions);
vector<string>::iterator k;
vector<string>::iterator p;
vector<string>::iterator t;
vector<string>::iterator l;
available_action_model->clear ();
/* Because there are button bindings built in that are not
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
* in the key binding map, there needs to be a way to undo
* a profile edit. */
TreeIter rowp;
TreeModel::Row parent;
rowp = available_action_model->append();
parent = *(rowp);
parent[available_action_columns.name] = _("Remove Binding");
/* Key aliasing */
rowp = available_action_model->append();
parent = *(rowp);
parent[available_action_columns.name] = _("Shift");
rowp = available_action_model->append();
parent = *(rowp);
parent[available_action_columns.name] = _("Control");
rowp = available_action_model->append();
parent = *(rowp);
parent[available_action_columns.name] = _("Option");
rowp = available_action_model->append();
parent = *(rowp);
parent[available_action_columns.name] = _("CmdAlt");
for (l = labels.begin(), k = keys.begin(), p = paths.begin(), t = tooltips.begin(); l != labels.end(); ++k, ++p, ++t, ++l) {
TreeModel::Row row;
vector<string> parts;
parts.clear ();
split (*p, parts, '/');
if (parts.empty()) {
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
/* kinda kludgy way to avoid displaying menu items as mappable */
if (parts[1] == _("Main_menu"))
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
if (parts[1] == _("JACK"))
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
if (parts[1] == _("redirectmenu"))
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
if (parts[1] == _("Editor_menus"))
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
if (parts[1] == _("RegionList"))
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
if (parts[1] == _("ProcessorMenu"))
if ((r = nodes.find (parts[1])) == nodes.end()) {
/* top level is missing */
TreeIter rowp;
TreeModel::Row parent;
rowp = available_action_model->append();
nodes[parts[1]] = rowp;
parent = *(rowp);
parent[available_action_columns.name] = parts[1];
row = *(available_action_model->append (parent.children()));
} else {
row = *(available_action_model->append ((*r->second)->children()));
/* add this action */
if (l->empty ()) {
row[available_action_columns.name] = *t;
action_map[*t] = *p;
} else {
row[available_action_columns.name] = *l;
action_map[*l] = *p;
row[available_action_columns.path] = (*p);
US2400ProtocolGUI::build_function_key_editor ()
function_key_editor.append_column (_("Key"), function_key_columns.name);
TreeViewColumn* col;
CellRendererCombo* renderer;
renderer = make_action_renderer (available_action_model, function_key_columns.plain);
col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Plain"), *renderer));
col->add_attribute (renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.plain);
function_key_editor.append_column (*col);
renderer = make_action_renderer (available_action_model, function_key_columns.shift);
col = manage (new TreeViewColumn (_("Shift"), *renderer));
col->add_attribute (renderer->property_text(), function_key_columns.shift);
function_key_editor.append_column (*col);
function_key_model = ListStore::create (function_key_columns);
function_key_editor.set_model (function_key_model);
US2400ProtocolGUI::refresh_function_key_editor ()
function_key_editor.set_model (Glib::RefPtr<TreeModel>());
function_key_model->clear ();
/* now fill with data */
TreeModel::Row row;
DeviceProfile dp (_cp.device_profile());
DeviceInfo di;
for (int n = 0; n < US2400::Button::FinalGlobalButton; ++n) {
US2400::Button::ID bid = (US2400::Button::ID) n;
row = *(function_key_model->append());
if (di.global_buttons().find (bid) == di.global_buttons().end()) {
row[function_key_columns.name] = US2400::Button::id_to_name (bid);
} else {
row[function_key_columns.name] = di.get_global_button_name (bid) + "*";
row[function_key_columns.id] = bid;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> act;
string action;
const string defstring = "\u2022";
/* We only allow plain bindings for Fn keys. All others are
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
* reserved for hard-coded actions. */
if (bid >= US2400::Button::F1 && bid <= US2400::Button::F6) {
action = dp.get_button_action (bid, 0);
if (action.empty()) {
row[function_key_columns.plain] = defstring;
} else {
if (action.find ('/') == string::npos) {
/* Probably a key alias */
row[function_key_columns.plain] = action;
} else {
act = ActionManager::get_action (action, false);
if (act) {
row[function_key_columns.plain] = act->get_label();
} else {
row[function_key_columns.plain] = defstring;
function_key_editor.set_model (function_key_model);
US2400ProtocolGUI::action_changed (const Glib::ustring &sPath, const Glib::ustring &text, TreeModelColumnBase col)
// Remove Binding is not in the action map but still valid
bool remove (false);
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
if (text == "Remove Binding") {
remove = true;
Gtk::TreePath path(sPath);
Gtk::TreeModel::iterator row = function_key_model->get_iter(path);
if (row) {
std::map<std::string,std::string>::iterator i = action_map.find (text);
if (i == action_map.end()) {
if (!remove) {
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (i->second, false);
if (act || remove) {
/* update visible text, using string supplied by
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
* available action model so that it matches and is found
* within the model.
if (remove) {
Glib::ustring dot = "\u2022";
(*row).set_value (col.index(), dot);
} else {
(*row).set_value (col.index(), text);
/* update the current DeviceProfile, using the full
* path
int modifier;
switch (col.index()) {
case 3:
modifier = US2400Protocol::MODIFIER_SHIFT;
case 4:
modifier = US2400Protocol::MODIFIER_CONTROL;
case 5:
modifier = US2400Protocol::MODIFIER_OPTION;
case 6:
modifier = US2400Protocol::MODIFIER_CMDALT;
case 7:
modifier = (US2400Protocol::MODIFIER_SHIFT|US2400Protocol::MODIFIER_CONTROL);
modifier = 0;
if (remove) {
_cp.device_profile().set_button_action ((*row)[function_key_columns.id], modifier, "");
} else {
_cp.device_profile().set_button_action ((*row)[function_key_columns.id], modifier, i->second);
_ignore_profile_changed = true;
2019-01-21 08:36:59 -05:00
_profile_combo.set_active_text (_cp.device_profile().name());
_ignore_profile_changed = false;
} else {
std::cerr << "no such action\n";
US2400ProtocolGUI::device_changed ()
if (_device_dependent_widget) {
table.remove (*_device_dependent_widget);
_device_dependent_widget = 0;
_device_dependent_widget = device_dependent_widget ();
_device_dependent_widget->show_all ();
table.attach (*_device_dependent_widget, 0, 12, device_dependent_row, device_dependent_row+1, AttachOptions(0), AttachOptions(0), 0, 0);
US2400ProtocolGUI::profile_combo_changed ()
if (!_ignore_profile_changed) {
string profile = _profile_combo.get_active_text();
_cp.set_profile (profile);
refresh_function_key_editor ();
US2400ProtocolGUI::build_midi_port_list (vector<string> const & ports, bool for_input)
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> store = ListStore::create (midi_port_columns);
TreeModel::Row row;
row = *store->append ();
row[midi_port_columns.full_name] = string();
row[midi_port_columns.short_name] = _("Disconnected");
for (vector<string>::const_iterator p = ports.begin(); p != ports.end(); ++p) {
row = *store->append ();
row[midi_port_columns.full_name] = *p;
std::string pn = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->get_pretty_name_by_name (*p);
if (pn.empty ()) {
pn = (*p).substr ((*p).find (':') + 1);
row[midi_port_columns.short_name] = pn;
return store;
US2400ProtocolGUI::active_port_changed (Gtk::ComboBox* combo, boost::weak_ptr<Surface> ws, bool for_input)
if (ignore_active_change) {
boost::shared_ptr<Surface> surface = ws.lock();
if (!surface) {
TreeModel::iterator active = combo->get_active ();
string new_port = (*active)[midi_port_columns.full_name];
if (new_port.empty()) {
if (for_input) {
surface->port().input().disconnect_all ();
} else {
surface->port().output().disconnect_all ();
if (for_input) {
if (!surface->port().input().connected_to (new_port)) {
surface->port().input().disconnect_all ();
surface->port().input().connect (new_port);
} else {
if (!surface->port().output().connected_to (new_port)) {
surface->port().output().disconnect_all ();
surface->port().output().connect (new_port);