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Raw Normal View History

* Copyright (C) 2016 W.P. van Paass
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Paul Davis <paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>
* Copyright (C) 2018 Robin Gareus <robin@gareus.org>
* Thanks to Rolf Meyerhoff for reverse engineering the CC121 protocol.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef ardour_surface_cc121_h
#define ardour_surface_cc121_h
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <glibmm/threads.h>
#include "pbd/abstract_ui.h"
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h"
namespace PBD {
class Controllable;
#include <midi++/types.h>
//#include "pbd/signals.h"
//#include "midi_byte_array.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "glibmm/main.h"
namespace MIDI {
class Parser;
class Port;
namespace ARDOUR {
class AsyncMIDIPort;
class Bundle;
class Port;
class Session;
class MidiPort;
class MIDIControllable;
class MIDIFunction;
class MIDIAction;
namespace ArdourSurface {
struct CC121Request : public BaseUI::BaseRequestObject {
CC121Request () {}
~CC121Request () {}
class CC121 : public ARDOUR::ControlProtocol, public AbstractUI<CC121Request> {
CC121 (ARDOUR::Session&);
virtual ~CC121();
int set_active (bool yn);
/* we probe for a device when our ports are connected. Before that,
there's no way to know if the device exists or not.
static bool probe() { return true; }
static void* request_factory (uint32_t);
XMLNode& get_state () const;
int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version);
bool has_editor () const { return true; }
void* get_gui () const;
void tear_down_gui ();
/* Note: because the CC121 speaks an inherently duplex protocol,
we do not implement get/set_feedback() since this aspect of
support for the protocol is not optional.
void do_request (CC121Request*);
int stop ();
void thread_init ();
PBD::Signal0<void> ConnectionChange;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> input_port();
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Port> output_port();
enum ButtonID {
Rec = 0x00,
Solo = 0x08,
Mute = 0x10,
Left = 0x30,
Right = 0x31,
EButton = 0x33,
Function1 = 0x36,
Function2 = 0x37,
Function3 = 0x38,
Function4 = 0x39,
Value = 0x3A,
Footswitch = 0x3B,
FP_Read = 0x4A,
FP_Write = 0x4B,
Loop = 0x56,
ToStart = 0x58,
ToEnd = 0x5A,
Rewind = 0x5B,
Ffwd = 0x5C,
Stop = 0x5D,
Play = 0x5E,
RecEnable = 0x5F,
FaderTouch = 0x68,
EQ1Enable = 0x70,
EQ2Enable = 0x71,
EQ3Enable = 0x72,
EQ4Enable = 0x73,
EQType = 0x74,
AllBypass = 0x75,
Jog = 0x76,
Lock = 0x77,
InputMonitor = 0x78,
OpenVST = 0x79,
Output = 22
enum ButtonState {
ShiftDown = 0x1,
RewindDown = 0x2,
StopDown = 0x4,
UserDown = 0x8,
LongPress = 0x10
void set_action (ButtonID, std::string const& action_name, bool on_press, CC121::ButtonState = ButtonState (0));
std::string get_action (ButtonID, bool on_press, CC121::ButtonState = ButtonState (0));
std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> > bundles ();
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> _current_stripable;
boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> pre_master_stripable;
boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> pre_monitor_stripable;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AsyncMIDIPort> _input_port;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AsyncMIDIPort> _output_port;
// Bundle to represent our input ports
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> _input_bundle;
// Bundle to represent our output ports
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> _output_bundle;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList midi_connections;
bool midi_input_handler (Glib::IOCondition ioc, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AsyncMIDIPort> port);
mutable void *gui;
void build_gui ();
bool connection_handler (boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port>, std::string name1, boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Port>, std::string name2, bool yn);
PBD::ScopedConnection port_connection;
enum ConnectionState {
InputConnected = 0x1,
OutputConnected = 0x2
int connection_state;
void connected ();
bool _device_active;
int fader_msb;
int fader_lsb;
bool fader_is_touched;
enum JogMode { scroll=1, zoom=2 };
JogMode _jogmode;
PBD::microseconds_t last_encoder_time;
int last_good_encoder_delta;
int last_encoder_delta, last_last_encoder_delta;
void button_press_handler (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::EventTwoBytes* tb);
void button_release_handler (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::EventTwoBytes* tb);
void fader_handler (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::pitchbend_t pb);
void encoder_handler (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::EventTwoBytes* tb);
/* void fader_handler (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::EventTwoBytes* tb);*/
ButtonState button_state;
friend class Button;
class Button {
enum ActionType {
Button (CC121& f, std::string const& str, ButtonID i)
: fp (f)
, name (str)
, id (i)
, flash (false)
void set_action (std::string const& action_name, bool on_press, CC121::ButtonState = ButtonState (0));
void set_action (boost::function<void()> function, bool on_press, CC121::ButtonState = ButtonState (0));
std::string get_action (bool press, CC121::ButtonState bs = ButtonState (0));
void set_led_state (boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Port>, bool onoff);
void invoke (ButtonState bs, bool press);
bool uses_flash () const { return flash; }
void set_flash (bool yn) { flash = yn; }
XMLNode& get_state () const;
int set_state (XMLNode const&);
sigc::connection timeout_connection;
CC121& fp;
std::string name;
ButtonID id;
bool flash;
struct ToDo {
ActionType type;
/* could be a union if boost::function didn't require a
* constructor
std::string action_name;
boost::function<void()> function;
typedef std::map<CC121::ButtonState,ToDo> ToDoMap;
ToDoMap on_press;
ToDoMap on_release;
typedef std::map<ButtonID,Button> ButtonMap;
ButtonMap buttons;
Button& get_button (ButtonID) const;
std::set<ButtonID> buttons_down;
std::set<ButtonID> consumed;
void all_lights_out ();
void close ();
void start_midi_handling ();
void stop_midi_handling ();
PBD::ScopedConnectionList session_connections;
void connect_session_signals ();
void map_recenable_state ();
void map_transport_state ();
sigc::connection periodic_connection;
bool periodic ();
sigc::connection heartbeat_connection;
sigc::connection blink_connection;
typedef std::list<ButtonID> Blinkers;
Blinkers blinkers;
bool blink_state;
bool blink ();
bool beat ();
void start_blinking (ButtonID);
void stop_blinking (ButtonID);
void set_current_stripable (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>);
void drop_current_stripable ();
void use_master ();
void use_monitor ();
void stripable_selection_changed ();
PBD::ScopedConnection selection_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList stripable_connections;
void map_stripable_state ();
void map_solo ();
void map_mute ();
bool rec_enable_state;
void map_recenable ();
void map_gain ();
void map_cut ();
void map_auto ();
2018-07-12 15:42:57 -04:00
void map_monitoring ();
/* operations (defined in operations.cc) */
void read ();
void write ();
void input_monitor ();
void left ();
void right ();
void touch ();
void off ();
void undo ();
void redo ();
void solo ();
void mute ();
void jog ();
void rec_enable ();
void set_controllable (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AutomationControl>, float);
void punch ();
#endif /* ardour_surface_cc121_h */