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2019-09-03 09:45:25 -04:00
// Project : VST SDK
// Category : Interfaces
// Filename : pluginterfaces/vst/ivstmidicontrollers.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 02/2006
// Description : VST MIDI Controller Enumeration
// This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
// and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
// No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
// or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
/** Controller Numbers (MIDI) */
enum ControllerNumbers
kCtrlBankSelectMSB = 0, ///< Bank Select MSB
kCtrlModWheel = 1, ///< Modulation Wheel
kCtrlBreath = 2, ///< Breath controller
kCtrlFoot = 4, ///< Foot Controller
kCtrlPortaTime = 5, ///< Portamento Time
kCtrlDataEntryMSB = 6, ///< Data Entry MSB
kCtrlVolume = 7, ///< Channel Volume (formerly Main Volume)
kCtrlBalance = 8, ///< Balance
kCtrlPan = 10, ///< Pan
kCtrlExpression = 11, ///< Expression
kCtrlEffect1 = 12, ///< Effect Control 1
kCtrlEffect2 = 13, ///< Effect Control 2
//---General Purpose Controllers #1 to #4---
kCtrlGPC1 = 16, ///< General Purpose Controller #1
kCtrlGPC2 = 17, ///< General Purpose Controller #2
kCtrlGPC3 = 18, ///< General Purpose Controller #3
kCtrlGPC4 = 19, ///< General Purpose Controller #4
kCtrlBankSelectLSB = 32, ///< Bank Select LSB
kCtrlDataEntryLSB = 38, ///< Data Entry LSB
kCtrlSustainOnOff = 64, ///< Damper Pedal On/Off (Sustain)
kCtrlPortaOnOff = 65, ///< Portamento On/Off
kCtrlSustenutoOnOff = 66, ///< Sustenuto On/Off
kCtrlSoftPedalOnOff = 67, ///< Soft Pedal On/Off
kCtrlLegatoFootSwOnOff= 68, ///< Legato Footswitch On/Off
kCtrlHold2OnOff = 69, ///< Hold 2 On/Off
//---Sound Controllers #1 to #10---
kCtrlSoundVariation = 70, ///< Sound Variation
kCtrlFilterCutoff = 71, ///< Filter Cutoff (Timbre/Harmonic Intensity)
kCtrlReleaseTime = 72, ///< Release Time
kCtrlAttackTime = 73, ///< Attack Time
kCtrlFilterResonance= 74, ///< Filter Resonance (Brightness)
kCtrlDecayTime = 75, ///< Decay Time
kCtrlVibratoRate = 76, ///< Vibrato Rate
kCtrlVibratoDepth = 77, ///< Vibrato Depth
kCtrlVibratoDelay = 78, ///< Vibrato Delay
kCtrlSoundCtrler10 = 79, ///< undefined
//---General Purpose Controllers #5 to #8---
kCtrlGPC5 = 80, ///< General Purpose Controller #5
kCtrlGPC6 = 81, ///< General Purpose Controller #6
kCtrlGPC7 = 82, ///< General Purpose Controller #7
kCtrlGPC8 = 83, ///< General Purpose Controller #8
kCtrlPortaControl = 84, ///< Portamento Control
//---Effect Controllers---
kCtrlEff1Depth = 91, ///< Effect 1 Depth (Reverb Send Level)
kCtrlEff2Depth = 92, ///< Effect 2 Depth
kCtrlEff3Depth = 93, ///< Effect 3 Depth (Chorus Send Level)
kCtrlEff4Depth = 94, ///< Effect 4 Depth (Delay/Variation Level)
kCtrlEff5Depth = 95, ///< Effect 5 Depth
kCtrlDataIncrement = 96, ///< Data Increment (+1)
kCtrlDataDecrement = 97, ///< Data Decrement (-1)
kCtrlNRPNSelectLSB = 98, ///< NRPN Select LSB
kCtrlNRPNSelectMSB = 99, ///< NRPN Select MSB
kCtrlRPNSelectLSB = 100, ///< RPN Select LSB
kCtrlRPNSelectMSB = 101, ///< RPN Select MSB
//---Other Channel Mode Messages---
kCtrlAllSoundsOff = 120, ///< All Sounds Off
kCtrlResetAllCtrlers = 121, ///< Reset All Controllers
kCtrlLocalCtrlOnOff = 122, ///< Local Control On/Off
kCtrlAllNotesOff = 123, ///< All Notes Off
kCtrlOmniModeOff = 124, ///< Omni Mode Off + All Notes Off
kCtrlOmniModeOn = 125, ///< Omni Mode On + All Notes Off
kCtrlPolyModeOnOff = 126, ///< Poly Mode On/Off + All Sounds Off
kCtrlPolyModeOn = 127, ///< Poly Mode On
kAfterTouch = 128, ///< After Touch
kPitchBend = 129, ///< Pitch Bend
kCountCtrlNumber, ///< Count of Controller Number
//---Extra for kLegacyMIDICCOutEvent-
kCtrlProgramChange = 130, ///< Program Change (use LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value only)
kCtrlPolyPressure = 131, ///< Poly Pressure (use LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value for pitch and
/// LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value2 for pressure)
kCtrlQuarterFrame = 132 ///< Quarter Frame ((use LegacyMIDICCOutEvent.value only)
} // namespace Vst
} // namespace Steinberg