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2019-09-03 09:45:25 -04:00
// Project : VST SDK
// Category : Interfaces
// Filename : pluginterfaces/vst/ivstcontextmenu.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 10/2010
// Description : VST Context Menu Interfaces
// This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
// and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
// No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
// or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "pluginterfaces/base/funknown.h"
#include "vsttypes.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpush.h"
namespace Steinberg {
class IPlugView;
namespace Vst {
class IContextMenu;
/** Extended Host callback interface IComponentHandler3 for an edit controller.
\ingroup vstIHost vst350
- [host imp]
- [extends IComponentHandler]
- [released: 3.5.0]
- [optional]
A Plug-in can ask the host to create a context menu for a given exported Parameter ID or a generic context menu.\n
The host may pre-fill this context menu with specific items regarding the parameter ID like "Show automation for parameter",
"MIDI learn" etc...\n
The Plug-in can use the context menu in two ways :
- add its own items to the menu via the IContextMenu interface and call IContextMenu::popup(..) to pop-up it. See the \ref IContextMenuExample.
- extract the host menu items and add them to its own created context menu
\b Note: You can and should use this even if you don't add your own items to the menu as this is considered to be a big user value.
\sa IContextMenu
\sa IContextMenuTarget
\section IContextMenuExample Example
Adding Plug-in specific items to the context menu
class PluginContextMenuTarget : public IContextMenuTarget, public FObject
PluginContextMenuTarget () {}
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API executeMenuItem (int32 tag)
// this will be called if the user has executed one of the menu items of the Plug-in.
// It won't be called for items of the host.
switch (tag)
case 1: break;
case 2: break;
return kResultTrue;
OBJ_METHODS(PluginContextMenuTarget, FObject)
DEF_INTERFACE (IContextMenuTarget)
// The following is the code to create the context menu
void popupContextMenu (IComponentHandler* componentHandler, IPlugView* view, const ParamID* paramID, UCoord x, UCoord y)
if (componentHandler == 0 || view == 0)
FUnknownPtr<IComponentHandler3> handler (componentHandler);
if (handler == 0)
IContextMenu* menu = handler->createContextMenu (view, paramID);
if (menu)
// here you can add your entries (optional)
PluginContextMenuTarget* target = new PluginContextMenuTarget ();
IContextMenu::Item item = {0};
UString128 ("My Item 1").copyTo (item.name, 128);
item.tag = 1;
menu->addItem (item, target);
UString128 ("My Item 2").copyTo (item.name, 128);
item.tag = 2;
menu->addItem (item, target);
target->release ();
//--end of adding new entries
// here the the context menu will be pop-up (and it waits a user interaction)
menu->popup (x, y);
menu->release ();
class IComponentHandler3 : public FUnknown
/** Creates a host context menu for a Plug-in:
- If paramID is zero, the host may create a generic context menu.
- The IPlugView object must be valid.
- The return IContextMenu object needs to be released afterwards by the Plug-in.
virtual IContextMenu* PLUGIN_API createContextMenu (IPlugView* plugView, const ParamID* paramID) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IComponentHandler3, 0x69F11617, 0xD26B400D, 0xA4B6B964, 0x7B6EBBAB)
/** Context Menu Item Target Interface.
\ingroup vstIHost vstIPlug vst350
- [host imp]
- [plug imp]
- [released: 3.5.0]
- [optional]
A receiver of a menu item should implement this interface, which will be called after the user has selected
this menu item.
See IComponentHandler3 for more.
class IContextMenuTarget : public FUnknown
/** Called when an menu item was executed. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API executeMenuItem (int32 tag) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IContextMenuTarget, 0x3CDF2E75, 0x85D34144, 0xBF86D36B, 0xD7C4894D)
/** IContextMenuItem is an entry element of the context menu. */
struct IContextMenuItem
String128 name; ///< Name of the item
int32 tag; ///< Identifier tag of the item
int32 flags; ///< Flags of the item
enum Flags {
kIsSeparator = 1 << 0, ///< Item is a separator
kIsDisabled = 1 << 1, ///< Item is disabled
kIsChecked = 1 << 2, ///< Item is checked
kIsGroupStart = 1 << 3 | kIsDisabled, ///< Item is a group start (like sub folder)
kIsGroupEnd = 1 << 4 | kIsSeparator, ///< Item is a group end
/** Context Menu Interface.
\ingroup vstIHost vst350
- [host imp]
- [create with IComponentHandler3::createContextMenu(..)]
- [released: 3.5.0]
- [optional]
A context menu is composed of Item (entry). A Item is defined by a name, a tag, a flag
and a associated target (called when this item will be selected/executed).
With IContextMenu the Plug-in can retrieve a Item, add a Item, remove a Item and pop-up the menu.
See IComponentHandler3 for more.
class IContextMenu : public FUnknown
typedef IContextMenuItem Item;
/** Gets the number of menu items. */
virtual int32 PLUGIN_API getItemCount () = 0;
/** Gets a menu item and its target (target could be not assigned). */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getItem (int32 index, Item& item /*out*/, IContextMenuTarget** target /*out*/) = 0;
/** Adds a menu item and its target. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API addItem (const Item& item, IContextMenuTarget* target) = 0;
/** Removes a menu item. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API removeItem (const Item& item, IContextMenuTarget* target) = 0;
/** Pop-ups the menu. Coordinates are relative to the top-left position of the Plug-ins view. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API popup (UCoord x, UCoord y) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IContextMenu, 0x2E93C863, 0x0C9C4588, 0x97DBECF5, 0xAD17817D)
} // namespace Vst
} // namespace Steinberg
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpop.h"