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2019-09-03 09:45:25 -04:00
// Project : VST SDK
// Category : Interfaces
// Filename : pluginterfaces/vst/ivstchannelcontextinfo.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 02/2014
// Description : VST Channel Context Info Interface
// This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
// and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
// No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
// or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/vsttypes.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/vst/ivstattributes.h"
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpush.h"
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
/** For Channel Context Info Interface */
namespace ChannelContext {
/** Channel Context Interface.
\ingroup vstIHost vst365
- [plug imp]
- [extends IEditController]
- [released: 3.6.5]
- [optional]
Allows the host to inform the Plug-in about the context in which the Plug-in is instantiated,
mainly channel based info (color, name, index,...). Index could be defined inside a namespace
(for example index start from 1 to N for Type Input/Output Channel (Index namespace) and index
start from 1 to M for Type Audio Channel).\n
As soon as the Plug-in provides this IInfoListener interface, the host will call setChannelContextInfos
for each change occurring to this channel (new name, new color, new indexation,...)
\section IChannelContextExample Example
tresult PLUGIN_API MyPlugin::setChannelContextInfos (IAttributeList* list)
if (list)
// optional we can ask for the Channel Name Length
int64 length;
if (list->getInt (ChannelContext::kChannelNameLengthKey, length) == kResultTrue)
// get the Channel Name where we, as Plug-in, are instantiated
String128 name;
if (list->getString (ChannelContext::kChannelNameKey, name, sizeof (name)) == kResultTrue)
// get the Channel UID
if (list->getString (ChannelContext::kChannelUIDKey, name, sizeof (name)) == kResultTrue)
// get Channel Index
int64 index;
if (list->getInt (ChannelContext::kChannelIndexKey, index) == kResultTrue)
// get the Channel Color
int64 color;
if (list->getInt (ChannelContext::kChannelColorKey, color) == kResultTrue)
uint32 channelColor = (uint32)color;
String str;
str.printf ("%x%x%x%x", ChannelContext::GetAlpha (channelColor),
ChannelContext::GetRed (channelColor),
ChannelContext::GetGreen (channelColor),
ChannelContext::GetBlue (channelColor));
String128 string128;
Steinberg::UString (string128, 128).fromAscii (str);
// get Channel Index Namespace Order of the current used index namespace
if (list->getInt (ChannelContext::kChannelIndexNamespaceOrderKey, index) == kResultTrue)
// get the channel Index Namespace Length
if (list->getInt (ChannelContext::kChannelIndexNamespaceLengthKey, length) == kResultTrue)
// get the channel Index Namespace
String128 namespaceName;
if (list->getString (ChannelContext::kChannelIndexNamespaceKey, namespaceName, sizeof (namespaceName)) == kResultTrue)
// get Plug-in Channel Location
int64 location;
if (list->getInt (ChannelContext::kChannelPluginLocationKey, location) == kResultTrue)
String128 string128;
switch (location)
case ChannelContext::kPreVolumeFader:
Steinberg::UString (string128, 128).fromAscii ("PreVolFader");
case ChannelContext::kPostVolumeFader:
Steinberg::UString (string128, 128).fromAscii ("PostVolFader");
case ChannelContext::kUsedAsPanner:
Steinberg::UString (string128, 128).fromAscii ("UsedAsPanner");
default: Steinberg::UString (string128, 128).fromAscii ("unknown!");
// do not forget to call addRef () if you want to keep this list
\endcode */
class IInfoListener: public FUnknown
/** Receive the channel context infos from host. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API setChannelContextInfos (IAttributeList* list) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IInfoListener, 0x0F194781, 0x8D984ADA, 0xBBA0C1EF, 0xC011D8D0)
/** Values used for kChannelPluginLocationKey */
enum ChannelPluginLocation
kPreVolumeFader = 0,
// Colors
typedef uint32 ColorSpec; ///< ARGB (Alpha-Red-Green-Blue)
typedef uint8 ColorComponent;
inline ColorComponent GetBlue (ColorSpec cs) {return (ColorComponent)(cs & 0x000000FF); }
inline ColorComponent GetGreen (ColorSpec cs) {return (ColorComponent)((cs >> 8) & 0x000000FF); }
inline ColorComponent GetRed (ColorSpec cs) {return (ColorComponent)((cs >> 16) & 0x000000FF); }
inline ColorComponent GetAlpha (ColorSpec cs) {return (ColorComponent)((cs >> 24) & 0x000000FF); }
/** Keys used as AttrID (Attribute ID) in the return IAttributeList of
* IInfoListener::setChannelContextInfos */
/** string (TChar) [optional]: unique id string used to identify a channel */
const CString kChannelUIDKey = "channel uid";
/** integer (int64) [optional]: number of characters in kChannelUIDKey */
const CString kChannelUIDLengthKey = "channel uid length";
/** string (TChar) [optional]: name of the channel like displayed in the mixer */
const CString kChannelNameKey = "channel name";
/** integer (int64) [optional]: number of characters in kChannelNameKey */
const CString kChannelNameLengthKey = "channel name length";
/** color (ColorSpec) [optional]: used color for the channel in mixer or track */
const CString kChannelColorKey = "channel color";
/** integer (int64) [optional]: index of the channel in a channel index namespace, start with 1 not * 0! */
const CString kChannelIndexKey = "channel index";
/** integer (int64) [optional]: define the order of the current used index namespace, start with 1 not 0!
For example:
index namespace is "Input" -> order 1,
index namespace is "Channel" -> order 2,
index namespace is "Output" -> order 3 */
const CString kChannelIndexNamespaceOrderKey = "channel index namespace order";
/** string (TChar) [optional]: name of the channel index namespace for example "Input", "Output", "Channel", ... */
const CString kChannelIndexNamespaceKey = "channel index namespace";
/** integer (int64) [optional]: number of characters in kChannelIndexNamespaceKey */
const CString kChannelIndexNamespaceLengthKey = "channel index namespace length";
/** PNG image representation as binary [optional] */
const CString kChannelImageKey = "channel image";
/** integer (int64) [optional]: routing position of the Plug-in in the channel (see ChannelPluginLocation) */
const CString kChannelPluginLocationKey = "channel plugin location";
} // namespace ChannelContext
} // namespace Vst
} // namespace Steinberg
#include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpop.h"