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2019-09-03 09:45:25 -04:00
// Project : SDK Core
// Category : SDK Core Interfaces
// Filename : pluginterfaces/base/ipluginbase.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 01/2004
// Description : Basic Plug-in Interfaces
// This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
// and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
// No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
// or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "funknown.h"
#include "fstrdefs.h"
namespace Steinberg {
/** Basic interface to a Plug-in component.
\ingroup pluginBase
- [plug imp]
- initialize/terminate the Plug-in component
The host uses this interface to initialize and to terminate the Plug-in component.
The context that is passed to the initialize method contains any interface to the
host that the Plug-in will need to work. These interfaces can vary from category to category.
A list of supported host context interfaces should be included in the documentation
of a specific category. */
class IPluginBase: public FUnknown
/** The host passes a number of interfaces as context to initialize the Plug-in class.
@note Extensive memory allocations etc. should be performed in this method rather than in the class' constructor!
If the method does NOT return kResultOk, the object is released immediately. In this case terminate is not called! */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API initialize (FUnknown* context) = 0;
/** This function is called before the Plug-in is unloaded and can be used for
cleanups. You have to release all references to any host application interfaces. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API terminate () = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IPluginBase, 0x22888DDB, 0x156E45AE, 0x8358B348, 0x08190625)
/** Basic Information about the class factory of the Plug-in.
\ingroup pluginBase
struct PFactoryInfo
enum FactoryFlags
kNoFlags = 0, ///< Nothing
kClassesDiscardable = 1 << 0, ///< The number of exported classes can change each time the Module is loaded. If this flag is set, the host does not cache class information. This leads to a longer startup time because the host always has to load the Module to get the current class information.
kLicenseCheck = 1 << 1, ///< Class IDs of components are interpreted as Syncrosoft-License (LICENCE_UID). Loaded in a Steinberg host, the module will not be loaded when the license is not valid
kComponentNonDiscardable = 1 << 3, ///< Component won't be unloaded until process exit
kUnicode = 1 << 4 ///< Components have entirely unicode encoded strings. (True for VST 3 Plug-ins so far)
kURLSize = 256,
kEmailSize = 128,
kNameSize = 64
char8 vendor[kNameSize]; ///< e.g. "Steinberg Media Technologies"
char8 url[kURLSize]; ///< e.g. "http://www.steinberg.de"
char8 email[kEmailSize]; ///< e.g. "info@steinberg.de"
int32 flags; ///< (see above)
PFactoryInfo (const char8* _vendor, const char8* _url, const char8* _email, int32 _flags)
strncpy8 (vendor, _vendor, kNameSize);
strncpy8 (url, _url, kURLSize);
strncpy8 (email, _email, kEmailSize);
flags = _flags;
#ifdef UNICODE
flags |= kUnicode;
#if SMTG_CPP11
constexpr PFactoryInfo () : vendor (), url (), email (), flags () {}
PFactoryInfo () { memset (this, 0, sizeof (PFactoryInfo)); }
/** Basic Information about a class provided by the Plug-in.
\ingroup pluginBase
struct PClassInfo
enum ClassCardinality
kManyInstances = 0x7FFFFFFF
kCategorySize = 32,
kNameSize = 64
TUID cid; ///< Class ID 16 Byte class GUID
int32 cardinality; ///< cardinality of the class, set to kManyInstances (see \ref ClassCardinality)
char8 category[kCategorySize]; ///< class category, host uses this to categorize interfaces
char8 name[kNameSize]; ///< class name, visible to the user
PClassInfo (const TUID _cid, int32 _cardinality, const char8* _category, const char8* _name)
memset (this, 0, sizeof (PClassInfo));
memcpy (cid, _cid, sizeof (TUID));
if (_category)
strncpy8 (category, _category, kCategorySize);
if (_name)
strncpy8 (name, _name, kNameSize);
cardinality = _cardinality;
#if SMTG_CPP11
constexpr PClassInfo () : cid (), cardinality (), category (), name () {}
PClassInfo () { memset (this, 0, sizeof (PClassInfo)); }
// IPluginFactory interface declaration
/** Class factory that any Plug-in defines for creating class instances.
\ingroup pluginBase
- [plug imp]
From the host's point of view a Plug-in module is a factory which can create
a certain kind of object(s). The interface IPluginFactory provides methods
to get information about the classes exported by the Plug-in and a
mechanism to create instances of these classes (that usually define the IPluginBase interface).
<b> An implementation is provided in public.sdk/source/common/pluginfactory.cpp </b>
\see GetPluginFactory
class IPluginFactory : public FUnknown
/** Fill a PFactoryInfo structure with information about the Plug-in vendor. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getFactoryInfo (PFactoryInfo* info) = 0;
/** Returns the number of exported classes by this factory.
If you are using the CPluginFactory implementation provided by the SDK, it returns the number of classes you registered with CPluginFactory::registerClass. */
virtual int32 PLUGIN_API countClasses () = 0;
/** Fill a PClassInfo structure with information about the class at the specified index. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getClassInfo (int32 index, PClassInfo* info) = 0;
/** Create a new class instance. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API createInstance (FIDString cid, FIDString _iid, void** obj) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IPluginFactory, 0x7A4D811C, 0x52114A1F, 0xAED9D2EE, 0x0B43BF9F)
/** Version 2 of Basic Information about a class provided by the Plug-in.
\ingroup pluginBase
struct PClassInfo2
TUID cid; ///< Class ID 16 Byte class GUID
int32 cardinality; ///< cardinality of the class, set to kManyInstances (see \ref ClassCardinality)
char8 category[PClassInfo::kCategorySize]; ///< class category, host uses this to categorize interfaces
char8 name[PClassInfo::kNameSize]; ///< class name, visible to the user
enum {
kVendorSize = 64,
kVersionSize = 64,
kSubCategoriesSize = 128
uint32 classFlags; ///< flags used for a specific category, must be defined where category is defined
char8 subCategories[kSubCategoriesSize]; ///< module specific subcategories, can be more than one, logically added by the \c OR operator
char8 vendor[kVendorSize]; ///< overwrite vendor information from factory info
char8 version[kVersionSize]; ///< Version string (e.g. "" with Major.Minor.Subversion.Build)
char8 sdkVersion[kVersionSize]; ///< SDK version used to build this class (e.g. "VST 3.0")
PClassInfo2 (const TUID _cid, int32 _cardinality, const char8* _category, const char8* _name,
int32 _classFlags, const char8* _subCategories, const char8* _vendor, const char8* _version,
const char8* _sdkVersion)
memset (this, 0, sizeof (PClassInfo2));
memcpy (cid, _cid, sizeof (TUID));
cardinality = _cardinality;
if (_category)
strncpy8 (category, _category, PClassInfo::kCategorySize);
if (_name)
strncpy8 (name, _name, PClassInfo::kNameSize);
classFlags = static_cast<uint32> (_classFlags);
if (_subCategories)
strncpy8 (subCategories, _subCategories, kSubCategoriesSize);
if (_vendor)
strncpy8 (vendor, _vendor, kVendorSize);
if (_version)
strncpy8 (version, _version, kVersionSize);
if (_sdkVersion)
strncpy8 (sdkVersion, _sdkVersion, kVersionSize);
#if SMTG_CPP11
constexpr PClassInfo2 ()
: cid ()
, cardinality ()
, category ()
, name ()
, classFlags ()
, subCategories ()
, vendor ()
, version ()
, sdkVersion ()
PClassInfo2 () { memset (this, 0, sizeof (PClassInfo2)); }
// IPluginFactory2 interface declaration
/** Version 2 of class factory supporting PClassInfo2.
\ingroup pluginBase
\copydoc IPluginFactory
class IPluginFactory2 : public IPluginFactory
/** Returns the class info (version 2) for a given index. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getClassInfo2 (int32 index, PClassInfo2* info) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IPluginFactory2, 0x0007B650, 0xF24B4C0B, 0xA464EDB9, 0xF00B2ABB)
/** Unicode Version of Basic Information about a class provided by the Plug-in */
struct PClassInfoW
TUID cid; ///< see \ref PClassInfo
int32 cardinality; ///< see \ref PClassInfo
char8 category[PClassInfo::kCategorySize]; ///< see \ref PClassInfo
char16 name[PClassInfo::kNameSize]; ///< see \ref PClassInfo
enum {
kVendorSize = 64,
kVersionSize = 64,
kSubCategoriesSize = 128
uint32 classFlags; ///< flags used for a specific category, must be defined where category is defined
char8 subCategories[kSubCategoriesSize];///< module specific subcategories, can be more than one, logically added by the \c OR operator
char16 vendor[kVendorSize]; ///< overwrite vendor information from factory info
char16 version[kVersionSize]; ///< Version string (e.g. "" with Major.Minor.Subversion.Build)
char16 sdkVersion[kVersionSize]; ///< SDK version used to build this class (e.g. "VST 3.0")
PClassInfoW (const TUID _cid, int32 _cardinality, const char8* _category, const char16* _name,
int32 _classFlags, const char8* _subCategories, const char16* _vendor, const char16* _version,
const char16* _sdkVersion)
memset (this, 0, sizeof (PClassInfoW));
memcpy (cid, _cid, sizeof (TUID));
cardinality = _cardinality;
if (_category)
strncpy8 (category, _category, PClassInfo::kCategorySize);
if (_name)
strncpy16 (name, _name, PClassInfo::kNameSize);
classFlags = static_cast<uint32> (_classFlags);
if (_subCategories)
strncpy8 (subCategories, _subCategories, kSubCategoriesSize);
if (_vendor)
strncpy16 (vendor, _vendor, kVendorSize);
if (_version)
strncpy16 (version, _version, kVersionSize);
if (_sdkVersion)
strncpy16 (sdkVersion, _sdkVersion, kVersionSize);
#if SMTG_CPP11
constexpr PClassInfoW ()
: cid ()
, cardinality ()
, category ()
, name ()
, classFlags ()
, subCategories ()
, vendor ()
, version ()
, sdkVersion ()
PClassInfoW () { memset (this, 0, sizeof (PClassInfoW)); }
void fromAscii (const PClassInfo2& ci2)
memcpy (cid, ci2.cid, sizeof (TUID));
cardinality = ci2.cardinality;
strncpy8 (category, ci2.category, PClassInfo::kCategorySize);
str8ToStr16 (name, ci2.name, PClassInfo::kNameSize);
classFlags = ci2.classFlags;
strncpy8 (subCategories, ci2.subCategories, kSubCategoriesSize);
str8ToStr16 (vendor, ci2.vendor, kVendorSize);
str8ToStr16 (version, ci2.version, kVersionSize);
str8ToStr16 (sdkVersion, ci2.sdkVersion, kVersionSize);
// IPluginFactory3 interface declaration
/** Version 3 of class factory supporting PClassInfoW.
\ingroup pluginBase
\copydoc IPluginFactory
class IPluginFactory3 : public IPluginFactory2
/** Returns the unicode class info for a given index. */
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getClassInfoUnicode (int32 index, PClassInfoW* info) = 0;
/** Receives information about host*/
virtual tresult PLUGIN_API setHostContext (FUnknown* context) = 0;
static const FUID iid;
DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IPluginFactory3, 0x4555A2AB, 0xC1234E57, 0x9B122910, 0x36878931)
} // namespace Steinberg
#define LICENCE_UID(l1, l2, l3, l4) \
{ \
(int8)((l1 & 0xFF000000) >> 24), (int8)((l1 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16), \
(int8)((l1 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8), (int8)((l1 & 0x000000FF) ), \
(int8)((l2 & 0xFF000000) >> 24), (int8)((l2 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16), \
(int8)((l2 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8), (int8)((l2 & 0x000000FF) ), \
(int8)((l3 & 0xFF000000) >> 24), (int8)((l3 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16), \
(int8)((l3 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8), (int8)((l3 & 0x000000FF) ), \
(int8)((l4 & 0xFF000000) >> 24), (int8)((l4 & 0x00FF0000) >> 16), \
(int8)((l4 & 0x0000FF00) >> 8), (int8)((l4 & 0x000000FF) ) \
// GetPluginFactory
/** Plug-in entry point.
\ingroup pluginBase
Any Plug-in must define and export this function. \n
A typical implementation of GetPluginFactory looks like this
IPluginFactory* PLUGIN_API GetPluginFactory ()
if (!gPluginFactory)
static PFactoryInfo factoryInfo =
"My Company Name",
gPluginFactory = new CPluginFactory (factoryInfo);
static PClassInfo componentClass =
INLINE_UID (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000), // replace by a valid uid
"Service", // category
gPluginFactory->registerClass (&componentClass, MyComponentClass::newInstance);
gPluginFactory->addRef ();
return gPluginFactory;
\see \ref loadPlugin
extern "C"
Steinberg::IPluginFactory* PLUGIN_API GetPluginFactory ();
typedef Steinberg::IPluginFactory* (PLUGIN_API *GetFactoryProc) ();