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// -*- c++ -*-
// Generated by gtkmmproc -- DO NOT MODIFY!
#include <glibmm.h>
/* $Id$ */
/* notebook.h
* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The gtkmm Development Team
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <gtkmm/container.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
//#include <gtk/gtknotebook.h>
#include <glibmm/helperlist.h>
extern "C"
typedef struct _GtkNotebookPage GtkNotebookPage;
typedef struct _GtkNotebook GtkNotebook;
typedef struct _GtkNotebookClass GtkNotebookClass;
namespace Gtk
{ class Notebook_Class; } // namespace Gtk
namespace Gtk
/** @addtogroup gtkmmEnums Enums and Flags */
* @ingroup gtkmmEnums
enum NotebookTab
} // namespace Gtk
namespace Glib
template <>
class Value<Gtk::NotebookTab> : public Glib::Value_Enum<Gtk::NotebookTab>
static GType value_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
} // namespace Glib
namespace Gtk
class Notebook;
namespace Notebook_Helpers
***** Elem classes
class Page;
/* Since the data stored in GtkNotebook's GList is inaccessible
* the iterator "PageIterator" has to hold a pointer to the Notebook
* that owns the list. "Page" (the value_type of "PageList")
* inherits "PageIterator" privately and uses Notebook-API-functions
* to retrieve and manipulate data.
* Note that PageIterator uses g_list_* functions just to step through
* the children and test for iterator equality instead of simply using
* the child index number. This is done because even if you use a
* child index number, you would still have to use g_list_length() to
* retrieve the number of elements. And using an element index results
* in iterators not staying valid on insertion/removal. This would only
* lead to fragile and unexpected behaviour.
* (Thanks for this explanation, Daniel!)
class PageIterator
typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef Page value_type;
typedef const Page* pointer;
typedef const Page& reference;
PageIterator(Gtk::Notebook* parent, GList* node) : node_(node), parent_(parent) {}
PageIterator() : node_(0), parent_(0) {}
bool equal(const PageIterator& other) const;
operator bool() const;
PageIterator& operator++();
const PageIterator operator++(int);
PageIterator& operator--();
const PageIterator operator--(int);
inline reference operator*() const;
inline pointer operator->() const;
GList* node_;
Gtk::Notebook* parent_;
friend class Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::Page;
/** @relates Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::PageIterator */
inline bool operator==(const PageIterator& lhs, const PageIterator& rhs)
{ return lhs.equal(rhs); }
/** @relates Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::PageIterator */
inline bool operator!=(const PageIterator& lhs, const PageIterator& rhs)
{ return !lhs.equal(rhs); }
// Page is the output class
class Page : public PageIterator
Page& operator=(const Page&);
int get_page_num() const;
Widget* get_child() const;
Widget* get_tab_label() const;
void set_tab_label(Widget& tab_label);
void set_tab_label_text(const Glib::ustring& tab_text);
Glib::ustring get_tab_label_text() const;
Widget* get_menu_label() const;
void set_menu_label(Widget& menu_label);
void set_menu_label_text(const Glib::ustring& menu_text);
Glib::ustring get_menu_label_text() const;
void query_tab_label_packing(bool& expand, bool& fill, PackType& pack_type);
void set_tab_label_packing(bool expand, bool fill, PackType pack_type);
// Element is the input class
class PageList;
class Element
Element(Widget* child, Widget* tab, Widget* menu);
Element(Widget& child, Widget& tab, Widget& menu);
explicit Element(Widget& child);
friend class PageList;
Widget* child_;
Widget* tab_;
Widget* menu_;
// Just a widget without a tab
typedef Element WidgetElem;
struct TabElem : public Element
TabElem(Widget& child, Widget& tab);
TabElem(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& label, bool mnemonic = false);
struct MenuElem : public Element
MenuElem(Widget& child, Widget& menu);
***** List properties
/** An STL-style container for pages in a Gtk::Notebook.
class PageList
explicit PageList(GtkNotebook* gparent);
PageList(const PageList& src);
PageList& operator=(const PageList& src);
typedef Page value_type;
typedef Page& reference;
typedef const Page& const_reference;
typedef PageIterator iterator;
typedef Glib::List_ConstIterator<iterator> const_iterator;
typedef Glib::List_ReverseIterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef Glib::List_ConstIterator<reverse_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef const Element element_type;
typedef size_t difference_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
inline GtkNotebook* gparent()
{ return gparent_; }
inline const GtkNotebook* gparent() const
{ return gparent_; }
size_type size() const;
size_type max_size() const;
bool empty() const;
inline iterator begin()
{ return begin_(); }
inline iterator end()
{ return end_(); }
inline const_iterator begin() const
{ return const_iterator(begin_()); }
inline const_iterator end() const
{ return const_iterator(end_()); }
inline reverse_iterator rbegin()
{ return reverse_iterator(end_()); }
inline reverse_iterator rend()
{ return reverse_iterator(begin_()); }
inline const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const
{ return const_reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator(end_())); }
inline const_reverse_iterator rend() const
{ return const_reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator(begin_())); }
value_type front() const;
value_type back() const;
value_type operator[](size_type l) const;
iterator insert(iterator position, element_type& e); //custom-implemented.
template <class InputIterator>
inline void insert(iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)
for(;first != last; ++first)
position = insert(position, *first);
inline void push_front(element_type& e)
{ insert(begin(), e); }
inline void push_back(element_type& e)
{ insert(end(), e); }
void erase(iterator start, iterator stop);
iterator erase(iterator);
void remove(const_reference child);
void remove(Widget& w);
void reorder(iterator loc, iterator page); // Non-standard
iterator find(int num);
iterator find(const_reference c);
iterator find(Widget& w);
iterator find(GtkNotebookPage* t);
inline void pop_front()
{ erase(begin()); }
inline void pop_back()
{ erase(--end()); }
void clear();
iterator begin_() const;
iterator end_() const;
GtkNotebook* gparent_;
} /* Notebook_Helpers */
/** Container which shows one of its children at a time, in tabbed windows.
* The Gtk::Notebook widget is a Gtk::Container whose children are pages that
* can be switched between using tab labels along one edge.
* You can use the PageList returned by pages() as any normal STL container
* to manipulate the pages.
* @ingroup Widgets
* @ingroup Containers
class Notebook : public Container
typedef Notebook CppObjectType;
typedef Notebook_Class CppClassType;
typedef GtkNotebook BaseObjectType;
typedef GtkNotebookClass BaseClassType;
virtual ~Notebook();
friend class Notebook_Class;
static CppClassType notebook_class_;
// noncopyable
Notebook(const Notebook&);
Notebook& operator=(const Notebook&);
explicit Notebook(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
explicit Notebook(GtkNotebook* castitem);
static GType get_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
///Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.
GtkNotebook* gobj() { return reinterpret_cast<GtkNotebook*>(gobject_); }
///Provides access to the underlying C GtkObject.
const GtkNotebook* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GtkNotebook*>(gobject_); }
//C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:
//GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):
//Default Signal Handlers::
virtual void on_switch_page(GtkNotebookPage* page, guint page_num);
typedef Notebook_Helpers::PageList PageList;
/** Prepends a page to @a notebook .
* @param child The Gtk::Widget to use as the contents of the page.
* @param tab_label The Gtk::Widget to be used as the label for the page.
int prepend_page(Widget& child, Widget& tab_label);
int prepend_page(Widget& child);
int prepend_page(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_label, bool use_mnemonic = false);
/** Prepends a page to @a notebook , specifying the widget to use as the
* label in the popup menu.
* @param child The Gtk::Widget to use as the contents of the page.
* @param tab_label The Gtk::Widget to be used as the label for the page.
* @param menu_label The widget to use as a label for the page-switch
* menu.
int prepend_page(Widget& child, Widget& tab_label, Widget& menu_label);
//Ignore the possible-0 menu_label version of this method. It would have the same signature as another method.
int prepend_page(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_label, const Glib::ustring& menu_label, bool use_mnemonic);
/** Appends a page to @a notebook .
* @param child The Gtk::Widget to use as the contents of the page.
* @param tab_label The Gtk::Widget to be used as the label for the page.
int append_page(Widget& child, Widget& tab_label);
int append_page(Widget& child);
int append_page(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_label, bool use_mnemonic = false);
/** Appends a page to @a notebook , specifying the widget to use as the
* label in the popup menu.
* @param child The Gtk::Widget to use as the contents of the page.
* @param tab_label The Gtk::Widget to be used as the label for the page.
* @param menu_label The widget to use as a label for the page-switch
* menu.
int append_page(Widget& child, Widget& tab_label, Widget& menu_label);
//Ignore the possible-0 menu_label version of this method. It would have the same signature as another method.
int append_page(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_label, const Glib::ustring& menu_label, bool use_mnemonic = false);
/** Insert a page into @a notebook at the given position
* @param child The Gtk::Widget to use as the contents of the page.
* @param tab_label The Gtk::Widget to be used as the label for the page.
* @param position The index (starting at 0) at which to insert the page,
* or -1 to append the page after all other pages.
int insert_page(Widget& child, Widget& tab_label, int position);
int insert_page(Widget& child, int position);
int insert_page(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_label, int position, bool use_mnemonic = false);
/** Insert a page into @a notebook at the given position, specifying
* the widget to use as the label in the popup menu.
* @param child The Gtk::Widget to use as the contents of the page.
* @param tab_label The Gtk::Widget to be used as the label for the page..
* @param menu_label The widget to use as a label for the page-switch
* menu.
* @param position The index (starting at 0) at which to insert the page,
* or -1 to append the page after all other pages.
int insert_page(Widget& child, Widget& tab_label, Widget& menu_label, int position);
//Ignore the possible-0 menu_label version of this method. It would have the same signature as another method.
int insert_page(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_label, const Glib::ustring& menu_label, int position, bool use_mnemonic = false);
/** Removes a page from the notebook given its index
* in the notebook.
* @param page_num The index of a notebook page, starting
* from 0. If -1, the last page will
* be removed.
void remove_page(int page_num = 0);
void remove_page(Widget& child);
/** Returns the page number of the current page.
* @return The index (starting from 0) of the current
* page in the notebook. If the notebook has no pages, then
* -1 will be returned.
int get_current_page() const;
/** Returns the child widget contained in page number @a page_num .
* @param page_num The index of a page in the noteobok, or -1
* to get the last page.
* @return The child widget, or <tt>0</tt> if @a page_num is
* out of bounds.
Widget* get_nth_page(int page_num);
/** Returns the child widget contained in page number @a page_num .
* @param page_num The index of a page in the noteobok, or -1
* to get the last page.
* @return The child widget, or <tt>0</tt> if @a page_num is
* out of bounds.
const Widget* get_nth_page(int page_num) const;
/** Gets the number of pages in a notebook.
* @return The number of pages in the notebook.
* Since: 2.2.
int get_n_pages();
/*Widget* get_current_page();*/ /*inconsistency with set_current_page*/
/** Finds the index of the page which contains the given child
* widget.
* @param child A Gtk::Widget.
* @return The index of the page containing @a child , or
* -1 if @a child is not in the notebook.
int page_num(const Widget& child);
/** Switches to the page number @a page_num .
* @param page_num Index of the page to switch to, starting from 0.
* If negative, the last page will be used. If greater
* than the number of pages in the notebook, nothing
* will be done.
void set_current_page(int page_num);
/** Switches to the next page. Nothing happens if the current page is
* the last page.
void next_page();
/** Switches to the previous page. Nothing happens if the current page
* is the first page.
void prev_page();
/** Sets whether a bevel will be drawn around the notebook pages.
* This only has a visual effect when the tabs are not shown.
* See set_show_tabs().
* @param show_border <tt>true</tt> if a bevel should be drawn around the notebook.
void set_show_border(bool show_border = true);
/** Returns whether a bevel will be drawn around the notebook pages. See
* set_show_border().
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the bevel is drawn.
bool get_show_border() const;
/** Sets whether to show the tabs for the notebook or not.
* @param show_tabs <tt>true</tt> if the tabs should be shown.
void set_show_tabs(bool show_tabs = true);
/** Returns whether the tabs of the notebook are shown. See
* set_show_tabs().
* @return <tt>true</tt> if the tabs are shown.
bool get_show_tabs() const;
/** Sets the edge at which the tabs for switching pages in the
* notebook are drawn.
* @param pos The edge to draw the tabs at.
void set_tab_pos(PositionType pos);
/** Gets the edge at which the tabs for switching pages in the
* notebook are drawn.
* @return The edge at which the tabs are drawn.
PositionType get_tab_pos() const;
/** Sets whether the tab label area will have arrows for scrolling if
* there are too many tabs to fit in the area.
* @param scrollable <tt>true</tt> if scroll arrows should be added.
void set_scrollable(bool scrollable = true);
/** Returns whether the tab label area has arrows for scrolling. See
* set_scrollable().
* @return <tt>true</tt> if arrows for scrolling are present.
bool get_scrollable() const;
/** Enables the popup menu: if the user clicks with the right mouse button on
* the bookmarks, a menu with all the pages will be popped up.
void popup_enable();
/** Disables the popup menu.
void popup_disable();
/** Returns the tab label widget for the page @a child . <tt>0</tt> is returned
* if @a child is not in @a notebook or if no tab label has specifically
* been set for @a child .
* @param child The page.
* @return The tab label.
Widget* get_tab_label(Widget& child);
/** Returns the tab label widget for the page @a child . <tt>0</tt> is returned
* if @a child is not in @a notebook or if no tab label has specifically
* been set for @a child .
* @param child The page.
* @return The tab label.
const Widget* get_tab_label(Widget& child) const;
/** Changes the tab label for @a child . If <tt>0</tt> is specified
* for @a tab_label , then the page will have the label 'page N'.
* @param child The page.
* @param tab_label The tab label widget to use, or <tt>0</tt> for default tab
* label.
void set_tab_label(Widget& child, Widget& tab_label);
/** Creates a new label and sets it as the tab label for the page
* containing @a child .
* @param child The page.
* @param tab_text The label text.
void set_tab_label_text(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& tab_text);
/** Retrieves the text of the tab label for the page containing
* @a child .
* @param child A widget contained in a page of @a notebook .
* @return Value: the text of the tab label.
Glib::ustring get_tab_label_text(Widget& child) const;
/** Retrieves the menu label widget of the page containing @a child .
* @param child A widget contained in a page of @a notebook .
* @return The menu label, or <tt>0</tt> if the
* notebook page does not have a menu label other
* than the default (the tab label).
Widget* get_menu_label(Widget& child);
/** Retrieves the menu label widget of the page containing @a child .
* @param child A widget contained in a page of @a notebook .
* @return The menu label, or <tt>0</tt> if the
* notebook page does not have a menu label other
* than the default (the tab label).
const Widget* get_menu_label(Widget& child) const;
/** Changes the menu label for the page containing @a child .
* @param child The child widget.
* @param menu_label The menu label, or <tt>0</tt> for default.
void set_menu_label(Widget& child, Widget& menu_label);
/** Creates a new label and sets it as the menu label of @a child .
* @param child The child widget.
* @param menu_text The label text.
void set_menu_label_text(Widget& child, const Glib::ustring& menu_text);
/** Retrieves the text of the menu label for the page containing
* @a child .
* @param child The child widget of a page of the notebook.
* @return Value: the text of the tab label.
Glib::ustring get_menu_label_text(Widget& child) const;
void query_tab_label_packing(Widget& child, bool& expand, bool& fill, PackType& pack_type);
/** Sets the packing parameters for the tab label of the page
* containing @a child . See Gtk::Box::pack_start() for the exact meaning
* of the parameters.
* @param child The child widget.
* @param expand Whether to expand the bookmark or not.
* @param fill Whether the bookmark should fill the allocated area or not.
* @param pack_type The position of the bookmark.
void set_tab_label_packing(Widget& child, bool expand, bool fill, PackType pack_type);
/** Reorders the page containing @a child , so that it appears in position
* @a position . If @a position is greater than or equal to the number of
* children in the list or negative, @a child will be moved to the end
* of the list.
* @param child The child to move.
* @param position The new position, or -1 to move to the end.
void reorder_child(Widget& child, int position);
PageList::iterator get_current();
PageList& pages();
const PageList& pages() const;
Glib::SignalProxy2< void,GtkNotebookPage*,guint > signal_switch_page();
//Key-binding signals:
/** Which side of the notebook holds the tabs.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<PositionType> property_tab_pos() ;
/** Which side of the notebook holds the tabs.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<PositionType> property_tab_pos() const;
/** Whether tabs should be shown or not.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> property_show_tabs() ;
/** Whether tabs should be shown or not.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<bool> property_show_tabs() const;
/** Whether the border should be shown or not.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> property_show_border() ;
/** Whether the border should be shown or not.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<bool> property_show_border() const;
/** If TRUE
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> property_scrollable() ;
/** If TRUE
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<bool> property_scrollable() const;
/** Width of the border around the tab labels.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_WriteOnly<guint> property_tab_border() ;
/** Width of the border around the tab labels.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<guint> property_tab_border() const;
/** Width of the horizontal border of tab labels.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<guint> property_tab_hborder() ;
/** Width of the horizontal border of tab labels.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<guint> property_tab_hborder() const;
/** Width of the vertical border of tab labels.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<guint> property_tab_vborder() ;
/** Width of the vertical border of tab labels.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<guint> property_tab_vborder() const;
/** The index of the current page.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<int> property_page() ;
/** The index of the current page.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<int> property_page() const;
/** If TRUE
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> property_enable_popup() ;
/** If TRUE
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<bool> property_enable_popup() const;
/** Whether tabs should have homogeneous sizes.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy<bool> property_homogeneous() ;
/** Whether tabs should have homogeneous sizes.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<bool> property_homogeneous() const;
mutable PageList pages_proxy_;
namespace Notebook_Helpers
/**** PageIterator **************************************************/
PageIterator::reference PageIterator::operator*() const
return static_cast<const Page&>(*this);
PageIterator::pointer PageIterator::operator->() const
return static_cast<const Page*>(this);
} /* Notebook_Helpers */
} /* namespace Gtk */
namespace Glib
/** @relates Gtk::Notebook
* @param object The C instance
* @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
* @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
Gtk::Notebook* wrap(GtkNotebook* object, bool take_copy = false);
#endif /* _GTKMM_NOTEBOOK_H */