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// -*- c++ -*-
/* $Id$ */
/* Copyright (C) 2002 The gtkmm Development Team
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <glib/glist.h>
#include <glibmm/containerhandle_shared.h>
namespace Glib
namespace Container_Helpers
/* Create and fill a GList as efficient as possible.
* This requires bidirectional iterators.
template <class Bi, class Tr>
GList* create_list(Bi pbegin, Bi pend, Tr)
GList* head = 0;
while(pend != pbegin)
// Use & to force a warning if the iterator returns a temporary object.
const void *const item = Tr::to_c_type(*&*--pend);
head = g_list_prepend(head, const_cast<void*>(item));
return head;
/* Create a GList from a 0-terminated input sequence.
* Build it in reverse order and reverse the whole list afterwards,
* because appending to the list would be horribly inefficient.
template <class For, class Tr>
GList* create_list(For pbegin, Tr)
GList* head = 0;
// Use & to force a warning if the iterator returns a temporary object.
const void *const item = Tr::to_c_type(*&*pbegin);
head = g_list_prepend(head, const_cast<void*>(item));
return g_list_reverse(head);
/* Convert from any container that supports bidirectional iterators.
template <class Tr, class Cont>
struct ListSourceTraits
static GList* get_data(const Cont& cont)
{ return Glib::Container_Helpers::create_list(cont.begin(), cont.end(), Tr()); }
static const Glib::OwnershipType initial_ownership = Glib::OWNERSHIP_SHALLOW;
/* Convert from a 0-terminated array. The Cont
* argument must be a pointer to the first element.
template <class Tr, class Cont>
struct ListSourceTraits<Tr,Cont*>
static GList* get_data(const Cont* array)
{ return (array) ? Glib::Container_Helpers::create_list(array, Tr()) : 0; }
static const Glib::OwnershipType initial_ownership = Glib::OWNERSHIP_SHALLOW;
template <class Tr, class Cont>
struct ListSourceTraits<Tr,const Cont*> : ListSourceTraits<Tr,Cont*>
/* Convert from a 0-terminated array. The Cont argument must be a pointer
* to the first element. For consistency, the array must be 0-terminated,
* even though the array size is known at compile time.
template <class Tr, class Cont, size_t N>
struct ListSourceTraits<Tr,Cont[N]>
static GList* get_data(const Cont* array)
{ return Glib::Container_Helpers::create_list(array, array + (N - 1), Tr()); }
static const Glib::OwnershipType initial_ownership = Glib::OWNERSHIP_SHALLOW;
template <class Tr, class Cont, size_t N>
struct ListSourceTraits<Tr,const Cont[N]> : ListSourceTraits<Tr,Cont[N]>
* @ingroup ContHelpers
* If a method takes this as an argument, or has this as a return type, then you can use a standard
* container such as std::list or std::vector.
template <class Tr>
class ListHandleIterator
typedef typename Tr::CppType CppType;
typedef typename Tr::CType CType;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef CppType value_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef value_type reference;
typedef void pointer;
explicit inline ListHandleIterator(const GList* node);
inline value_type operator*() const;
inline ListHandleIterator<Tr> & operator++();
inline const ListHandleIterator<Tr> operator++(int);
inline bool operator==(const ListHandleIterator<Tr>& rhs) const;
inline bool operator!=(const ListHandleIterator<Tr>& rhs) const;
const GList* node_;
} // namespace Container_Helpers
* @ingroup ContHandles
template < class T, class Tr = Glib::Container_Helpers::TypeTraits<T> >
class ListHandle
typedef typename Tr::CppType CppType;
typedef typename Tr::CType CType;
typedef CppType value_type;
typedef size_t size_type;
typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
typedef Glib::Container_Helpers::ListHandleIterator<Tr> const_iterator;
typedef Glib::Container_Helpers::ListHandleIterator<Tr> iterator;
template <class Cont> inline
ListHandle(const Cont& container);
// Take over ownership of an array created by GTK+ functions.
inline ListHandle(GList* glist, Glib::OwnershipType ownership);
// Copying clears the ownership flag of the source handle.
inline ListHandle(const ListHandle<T,Tr>& other);
inline const_iterator begin() const;
inline const_iterator end() const;
template <class U> inline operator std::vector<U>() const;
template <class U> inline operator std::deque<U>() const;
template <class U> inline operator std::list<U>() const;
template <class Cont> inline
void assign_to(Cont& container) const;
template <class Out> inline
void copy(Out pdest) const;
inline GList* data() const;
inline size_t size() const;
inline bool empty() const;
GList * plist_;
mutable Glib::OwnershipType ownership_;
// No copy assignment.
ListHandle<T,Tr>& operator=(const ListHandle<T,Tr>&);
/* Inline implementation */
namespace Container_Helpers
/**** Glib::Container_Helpers::ListHandleIterator<> ************************/
template <class Tr> inline
ListHandleIterator<Tr>::ListHandleIterator(const GList* node)
node_ (node)
template <class Tr> inline
typename ListHandleIterator<Tr>::value_type ListHandleIterator<Tr>::operator*() const
return Tr::to_cpp_type(static_cast<typename Tr::CTypeNonConst>(node_->data));
template <class Tr> inline
ListHandleIterator<Tr>& ListHandleIterator<Tr>::operator++()
node_ = node_->next;
return *this;
template <class Tr> inline
const ListHandleIterator<Tr> ListHandleIterator<Tr>::operator++(int)
const ListHandleIterator<Tr> tmp (*this);
node_ = node_->next;
return tmp;
template <class Tr> inline
bool ListHandleIterator<Tr>::operator==(const ListHandleIterator<Tr>& rhs) const
return (node_ == rhs.node_);
template <class Tr> inline
bool ListHandleIterator<Tr>::operator!=(const ListHandleIterator<Tr>& rhs) const
return (node_ != rhs.node_);
} // namespace Container_Helpers
/**** Glib::ListHandle<> ***************************************************/
template <class T, class Tr>
template <class Cont>
ListHandle<T,Tr>::ListHandle(const Cont& container)
plist_ (Glib::Container_Helpers::ListSourceTraits<Tr,Cont>::get_data(container)),
ownership_ (Glib::Container_Helpers::ListSourceTraits<Tr,Cont>::initial_ownership)
template <class T, class Tr> inline
ListHandle<T,Tr>::ListHandle(GList* glist, Glib::OwnershipType ownership)
plist_ (glist),
ownership_ (ownership)
template <class T, class Tr> inline
ListHandle<T,Tr>::ListHandle(const ListHandle<T,Tr>& other)
plist_ (other.plist_),
ownership_ (other.ownership_)
other.ownership_ = Glib::OWNERSHIP_NONE;
template <class T, class Tr>
if(ownership_ != Glib::OWNERSHIP_NONE)
if(ownership_ != Glib::OWNERSHIP_SHALLOW)
// Deep ownership: release each container element.
for(GList* node = plist_; node != 0; node = node->next)
Tr::release_c_type(static_cast<typename Tr::CTypeNonConst>(node->data));
template <class T, class Tr> inline
typename ListHandle<T,Tr>::const_iterator ListHandle<T,Tr>::begin() const
return Glib::Container_Helpers::ListHandleIterator<Tr>(plist_);
template <class T, class Tr> inline
typename ListHandle<T,Tr>::const_iterator ListHandle<T,Tr>::end() const
return Glib::Container_Helpers::ListHandleIterator<Tr>(0);
template <class T, class Tr>
template <class U>
ListHandle<T,Tr>::operator std::vector<U>() const
return std::vector<U>(this->begin(), this->end());
std::vector<U> temp;
Glib::Container_Helpers::fill_container(temp, this->begin(), this->end());
return temp;
template <class T, class Tr>
template <class U>
ListHandle<T,Tr>::operator std::deque<U>() const
return std::deque<U>(this->begin(), this->end());
std::deque<U> temp;
Glib::Container_Helpers::fill_container(temp, this->begin(), this->end());
return temp;
template <class T, class Tr>
template <class U>
ListHandle<T,Tr>::operator std::list<U>() const
return std::list<U>(this->begin(), this->end());
std::list<U> temp;
Glib::Container_Helpers::fill_container(temp, this->begin(), this->end());
return temp;
template <class T, class Tr>
template <class Cont>
void ListHandle<T,Tr>::assign_to(Cont& container) const
container.assign(this->begin(), this->end());
Cont temp;
Glib::Container_Helpers::fill_container(temp, this->begin(), this->end());
template <class T, class Tr>
template <class Out>
void ListHandle<T,Tr>::copy(Out pdest) const
std::copy(this->begin(), this->end(), pdest);
template <class T, class Tr> inline
GList* ListHandle<T,Tr>::data() const
return plist_;
template <class T, class Tr> inline
size_t ListHandle<T,Tr>::size() const
return g_list_length(plist_);
template <class T, class Tr> inline
bool ListHandle<T,Tr>::empty() const
return (plist_ == 0);
} // namespace Glib