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2019-09-03 09:45:25 -04:00
// Project : VST SDK
// Category : Interfaces
// Filename : pluginterfaces/vst/vsttypes.h
// Created by : Steinberg, 12/2005
// Description : Common Defines
// This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
// in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
// and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
// No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
// or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "pluginterfaces/base/fstrdefs.h"
namespace Steinberg {
namespace Vst {
#ifndef kVstVersionString
#define kVstVersionString "VST 3.6.13" ///< SDK version for PClassInfo2
#define kVstVersionMajor 3
#define kVstVersionMinor 6
#define kVstVersionSub 13
// this allows to write things like: #if VST_VERSION >= 0x030500 // note that 3.10.0 is 0x030a00
#define VST_VERSION ((kVstVersionMajor << 16) | (kVstVersionMinor << 8) | kVstVersionSub)
/** \defgroup vst3typedef VST 3 Data Types
// String Types
typedef char16 TChar; ///< UTF-16 character
typedef TChar String128[128]; ///< 128 character UTF-16 string
typedef const char8* CString; ///< C-String
// General
typedef int32 MediaType; ///< media type (audio/event)
typedef int32 BusDirection; ///< bus direction (in/out)
typedef int32 BusType; ///< bus type (main/aux)
typedef int32 IoMode; ///< I/O mode (see \ref vst3IoMode)
typedef int32 UnitID; ///< unit identifier
typedef double ParamValue; ///< parameter value type
typedef uint32 ParamID; ///< parameter identifier
typedef int32 ProgramListID; ///< program list identifier
typedef int16 CtrlNumber; ///< MIDI controller number (see \ref ControllerNumbers for allowed values)
typedef double TQuarterNotes; ///< time expressed in quarter notes
typedef int64 TSamples; ///< time expressed in audio samples
typedef uint32 ColorSpec; ///< color defining by 4 component ARGB value (Alpha/Red/Green/Blue)
static const ParamID kNoParamId = 0xffffffff; ///< default for uninitialized parameter ID
// static const ParamID kNoParamId = std::numeric_limits<ParamID>::max ();
// Audio Types
typedef float Sample32; ///< 32-bit precision audio sample
typedef double Sample64; ///< 64-bit precision audio sample
typedef double SampleRate; ///< sample rate
// Speaker Arrangements Types
typedef uint64 SpeakerArrangement; ///< Bitset of speakers
typedef uint64 Speaker; ///< Bit for one speaker
} // namespace Vst
} // namespace Steinberg