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// -*- c++ -*-
// Generated by gtkmmproc -- DO NOT MODIFY!
#include <glibmm.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2006 The gtkmm Development Team
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <glibmm/object.h>
#include <gtkmm/pagesetup.h>
#include <gtkmm/printer.h>
#include <gtkmm/printoperation.h>
#include <gtkmm/printsettings.h>
#include <cairomm/surface.h>
typedef struct _GtkPrintJob GtkPrintJob;
typedef struct _GtkPrintJobClass GtkPrintJobClass;
namespace Gtk
{ class PrintJob_Class; } // namespace Gtk
namespace Gtk
/** A PrintJob object represents a job that is sent to a printer. You only need to deal
* directly with print jobs if you use the non-portable PrintUnixDialog API.
* Use get_surface() to obtain the cairo surface onto which the pages must be drawn.
* Use send() to send the finished job to the printer.If you don't use cairo then
* PrintJob also supports printing of manually generated postscript, via set_source_file().
* @newin2p10
* @ingroup Printing
class PrintJob : public Glib::Object
typedef PrintJob CppObjectType;
typedef PrintJob_Class CppClassType;
typedef GtkPrintJob BaseObjectType;
typedef GtkPrintJobClass BaseClassType;
private: friend class PrintJob_Class;
static CppClassType printjob_class_;
// noncopyable
PrintJob(const PrintJob&);
PrintJob& operator=(const PrintJob&);
explicit PrintJob(const Glib::ConstructParams& construct_params);
explicit PrintJob(GtkPrintJob* castitem);
virtual ~PrintJob();
static GType get_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
static GType get_base_type() G_GNUC_CONST;
///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
GtkPrintJob* gobj() { return reinterpret_cast<GtkPrintJob*>(gobject_); }
///Provides access to the underlying C GObject.
const GtkPrintJob* gobj() const { return reinterpret_cast<GtkPrintJob*>(gobject_); }
///Provides access to the underlying C instance. The caller is responsible for unrefing it. Use when directly setting fields in structs.
GtkPrintJob* gobj_copy();
//This is not available in on Win32.
//This source file will not be compiled,
//and the class will not be registered in wrap_init.h or wrap_init.cc
explicit PrintJob(const Glib::ustring& title, const Glib::RefPtr<Printer>& printer, const Glib::RefPtr<PrintSettings>& settings, const Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup>& page_setup);
static Glib::RefPtr<PrintJob> create(const Glib::ustring& title, const Glib::RefPtr<Printer>& printer, const Glib::RefPtr<PrintSettings>& settings, const Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup>& page_setup);
/** Gets the Gtk::PrintSettings of the print job.
* @return The settings of @a job
* @newin2p10.
Glib::RefPtr<PrintSettings> get_settings();
/** Gets the Gtk::PrintSettings of the print job.
* @return The settings of @a job
* @newin2p10.
Glib::RefPtr<const PrintSettings> get_settings() const;
/** Gets the Gtk::Printer of the print job.
* @return The printer of @a job
* @newin2p10.
Glib::RefPtr<Printer> get_printer();
/** Gets the Gtk::Printer of the print job.
* @return The printer of @a job
* @newin2p10.
Glib::RefPtr<const Printer> get_printer() const;
/** Gets the job title.
* @return The title of @a job
* @newin2p10.
Glib::ustring get_title() const;
/** Gets the status of the print job.
* @return The status of @a job
* @newin2p10.
PrintStatus get_status() const;
// this appears in gtkprinter-private.h
/** Make the Gtk::PrintJob send an existing document to the
* printing system. The file can be in any format understood
* by the platforms printing system (typically PostScript,
* but on many platforms PDF may work too). See
* Gtk::Printer::accepts_pdf() and Gtk::Printer::accepts_ps().
* @param filename The file to be printed.
* @param error Return location for errors.
* @return <tt>false</tt> if an error occurred
* @newin2p10.
void set_source_file(const std::string& filename);
void set_source_file(const std::string& filename, std::auto_ptr<Glib::Error>& error);
/** Gets a cairo surface onto which the pages of
* the print job should be rendered.
* @param error Return location for errors, or <tt>0</tt>.
* @return The cairo surface of @a job
* @newin2p10.
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> get_surface();
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Surface> get_surface(std::auto_ptr<Glib::Error>& error);
/** Gets a cairo surface onto which the pages of
* the print job should be rendered.
* @param error Return location for errors, or <tt>0</tt>.
* @return The cairo surface of @a job
* @newin2p10.
Cairo::RefPtr<const Cairo::Surface> get_surface() const;
Cairo::RefPtr<const Cairo::Surface> get_surface(std::auto_ptr<Glib::Error>& error) const;
/** If track_status is <tt>true</tt>, the print job will try to continue report
* on the status of the print job in the printer queues and printer. This
* can allow your application to show things like "out of paper" issues,
* and when the print job actually reaches the printer.
* This function is often implemented using some form of polling, so it should
* not be enabled unless needed.
* @newin2p10
* @param track_status <tt>true</tt> to track status after printing.
void set_track_print_status(bool track_status = true);
/** Return value: <tt>true</tt> if print job status will be reported after printing
* @return <tt>true</tt> if print job status will be reported after printing
* @newin2p10.
bool get_track_print_status() const;
/** For example,
* void on_print_job_complete(const Glib::RefPtr<PrintJob>& job);
* @throws exception
typedef sigc::slot< void, const Glib::RefPtr<PrintJob>& > SlotPrintJobComplete;
/** For example,
* void on_print_job_complete(const Glib::RefPtr<PrintJob>& job, std::auto_ptr<Glib::Error>& error);
typedef sigc::slot< void, const Glib::RefPtr<PrintJob>&, std::auto_ptr<Glib::Error>& > SlotPrintJobComplete;
/** Sends the print job off to the printer.
* @param slot A function to call when the job completes or an error occurs.
void send(const SlotPrintJobComplete& slot);
* @par Prototype:
* <tt>void on_my_%status_changed()</tt>
Glib::SignalProxy0< void > signal_status_changed();
/** Title of the print job.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly<Glib::ustring> property_title() const;
/** Printer to print the job to.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<Printer> > property_printer() const;
/** Printer settings.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<PrintSettings> > property_settings() const;
/** Page Setup.
* You rarely need to use properties because there are get_ and set_ methods for almost all of them.
* @return A PropertyProxy that allows you to get or set the property of the value, or receive notification when
* the value of the property changes.
Glib::PropertyProxy_ReadOnly< Glib::RefPtr<PageSetup> > property_page_setup() const;
//C++ methods used to invoke GTK+ virtual functions:
//GTK+ Virtual Functions (override these to change behaviour):
//Default Signal Handlers::
virtual void on_status_changed();
} // namespace Gtk
namespace Glib
/** A Glib::wrap() method for this object.
* @param object The C instance.
* @param take_copy False if the result should take ownership of the C instance. True if it should take a new copy or ref.
* @result A C++ instance that wraps this C instance.
* @relates Gtk::PrintJob
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::PrintJob> wrap(GtkPrintJob* object, bool take_copy = false);
#endif /* _GTKMM_PRINTJOB_H */