
416 lines
9.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "ardour/session.h"
#include "time_axis_view.h"
#include "streamview.h"
#include "editor_summary.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "region_view.h"
#include "rgb_macros.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace sigc;
using namespace ARDOUR;
/** Construct an EditorSummary.
* @param e Editor to represent.
EditorSummary::EditorSummary (Editor* e)
: _editor (e),
_session (0),
_pixmap (0),
_regions_dirty (true),
_width (512),
_height (64),
_pixels_per_frame (1),
_vertical_scale (1),
_move_dragging (false),
_moved (false),
_zoom_dragging (false)
/** Set the session.
* @param s Session.
EditorSummary::set_session (Session* s)
_session = s;
Region::RegionPropertyChanged.connect (sigc::hide (mem_fun (*this, &EditorSummary::set_dirty)));
_session->RegionRemoved.connect (sigc::hide (mem_fun (*this, &EditorSummary::set_dirty)));
_session->EndTimeChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &EditorSummary::set_dirty));
_session->StartTimeChanged.connect (mem_fun (*this, &EditorSummary::set_dirty));
set_dirty ();
/** Destroy */
EditorSummary::~EditorSummary ()
if (_pixmap) {
gdk_pixmap_unref (_pixmap);
/** Handle an expose event.
* @param event Event from GTK.
EditorSummary::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* event)
/* Render the regions pixmap */
Gdk::Rectangle const exposure (
event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height
Gdk::Rectangle r = exposure;
Gdk::Rectangle content (0, 0, _width, _height);
bool intersects;
r.intersect (content, intersects);
if (intersects) {
GdkPixmap* p = get_pixmap (get_window()->gobj ());
gdk_draw_drawable (
get_style()->get_fg_gc (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL)->gobj(),
/* Render the view rectangle */
pair<double, double> x;
pair<double, double> y;
editor_view (&x, &y);
cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (get_window()->gobj());
cairo_move_to (cr, x.first, y.first);
cairo_line_to (cr, x.second, y.first);
cairo_line_to (cr, x.second, y.second);
cairo_line_to (cr, x.first, y.second);
cairo_line_to (cr, x.first, y.first);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 1, 1, 0.25);
cairo_fill_preserve (cr);
cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, 1, 1, 1, 0.5);
cairo_stroke (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
return true;
/** @param drawable GDK drawable.
* @return pixmap for the regions.
GdkPixmap *
EditorSummary::get_pixmap (GdkDrawable* drawable)
if (_regions_dirty) {
if (_pixmap) {
gdk_pixmap_unref (_pixmap);
_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_new (drawable, _width, _height, -1);
cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (_pixmap);
render (cr);
cairo_destroy (cr);
_regions_dirty = false;
return _pixmap;
/** Render the required regions to a cairo context.
* @param cr Context.
EditorSummary::render (cairo_t* cr)
if (_session == 0) {
/* background */
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0);
cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, _width, _height);
cairo_fill (cr);
/* compute total height of all tracks */
int h = 0;
int max_height = 0;
for (PublicEditor::TrackViewList::const_iterator i = _editor->track_views.begin(); i != _editor->track_views.end(); ++i) {
int const t = (*i)->effective_height ();
h += t;
max_height = max (max_height, t);
nframes_t const start = _session->current_start_frame ();
_pixels_per_frame = static_cast<double> (_width) / (_session->current_end_frame() - start);
_vertical_scale = static_cast<double> (_height) / h;
/* tallest a region should ever be in the summary, in pixels */
int const tallest_region_pixels = 12;
if (max_height * _vertical_scale > tallest_region_pixels) {
_vertical_scale = static_cast<double> (tallest_region_pixels) / max_height;
/* render regions */
double y = 0;
for (PublicEditor::TrackViewList::const_iterator i = _editor->track_views.begin(); i != _editor->track_views.end(); ++i) {
StreamView* s = (*i)->view ();
if (s) {
double const h = (*i)->effective_height () * _vertical_scale;
cairo_set_line_width (cr, h);
s->foreach_regionview (bind (
mem_fun (*this, &EditorSummary::render_region),
y + h / 2
y += h;
/** Render a region for the summary.
* @param r Region view.
* @param cr Cairo context.
* @param start Frame offset that the summary starts at.
* @param y y coordinate to render at.
EditorSummary::render_region (RegionView* r, cairo_t* cr, nframes_t start, double y) const
uint32_t const c = r->get_fill_color ();
cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, UINT_RGBA_R (c) / 255.0, UINT_RGBA_G (c) / 255.0, UINT_RGBA_B (c) / 255.0);
cairo_move_to (cr, (r->region()->position() - start) * _pixels_per_frame, y);
cairo_line_to (cr, ((r->region()->position() - start + r->region()->length())) * _pixels_per_frame, y);
cairo_stroke (cr);
/** Set the summary so that the whole thing will be re-rendered next time it is required */
EditorSummary::set_dirty ()
ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (mem_fun (*this, &EditorSummary::set_dirty));
_regions_dirty = true;
queue_draw ();
/** Set the summary so that just the view boundary markers will be re-rendered */
EditorSummary::set_bounds_dirty ()
ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (mem_fun (*this, &EditorSummary::set_bounds_dirty));
queue_draw ();
/** Handle a size request.
* @param req GTK requisition
EditorSummary::on_size_request (Gtk::Requisition *req)
/* Use a dummy, small width and the actual height that we want */
req->width = 64;
req->height = 64;
/** Handle a size allocation.
* @param alloc GTK allocation.
EditorSummary::on_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation& alloc)
Gtk::EventBox::on_size_allocate (alloc);
_width = alloc.get_width ();
_height = alloc.get_height ();
set_dirty ();
EditorSummary::centre_on_click (GdkEventButton* ev)
nframes_t x = (ev->x / _pixels_per_frame) + _session->current_start_frame();
nframes_t const xh = _editor->current_page_frames () / 2;
if (x > xh) {
x -= xh;
} else {
x = 0;
_editor->reset_x_origin (x);
double y = ev->y / _vertical_scale;
double const yh = _editor->canvas_height () / 2;
if (y > yh) {
y -= yh;
} else {
y = 0;
_editor->reset_y_origin (y);
/** Handle a button press.
* @param ev GTK event.
EditorSummary::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev)
if (ev->button == 1) {
pair<double, double> xr;
pair<double, double> yr;
editor_view (&xr, &yr);
if (xr.first <= ev->x && ev->x <= xr.second && yr.first <= ev->y && ev->y <= yr.second) {
if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) {
/* modifier-click inside the view rectangle: start a zoom drag */
_zoom_position = NONE;
double const x1 = xr.first + (xr.second - xr.first) * 0.33;
double const x2 = xr.first + (xr.second - xr.first) * 0.67;
if (ev->x < x1) {
_zoom_position = LEFT;
} else if (ev->x > x2) {
_zoom_position = RIGHT;
} else {
_zoom_position = NONE;
if (_zoom_position != NONE) {
_zoom_dragging = true;
_mouse_x_start = ev->x;
_width_start = xr.second - xr.first;
_zoom_start = _editor->get_current_zoom ();
_frames_start = _editor->leftmost_position ();
_editor->_dragging_playhead = true;
} else {
/* ordinary click inside the view rectangle: start a move drag */
_move_dragging = true;
_moved = false;
_x_offset = ev->x - xr.first;
_y_offset = ev->y - yr.first;
_editor->_dragging_playhead = true;
} else {
/* click outside the view rectangle: centre the view around the mouse click */
centre_on_click (ev);
return true;
EditorSummary::editor_view (pair<double, double>* x, pair<double, double>* y) const
x->first = (_editor->leftmost_position () - _session->current_start_frame ()) * _pixels_per_frame;
x->second = x->first + _editor->current_page_frames() * _pixels_per_frame;
y->first = _editor->get_trackview_group_vertical_offset () * _vertical_scale;
y->second = y->first + _editor->canvas_height () * _vertical_scale;
EditorSummary::on_motion_notify_event (GdkEventMotion* ev)
if (_move_dragging) {
_moved = true;
_editor->reset_x_origin (((ev->x - _x_offset) / _pixels_per_frame) + _session->current_start_frame ());
_editor->reset_y_origin ((ev->y - _y_offset) / _vertical_scale);
return true;
} else if (_zoom_dragging) {
double const dx = ev->x - _mouse_x_start;
nframes64_t rx = _frames_start;
double f = 1;
switch (_zoom_position) {
case LEFT:
f = 1 - (dx / _width_start);
rx += (dx / _pixels_per_frame);
case RIGHT:
f = 1 + (dx / _width_start);
case NONE:
if (_editor->pending_visual_change.idle_handler_id < 0) {
/* As a side-effect, the Editor's visual change idle handler processes
pending GTK events. Hence this motion notify handler can be called
in the middle of a visual change idle handler, and if this happens,
the queue_visual_change calls below modify the variables that the
idle handler is working with. This causes problems. Hence the
check above. It ensures that we won't modify the pending visual change
while a visual change idle handler is in progress. It's not perfect,
as it also means that we won't change these variables if an idle handler
is merely pending but not executing. But c'est la vie.
_editor->queue_visual_change (rx);
_editor->queue_visual_change (_zoom_start * f);
return true;
EditorSummary::on_button_release_event (GdkEventButton* ev)
if (_move_dragging && !_moved) {
centre_on_click (ev);
_move_dragging = false;
_zoom_dragging = false;
_editor->_dragging_playhead = false;
return true;