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#include "filesystem_test.h"
#include <glib.h>
2015-09-17 08:37:57 -04:00
#include <pbd/gstdio_compat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/utime.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include <glibmm/miscutils.h>
#include <glibmm/fileutils.h>
#include <glibmm/convert.h>
#include <glibmm/timer.h>
#include "pbd/file_utils.h"
#include "pbd/pathexpand.h"
#include "test_common.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace PBD;
namespace {
class PwdReset
PwdReset(const string& new_pwd)
: m_old_pwd(Glib::get_current_dir()) {
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_chdir (new_pwd.c_str()) == 0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_chdir (m_old_pwd.c_str()) == 0);
string m_old_pwd;
} // anon
FilesystemTest::testPathIsWithin ()
string output_path = test_output_directory ("testPathIsWithin");
PwdReset pwd_reset(output_path);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_mkdir_with_parents ("foo/bar/baz", 0755) == 0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "frobozz")) == false);
int const r = symlink ("bar", "foo/jim");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/jim/baz"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/jim"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/jim"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar/baz")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/jim"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/bar")));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::path_is_within (Glib::build_filename(output_path, "foo/jim/baz"), Glib::build_filename(output_path, "frobozz")) == false);
FilesystemTest::testCopyFileASCIIFilename ()
string testdata_path;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (find_file (test_search_path (), "RosegardenPatchFile.xml", testdata_path));
string output_path = test_output_directory ("CopyFile");
output_path = Glib::build_filename (output_path, "RosegardenPatchFile.xml");
cerr << endl;
cerr << "CopyFile test output path: " << output_path << endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::copy_file (testdata_path, output_path));
FilesystemTest::testCopyFileUTF8Filename ()
vector<string> i18n_files;
Searchpath i18n_path(test_search_path());
PBD::find_files_matching_pattern (i18n_files, i18n_path, "*.tst");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (i18n_files.size() == 8);
cerr << endl;
cerr << "Copying " << i18n_files.size() << " test files from: "
<< i18n_path.to_string () << endl;
string output_dir = test_output_directory ("CopyFile");
for (vector<string>::iterator i = i18n_files.begin(); i != i18n_files.end(); ++i) {
string input_path = *i;
string output_file = Glib::path_get_basename(*i);
string output_path = Glib::build_filename (output_dir, output_file);
cerr << "Copying test file: " << input_path
<< " To " << output_path << endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::copy_file (input_path, output_path));
FilesystemTest::testOpenFileUTF8Filename ()
vector<string> i18n_files;
Searchpath i18n_path (test_search_path ());
i18n_path.add_subdirectory_to_paths ("i18n_test");
PBD::find_files_matching_pattern (i18n_files, i18n_path, "*.tst");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (i18n_files.size () == 8);
cerr << endl;
cerr << "Opening " << i18n_files.size ()
<< " test files from: " << i18n_path.to_string () << endl;
// check that g_open will successfully open all the test files
for (vector<string>::iterator i = i18n_files.begin (); i != i18n_files.end ();
++i) {
string input_path = *i;
cerr << "Opening file: " << input_path << " with g_open" << endl;
int fdgo = g_open (input_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY, 0444);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (fdgo != -1);
if (fdgo >= 0) {
::close (fdgo);
// This test is here to prove and remind us that using Glib::locale_from_utf8
// to convert a utf-8 encoded file path for use with ::open will not work
// for all file paths.
// It may be possible to convert a string that is utf-8 encoded that will not
// work with ::open(on windows) to a string that will work with ::open using
// Glib::locale_from_utf8 string if all the characters that are contained
// in the utf-8 string can be found/mapped in the system code page.
// European locales that only have a small amount of extra characters with
// accents/umlauts I'm guessing will be more likely succeed but CJK locales
// will almost certainly fail
bool conversion_failed = false;
for (vector<string>::iterator i = i18n_files.begin (); i != i18n_files.end ();
++i) {
string input_path = *i;
cerr << "Opening file: " << input_path << " with locale_from_utf8 and ::open "
<< endl;
string converted_input_path;
int fdo;
try {
// this will fail for utf8 that contains characters that aren't
// representable in the system code page
converted_input_path = Glib::locale_from_utf8 (input_path);
// conversion succeeded so we expect ::open to be successful if the
// current C library locale is the same as the system locale, which
// it should be as we haven't changed it.
fdo = ::open (converted_input_path.c_str (), O_RDONLY, 0444);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (fdo != -1);
if (converted_input_path != input_path) {
cerr << "Character set conversion succeeded and strings differ for input "
"string: " << input_path << endl;
// file path must have contained non-ASCII characters that were mapped
// from the system code page so we would expect the original
// utf-8 file path to fail with ::open
int fd2 = ::open (input_path.c_str (), O_RDONLY, 0444);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (fd2 == -1);
} catch (const Glib::ConvertError& err) {
cerr << "Character set conversion failed: " << err.what () << endl;
// I am confident that on Windows with the test data that no locale will
// have a system code page containing all the characters required
// and conversion will fail for at least one of the filenames
conversion_failed = true;
// CPPUNIT_ASSERT (err.code() == ?);
// conversion failed so we expect the original utf-8 string to fail
// with ::open on Windows as the file path will not exist
fdo = ::open (input_path.c_str (), O_RDONLY, 0444);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (fdo == -1);
if (fdo >= 0) {
::close (fdo);
// we expect at least one conversion failure with the filename test data
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (conversion_failed);
FilesystemTest::testFindFilesMatchingPattern ()
vector<string> patch_files;
PBD::find_files_matching_pattern (patch_files, test_search_path (), "*PatchFile*");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(test_search_path ().size() == 1);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT(patch_files.size() == 2);
create_test_directory (std::string test_dir)
vector<string> test_files;
vector<string> i18n_files;
Searchpath spath(test_search_path());
PBD::get_files (test_files, spath);
PBD::get_files (i18n_files, spath);
string output_dir = test_output_directory (test_dir);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (test_search_path().size () != 0);
string test_dir_path = test_search_path()[0];
cerr << endl;
cerr << "Copying " << test_files.size() << " test files from: "
<< test_dir_path << " to " << output_dir << endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (test_files.size() != 0);
PBD::copy_files (test_dir_path, output_dir);
vector<string> copied_files;
PBD::get_files (copied_files, output_dir);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (copied_files.size() == test_files.size());
string subdir_path = Glib::build_filename (output_dir, "subdir");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_mkdir_with_parents (subdir_path.c_str(), 0755) == 0);
cerr << endl;
cerr << "Copying " << i18n_files.size() << " i18n test files to: "
<< subdir_path << endl;
for (vector<string>::iterator i = i18n_files.begin(); i != i18n_files.end(); ++i) {
string input_filepath = *i;
string output_filename = Glib::path_get_basename(*i);
string output_filepath = Glib::build_filename (subdir_path, output_filename);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::copy_file (input_filepath, output_filepath));
PBD::get_files (copied_files, subdir_path);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (copied_files.size() == i18n_files.size());
return output_dir;
FilesystemTest::testClearDirectory ()
string output_dir_path = create_test_directory ("ClearDirectory");
vector<string> files_in_output_dir;
PBD::get_paths (files_in_output_dir, output_dir_path, true, true);
size_t removed_file_size = 0;
vector<string> removed_files;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (PBD::clear_directory (output_dir_path, &removed_file_size, &removed_files) ==0);
cerr << "Removed " << removed_files.size() << " files of total size: "
<< removed_file_size << endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (removed_files.size () == files_in_output_dir.size ());
string subdir_path = Glib::build_filename (output_dir_path, "subdir");
// make sure the directory structure is still there
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (Glib::file_test (subdir_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
FilesystemTest::testRemoveDirectory ()
string output_dir_path = create_test_directory ("RemoveDirectory");
vector<string> files_in_output_dir;
PBD::get_paths (files_in_output_dir, output_dir_path, false, true);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (files_in_output_dir.size () != 0);
PBD::remove_directory (output_dir_path);
// doesn't actually remove directory though...just contents
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (Glib::file_test (output_dir_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_IS_DIR));
files_in_output_dir.clear ();
PBD::get_paths (files_in_output_dir, output_dir_path, false, true);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (files_in_output_dir.size () == 0);
FilesystemTest::testCanonicalPath ()
string top_dir = test_output_directory ("testCanonicalPath");
PwdReset pwd_reset(top_dir);
string pwd = Glib::get_current_dir ();
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (!pwd.empty());
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (pwd == top_dir);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_mkdir ("gtk2_ardour", 0755) == 0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_mkdir_with_parents ("libs/pbd/test", 0755) == 0);
const char* relative_path = "./gtk2_ardour/../libs/pbd/test";
string canonical_path = PBD::canonical_path (relative_path);
// no expansion expected in this case
string expanded_path = PBD::path_expand (relative_path);
string expected_path = top_dir + string("/libs/pbd/test");
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (canonical_path == expected_path);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (expanded_path == expected_path);
FilesystemTest::testTouchFile ()
const string filename = "touch.me";
const string test_dir = test_output_directory ("testTouchFile");
const string touch_file_path = Glib::build_filename (test_dir, filename);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (touch_file(touch_file_path));
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (Glib::file_test (touch_file_path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS));
FilesystemTest::testStatFile ()
const string filename1 = "touch.me";
const string filename2 = "touch.me.2";
const string test_dir = test_output_directory ("testStatFile");
const string path1 = Glib::build_filename (test_dir, filename1);
const string path2 = Glib::build_filename (test_dir, filename2);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (touch_file(path1));
Glib::usleep (2000000);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (touch_file(path2));
GStatBuf gsb1;
GStatBuf gsb2;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_stat (path1.c_str(), &gsb1) == 0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_stat (path2.c_str(), &gsb2) == 0);
cerr << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path1 << " access time: " << gsb1.st_atime << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path1 << " modification time: " << gsb1.st_mtime << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path2 << " access time: " << gsb2.st_atime << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path2 << " modification time: " << gsb2.st_mtime << endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (gsb1.st_atime == gsb1.st_mtime);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (gsb2.st_atime == gsb2.st_mtime);
// at least access time works on windows(or at least on ntfs)
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (gsb1.st_atime < gsb2.st_atime);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (gsb1.st_mtime < gsb2.st_mtime);
struct utimbuf tbuf;
tbuf.actime = gsb1.st_atime;
tbuf.modtime = gsb1.st_mtime;
// update the file access/modification times to be the same
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_utime (path2.c_str(), &tbuf) == 0);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (g_stat (path2.c_str(), &gsb2) == 0);
cerr << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path1 << " access time: " << gsb1.st_atime << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path1 << " modification time: " << gsb1.st_mtime << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path2 << " access time: " << gsb2.st_atime << endl;
cerr << "StatFile: " << path2 << " modification time: " << gsb2.st_mtime << endl;
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (gsb1.st_atime == gsb2.st_atime);
CPPUNIT_ASSERT (gsb1.st_mtime == gsb2.st_mtime);