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Copyright (C) 2014 Waves Audio Ltd.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
//! \file WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager.h
//! WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager and related class declarations
#ifndef __WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager_h_
#define __WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager_h_
#include "WCMRAudioDeviceManager.h"
#include "WCMRNativeAudio.h"
#include "Threads/WCThreadSafe.h"
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
#include <mach/mach.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
//forward decl.
class WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager;
#define WV_USE_TONE_GEN 0 ///! Set this to 1 to use a tone generator for input. See description at SetupToneGenerator for details.
// This enum is for choosing filter for audio devices scan
typedef enum eCABS_Method
eCABS_Simple = 0,
eCABS_MethodNum // Must be last
} eCABS_Method;
//! Manages a port audio device, providing information
//! about the device, and managing audio callbacks.
class WCMRCoreAudioDevice : public WCMRNativeAudioDevice
WCMRCoreAudioDevice (WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager *pManager, AudioDeviceID deviceID, bool useMultithreading = true, bool bNocopy = false);///<Constructor
virtual ~WCMRCoreAudioDevice ();///<Destructor
virtual const std::string& DeviceName() const;///<Name?
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& InputChannels();///<Current Input Channel List? - note that this may change with change in sampling rate.
virtual const std::vector<std::string>& OutputChannels();///<Current Output Channel List? - note that this may change with change in sampling rate.
virtual const std::vector<int>& SamplingRates();///<Supported Sampling Rate List?
virtual int CurrentSamplingRate(); ///<Current Sampling rate.?
virtual WTErr SetCurrentSamplingRate(int newRate);///<Change Current Sampling Rate : This is a requset, might not be successful at run time!
virtual const std::vector<int>& BufferSizes();///<Supported Buffer Size List? - note that this may change with change in sampling rate.
virtual int CurrentBufferSize();///<Current Buffer Size.? - note that this may change with change in sampling rate.
virtual WTErr SetCurrentBufferSize (int newSize);///<Change Current Buffer Size : This is a requset, might not be successful at run time!
virtual ConnectionStates ConnectionStatus();///< Connection Status - device available, gone, disconnected
virtual WTErr SetActive (bool newState);///<Prepare/Activate device.
virtual WTErr SetStreaming (bool newState);///<Start/Stop Streaming - should reconnect connections when streaming starts!
virtual WTErr DoIdle();///<Do Idle Processing
virtual WTErr SetMonitorChannels (int leftChannel, int rightChannel);///<Set monitor channels. - optional, will not be available with AG
virtual WTErr SetMonitorGain (float newGain);///<Set monitor gain. - optional, will not be available with AG
virtual WTErr ShowConfigPanel (void *pParam);///< Show Control Panel - in case of ASIO this will work only with Active device!
virtual int AudioCallback (float *pOutputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, uint32_t inSampleTime, uint64_t inCycleStartTime);
AudioDeviceID DeviceID () {return m_DeviceID;}
virtual uint32_t GetLatency (bool isInput); ///< Get latency.
virtual OSStatus GetStreamLatency(AudioDeviceID deviceID, bool isInput, std::vector<int>& latencies);
AudioDeviceID m_DeviceID; ///< The CoreAudio device id
bool m_StopRequested; ///< should be set to true when want to stop, set to false otherwise.
float *m_pInputData; ///< This is what came in with the most recent callback.
int m_SampleCounter; ///< The current running sample counter, updated by the audio callback.
int m_SampleCountAtLastIdle; ///< What was the sample count last time we checked...
int m_StalledSampleCounter; ///< The number of idle calls with same sample count detected
int m_ChangeCheckCounter; ///< The number of idle calls passed since we checked the buffer size change.
wvNS::wvThread::timestamp m_LastCPULog; ///< The time when the last CPU details log was sent as a notification.
// unsigned int m_IOCyclesTimesTaken[MAX_IOCYCLE_TIMES]; ///< This stores the times taken by each IOCycle, in host-time units.
// int m_CurrentIOCycle; ///< The location in m_IOCyclesTymesTaken array, where the next cycle's value will go.
// int m_CyclesToAccumulate; ///< The number of cycles to accumulate the values for - maximum for last one second.
// unsigned int m_CyclePeriod; ///< The number of host time units for a cycle period - determined by buffer size and sampling rate
AudioUnit m_AUHALAudioUnit;///< The AUHAL AudioUnit
int m_BufferSizeChangeRequested;
int m_BufferSizeChangeReported;
int m_ResetRequested;
int m_ResetReported;
int m_ResyncRequested;
int m_ResyncReported;
int m_SRChangeRequested;
int m_SRChangeReported;
int m_DropsDetected; ///< Number of times audio drops have been detected so far.
int m_DropsReported; ///< Number of times audio drops have been reported so far to the client.
bool m_IgnoreThisDrop; ///< Allows disregarding the first drop
thread_t m_IOProcThreadPort; ///< Thread handle to calculate CPU consumption.
int m_CPUCount; ///< Number of processors/core to normalize cpu consumption calculation.
//The Tone Generator...
float_t *m_pToneData;
uint32_t m_ToneDataSamples;
uint32_t m_NextSampleToUse;
#endif //WV_USE_TONE_GEN
WTErr UpdateDeviceInfo ();
WTErr UpdateDeviceName();
WTErr UpdateDeviceInputs();
WTErr UpdateDeviceOutputs();
WTErr UpdateDeviceSampleRates();
WTErr UpdateDeviceBufferSizes();
WTErr SetWorkingBufferSize(int newSize);
OSStatus SetBufferSizesByIO(int newSize);
WTErr SetAndCheckCurrentSamplingRate (int newRate);
WTErr EnableAudioUnitIO();
WTErr virtual EnableListeners();
WTErr virtual DisableListeners();
WTErr SetupAUHAL();
WTErr TearDownAUHAL();
void SetupToneGenerator ();
#endif //WV_USE_TONE_GEN
static OSStatus StaticAudioIOProc(void *inRefCon, AudioUnitRenderActionFlags * ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData);
OSStatus AudioIOProc(AudioUnitRenderActionFlags * ioActionFlags,
const AudioTimeStamp *inTimeStamp, UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames,
AudioBufferList *ioData);
static OSStatus StaticPropertyChangeProc (AudioDeviceID inDevice, UInt32 inChannel, Boolean isInput,
AudioDevicePropertyID inPropertyID, void *inClientData);
void PropertyChangeProc (AudioDevicePropertyID inPropertyID);
void resetAudioDevice();
//! WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager
/*! The CoreAudio Device Manager class */
class WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager : public WCMRAudioDeviceManager
WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager(WCMRAudioDeviceManagerClient *pTheClient, eAudioDeviceFilter eCurAudioDeviceFilter,
bool useMultithreading = true, bool bNocopy = false); ///< constructor
virtual ~WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager(void); ///< Destructor
static OSStatus HardwarePropertyChangeCallback (AudioHardwarePropertyID inPropertyID, void* inClientData);
virtual WCMRAudioDevice* initNewCurrentDeviceImpl(const std::string & deviceName);
virtual void destroyCurrentDeviceImpl();
virtual WTErr generateDeviceListImpl();
virtual WTErr updateDeviceListImpl();
virtual WTErr getDeviceSampleRatesImpl(const std::string & deviceName, std::vector<int>& sampleRates) const;
virtual WTErr getDeviceBufferSizesImpl(const std::string & deviceName, std::vector<int>& bufferSizes) const;
bool m_UseMultithreading; ///< Flag indicates whether to use multi-threading for audio processing.
bool m_bNoCopyAudioBuffer;
// helper functions for this class only
WTErr getDeviceAvailableSampleRates(DeviceID deviceId, std::vector<int>& sampleRates);
WTErr getDeviceMaxInputChannels(DeviceID deviceId, unsigned int& inputChannels);
WTErr getDeviceMaxOutputChannels(DeviceID deviceId, unsigned int& outputChannels);
WCMRAudioDevice* m_NoneDevice;
#endif //#ifndef __WCMRCoreAudioDeviceManager_h_