Carl Hetherington d8425b4a0f Slightly hacky fix for AFL/PFL button misbehaviour

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@10705 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2011-11-19 17:04:48 +00:00

1093 lines
36 KiB

#include <gdkmm/pixbuf.h>
#include "pbd/compose.h"
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/bindable_button.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/tearoff.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/motionfeedback.h"
#include "ardour/dB.h"
#include "ardour/monitor_processor.h"
#include "ardour/route.h"
#include "ardour/utils.h"
#include "ardour_ui.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "monitor_section.h"
#include "public_editor.h"
#include "volume_controller.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace Gtkmm2ext;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace std;
Glib::RefPtr<ActionGroup> MonitorSection::monitor_actions;
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> MonitorSection::big_knob_pixbuf;
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> MonitorSection::little_knob_pixbuf;
MonitorSection::MonitorSection (Session* s)
: AxisView (s)
, RouteUI (s)
, _tearoff (0)
, gain_control (0)
, dim_control (0)
, solo_boost_control (0)
, solo_cut_control (0)
, solo_in_place_button (_("SiP"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, afl_button (_("AFL"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, pfl_button (_("PFL"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, exclusive_solo_button (ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, solo_mute_override_button (ArdourButton::led_default_elements)
, _inhibit_solo_model_update (false)
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act;
if (!monitor_actions) {
/* do some static stuff */
register_actions ();
set_session (s);
VBox* spin_packer;
Label* spin_label;
/* Rude Solo */
rude_solo_button.set_text (_("soloing"));
rude_solo_button.set_name ("rude solo"); ();
rude_iso_button.set_text (_("isolated"));
rude_iso_button.set_name ("rude isolate"); ();
rude_audition_button.set_text (_("auditioning"));
rude_audition_button.set_name ("rude audition"); ();
ARDOUR_UI::Blink.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::do_blink));
rude_solo_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MonitorSection::cancel_solo));
UI::instance()->set_tip (rude_solo_button, _("When active, something is soloed.\nClick to de-solo everything"));
rude_iso_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MonitorSection::cancel_isolate));
UI::instance()->set_tip (rude_iso_button, _("When active, something is solo-isolated.\nClick to de-isolate everything"));
rude_audition_button.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MonitorSection::cancel_audition));
UI::instance()->set_tip (rude_audition_button, _("When active, auditioning is active.\nClick to stop the audition"));
solo_in_place_button.set_name ("monitor section solo model");
afl_button.set_name ("monitor section solo model");
pfl_button.set_name ("monitor section solo model");
solo_model_box.set_spacing (6);
solo_model_box.pack_start (solo_in_place_button, true, false);
solo_model_box.pack_start (afl_button, true, false);
solo_model_box.pack_start (pfl_button, true, false); (); (); (); ();
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Solo"), X_("solo-use-in-place"));
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (solo_in_place_button, _("Solo controls affect solo-in-place"));
if (act) {
solo_in_place_button.set_related_action (act);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Solo"), X_("solo-use-afl"));
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (afl_button, _("Solo controls toggle after-fader-listen"));
if (act) {
afl_button.set_related_action (act);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Solo"), X_("solo-use-pfl"));
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (pfl_button, _("Solo controls toggle pre-fader-listen"));
if (act) {
pfl_button.set_related_action (act);
/* Solo Boost */
solo_boost_control = new VolumeController (little_knob_pixbuf, boost::shared_ptr<Controllable>(), 0.0, 0.01, 0.1, true, 30, 30, true);
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (*solo_boost_control, _("Gain increase for soloed signals (0dB is normal)"));
HBox* solo_packer = manage (new HBox);
solo_packer->set_spacing (6);
solo_packer->show ();
spin_label = manage (new Label (_("Solo Boost")));
spin_packer = manage (new VBox);
spin_packer->show ();
spin_packer->set_spacing (6);
spin_packer->pack_start (*solo_boost_control, false, false);
spin_packer->pack_start (*spin_label, false, false);
solo_packer->pack_start (*spin_packer, true, false);
/* Solo (SiP) cut */
solo_cut_control = new VolumeController (little_knob_pixbuf, boost::shared_ptr<Controllable>(), 0.0, 0.1, 0.5, true, 30, 30, true);
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (*solo_cut_control, _("Gain reduction non-soloed signals\nA value above -inf dB causes \"solo-in-front\""));
spin_label = manage (new Label (_("SiP Cut")));
spin_packer = manage (new VBox);
spin_packer->show ();
spin_packer->set_spacing (6);
spin_packer->pack_start (*solo_cut_control, false, false);
spin_packer->pack_start (*spin_label, false, false);
solo_packer->pack_start (*spin_packer, true, false);
/* Dim */
dim_control = new VolumeController (little_knob_pixbuf, boost::shared_ptr<Controllable>(), 0.0, 0.01, 0.1, true, 30, 30, true);
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tooltips().set_tip (*dim_control, _("Gain reduction to use when dimming monitor outputs"));
HBox* dim_packer = manage (new HBox);
dim_packer->show ();
spin_label = manage (new Label (_("Dim")));
spin_packer = manage (new VBox);
spin_packer->show ();
spin_packer->set_spacing (6);
spin_packer->pack_start (*dim_control, false, false);
spin_packer->pack_start (*spin_label, false, false);
dim_packer->pack_start (*spin_packer, true, false);
exclusive_solo_button.set_text (_("excl. solo"));
exclusive_solo_button.set_name (X_("monitor solo exclusive"));
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&exclusive_solo_button, _("Exclusive solo means that only 1 solo is active at a time"));
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), X_("toggle-exclusive-solo"));
if (act) {
exclusive_solo_button.set_related_action (act);
solo_mute_override_button.set_text (_("solo » mute"));
solo_mute_override_button.set_name (X_("monitor solo override"));
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (&solo_mute_override_button, _("If enabled, solo will override mute\n(a soloed & muted track or bus will be audible)"));
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), X_("toggle-mute-overrides-solo"));
if (act) {
solo_mute_override_button.set_related_action (act);
HBox* solo_opt_box = manage (new HBox);
solo_opt_box->set_spacing (12);
solo_opt_box->set_homogeneous (true);
solo_opt_box->pack_start (exclusive_solo_button);
solo_opt_box->pack_start (solo_mute_override_button);
solo_opt_box->show ();
upper_packer.set_spacing (6);
Gtk::HBox* rude_box = manage (new HBox);
rude_box->pack_start (rude_solo_button, true, true);
rude_box->pack_start (rude_iso_button, true, true);
upper_packer.pack_start (*rude_box, false, false);
upper_packer.pack_start (rude_audition_button, false, false);
upper_packer.pack_start (solo_model_box, false, false, 12);
upper_packer.pack_start (*solo_opt_box, false, false);
upper_packer.pack_start (*solo_packer, false, false, 12);
cut_all_button.set_text (_("mute"));
cut_all_button.set_name ("monitor section cut");
cut_all_button.set_name (X_("monitor section cut"));
cut_all_button.set_size_request (-1,50); ();
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), X_("monitor-cut-all"));
if (act) {
cut_all_button.set_related_action (act);
dim_all_button.set_text (_("dim"));
dim_all_button.set_name ("monitor section dim");
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), X_("monitor-dim-all"));
if (act) {
dim_all_button.set_related_action (act);
mono_button.set_text (_("mono"));
mono_button.set_name ("monitor section mono");
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), X_("monitor-mono"));
if (act) {
mono_button.set_related_action (act);
HBox* bbox = manage (new HBox);
bbox->set_spacing (12);
bbox->pack_start (mono_button, true, true);
bbox->pack_start (dim_all_button, true, true);
lower_packer.set_spacing (12);
lower_packer.pack_start (*bbox, false, false);
lower_packer.pack_start (cut_all_button, false, false);
/* Gain */
gain_control = new VolumeController (big_knob_pixbuf, boost::shared_ptr<Controllable>(), 1.0, 0.01, 0.1, true, 80, 80, false);
spin_label = manage (new Label (_("Monitor")));
spin_packer = manage (new VBox);
spin_packer->show ();
spin_packer->set_spacing (6);
spin_packer->pack_start (*gain_control, false, false);
spin_packer->pack_start (*spin_label, false, false);
lower_packer.pack_start (*spin_packer, true, true);
channel_table_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
channel_table_scroller.set_size_request (-1, 150);
channel_table_scroller.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_NONE); ();
channel_size_group = SizeGroup::create (SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL);
channel_size_group->add_widget (channel_table_header);
channel_size_group->add_widget (channel_table);
channel_table_header.resize (1, 5);
Label* l1 = manage (new Label (X_("out")));
l1->set_name (X_("MonitorSectionLabel"));
channel_table_header.attach (*l1, 0, 1, 0, 1, EXPAND|FILL);
l1 = manage (new Label (X_("mute")));
l1->set_name (X_("MonitorSectionLabel"));
channel_table_header.attach (*l1, 1, 2, 0, 1, EXPAND|FILL);
l1 = manage (new Label (X_("dim")));
l1->set_name (X_("MonitorSectionLabel"));
channel_table_header.attach (*l1, 2, 3, 0, 1, EXPAND|FILL);
l1 = manage (new Label (X_("solo")));
l1->set_name (X_("MonitorSectionLabel"));
channel_table_header.attach (*l1, 3, 4, 0, 1, EXPAND|FILL);
l1 = manage (new Label (X_("inv")));
l1->set_name (X_("MonitorSectionLabel"));
channel_table_header.attach (*l1, 4, 5, 0, 1, EXPAND|FILL); ();
table_hpacker.pack_start (channel_table, true, true);
/* note that we don't pack the table_hpacker till later
vpacker.set_border_width (6);
vpacker.set_spacing (12);
vpacker.pack_start (upper_packer, false, false);
vpacker.pack_start (*dim_packer, false, false);
vpacker.pack_start (channel_table_header, false, false);
vpacker.pack_start (channel_table_packer, false, false);
vpacker.pack_start (lower_packer, false, false);
hpacker.pack_start (vpacker, true, true);
gain_control->show_all ();
dim_control->show_all ();
solo_boost_control->show_all (); (); (); (); (); ();
populate_buttons ();
map_state ();
assign_controllables ();
_tearoff = new TearOff (hpacker);
/* if torn off, make this a normal window */
_tearoff->tearoff_window().set_type_hint (Gdk::WINDOW_TYPE_HINT_NORMAL);
_tearoff->tearoff_window().set_title (X_("Monitor"));
_tearoff->tearoff_window().signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::ptr_fun (forward_key_press), false);
/* catch changes that affect us */
Config->ParameterChanged.connect (config_connection, invalidator (*this), ui_bind (&MonitorSection::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context());
MonitorSection::~MonitorSection ()
for (ChannelButtons::iterator i = _channel_buttons.begin(); i != _channel_buttons.end(); ++i) {
delete *i;
_channel_buttons.clear ();
delete gain_control;
delete dim_control;
delete solo_boost_control;
delete _tearoff;
MonitorSection::set_session (Session* s)
AxisView::set_session (s);
if (_session) {
_route = _session->monitor_out ();
if (_route) {
/* session with monitor section */
_monitor = _route->monitor_control ();
assign_controllables ();
} else {
/* session with no monitor section */
_monitor.reset ();
_route.reset ();
if (channel_table_scroller.get_parent()) {
/* scroller is packed, so remove it */
channel_table_packer.remove (channel_table_scroller);
/* remove the table_hpacker from the scroller */
channel_table_scroller.remove ();
if (table_hpacker.get_parent ()) {
/* this occurs when the table hpacker is directly
packed, so remove it.
channel_table_packer.remove (table_hpacker);
if (_monitor->output_streams().n_audio() > 7) {
/* put the table into a scrolled window, and then put
* that into the channel vpacker, after the table header
channel_table_scroller.add (table_hpacker);
channel_table_packer.pack_start (channel_table_scroller, true, true); ();
} else {
/* just put the channel table itself into the channel
* vpacker, after the table header
channel_table_packer.pack_start (table_hpacker, true, true);
channel_table_scroller.hide ();
} (); ();
} else {
/* no session */
_monitor.reset ();
_route.reset ();
control_connections.drop_connections ();
rude_iso_button.unset_active_state ();
rude_solo_button.unset_active_state ();
assign_controllables ();
MonitorSection::ChannelButtonSet::ChannelButtonSet ()
cut.set_diameter (3);
dim.set_diameter (3);
solo.set_diameter (3);
invert.set_diameter (3);
cut.set_name (X_("monitor section cut"));
dim.set_name (X_("monitor section dim"));
solo.set_name (X_("monitor section solo"));
invert.set_name (X_("monitor section invert"));
cut.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
dim.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
solo.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
invert.unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS);
MonitorSection::populate_buttons ()
if (!_monitor) {
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act;
uint32_t nchans = _monitor->output_streams().n_audio();
channel_table.resize (nchans, 5);
channel_table.set_col_spacings (6);
channel_table.set_row_spacings (6);
channel_table.set_homogeneous (true);
const uint32_t row_offset = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nchans; ++i) {
string l;
char buf[64];
if (nchans == 2) {
if (i == 0) {
l = "L";
} else {
l = "R";
} else {
char buf[32];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d", i+1);
l = buf;
Label* label = manage (new Label (l));
channel_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, i+row_offset, i+row_offset+1, EXPAND|FILL);
ChannelButtonSet* cbs = new ChannelButtonSet;
_channel_buttons.push_back (cbs);
channel_table.attach (cbs->cut, 1, 2, i+row_offset, i+row_offset+1, EXPAND|FILL);
channel_table.attach (cbs->dim, 2, 3, i+row_offset, i+row_offset+1, EXPAND|FILL);
channel_table.attach (cbs->solo, 3, 4, i+row_offset, i+row_offset+1, EXPAND|FILL);
channel_table.attach (cbs->invert, 4, 5, i+row_offset, i+row_offset+1, EXPAND|FILL);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-cut-%u", i+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
cbs->cut.set_related_action (act);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-dim-%u", i+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
cbs->dim.set_related_action (act);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-solo-%u", i+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
cbs->solo.set_related_action (act);
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-invert-%u", i+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
cbs->invert.set_related_action (act);
channel_table.show_all ();
MonitorSection::toggle_exclusive_solo ()
if (!_monitor) {
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "toggle-exclusive-solo");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
Config->set_exclusive_solo (tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::toggle_mute_overrides_solo ()
if (!_monitor) {
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "toggle-mute-overrides-solo");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
Config->set_solo_mute_override (tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::dim_all ()
if (!_monitor) {
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "monitor-dim-all");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
_monitor->set_dim_all (tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::cut_all ()
if (!_monitor) {
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "monitor-cut-all");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
_monitor->set_cut_all (tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::mono ()
if (!_monitor) {
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "monitor-mono");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
_monitor->set_mono (tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::cut_channel (uint32_t chn)
if (!_monitor) {
char buf[64];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-cut-%u", chn);
--chn; // 0-based in backend
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
_monitor->set_cut (chn, tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::dim_channel (uint32_t chn)
if (!_monitor) {
char buf[64];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-dim-%u", chn);
--chn; // 0-based in backend
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
_monitor->set_dim (chn, tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::solo_channel (uint32_t chn)
if (!_monitor) {
char buf[64];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-solo-%u", chn);
--chn; // 0-based in backend
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
_monitor->set_solo (chn, tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::invert_channel (uint32_t chn)
if (!_monitor) {
char buf[64];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "monitor-invert-%u", chn);
--chn; // 0-based in backend
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), buf);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
_monitor->set_polarity (chn, tact->get_active());
MonitorSection::register_actions ()
string action_name;
string action_descr;
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act;
monitor_actions = ActionGroup::create (X_("Monitor"));
ActionManager::add_action_group (monitor_actions);
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, "monitor-mono", "", "Switch monitor to mono",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::mono));
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, "monitor-cut-all", "", "Cut monitor",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::cut_all));
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, "monitor-dim-all", "", "Dim monitor",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::dim_all));
act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, "toggle-exclusive-solo", "", "Toggle exclusive solo mode",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::toggle_exclusive_solo));
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
tact->set_active (Config->get_exclusive_solo());
act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, "toggle-mute-overrides-solo", "", "Toggle mute overrides solo mode",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::toggle_mute_overrides_solo));
tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic(act);
tact->set_active (Config->get_solo_mute_override());
/* note the 1-based counting (for naming - backend uses 0-based) */
for (uint32_t chn = 1; chn <= 16; ++chn) {
action_name = string_compose (X_("monitor-cut-%1"), chn);
action_descr = string_compose (_("Cut monitor channel %1"), chn);
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, action_name.c_str(), "", action_descr.c_str(),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::cut_channel), chn));
action_name = string_compose (X_("monitor-dim-%1"), chn);
action_descr = string_compose (_("Dim monitor channel %1"), chn+1);
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, action_name.c_str(), "", action_descr.c_str(),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::dim_channel), chn));
action_name = string_compose (X_("monitor-solo-%1"), chn);
action_descr = string_compose (_("Solo monitor channel %1"), chn+1);
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, action_name.c_str(), "", action_descr.c_str(),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::solo_channel), chn));
action_name = string_compose (X_("monitor-invert-%1"), chn);
action_descr = string_compose (_("Invert monitor channel %1"), chn+1);
ActionManager::register_toggle_action (monitor_actions, action_name.c_str(), "", action_descr.c_str(),
sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::invert_channel), chn));
Glib::RefPtr<ActionGroup> solo_actions = ActionGroup::create (X_("Solo"));
RadioAction::Group solo_group;
ActionManager::register_radio_action (solo_actions, solo_group, "solo-use-in-place", "", "In-place solo",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::solo_use_in_place));
ActionManager::register_radio_action (solo_actions, solo_group, "solo-use-afl", "", "After Fade Listen (AFL) solo",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::solo_use_afl));
ActionManager::register_radio_action (solo_actions, solo_group, "solo-use-pfl", "", "Pre Fade Listen (PFL) solo",
sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MonitorSection::solo_use_pfl));
ActionManager::add_action_group (solo_actions);
MonitorSection::solo_use_in_place ()
/* this is driven by a toggle on a radio group, and so is invoked twice,
once for the item that became inactive and once for the one that became
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Solo"), X_("solo-use-in-place"));
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction> ract = Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (ract) {
if (!ract->get_active ()) {
/* We are turning SiP off, which means that AFL or PFL will be turned on
shortly; don't update the solo model in the mean time, as if the currently
configured listen position is not the one that is about to be turned on,
things will go wrong.
_inhibit_solo_model_update = true;
Config->set_solo_control_is_listen_control (!ract->get_active());
_inhibit_solo_model_update = false;
MonitorSection::solo_use_afl ()
/* this is driven by a toggle on a radio group, and so is invoked twice,
once for the item that became inactive and once for the one that became
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Solo"), X_("solo-use-afl"));
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction> ract = Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (ract) {
if (ract->get_active()) {
Config->set_solo_control_is_listen_control (true);
Config->set_listen_position (AfterFaderListen);
MonitorSection::solo_use_pfl ()
/* this is driven by a toggle on a radio group, and so is invoked twice,
once for the item that became inactive and once for the one that became
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Solo"), X_("solo-use-pfl"));
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction> ract = Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (ract) {
if (ract->get_active()) {
Config->set_solo_control_is_listen_control (true);
Config->set_listen_position (PreFaderListen);
MonitorSection::setup_knob_images ()
try {
uint32_t c = ARDOUR_UI::config()->color_by_name ("monitor knob");
char buf[16];
snprintf (buf, 16, "#%x", (c >> 8));
MotionFeedback::set_lamp_color (buf);
big_knob_pixbuf = MotionFeedback::render_pixbuf (80);
} catch (...) {
error << "No usable large knob image" << endmsg;
throw failed_constructor ();
if (!big_knob_pixbuf) {
error << "No usable large knob image" << endmsg;
throw failed_constructor ();
try {
little_knob_pixbuf = MotionFeedback::render_pixbuf (30);
} catch (...) {
error << "No usable small knob image" << endmsg;
throw failed_constructor ();
if (!little_knob_pixbuf) {
error << "No usable small knob image" << endmsg;
throw failed_constructor ();
MonitorSection::update_solo_model ()
if (_inhibit_solo_model_update) {
const char* action_name = 0;
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act;
if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) {
switch (Config->get_listen_position()) {
case AfterFaderListen:
action_name = X_("solo-use-afl");
case PreFaderListen:
action_name = X_("solo-use-pfl");
} else {
action_name = X_("solo-use-in-place");
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Solo"), action_name);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction> ract = Glib::RefPtr<RadioAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (ract) {
/* because these are radio buttons, one of them will be
active no matter what. to trigger a change in the
action so that the view picks it up, toggle it.
if (ract->get_active()) {
ract->set_active (false);
ract->set_active (true);
MonitorSection::map_state ()
if (!_route || !_monitor) {
Glib::RefPtr<Action> act;
update_solo_model ();
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "monitor-cut-all");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (_monitor->cut_all());
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "monitor-dim-all");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (_monitor->dim_all());
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), "monitor-mono");
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (_monitor->mono());
uint32_t nchans = _monitor->output_streams().n_audio();
assert (nchans == _channel_buttons.size ());
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nchans; ++n) {
char action_name[32];
snprintf (action_name, sizeof (action_name), "monitor-cut-%u", n+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), action_name);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (_monitor->cut (n));
snprintf (action_name, sizeof (action_name), "monitor-dim-%u", n+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), action_name);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (_monitor->dimmed (n));
snprintf (action_name, sizeof (action_name), "monitor-solo-%u", n+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), action_name);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (_monitor->soloed (n));
snprintf (action_name, sizeof (action_name), "monitor-invert-%u", n+1);
act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Monitor"), action_name);
if (act) {
Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction> tact = Glib::RefPtr<ToggleAction>::cast_dynamic (act);
if (tact) {
tact->set_active (_monitor->inverted (n));
MonitorSection::do_blink (bool onoff)
solo_blink (onoff);
audition_blink (onoff);
MonitorSection::audition_blink (bool onoff)
if (_session == 0) {
if (_session->is_auditioning()) {
if (onoff) {
rude_audition_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Active);
} else {
rude_audition_button.unset_active_state ();
} else {
rude_audition_button.unset_active_state ();
MonitorSection::solo_blink (bool onoff)
if (_session == 0) {
if (_session->soloing() || _session->listening()) {
if (onoff) {
rude_solo_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Active);
} else {
rude_solo_button.unset_active_state ();
if (_session->soloing()) {
if (_session->solo_isolated()) {
rude_iso_button.set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Active);
} else {
// rude_solo_button.set_active (false);
rude_solo_button.unset_active_state ();
rude_iso_button.unset_active_state ();
MonitorSection::cancel_solo (GdkEventButton*)
if (_session) {
if (_session->soloing()) {
_session->set_solo (_session->get_routes(), false);
} else if (_session->listening()) {
_session->set_listen (_session->get_routes(), false);
return true;
MonitorSection::cancel_isolate (GdkEventButton*)
if (_session) {
boost::shared_ptr<RouteList> rl (_session->get_routes ());
_session->set_solo_isolated (rl, false, Session::rt_cleanup, true);
return true;
MonitorSection::cancel_audition (GdkEventButton*)
if (_session) {
return true;
MonitorSection::parameter_changed (std::string name)
if (name == "solo-control-is-listen-control") {
update_solo_model ();
} else if (name == "listen-position") {
update_solo_model ();
MonitorSection::assign_controllables ()
boost::shared_ptr<Controllable> none;
if (!gain_control) {
/* too early - GUI controls not set up yet */
if (_session) {
solo_cut_control->set_controllable (_session->solo_cut_control());
} else {
solo_cut_control->set_controllable (none);
if (_route) {
gain_control->set_controllable (_route->gain_control());
} else {
gain_control->set_controllable (none);
if (_monitor) {
cut_all_button.set_controllable (_monitor->cut_control()); ();
dim_all_button.set_controllable (_monitor->dim_control()); ();
mono_button.set_controllable (_monitor->mono_control()); ();
dim_control->set_controllable (_monitor->dim_level_control ());
solo_boost_control->set_controllable (_monitor->solo_boost_control ());
} else {
cut_all_button.set_controllable (none);
dim_all_button.set_controllable (none);
mono_button.set_controllable (none);
dim_control->set_controllable (none);
solo_boost_control->set_controllable (none);
MonitorSection::state_id() const
return "monitor-section";