
695 lines
19 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2017-2024 Adrien Gesta-Fline
* This file is part of libAAF.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef __AAFTypes_h__
#define __AAFTypes_h__
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PACK(__Declaration__) __Declaration__ __attribute__ ((__packed__))
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define PACK(__Declaration__) __pragma (pack (push, 1)) __Declaration__ __pragma (pack (pop))
#define AAF_HEADER_BYTEORDER_LE 0x4949 // II
typedef enum aafStoredForm_e {
SF_DATA = 0x0082,
SF_DATA_STREAM = 0x0042,
} aafStoredForm_e;
typedef int32_t AAFTypeCategory_t;
typedef enum _eAAFTypeCategory_e
AAFTypeCatUnknown = 0, // can only occur in damaged files
AAFTypeCatInt = 1, // any integral type
AAFTypeCatCharacter = 2, // any character type
AAFTypeCatStrongObjRef = 3, // strong object reference
AAFTypeCatWeakObjRef = 4, // weak object reference
AAFTypeCatRename = 5, // renamed type
AAFTypeCatEnum = 6, // enumerated type
AAFTypeCatFixedArray = 7, // fixed-size array
AAFTypeCatVariableArray = 8, // variably-sized array
AAFTypeCatSet = 9, // set of strong object references or
// set of weak object references
AAFTypeCatRecord = 10, // a structured type
AAFTypeCatStream = 11, // potentially huge amount of data
AAFTypeCatString = 12, // null-terminated variably-sized
// array of characters
AAFTypeCatExtEnum = 13, // extendible enumerated type
AAFTypeCatIndirect = 14, // type must be determined at runtime
AAFTypeCatOpaque = 15, // type can be determined at runtime
AAFTypeCatEncrypted = 16 // type can be determined at runtime
// but bits are encrypted
} AAFTypeCategory_e;
* :: Types Definition
* see Git nevali/aaf/ref-impl/include/ref-api/AAFTypes.h
typedef unsigned char aafByte_t;
typedef char* aafString_t;
typedef uint16_t aafPID_t;
typedef int64_t aafLength_t;
typedef uint8_t aafBoolean_t;
typedef int64_t aafPosition_t;
typedef uint32_t aafSlotID_t;
typedef struct _aafStream_t {
uint64_t size;
aafByte_t* data;
} aafStream_t;
typedef int32_t aafJPEGTableID_t; /* for TIFF objects */
typedef struct _aafRational_t {
int32_t numerator;
int32_t denominator;
} aafRational_t;
typedef struct _aafDateStruct_t {
int16_t year; /* range -32,767 to +32767 */
uint8_t month; /* range: 1-12, inclusive */
uint8_t day; /* range: 1-31, inclusive */
} aafDateStruct_t;
typedef struct _aafTimeStruct_t {
uint8_t hour; /* range 0-23 inclusive */
uint8_t minute; /* range 0-59 inclusive */
uint8_t second; /* range 0-59 inclusive */
uint8_t fraction; /* range 0..99 inclusive; accuracy: .01 sec */
} aafTimeStruct_t;
typedef struct _aafTimeStamp_t {
aafDateStruct_t date;
aafTimeStruct_t time;
} aafTimeStamp_t;
// TODO is int32_t in the original AAFTypes.h, but does not match when parsing..
typedef int8_t aafProductReleaseType_t;
typedef enum _aafProductReleaseType_e {
AAFVersionUnknown = 0,
AAFVersionReleased = 1,
AAFVersionDebug = 2,
AAFVersionPatched = 3,
AAFVersionBeta = 4,
AAFVersionPrivateBuild = 5
} aafProductReleaseType_e;
/* Version Format for ObjHeader->Version */
typedef PACK (struct _aafVersionType_t {
int8_t major;
int8_t minor;
}) aafVersionType_t;
/* Version Format for ObjIdentification->ProductVersion */
typedef PACK (struct _aafProductVersion_t {
uint16_t major;
uint16_t minor;
uint16_t tertiary;
uint16_t patchLevel;
int8_t type;
}) aafProductVersion_t;
/* aafFadeType_t: describes values for SCLP fadein and fadeout types */
typedef int32_t aafFadeType_t;
typedef enum _aafFadeType_e {
AAFFadeNone = 0,
AAFFadeLinearAmp = 1,
AAFFadeLinearPower = 2
} aafFadeType_e;
/* binary compatibility with GUID/CLSID and IID structures. */
typedef struct _aafUID_t {
uint32_t Data1;
uint16_t Data2;
uint16_t Data3;
uint8_t Data4[8];
} aafUID_t;
#define AAFUID_PRINTED_LEN 35 // excluding NULL terminating char
static const aafUID_t AUID_NULL = { 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } };
static const aafUID_t AAFUID_NULL = { 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } };
typedef struct _aafMobID_t {
uint8_t SMPTELabel[12]; // 12-bytes of label prefix
uint8_t length;
uint8_t instanceHigh;
uint8_t instanceMid;
uint8_t instanceLow;
aafUID_t material; // 16 bytes
} aafMobID_t; // 32 bytes total
static const aafMobID_t AAFMOBID_NULL = { { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, { 0x00000000, 0x0000, 0x0000, { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 } } };
typedef struct _aafIndirect_t {
* byteOrder disabled for memory alignement and to avoid -Waddress-of-packed-member
* It is always little-endian (0x4c), or unspecified (0x55) but LE, anyway.
// uint8_t byteOrder; // 0x4c, 0x42, 0x55
aafUID_t TypeDef;
aafByte_t Value[];
} /*__attribute__((packed))*/ aafIndirect_t;
typedef int32_t aafElectroSpatialFormulation_t;
typedef enum _aafElectroSpatialFormulation_e {
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_Default = 0,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_TwoChannelMode = 1,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_SingleChannelMode = 2,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_PrimarySecondaryMode = 3,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_StereophonicMode = 4,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_SingleChannelDoubleSamplingFrequencyMode = 7,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_StereoLeftChannelDoubleSamplingFrequencyMode = 8,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_StereoRightChannelDoubleSamplingFrequencyMode = 9,
AAFElectroSpatialFormulation_MultiChannelMode = 15
} aafElectroSpatialFormulation_e;
typedef int32_t aafFrameLayout_t;
typedef enum _aafFrameLayout_e {
AAFFullFrame = 0,
AAFSeparateFields = 1,
AAFOneField = 2,
AAFMixedFields = 3,
AAFSegmentedFrame = 4
} aafFrameLayout_e;
typedef int32_t aafAlphaTransparency_t;
typedef enum _aafAlphaTransparency_e {
AAFMinValueTransparent = 0,
AAFMaxValueTransparent = 1
} aafAlphaTransparency_e;
typedef int32_t aafFieldNumber_t;
typedef enum _aafFieldNumber_e {
AAFUnspecifiedField = 0,
AAFFieldOne = 1,
AAFFieldTwo = 2
} aafFieldNumber_e;
typedef int32_t aafSignalStandard_t;
typedef enum _aafSignalStandard_e {
AAFSignalStandard_None = 0,
AAFSignalStandard_ITU601 = 1,
AAFSignalStandard_ITU1358 = 2,
AAFSignalStandard_SMPTE347M = 3,
AAFSignalStandard_SMPTE274M = 4,
AAFSignalStandard_SMPTE296M = 5,
AAFSignalStandard_SMPTE349M = 6
} aafSignalStandard_e;
typedef int32_t aafContentScanningType_t;
typedef enum _aafContentScanningType_e {
kAAFContentScanning_NotKnown = 0,
kAAFContentScanning_Progressive = 1,
kAAFContentScanning_Interlace = 2,
kAAFContentScanning_Mixed = 3
} aafContentScanningType_e;
typedef int32_t aafColorSiting_t;
typedef enum _aafColorSiting_e {
AAFCoSiting = 0,
AAFAveraging = 1,
AAFThreeTap = 2,
AAFQuincunx = 3,
AAFRec601 = 4,
AAFUnknownSiting = 255
} aafColorSiting_e;
typedef int32_t aafScanningDirection_t;
typedef enum _aafScanningDirection_e {
AAFScanningDirection_LeftToRightTopToBottom = 0,
AAFScanningDirection_RightToLeftTopToBottom = 1,
AAFScanningDirection_LeftToRightBottomToTop = 2,
AAFScanningDirection_RightToLeftBottomToTop = 3,
AAFScanningDirection_TopToBottomLeftToRight = 4,
AAFScanningDirection_TopToBottomRightToLeft = 5,
AAFScanningDirection_BottomToTopLeftToRight = 6,
AAFScanningDirection_BottomToTopRightToLeft = 7
} aafScanningDirection_e;
typedef int32_t aafFilmType_t;
typedef enum _aafFilmType_e {
AAFFtNull = 0,
AAFFt35MM = 1,
AAFFt16MM = 2,
AAFFt8MM = 3,
AAFFt65MM = 4
} aafFilmType_e;
typedef int32_t aafTapeCaseType_t;
typedef enum _aafTapeCaseType_e {
AAFTapeCaseNull = 0,
AAFThreeFourthInchVideoTape = 1,
AAFVHSVideoTape = 2,
AAF8mmVideoTape = 3,
AAFBetacamVideoTape = 4,
AAFCompactCassette = 5,
AAFDATCartridge = 6,
AAFNagraAudioTape = 7
} aafTapeCaseType_e;
typedef int32_t aafVideoSignalType_t;
typedef enum _aafVideoSignalType_e {
AAFVideoSignalNull = 0,
AAFNTSCSignal = 1,
AAFPALSignal = 2,
AAFSECAMSignal = 3
} aafVideoSignalType_e;
typedef int32_t aafTapeFormatType_t;
typedef enum _aafTapeFormatType_e {
AAFTapeFormatNull = 0,
AAFBetacamFormat = 1,
AAFBetacamSPFormat = 2,
AAFVHSFormat = 3,
AAFSVHSFormat = 4,
AAF8mmFormat = 5,
AAFHi8Format = 6
} aafTapeFormatType_e;
typedef int32_t aafRGBAComponentKind_t;
typedef enum _aafRGBAComponentKind_e {
AAFCompNone = 0x30,
AAFCompAlpha = 0x41,
AAFCompBlue = 0x42,
AAFCompFill = 0x46,
AAFCompGreen = 0x47,
AAFCompPalette = 0x50,
AAFCompRed = 0x52,
AAFCompNull = 0x00
} aafRGBAComponentKind_e;
typedef struct _aafRGBAComponent_t {
aafRGBAComponentKind_t Code;
uint8_t Size;
} aafRGBAComponent_t;
// typedef aafRGBAComponent_t aafRGBALayout[8];
* This structure map the first bytes in a **properties** stream
* node.
* This Header is followed by #_entryCount aafPropertyIndexEntry_t
* structures, which are then followed by aafPropertyIndexHeader_t._entryCount variable
* sized property values.
typedef struct aafPropertyIndexHeader_t {
* The byte order of :
* - the remaining fields of the aafPropertyIndexHeader_t struct
* - the aafPropertyIndexEntry_t structs that follow
* - the actual property data
* Currently unused when parsing.
uint8_t _byteOrder;
* The version number of the stored format. This allows
* for otherwise incompatible changes to the stored format.
* Currently unused when parsing.
uint8_t _formatVersion;
* The number of aafPropertyIndexEntry_t structs that follow.
uint16_t _entryCount;
} /* __attribute__((packed)) */ aafPropertyIndexHeader_t;
* This structure represents one property entry inside a
* **properties** stream node. The actual property value
* is located bellow all the property entries.
* The offset to the property values is calculated by :
* @code
* int offset = sizeof(aafPropertyIndexHeader_t) + (aafPropertyIndexHeader_t._entryCount * sizeof(aafPropertyIndexEntry_t))
* @endcode
* The offset inside the property values is calculated by :
* ```
* for( PropEntry[i]; PropEntry[i] < i; i++ )
* offset += PropEntry. _length;
* ```
typedef struct aafPropertyIndexEntry_t {
* The ID that describes the property.
* All the standard IDs can be found in AAFDefs/AAFPropertyIDs.h.
aafPID_t _pid;
* Identifies the “type” of representation chosen for this
* property. Note that the stored form described here is not
* the data type of the property value, rather it is the type
* of external representation employed. The data type of a
* given property value is implied by the property ID.
* Can take one of the value from #aafStoredForm_e enum.
* Even though only 1 byte is needed, _storedForm is 2 bytes
* in size in order to keep each property index entry an even
* number of bytes in size.
uint16_t _storedForm;
* The length, in bytes, of the property value in the property
* value stream.
uint16_t _length;
} /* __attribute__((packed)) */ aafPropertyIndexEntry_t;
* An unordered collection of strongly referenced (contained)
* uniquely identified objects, each of which can be :
* - efficiently located by key - O(lg N)
* - the target of a weak reference
* Each set index consists of an aafStrongRefSetHeader_t
* followed by #_entryCount aafStrongRefSetEntry_t structs.
typedef PACK (struct aafStrongRefSetHeader_t {
* The number of aafStrongRefSetEntry_t structs that follow.
uint32_t _entryCount;
* The next local key that will be assigned in this set.
uint32_t _firstFreeKey;
* The highest unassigned key above #_firstFreeKey. The keys
* between #_firstFreeKey and #_lastFreeKey are unassigned,
* while there may be other gaps in key assignement this
* represents the largest one.
uint32_t _lastFreeKey;
* The property id of each aafStrongRefSetEntry_t._identification field
* @TODO Understand that field..
aafPID_t _identificationPid;
* The length, in bytes, of each aafStrongRefSetEntry_t._identification
* field.
uint8_t _identificationSize;
}) aafStrongRefSetHeader_t;
typedef struct aafStrongRefSetEntry_t {
* The #_localKey uniquely identifies this strong reference
* within this collection independently of its position
* within this collection. The #_localKey is used to form
* the name assigned to the element in this set at the
* corresponding ordinal position. That is, the #_localKey
* of the first aafStrongRefSetEntry_t is used to
* form the name of the first element in the set and so
* on. The #_localKey is an insertion key.
uint32_t _localKey;
* The count of weak references to this object.
uint32_t _referenceCount;
* The type of the #_identification field varies from one instance
* of a StrongReferenceSet to another. The value of the #_identification
* field uniquely identifies this object within the set. It is the
* search key.
aafByte_t _identification[];
} /* __attribute__((packed)) */ aafStrongRefSetEntry_t;
* An ordered collection of strongly referenced (contained) objects.
* Each vector index consists of an aafStrongRefVectorHeader_t
* followed by #_entryCount aafStrongRefVectorEntry_t structs.
typedef struct aafStrongRefVectorHeader_t {
* The number of aafStrongRefVectorEntry_t structs that follow.
uint32_t _entryCount;
* The next local key that will be assigned in this vector.
uint32_t _firstFreeKey;
* The highest unassigned key above #_firstFreeKey. The keys
* between #_firstFreeKey and #_lastFreeKey are unassigned,
* while there may be other gaps in key assignement this
* represents the largest one.
uint32_t _lastFreeKey;
} /* __attribute__((packed)) */ aafStrongRefVectorHeader_t;
* An ordered collection of strongly referenced (contained) objects.
* Each vector index consists of an aafStrongRefVectorHeader_t
* followed by aafStrongRefVectorHeader_t._entryCount aafStrongRefVectorEntry_t structs.
typedef struct aafStrongRefVectorEntry_t {
* The _localKey uniquely identifies this strong reference
* within this collection independently of its position
* within this collection. The #_localKey is used to form
* the name assigned to the element in this vector at the
* corresponding ordinal position. That is, the #_localKey
* of the first aafStrongRefVectorEntry_t is used to
* form the name of the first element in the vector and so
* on. The #_localKey is an insertion key.
uint32_t _localKey;
} /* __attribute__((packed)) */ aafStrongRefVectorEntry_t;
* A weak object reference is a persistent data type that denotes
* a weak reference to a uniquely identified object. In memory,
* weak references are similar to pointers. When persisted, weak
* references contain the unique identifier of the referenced object.
* An aafWeakRef_t can appears as a property value with the
* stored form #SF_WEAK_OBJECT_REFERENCE, as an entry into
* a weak reference vector index or set index.
typedef struct _WeakObjectReference {
* The index into the referenced property table of
* the path to the property (a strong reference set)
* containing the referenced object.
uint16_t _referencedPropertyIndex;
* The property id of the #_identification field
* @TODO Understand that field..
aafPID_t _identificationPid;
* The length, in bytes, of the #_identification field.
uint8_t _identificationSize;
* The type of the #_identification field varies from one instance
* of a WeakObjectReference to another. The #_identification field
* uniquely identifies the object within the target set.
aafByte_t _identification[];
} /* __attribute__((packed)) */ aafWeakRef_t;
* An ordered collection of aafWeakRef_t. The aafWeakRefHeader_t
* is common to weak reference Set and Vector.
typedef struct _WeakReferenceIndexHeader {
* The number of aafWeakRef_t structs that follow.
uint32_t _entryCount;
* The index into the referenced property table of
* the path to the property (a strong reference set)
* containing the referenced object.
* @TODO Understand that field..
uint16_t _referencedPropertyIndex;
* The property id of each aafStrongRefSetEntry_t._identification field.
* @TODO Understand that field..
uint16_t _identificationPid;
* The length, in bytes, of each aafWeakRef_t._identification
* field.
uint8_t _identificationSize;
} /* __attribute__((packed)) */ aafWeakRefHeader_t;
/* TODO : indirect vs opaque types ? */
typedef struct _aafIndirect_t
int type;
size_t size;
aafByte_t *data;
} aafIndirect_t;
typedef struct _AAF_TaggedValueClass
aafString_t Name;
aafIndirect_t Value;
} AAF_ObjTaggedValue;