
646 lines
19 KiB

# This file lists all preference parameters/variables for Ardour/Mixbus, broken down into 3 categories (UI, Session and Global)
# Within each section, a line that contains [some-text-like-this] names the preference variable, and is followed by zero or more lines containing a series of
# whitespace-separated words. These words are the "metadata" for the variable: words that a user may search for when trying to find that preference variable.
# All words should be in English (they are translatable via the normal mechanism for the program). The wordlist may be a "free association" as desired.
# A fictional example:
# [never-do-that-thing]
# thing that action prevent never stop otherthing
# The file is processed via tools/process-metadata to create build/gtk2_ardour/configuration_metadata.h which is then incorporated via an #include directive
# within gtk2_ardour/
# Whenever a new preference variable is added to the source code, its name should also be added here.
# when adding new metadata/keywords, use a longer form of the word wherever possible, so that we will match on a substring of that word. For example
# use "synchronization" rather than sync, because that will match both "sync" and "synchronization". For languages that create plurals with a suffix,
# prefer plural forms for the same reason.
KDE quirks dialogs window hidden behind
automation spill touch
audition clips slots triggers autoplay automatically play
files audition autoplay automatically play
scroll editor
blink alert indicators
appearance blink record rec enable rec-enable record-enable
appearance style boxy buttons theme
appearance bugs tweaks kwirks
check announcements phone home
clock display limit length maximum duration
theme colors appearance style themeing
theme colors appearance style themeing
shortcuts keys keybindings bindings
MIDI low lowest lower
appearance width mixer
MIDI upper high highest
playhead dragging
playhead dragging
editor stereo meters
appearance style flat buttons theme ableton
appearance monitor floating separate window
fonts font size scaling readable readability
freesound folder folders directory directories download
grid switch automatic tools mode selection internal edit
appearance hide splash screen
meter recorder layout
scopes recorder layout
import embed position insert
lock gui time seconds
maximum note height theme appearance size visible range
plugins mixer-strip controls inline
plugins top favorite sidebar
plugins recent favorite sidebar
metering standard hold falloff level dbfs
metering standard din line-up level dbfs
metering standard line-up level dbfs
metering peak line-up level dbfs
metering style led
metering standard vu line-up level dbfs
mixer visibility comment solo mute phase polarity invert rec solo locked vca trigger
markers name dialog naming
sysex mtc midi regions messages events
automation y-axis click draw lane points
notes names midnam display show
plugins window single close
drag drop import copy link files
plugins gui open window
plugins gui resources vst destroy window
plugins inline mixer strip
tap tempo preference
clocks mode primary delta difference edit cursor playhead
rubberband snap grid time stretch
ruler spacing grid snap distance
ruler grid auto show visibility
export analysis save image
export save image mixer screenshot
screensaver screen-saver prevent lock
clocks mode secondary delta difference edit cursor playhead
toolbar editor meter master
plugins inline controls mixer
plugins manager missing
minitimeline mini timeline toolbar
editor region name bar highlight layout
plugins popup progress scan indexing
cue markers regions editor
regions gain envelope volume modes
regions name appearance editor
selection ruler marker range
regions xruns markers dropouts
clock toolbar visibility secondary
cursor snap edit point line
toolbar cue
toolbar latency information
toolbar monitoring information section
toolbar monitoring information section
toolbar punch recording layered sound transparent
toolbar clock selection time display
editor meter small track header
waveform clipping red peak
waveform display box empty invisible hide show
waveform display recording
snap threshold distance mouse
snap grid target
snap grid editor mouse
snap grid editor mouse markers marks
snap grid editor mouse playhead
snap grid editor mouse regions boundaries boundary
snap grid editor mouse regions boundaries boundary
snap grid editor mouse regions sync
play notes selection midi sound hear
clocks fast update display timecode video slow updates
editor width name track header ellipsize size
editor gradient blur contrast style
KDE quirks dialogs window hidden behind transient
editor summary scroll drag pan follow
editor zoom selection mouse click
editor zoom selection mouse wheel focus scroll
midi velocity bars box
midi velocity color
mixer colors faders
zoom drag mouse
tooltips help popup information
quirks visibility switch windows
visual gap tracks spacing
virtual keyboard layout qwerty midi
memory cache performance optimization image
clip level dbfs waveform peaking
editor gradient blur contrast style waveform
waveform logarithmic logscale linear
waveform rectified half shape display
highlight mouse prelight hover indicate
transport autoplay automatically play
transport autoreturn automatically return go back
transport count in count-in
time domain musical audio markers
transport use external synchronization master
position time domain glue use markers bars beats musical
position time domain glue use regions bars beats musical
transport synchronization jack time master
meter meterbridge bridge label height
midi copy clone duplicate fork linked
audio files audiofiles native data format
audio files audiofiles native header format container envelope
exporting realtime real time nonrealtime nonreal
recording capture layers layering sound on soundonsound nonlayered layered
monitoring hearing listening signal monitors
busses bus meterbridge meters
faders meterbridge
group tabs show hide visible visibility
master meterbridge
midi meterbridge
monitor meterbridge
mute meterbridge
solo meterbridge
record recenable meterbridge
region gain fades show hide fadein fadeout
solo meterbridge
summary show
timecode synchronization offset
timecode subframes sync
take names
timecode synchronization format tc
timecode synchronization offset generate send
timecode synchronization offset receive
timecode synchronization offset negative
name naming numbered tracks
name naming tracks takes
monitoring fades fadein fadeout enable disable use
region fades fadein fadeout enable disable use
transport fades fadein fadeout enable disable use
video use frames per second fps
monitoring monitor afl pfl pre post position
automatic automated audio analysis transients
metronome click beat downbeat emphasis sample sound
metronome click beat volume gain level
metronome click beat sound sample
folder folders directory directories download clips library
cpu dma latency performance xrun
xrun xmarker
automation time domain default
fades fadein fadeout shape type style default
folders directory directories session path default
denormal model handling cpu performance speed xruns dsp load
denormal model handling cpu performance speed xruns dsp load
plugins scan discover rescan reload startup
history undo redo depth length size
editing layering model style type
mixing panning send panner link connect tie
afl pfl listen monitoring position
looping fades fadein fadeout choice type style model
looping mode behavior
timecode output port routing
timecode output level gain volume ltc
timecode transmit send continuously always ltc
volume gain fader maximum peak
number maximum recent sessions
number maximum recent templates
maximum top fastest highest transport speed
meter falloff fall off
meter type bus
meter type master
meter type track
midi audition synthesizer plugin name id uri location
midi clock resolution quantize limit precision
midi clock mclk set tempo
midi generic control surface feedback
midi inputs port device follow selection tracks
disk disc i/o io chunk read size bytes buffering
disk disc i/o io chunk write size bytes buffering
midi machine control mmc receive receiving device id
midi machine control mmc send sending device id
monitoring model style type
transport synchronization MIDI timecode time code threshold tolerance sensitivity quarter frame
mute muting monitor outs control outputs
mute muting main outs outputs master
mute muting postfader post fader
mute muting prefader pre fader
plugins newly added active
OSC port number
outputs automatically connect
backups autosave
backups autosave
solo listen prefader position
performance disk disc buffering playback keep up size seconds
plugins paths folders directory directories linux vst lxvst search
plugins paths folders directory directories vst search
plugins paths folders directory directories vst3 search
plugins scan timeout fail wait
plugins stop transport tail reverb ringing reset
resampling audioengine global quality level
cpu threads usage distribute parallel
volume gain level reduce quieten cut speed fast forward rewind ffwd
editing split selection range after split
recording resets xruns
grid region boundaries from visible onscreen tracks lanes
grid region boundaries from selected tracks lanes
options equivalent equivalence regions comparison selection
selection regions after split left right side
channels replicate missing region
transport reset default speed stop
ripple all interview selected
synchronization always run masters transport
files folders samples library path
history save disk serialize store
history depth size length
synchronization send transmit deliver linear timecode ltc
synchronization send transmit deliver midi clock mclk
synchronization send transmit deliver midi machine code mmc
synchronization send transmit deliver midi time code timecode mtc
appearance solo mute
transport shuttle varispeed control speed maximum
transport shuttle varispeed control speed
transport shuttle varispeed control threshold
transport shuttle varispeed units semitones percentage
solo mute override overrule priority
transport stop end session
transport recording xrun stop
plugins outputs number flexible variable fixed
timecode synchronization frame rate
automatically name tracks
analysis transients sensitive sensitivity vamp
audioengine startup
plugins audiounits audio-unit enable disable
metronome beat click sound emphasis
plugins vst2 enable disable
plugins vst2 enable disable
monitoring bus optional
osc open sound control
plugins GUI editor prefer use own
plugins vst3
plugins scanning verbose
verify remove removal last most recent capture recording take
video setup
video server location url file
xjadeo video monitor location file