Paul Davis 912da52a53 the return of VST support
git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/trunk@629 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
2006-06-21 23:01:03 +00:00

1274 lines
33 KiB

Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <cmath>
#include <sigc++/bind.h>
#include <gtkmm/frame.h>
#include <gtkmm/image.h>
#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
#include <libgnomecanvasmm/line.h>
#include <ardour/automation_event.h>
#include <ardour/curve.h>
#include <ardour/crossfade.h>
#include <ardour/session.h>
#include <ardour/auditioner.h>
#include <ardour/audioplaylist.h>
#include <ardour/audiosource.h>
#include <ardour/playlist_templates.h>
#include <gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h>
#include "ardour_ui.h"
#include "crossfade_edit.h"
#include "rgb_macros.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "canvas_impl.h"
#include "simplerect.h"
#include "waveview.h"
#include "color.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace PBD;
using namespace Gtk;
using namespace sigc;
using namespace Editing;
#include "i18n.h"
const int32_t CrossfadeEditor::Point::size = 7;
const double CrossfadeEditor::canvas_border = 10;
CrossfadeEditor::Presets* CrossfadeEditor::fade_in_presets = 0;
CrossfadeEditor::Presets* CrossfadeEditor::fade_out_presets = 0;
CrossfadeEditor::Half::Half ()
: line (0),
normative_curve (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, true),
gain_curve (0.0, 2.0, 1.0, true)
CrossfadeEditor::CrossfadeEditor (Session& s, Crossfade& xf, double my, double mxy)
: ArdourDialog (_("ardour: x-fade edit")),
xfade (xf),
session (s),
clear_button (_("Clear")),
revert_button (_("Reset")),
audition_both_button (_("Fade")),
audition_left_dry_button (_("Out (dry)")),
audition_left_button (_("Out")),
audition_right_dry_button (_("In (dry)")),
audition_right_button (_("In")),
preroll_button (_("With Pre-roll")),
postroll_button (_("With Post-roll")),
miny (my),
maxy (mxy),
fade_in_table (3, 3),
fade_out_table (3, 3),
select_in_button (_("Fade In")),
select_out_button (_("Fade Out"))
set_wmclass ("ardour_automationedit", "Ardour");
set_name ("CrossfadeEditWindow");
set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE);
RadioButtonGroup sel_but_group = select_in_button.get_group();
select_out_button.set_group (sel_but_group);
select_out_button.set_mode (false);
select_in_button.set_mode (false);
cancel_button = add_button ("Cancel", RESPONSE_CANCEL);
ok_button = add_button ("OK", RESPONSE_ACCEPT);
if (fade_in_presets == 0) {
build_presets ();
point_grabbed = false;
toplevel = 0;
canvas = new ArdourCanvas::CanvasAA ();
canvas->signal_size_allocate().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::canvas_allocation));
canvas->set_size_request (425, 200);
toplevel = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect (*(canvas->root()));
toplevel->property_x1() = 0.0;
toplevel->property_y1() = 0.0;
toplevel->property_x2() = 10.0;
toplevel->property_y2() = 10.0;
toplevel->property_fill() = true;
toplevel->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorBase];
toplevel->property_outline_pixels() = 0;
toplevel->signal_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::canvas_event));
fade[Out].line = new ArdourCanvas::Line (*(canvas->root()));
fade[Out].line->property_width_pixels() = 1;
fade[Out].line->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine];
fade[Out].shading = new ArdourCanvas::Polygon (*(canvas->root()));
fade[Out].shading->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLineShading];
fade[In].line = new ArdourCanvas::Line (*(canvas->root()));
fade[In].line->property_width_pixels() = 1;
fade[In].line->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine];
fade[In].shading = new ArdourCanvas::Polygon (*(canvas->root()));
fade[In].shading->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLineShading];
fade[In].shading->signal_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::canvas_event));
fade[In].line->signal_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::curve_event));
fade[Out].shading->signal_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::canvas_event));
fade[Out].line->signal_event().connect (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::curve_event));
select_in_button.set_name (X_("CrossfadeEditCurveButton"));
select_out_button.set_name (X_("CrossfadeEditCurveButton"));
select_in_button.signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::curve_select_clicked), In));
select_out_button.signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::curve_select_clicked), Out));
HBox* acbox = manage (new HBox);
audition_box.set_border_width (7);
audition_box.set_spacing (5);
audition_box.set_homogeneous (false);
audition_box.pack_start (audition_left_dry_button, false, false);
audition_box.pack_start (audition_left_button, false, false);
audition_box.pack_start (audition_both_button, false, false);
audition_box.pack_start (audition_right_button, false, false);
audition_box.pack_start (audition_right_dry_button, false, false);
Frame* audition_frame = manage (new Frame (_("Audition")));
audition_frame->set_name (X_("CrossfadeEditFrame"));
audition_frame->add (audition_box);
acbox->pack_start (*audition_frame, true, false);
Frame* canvas_frame = manage (new Frame);
canvas_frame->add (*canvas);
canvas_frame->set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN);
fade_in_table.attach (select_in_button, 0, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND);
fade_out_table.attach (select_out_button, 0, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND);
Image *pxmap;
Button* pbutton;
int row;
int col;
row = 1;
col = 0;
for (list<Preset*>::iterator i = fade_in_presets->begin(); i != fade_in_presets->end(); ++i) {
pxmap = manage (new Image (get_xpm((*i)->xpm)));
pbutton = manage (new Button);
pbutton->add (*pxmap);
pbutton->set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
pbutton->signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::apply_preset), *i));
fade_in_table.attach (*pbutton, col, col+1, row, row+1);
fade_in_buttons.push_back (pbutton);
if (col == 2) {
col = 0;
row = 1;
col = 0;
for (list<Preset*>::iterator i = fade_out_presets->begin(); i != fade_out_presets->end(); ++i) {
pxmap = manage (new Image (get_xpm((*i)->xpm)));
pbutton = manage (new Button);
pbutton->add (*pxmap);
pbutton->set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
pbutton->signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::apply_preset), *i));
fade_out_table.attach (*pbutton, col, col+1, row, row+1);
fade_out_buttons.push_back (pbutton);
if (col == 2) {
col = 0;
clear_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
revert_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
ok_button->set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
cancel_button->set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
preroll_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
postroll_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditButton");
audition_both_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
audition_left_dry_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
audition_left_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
audition_right_dry_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
audition_right_button.set_name ("CrossfadeEditAuditionButton");
clear_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::clear));
revert_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::reset));
audition_both_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_toggled));
audition_right_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_toggled));
audition_right_dry_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_dry_toggled));
audition_left_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_toggled));
audition_left_dry_button.signal_toggled().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_dry_toggled));
roll_box.pack_start (preroll_button, false, false);
roll_box.pack_start (postroll_button, false, false);
Gtk::HBox* rcenter_box = manage (new HBox);
rcenter_box->pack_start (roll_box, true, false);
VBox* vpacker2 = manage (new (VBox));
vpacker2->set_border_width (12);
vpacker2->set_spacing (7);
vpacker2->pack_start (*acbox, false, false);
vpacker2->pack_start (*rcenter_box, false, false);
curve_button_box.set_spacing (7);
curve_button_box.pack_start (fade_out_table, false, false, 12);
curve_button_box.pack_start (*vpacker2, false, false, 12);
curve_button_box.pack_start (fade_in_table, false, false, 12);
get_vbox()->pack_start (*canvas_frame, true, true);
get_vbox()->pack_start (curve_button_box, false, false);
/* button to allow hackers to check the actual curve values */
// Button* foobut = manage (new Button ("dump"));
// foobut-.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::dump));
// vpacker.pack_start (*foobut, false, false);
current = In;
set (xfade.fade_in(), In);
current = Out;
set (xfade.fade_out(), Out);
curve_select_clicked (In);
xfade.StateChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::xfade_changed));
session.AuditionActive.connect (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_state_changed));
/* most objects will be destroyed when the toplevel window is. */
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
delete *i;
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
delete *i;
CrossfadeEditor::dump ()
for (AutomationList::iterator i = fade[Out].normative_curve.begin(); i != fade[Out].normative_curve.end(); ++i) {
cerr << (*i)->when << ' ' << (*i)->value << endl;
CrossfadeEditor::audition_state_changed (bool yn)
ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::audition_state_changed), yn));
if (!yn) {
audition_both_button.set_active (false);
audition_left_button.set_active (false);
audition_right_button.set_active (false);
audition_left_dry_button.set_active (false);
audition_right_dry_button.set_active (false);
CrossfadeEditor::set (const ARDOUR::Curve& curve, WhichFade which)
double firstx, endx;
ARDOUR::Curve::const_iterator the_end;
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[which].points.begin(); i != fade[which].points.end(); ++i) {
delete *i;
fade[which].points.clear ();
fade[which].gain_curve.clear ();
fade[which].normative_curve.clear ();
if (curve.empty()) {
goto out;
the_end = curve.const_end();
firstx = (*curve.const_begin())->when;
endx = (*the_end)->when;
for (ARDOUR::Curve::const_iterator i = curve.const_begin(); i != curve.const_end(); ++i) {
double xfract = ((*i)->when - firstx) / (endx - firstx);
double yfract = ((*i)->value - miny) / (maxy - miny);
Point* p = make_point ();
p->move_to (x_coordinate (xfract), y_coordinate (yfract),
xfract, yfract);
fade[which].points.push_back (p);
/* no need to sort because curve is already time-ordered */
swap (which, current);
redraw ();
swap (which, current);
CrossfadeEditor::curve_event (GdkEvent* event)
/* treat it like a toplevel event */
return canvas_event (event);
CrossfadeEditor::point_event (GdkEvent* event, Point* point)
if (point->curve != fade[current].line) {
return FALSE;
switch (event->type) {
point_grabbed = true;
point_grabbed = false;
if (Keyboard::is_delete_event (&event->button)) {
fade[current].points.remove (point);
delete point;
redraw ();
if (point_grabbed) {
double new_x, new_y;
/* can't drag first or last points horizontally */
if (point == fade[current].points.front() || point == fade[current].points.back()) {
new_x = point->x;
} else {
new_x = (event->motion.x - canvas_border)/effective_width();
new_y = 1.0 - ((event->motion.y - canvas_border)/effective_height());
point->move_to (x_coordinate (new_x), y_coordinate (new_y),
new_x, new_y);
redraw ();
return TRUE;
CrossfadeEditor::canvas_event (GdkEvent* event)
switch (event->type) {
add_control_point ((event->button.x - canvas_border)/effective_width(),
1.0 - ((event->button.y - canvas_border)/effective_height()));
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
delete box;
CrossfadeEditor::make_point ()
Point* p = new Point;
p->box = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect (*(canvas->root()));
p->box->property_fill() = true;
p->box->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorPointFill];
p->box->property_outline_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorPointOutline];
p->box->property_outline_pixels() = 1;
p->curve = fade[current].line;
p->box->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (*this, &CrossfadeEditor::point_event), p));
return p;
CrossfadeEditor::add_control_point (double x, double y)
PointSorter cmp;
/* enforce end point x location */
if (fade[current].points.empty()) {
x = 0.0;
} else if (fade[current].points.size() == 1) {
x = 1.0;
Point* p = make_point ();
p->move_to (x_coordinate (x), y_coordinate (y), x, y);
fade[current].points.push_back (p);
fade[current].points.sort (cmp);
redraw ();
CrossfadeEditor::Point::move_to (double nx, double ny, double xfract, double yfract)
const double half_size = rint(size/2.0);
double x1 = nx - half_size;
double x2 = nx + half_size;
box->property_x1() = x1;
box->property_x2() = x2;
box->property_y1() = ny - half_size;
box->property_y2() = ny + half_size;
x = xfract;
y = yfract;
CrossfadeEditor::canvas_allocation (Gtk::Allocation& alloc)
if (toplevel) {
toplevel->property_x1() = 0.0;
toplevel->property_y1() = 0.0;
toplevel->property_x2() = (double) canvas->get_allocation().get_width() + canvas_border;
toplevel->property_y2() = (double) canvas->get_allocation().get_height() + canvas_border;
canvas->set_scroll_region (0.0, 0.0,
Point* end = make_point ();
PointSorter cmp;
if (fade[In].points.size() > 1) {
Point* old_end = fade[In].points.back();
fade[In].points.pop_back ();
end->move_to (x_coordinate (old_end->x),
y_coordinate (old_end->y),
old_end->x, old_end->y);
delete old_end;
} else {
double x = 1.0;
double y = 0.5;
end->move_to (x_coordinate (x), y_coordinate (y), x, y);
fade[In].points.push_back (end);
fade[In].points.sort (cmp);
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->move_to (x_coordinate((*i)->x), y_coordinate((*i)->y),
(*i)->x, (*i)->y);
end = make_point ();
if (fade[Out].points.size() > 1) {
Point* old_end = fade[Out].points.back();
fade[Out].points.pop_back ();
end->move_to (x_coordinate (old_end->x),
y_coordinate (old_end->y),
old_end->x, old_end->y);
delete old_end;
} else {
double x = 1.0;
double y = 0.5;
end->move_to (x_coordinate (x), y_coordinate (y), x, y);
fade[Out].points.push_back (end);
fade[Out].points.sort (cmp);
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->move_to (x_coordinate ((*i)->x),
y_coordinate ((*i)->y),
(*i)->x, (*i)->y);
WhichFade old_current = current;
current = In;
redraw ();
current = Out;
redraw ();
current = old_current;
double spu = xfade.length() / (double) effective_width();
if (fade[In].waves.empty()) {
make_waves (, In);
if (fade[Out].waves.empty()) {
make_waves (xfade.out(), Out);
double ht;
vector<ArdourCanvas::WaveView*>::iterator i;
uint32_t n;
ht = canvas->get_allocation().get_height() /;
for (n = 0, i = fade[In].waves.begin(); i != fade[In].waves.end(); ++i, ++n) {
double yoff;
yoff = n * ht;
(*i)->property_y() = yoff;
(*i)->property_height() = ht;
(*i)->property_samples_per_unit() = spu;
ht = canvas->get_allocation().get_height() / xfade.out().n_channels();
for (n = 0, i = fade[Out].waves.begin(); i != fade[Out].waves.end(); ++i, ++n) {
double yoff;
yoff = n * ht;
(*i)->property_y() = yoff;
(*i)->property_height() = ht;
(*i)->property_samples_per_unit() = spu;
CrossfadeEditor::xfade_changed (Change ignored)
set (xfade.fade_in(), In);
set (xfade.fade_out(), Out);
CrossfadeEditor::redraw ()
if (canvas->get_allocation().get_width() < 2) {
jack_nframes_t len = xfade.length ();
fade[current].normative_curve.clear ();
fade[current].gain_curve.clear ();
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[current].points.begin(); i != fade[current].points.end(); ++i) {
fade[current].normative_curve.add ((*i)->x, (*i)->y);
fade[current].gain_curve.add (((*i)->x * len), (*i)->y);
size_t npoints = (size_t) effective_width();
float vec[npoints];
fade[current].normative_curve.get_vector (0, 1.0, vec, npoints);
ArdourCanvas::Points pts;
ArdourCanvas::Points spts;
while (pts.size() < npoints) {
pts.push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0,0));
while (spts.size() < npoints + 3) {
spts.push_back (Gnome::Art::Point (0,0));
/* the shade coordinates *MUST* be in anti-clockwise order.
if (current == In) {
/* lower left */
spts[0].set_x (canvas_border);
spts[0].set_y (effective_height() + canvas_border);
/* lower right */
spts[1].set_x (effective_width() + canvas_border);
spts[1].set_y (effective_height() + canvas_border);
/* upper right */
spts[2].set_x (effective_width() + canvas_border);
spts[2].set_y (canvas_border);
} else {
/* upper left */
spts[0].set_x (canvas_border);
spts[0].set_y (canvas_border);
/* lower left */
spts[1].set_x (canvas_border);
spts[1].set_y (effective_height() + canvas_border);
/* lower right */
spts[2].set_x (effective_width() + canvas_border);
spts[2].set_y (effective_height() + canvas_border);
// GTK2FIX some odd math to fix up here
size_t last_spt = (npoints + 3) - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
double y = vec[i];
pts[i].set_x (canvas_border + i);
pts[i].set_y (y_coordinate (y));
spts[last_spt - i].set_x (canvas_border + i);
spts[last_spt - i].set_y (pts[i].get_y());
fade[current].line->property_points() = pts;
fade[current].shading->property_points() = spts;
for (vector<ArdourCanvas::WaveView*>::iterator i = fade[current].waves.begin(); i != fade[current].waves.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->property_gain_src() = &fade[current].gain_curve;
CrossfadeEditor::apply_preset (Preset *preset)
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[current].points.begin(); i != fade[current].points.end(); ++i) {
delete *i;
fade[current].points.clear ();
for (Preset::iterator i = preset->begin(); i != preset->end(); ++i) {
Point* p = make_point ();
p->move_to (x_coordinate ((*i).x), y_coordinate ((*i).y),
(*i).x, (*i).y);
fade[current].points.push_back (p);
redraw ();
CrossfadeEditor::apply ()
_apply_to (&xfade);
CrossfadeEditor::_apply_to (Crossfade* xf)
ARDOUR::Curve& in (xf->fade_in());
ARDOUR::Curve& out (xf->fade_out());
/* IN */
ARDOUR::Curve::const_iterator the_end = in.const_end();
double firstx = (*in.begin())->when;
double endx = (*the_end)->when;
double miny = in.get_min_y ();
double maxy = in.get_max_y ();
in.freeze ();
in.clear ();
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
double when = firstx + ((*i)->x * (endx - firstx));
double value = (*i)->y; // miny + ((*i)->y * (maxy - miny));
in.add (when, value);
/* OUT */
the_end = out.const_end();
firstx = (*out.begin())->when;
endx = (*the_end)->when;
miny = out.get_min_y ();
maxy = out.get_max_y ();
out.freeze ();
out.clear ();
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
double when = firstx + ((*i)->x * (endx - firstx));
double value = (*i)->y; // miny + ((*i)->y * (maxy - miny));
out.add (when, value);
in.thaw ();
out.thaw ();
CrossfadeEditor::setup (Crossfade* xfade)
_apply_to (xfade);
xfade->set_active (true);
xfade->fade_in().solve ();
xfade->fade_out().solve ();
CrossfadeEditor::clear ()
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[current].points.begin(); i != fade[current].points.end(); ++i) {
delete *i;
fade[current].points.clear ();
redraw ();
CrossfadeEditor::reset ()
set (xfade.fade_in(), In);
set (xfade.fade_out(), Out);
CrossfadeEditor::build_presets ()
Preset* p;
fade_in_presets = new Presets;
fade_out_presets = new Presets;
/* FADE OUT */
p = new Preset ("hiin.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0207373, 0.197222));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0645161, 0.525));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.152074, 0.802778));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.276498, 0.919444));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.481567, 0.980556));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.767281, 1));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("loin.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.389401, 0.0333333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.629032, 0.0861111));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.829493, 0.233333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.9447, 0.483333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.976959, 0.697222));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("regin.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0737327, 0.308333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.246544, 0.658333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.470046, 0.886111));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.652074, 0.972222));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.771889, 0.988889));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("regin2.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.304147, 0.0694444));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.529954, 0.152778));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.725806, 0.333333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.847926, 0.558333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.919355, 0.730556));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("linin.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 0));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 1));
fade_in_presets->push_back (p);
/* FADE OUT */
p = new Preset ("hiout.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.305556, 1));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.548611, 0.991736));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.759259, 0.931129));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.918981, 0.68595));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.976852, 0.22865));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("regout.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.228111, 0.988889));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.347926, 0.972222));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.529954, 0.886111));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.753456, 0.658333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.9262673, 0.308333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("loout.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.023041, 0.697222));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.0553, 0.483333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.170507, 0.233333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.370968, 0.0861111));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.610599, 0.0333333));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("regout2.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.080645, 0.730556));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.277778, 0.289256));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.470046, 0.152778));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0.695853, 0.0694444));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
p = new Preset ("linout.xpm");
p->push_back (PresetPoint (0, 1));
p->push_back (PresetPoint (1, 0));
fade_out_presets->push_back (p);
CrossfadeEditor::curve_select_clicked (WhichFade wf)
current = wf;
if (wf == In) {
for (vector<ArdourCanvas::WaveView*>::iterator i = fade[In].waves.begin(); i != fade[In].waves.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->property_wave_color() = color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorWave];
for (vector<ArdourCanvas::WaveView*>::iterator i = fade[Out].waves.begin(); i != fade[Out].waves.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->property_wave_color() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorWave];
fade[In].line->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorLine];
fade[Out].line->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine];
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->box->show ();
for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_out_buttons.begin(); i != fade_out_buttons.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->set_sensitive (false);
for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_in_buttons.begin(); i != fade_in_buttons.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->set_sensitive (true);
} else {
for (vector<ArdourCanvas::WaveView*>::iterator i = fade[In].waves.begin(); i != fade[In].waves.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->property_wave_color() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorWave];
for (vector<ArdourCanvas::WaveView*>::iterator i = fade[Out].waves.begin(); i != fade[Out].waves.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->property_wave_color() = color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorWave];
fade[Out].line->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorLine];
fade[In].line->property_fill_color_rgba() = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorLine];
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[In].points.begin(); i != fade[In].points.end(); ++i) {
for (list<Point*>::iterator i = fade[Out].points.begin(); i != fade[Out].points.end(); ++i) {
for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_out_buttons.begin(); i != fade_out_buttons.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->set_sensitive (true);
for (vector<Button*>::iterator i = fade_in_buttons.begin(); i != fade_in_buttons.end(); ++i) {
(*i)->set_sensitive (false);
CrossfadeEditor::x_coordinate (double& xfract) const
xfract = min (1.0, xfract);
xfract = max (0.0, xfract);
return canvas_border + (xfract * effective_width());
CrossfadeEditor::y_coordinate (double& yfract) const
yfract = min (1.0, yfract);
yfract = max (0.0, yfract);
return (canvas->get_allocation().get_height() - (canvas_border)) - (yfract * effective_height());
CrossfadeEditor::make_waves (AudioRegion& region, WhichFade which)
gdouble ht;
uint32_t nchans = region.n_channels();
guint32 color;
double spu;
if (which == In) {
color = color_map[cSelectedCrossfadeEditorWave];
} else {
color = color_map[cCrossfadeEditorWave];
ht = canvas->get_allocation().get_height() / (double) nchans;
spu = xfade.length() / (double) effective_width();
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nchans; ++n) {
gdouble yoff = n * ht;
if (region.source(n).peaks_ready (bind (mem_fun(*this, &CrossfadeEditor::peaks_ready), &region, which), peaks_ready_connection)) {
WaveView* waveview = new WaveView (*(canvas->root()));
waveview->property_data_src() = &region;
waveview->property_cache_updater() = true;
waveview->property_cache() = WaveView::create_cache();
waveview->property_channel() = n;
waveview->property_length_function() = (void*) region_length_from_c;
waveview->property_sourcefile_length_function() = (void*) sourcefile_length_from_c;
waveview->property_peak_function() = (void*) region_read_peaks_from_c;
waveview->property_gain_function() = (void*) curve_get_vector_from_c;
waveview->property_gain_src() = &fade[which].gain_curve;
waveview->property_x() = canvas_border;
waveview->property_y() = yoff;
waveview->property_height() = ht;
waveview->property_samples_per_unit() = spu;
waveview->property_amplitude_above_axis() = 2.0;
waveview->property_wave_color() = color;
fade[which].waves.push_back (waveview);
CrossfadeEditor::peaks_ready (AudioRegion* r, WhichFade which)
/* this should never be called, because the peak files for an xfade
will be ready by the time we want them. but our API forces us
to provide this, so ..
peaks_ready_connection.disconnect ();
make_waves (*r, which);
CrossfadeEditor::audition_both ()
AudioPlaylist& pl (session.the_auditioner().prepare_playlist());
jack_nframes_t preroll;
jack_nframes_t postroll;
jack_nframes_t length;
jack_nframes_t left_start_offset;
jack_nframes_t right_length;
jack_nframes_t left_length;
if (preroll_button.get_active()) {
preroll = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->preroll_clock.current_duration ();
} else {
preroll = 0;
if (postroll_button.get_active()) {
postroll = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->postroll_clock.current_duration ();
} else {
postroll = 0;
if ((left_start_offset = xfade.out().length() - xfade.length()) >= preroll) {
left_start_offset -= preroll;
length = 0;
if ((left_length = xfade.length()) < xfade.out().length() - left_start_offset) {
length += postroll;
right_length = xfade.length();
if ( - right_length < postroll) {
right_length += postroll;
AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), left_start_offset, left_length, "xfade out",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (, 0, right_length, "xfade in",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
pl.add_region (*left, 0);
pl.add_region (*right, 1+preroll);
/* there is only one ... */
pl.foreach_crossfade (this, &CrossfadeEditor::setup);
session.audition_playlist ();
CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_dry ()
AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), xfade.out().length() - xfade.length(), xfade.length(), "xfade left",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
session.audition_region (*left);
CrossfadeEditor::audition_left ()
AudioPlaylist& pl (session.the_auditioner().prepare_playlist());
AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), xfade.out().length() - xfade.length(), xfade.length(), "xfade left",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (, 0, xfade.length(), "xfade in",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
pl.add_region (*left, 0);
pl.add_region (*right, 1);
right->set_muted (true);
/* there is only one ... */
pl.foreach_crossfade (this, &CrossfadeEditor::setup);
session.audition_playlist ();
/* memory leak for regions */
CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_dry ()
AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (, 0, xfade.length(), "xfade in",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
session.audition_region (*right);
CrossfadeEditor::audition_right ()
AudioPlaylist& pl (session.the_auditioner().prepare_playlist());
AudioRegion* left = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), xfade.out().length() - xfade.length(), xfade.length(), "xfade out",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
AudioRegion* right = new AudioRegion (xfade.out(), 0, xfade.length(), "xfade out",
0, Region::DefaultFlags, false);
pl.add_region (*left, 0);
pl.add_region (*right, 1);
left->set_muted (true);
/* there is only one ... */
pl.foreach_crossfade (this, &CrossfadeEditor::setup);
session.audition_playlist ();
CrossfadeEditor::cancel_audition ()
session.cancel_audition ();
CrossfadeEditor::audition_toggled ()
bool x;
if ((x = audition_both_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
if (x) {
audition_both ();
} else {
cancel_audition ();
CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_toggled ()
bool x;
if ((x = audition_right_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
if (x) {
audition_right ();
} else {
cancel_audition ();
CrossfadeEditor::audition_right_dry_toggled ()
bool x;
if ((x = audition_right_dry_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
if (x) {
audition_right_dry ();
} else {
cancel_audition ();
CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_toggled ()
bool x;
if ((x = audition_left_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
if (x) {
audition_left ();
} else {
cancel_audition ();
CrossfadeEditor::audition_left_dry_toggled ()
bool x;
if ((x = audition_left_dry_button.get_active ()) != session.is_auditioning()) {
if (x) {
audition_left_dry ();
} else {
cancel_audition ();