Robin Gareus 4050ca5633
Update GPL boilerplate and (C)
Copyright-holder and year information is extracted from git log.

git history begins in 2005. So (C) from 1998..2005 is lost. Also some
(C) assignment of commits where the committer didn't use --author.
2019-08-03 15:53:15 +02:00

199 lines
6.9 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006-2015 David Robillard <>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Hans Baier <>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington <>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Paul Davis <>
* Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Robin Gareus <>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Nick Mainsbridge <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef __ardour_midi_time_axis_h__
#define __ardour_midi_time_axis_h__
#include <list>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/button.h>
#include <gtkmm/box.h>
#include <gtkmm/menu.h>
#include <gtkmm/menuitem.h>
#include <gtkmm/radiomenuitem.h>
#include <gtkmm/checkmenuitem.h>
#include "ardour/types.h"
#include "ardour/region.h"
#include "widgets/ardour_dropdown.h"
#include "ardour_dialog.h"
#include "route_ui.h"
#include "enums.h"
#include "route_time_axis.h"
#include "midi_streamview.h"
namespace MIDI {
namespace Name {
class MasterDeviceNames;
class CustomDeviceMode;
struct PatchPrimaryKey;
namespace ARDOUR {
class Session;
class RouteGroup;
class Processor;
class Location;
class MidiPlaylist;
namespace Evoral {
template<typename Time> class Note;
class PublicEditor;
class MidiStreamView;
class MidiScroomer;
class PianoRollHeader;
class StepEntry;
class StepEditor;
class MidiChannelSelectorWindow;
#define NO_MIDI_NOTE 0xff
class MidiTimeAxisView : public RouteTimeAxisView
MidiTimeAxisView (PublicEditor&, ARDOUR::Session*, ArdourCanvas::Canvas& canvas);
virtual ~MidiTimeAxisView ();
void set_route (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route>);
MidiStreamView* midi_view();
void set_height (uint32_t, TrackHeightMode m = OnlySelf);
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::MidiRegion> add_region (ARDOUR::samplepos_t, ARDOUR::samplecnt_t, bool);
void show_all_automation (bool apply_to_selection = false);
void show_existing_automation (bool apply_to_selection = false);
void create_automation_child (const Evoral::Parameter& param, bool show);
bool paste (ARDOUR::samplepos_t, const Selection&, PasteContext& ctx, const int32_t sub_num);
ARDOUR::NoteMode note_mode() const { return _note_mode; }
ARDOUR::ColorMode color_mode() const { return _color_mode; }
boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Name::MasterDeviceNames> get_device_names();
boost::shared_ptr<MIDI::Name::CustomDeviceMode> get_device_mode();
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* automation_child_menu_item (Evoral::Parameter);
StepEditor* step_editor() { return _step_editor; }
void check_step_edit ();
void first_idle ();
void set_note_highlight (uint8_t note);
uint8_t get_channel_for_add () const;
void get_per_region_note_selection (std::list<std::pair<PBD::ID, std::set<boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<Temporal::Beats> > > > >&);
void start_step_editing ();
void stop_step_editing ();
void processors_changed (ARDOUR::RouteProcessorChange);
sigc::signal<void, std::string, std::string> _midi_patch_settings_changed;
void setup_midnam_patches ();
void update_patch_selector ();
sigc::connection _note_range_changed_connection;
void model_changed(const std::string& model);
void custom_device_mode_changed(const std::string& mode);
void append_extra_display_menu_items ();
void build_automation_action_menu (bool);
Gtk::Menu* build_note_mode_menu();
Gtk::Menu* build_color_mode_menu();
void set_note_mode (ARDOUR::NoteMode mode, bool apply_to_selection = false);
void set_color_mode (ARDOUR::ColorMode, bool force = false, bool redisplay = true, bool apply_to_selection = false);
void set_note_range (MidiStreamView::VisibleNoteRange range, bool apply_to_selection = false);
void route_active_changed ();
void note_range_changed ();
void contents_height_changed ();
void update_control_names ();
bool _ignore_signals;
MidiScroomer* _range_scroomer;
PianoRollHeader* _piano_roll_header;
ARDOUR::NoteMode _note_mode;
Gtk::RadioMenuItem* _note_mode_item;
Gtk::RadioMenuItem* _percussion_mode_item;
ARDOUR::ColorMode _color_mode;
Gtk::RadioMenuItem* _meter_color_mode_item;
Gtk::RadioMenuItem* _channel_color_mode_item;
Gtk::RadioMenuItem* _track_color_mode_item;
Gtk::VBox _midi_controls_box;
MidiChannelSelectorWindow* _channel_selector;
ArdourWidgets::ArdourDropdown _midnam_model_selector;
ArdourWidgets::ArdourDropdown _midnam_custom_device_mode_selector;
Gtk::CheckMenuItem* _step_edit_item;
Gtk::Menu* default_channel_menu;
void change_all_channel_tracks_visibility (bool yn, Evoral::Parameter param);
void add_basic_parameter_menu_item (Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items, const std::string& label, Evoral::Parameter param);
void add_channel_command_menu_item (Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items, const std::string& label, ARDOUR::AutomationType auto_type, uint8_t cmd);
Gtk::Menu* controller_menu;
Gtk::Menu* poly_pressure_menu;
void add_single_channel_controller_item (Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList& ctl_items, int ctl, const std::string& name);
void add_multi_channel_controller_item (Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList& ctl_items, int ctl, const std::string& name);
void build_controller_menu ();
void toggle_channel_selector ();
void channel_selector_hidden ();
void set_channel_mode (ARDOUR::ChannelMode, uint16_t);
void set_note_selection (uint8_t note);
void add_note_selection (uint8_t note);
void extend_note_selection (uint8_t note);
void toggle_note_selection (uint8_t note);
void set_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask);
void add_note_selection_region_view (RegionView* rv, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask);
void extend_note_selection_region_view (RegionView*, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask);
void toggle_note_selection_region_view (RegionView*, uint8_t note, uint16_t chn_mask);
void get_per_region_note_selection_region_view (RegionView*, std::list<std::pair<PBD::ID, std::set<boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<Temporal::Beats> > > > >&);
void ensure_step_editor ();
/** parameter -> menu item map for the channel command items */
ParameterMenuMap _channel_command_menu_map;
/** parameter -> menu item map for the controller menu */
ParameterMenuMap _controller_menu_map;
StepEditor* _step_editor;
#endif /* __ardour_midi_time_axis_h__ */