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* Copyright (C) 2008-2015 Paul Davis <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
/* This file is not used at the moment. It includes code related to export a
* multiplication graph system that can be used together with the ExportMultiplicator
* class in the gtk2_ardour folder.
* - Sakari Bergen 6.8.2008 -
/*** Graph classes ***/
/// A node in the hierarchical graph that represents a multiplicatable export item
class GraphNode {
GraphNode ();
virtual ~GraphNode ();
uint32_t id() const { return _id; }
/* Children and parents. Note: only children are kept in order! */
list<GraphNode *> const & get_parents () const { return parents; }
void add_child (GraphNode * child, GraphNode * left_sibling);
void remove_child (GraphNode * child);
GraphNode * first_child () const { return children.front(); }
GraphNode * last_child () const { return children.back(); }
list<GraphNode *> const & get_children () const { return children; }
/* Relation functions */
bool is_ancestor_of (GraphNode const * node) const;
bool is_descendant_of (GraphNode const * node) const;
bool equals (GraphNode const * node) const { return node == this; }
/* Selection functions */
bool selected () const { return _selected; }
void select (bool value);
PBD::Signal1<void,bool> SelectChanged;
/* Parent manipulation functions should be used only from child manipulation functions! */
void add_parent (GraphNode * parent);
void remove_parent (GraphNode * parent);
list<GraphNode *> parents;
list<GraphNode *> children;
bool _selected;
uint32_t _id;
static uint32_t id_counter;
/// A graph node that contains data
template <typename T>
class DataNode : public GraphNode {
typedef boost::shared_ptr<T> DataPtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<DataNode<T> > SelfPtr;
typedef boost::weak_ptr<DataNode<T> > WeakSelfPtr;
DataNode (DataPtr data) : _data (data) {}
void set_self_ptr (boost::shared_ptr<DataNode<T> > ptr) { _self_ptr = ptr; }
static SelfPtr create (T * data)
SelfPtr ptr = SelfPtr (new DataNode<T> (DataPtr (data)));
ptr->set_self_ptr (ptr);
return ptr;
static SelfPtr create (DataPtr data)
SelfPtr ptr = SelfPtr (new DataNode<T> (data));
ptr->set_self_ptr (ptr);
return ptr;
DataPtr data() { return _data; }
SelfPtr self_ptr () { return _self_ptr.lock(); }
template<typename P> // Parent's data type
void sort_parents (list<boost::shared_ptr<DataNode<P> > > const & sort_list)
parents.sort (NodeSorter<P> (sort_list));
DataPtr _data;
WeakSelfPtr _self_ptr;
/* Sorts GraphNodes according to a list of DataNodes */
template<typename T>
class NodeSorter {
typedef list<boost::shared_ptr<DataNode<T> > > ListType;
NodeSorter (ListType const & list) : list (list) {}
bool operator() (GraphNode * one, GraphNode * other) // '<' operator
if (one == other) { return false; } // Strict weak ordering
for (typename ListType::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
if (it->get() == one) {
return true;
if (it->get() == other) {
return false;
std::cerr << "Invalid comparison list given to NodeSorter" << std::endl;
ListType const & list;
/*** Multiplication management ***/
typedef DataNode<TimespanState> TimespanNode;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<TimespanNode> TimespanNodePtr;
typedef DataNode<ChannelConfigState> ChannelConfigNode;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ChannelConfigNode> ChannelConfigNodePtr;
typedef DataNode<FormatState> FormatNode;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<FormatNode> FormatNodePtr;
typedef DataNode<FilenameState> FilenameNode;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<FilenameNode> FilenameNodePtr;
struct MultiplicationGraph {
list<TimespanNodePtr> timespans;
list<ChannelConfigNodePtr> channel_configs;
list<FormatNodePtr> formats;
list<FilenameNodePtr> filenames;
MultiplicationGraph const & get_graph () { return graph; }
void split_node (GraphNode * node, float position);
void remove_node (GraphNode * node);
PBD::Signal0<void> GraphChanged;
void purge_graph ();
template<typename T>
static void insert_after (list<T> & the_list, T const & position, T const & element);
template<typename T>
static void remove_by_element (list<T> & the_list, T const & element);
bool nodes_have_one_common_child (list<GraphNode *> const & the_list);
list<GraphNode *>::const_iterator end_of_common_child_range (list<GraphNode *> const & the_list, list<GraphNode *>::const_iterator beginning);
void split_node_at_position (GraphNode * old_node, GraphNode * new_node, float position);
void split_timespan (TimespanNodePtr node, float position = 0.5);
void split_channel_config (ChannelConfigNodePtr node, float position = 0.5);
void split_format (FormatNodePtr node, float position = 0.5);
void split_filename (FilenameNodePtr node, float position = 0.5);
void duplicate_timespan_children (TimespanNodePtr source, TimespanNodePtr target, GraphNode * insertion_point = 0);
void duplicate_channel_config_children (ChannelConfigNodePtr source, ChannelConfigNodePtr target, GraphNode * insertion_point = 0);
void duplicate_format_children (FormatNodePtr source, FormatNodePtr target, GraphNode * insertion_point = 0);
TimespanNodePtr duplicate_timespan_node (TimespanNodePtr node);
ChannelConfigNodePtr duplicate_channel_config_node (ChannelConfigNodePtr node);
FormatNodePtr duplicate_format_node (FormatNodePtr node);
FilenameNodePtr duplicate_filename_node (FilenameNodePtr node);
void remove_timespan (TimespanNodePtr node);
void remove_channel_config (ChannelConfigNodePtr node);
void remove_format (FormatNodePtr node);
void remove_filename (FilenameNodePtr node);
MultiplicationGraph graph;