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* Copyright (C) 2006-2012 David Robillard <>
* Copyright (C) 2006-2017 Paul Davis <>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Carl Hetherington <>
* Copyright (C) 2013-2017 John Emmas <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#ifndef ardour_control_protocols_h
#define ardour_control_protocols_h
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include "pbd/stateful.h"
#include "pbd/signals.h"
#include "control_protocol/visibility.h"
#include "control_protocol/basic_ui.h"
#include "control_protocol/types.h"
namespace ARDOUR {
class Route;
class Session;
class Bundle;
class Stripable;
class LIBCONTROLCP_API ControlProtocol : public PBD::Stateful, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList, public BasicUI
ControlProtocol (Session&, std::string name);
virtual ~ControlProtocol();
virtual std::string name() const { return _name; }
virtual int set_active (bool yn);
bool active() const { return _active; }
virtual int set_feedback (bool /*yn*/) { return 0; }
virtual bool get_feedback () const { return false; }
virtual void midi_connectivity_established () {}
virtual void stripable_selection_changed () = 0;
PBD::Signal0<void> ActiveChanged;
/* signals that a control protocol can emit and other (presumably graphical)
user interfaces can respond to
static PBD::Signal0<void> ZoomToSession;
static PBD::Signal0<void> ZoomIn;
static PBD::Signal0<void> ZoomOut;
static PBD::Signal0<void> Enter;
static PBD::Signal0<void> Undo;
static PBD::Signal0<void> Redo;
static PBD::Signal1<void,float> ScrollTimeline;
static PBD::Signal1<void,uint32_t> GotoView;
static PBD::Signal0<void> CloseDialog;
static PBD::Signal0<void> VerticalZoomInAll;
static PBD::Signal0<void> VerticalZoomOutAll;
static PBD::Signal0<void> VerticalZoomInSelected;
static PBD::Signal0<void> VerticalZoomOutSelected;
static PBD::Signal0<void> StepTracksDown;
static PBD::Signal0<void> StepTracksUp;
static PBD::Signal1<void,boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> > AddStripableToSelection;
static PBD::Signal1<void,boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> > SetStripableSelection;
static PBD::Signal1<void,boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> > ToggleStripableSelection;
static PBD::Signal1<void,boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> > RemoveStripableFromSelection;
static PBD::Signal0<void> ClearStripableSelection;
static boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> first_selected_stripable ();
static void set_first_selected_stripable (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>);
static boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> leftmost_mixer_stripable ();
static void set_leftmost_mixer_stripable (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable>);
/* the model here is as follows:
we imagine most control surfaces being able to control
from 1 to N tracks at a time, with a session that may
contain 1 to M tracks, where M may be smaller, larger or
equal to N.
the control surface has a fixed set of physical controllers
which can potentially be mapped onto different tracks/busses
via some mechanism.
therefore, the control protocol object maintains
a table that reflects the current mapping between
the controls and route object.
void set_route_table_size (uint32_t size);
void set_route_table (uint32_t table_index, boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route>);
bool set_route_table (uint32_t table_index, uint32_t remote_control_id);
void route_set_rec_enable (uint32_t table_index, bool yn);
bool route_get_rec_enable (uint32_t table_index);
float route_get_gain (uint32_t table_index);
void route_set_gain (uint32_t table_index, float);
float route_get_effective_gain (uint32_t table_index);
float route_get_peak_input_power (uint32_t table_index, uint32_t which_input);
bool route_get_muted (uint32_t table_index);
void route_set_muted (uint32_t table_index, bool);
bool route_get_soloed (uint32_t table_index);
void route_set_soloed (uint32_t table_index, bool);
std::string route_get_name (uint32_t table_index);
virtual std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Bundle> > bundles ();
virtual bool has_editor () const { return false; }
virtual void* get_gui() const { return 0; }
virtual void tear_down_gui() { }
XMLNode& get_state ();
int set_state (XMLNode const &, int version);
static const std::string state_node_name;
static StripableNotificationList const & last_selected() { return _last_selected; }
static void notify_stripable_selection_changed (StripableNotificationListPtr);
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::Route> > route_table;
std::string _name;
void next_track (uint32_t initial_id);
void prev_track (uint32_t initial_id);
LIBCONTROLCP_LOCAL ControlProtocol (const ControlProtocol&); /* noncopyable */
bool _active;
static Glib::Threads::Mutex special_stripable_mutex;
static boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> _leftmost_mixer_stripable;
static boost::weak_ptr<ARDOUR::Stripable> _first_selected_stripable;
static StripableNotificationList _last_selected;
static PBD::ScopedConnection selection_connection;
static bool selection_connected;
extern "C" {
class ControlProtocolDescriptor {
const char* name; /* descriptive */
const char* id; /* unique and version-specific */
void* ptr; /* protocol can store a value here */
void* module; /* not for public access */
int mandatory; /* if non-zero, always load and do not make optional */
bool supports_feedback; /* if true, protocol has toggleable feedback mechanism */
bool (*probe)(ControlProtocolDescriptor*);
ControlProtocol* (*initialize)(ControlProtocolDescriptor*,Session*);
void (*destroy)(ControlProtocolDescriptor*,ControlProtocol*);
/* this is required if the control protocol connects to signals
from libardour. they all do. It should allocate a
type-specific request buffer for the calling thread, and
store it in a thread-local location that will be used to
find it when sending the event loop a message
(e.g. call_slot()). It should also return the allocated
buffer as a void*.
void* (*request_buffer_factory)(uint32_t);
#endif // ardour_control_protocols_h