Paul Davis b35518e212 switch from boost::{shared,weak}_ptr to std::{shared,weak}_ptr
This is mostly a simple lexical search+replace but the absence of operator< for
std::weak_ptr<T> leads to some complications, particularly with Evoral::Sequence
and ExportPortChannel.
2023-03-24 14:19:15 -06:00

369 lines
9.8 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Paul Davis <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <cmath>
#include <cairomm/context.h>
#include <cairomm/pattern.h>
#include "ardour/automation_control.h"
#include "ardour/dB.h"
#include "ardour/utils.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/rgb_macros.h"
#include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h"
#include "canvas/text.h"
#include "knob.h"
#include "push2.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
#ifdef __APPLE__
#define Rect ArdourCanvas::Rect
using namespace PBD;
using namespace ARDOUR;
using namespace ArdourSurface;
using namespace ArdourCanvas;
Push2Knob::Element Push2Knob::default_elements = Push2Knob::Element (Push2Knob::Arc);
Push2Knob::Push2Knob (Push2& p, Item* parent, Element e, Flags flags)
: Container (parent)
, _p2 (p)
, _elements (e)
, _flags (flags)
, _r (0)
, _val (0)
, _normal (0)
Pango::FontDescription fd ("Sans 10");
_text = new Text (this);
_text->set_font_description (fd);
_text->set_position (Duple (0, -20)); /* changed when radius changes */
/* typically over-ridden */
_text_color = _p2.get_color (Push2::ParameterName);
_arc_start_color = _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobArcStart);
_arc_end_color = _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobArcEnd);
Push2Knob::~Push2Knob ()
Push2Knob::set_text_color (Gtkmm2ext::Color c)
_text->set_color (c);
Push2Knob::set_radius (double r)
_r = r;
_text->set_position (Duple (-_r, -_r - 20));
set_bbox_dirty ();
redraw ();
Push2Knob::render (Rect const & area, Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context> context) const
if (!_controllable) {
/* no controllable, nothing to draw */
const float scale = 2.0 * _r;
const float pointer_thickness = 3.0 * (scale/80); //(if the knob is 80 pixels wide, we want a 3-pix line on it)
const float start_angle = ((180 - 65) * G_PI) / 180;
const float end_angle = ((360 + 65) * G_PI) / 180;
float zero = 0;
if (_flags & ArcToZero) {
zero = _normal;
const float value_angle = start_angle + (_val * (end_angle - start_angle));
const float zero_angle = start_angle + (zero * (end_angle - start_angle));
float value_x = cos (value_angle);
float value_y = sin (value_angle);
/* translate so that all coordinates are based on the center of the
* knob (which is also its position()
Duple origin = item_to_window (Duple (0, 0));
context->translate (origin.x, origin.y);
context->begin_new_path ();
float center_radius = 0.48*scale;
float border_width = 0.8;
const bool arc = (_elements & Arc)==Arc;
const bool flat = false;
if (arc) {
center_radius = scale*0.33;
float inner_progress_radius = scale*0.38;
float outer_progress_radius = scale*0.48;
float progress_width = (outer_progress_radius-inner_progress_radius);
float progress_radius = inner_progress_radius + progress_width/2.0;
//dark arc background
set_source_rgb (context, _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobArcBackground));
context->set_line_width (progress_width);
context->arc (0, 0, progress_radius, start_angle, end_angle);
context->stroke ();
double red_start, green_start, blue_start, astart;
double red_end, green_end, blue_end, aend;
Gtkmm2ext::color_to_rgba (_arc_start_color, red_start, green_start, blue_start, astart);
Gtkmm2ext::color_to_rgba (_arc_end_color, red_end, green_end, blue_end, aend);
//vary the arc color over the travel of the knob
float intensity = fabsf (_val - zero) / std::max(zero, (1.f - zero));
const float intensity_inv = 1.0 - intensity;
float r = intensity_inv * red_end + intensity * red_start;
float g = intensity_inv * green_end + intensity * green_start;
float b = intensity_inv * blue_end + intensity * blue_start;
//draw the arc
context->set_source_rgb (r,g,b);
context->set_line_width (progress_width);
if (zero_angle > value_angle) {
context->arc (0, 0, progress_radius, value_angle, zero_angle);
} else {
context->arc (0, 0, progress_radius, zero_angle, value_angle);
context->stroke ();
//shade the arc
if (!flat) {
//note we have to offset the pattern from our centerpoint
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::LinearGradient> pattern = Cairo::LinearGradient::create (0.0, -_position.y, 0.0, _position.y);
pattern->add_color_stop_rgba (0.0, 1,1,1, 0.15);
pattern->add_color_stop_rgba (0.5, 1,1,1, 0.0);
pattern->add_color_stop_rgba (1.0, 1,1,1, 0.0);
context->set_source (pattern);
context->arc (0, 0, outer_progress_radius-1, 0, 2.0*G_PI);
context->fill ();
if (!flat) {
//knob shadow
context->translate(pointer_thickness+1, pointer_thickness+1 );
set_source_rgba (context, _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobShadow));
context->arc (0, 0, center_radius-1, 0, 2.0*G_PI);
context->fill ();
//inner circle
set_source_rgb (context, _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobForeground));
context->arc (0, 0, center_radius, 0, 2.0*G_PI);
context->fill ();
//radial gradient as a lightness shade
Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::RadialGradient> pattern = Cairo::RadialGradient::create (-center_radius, -center_radius, 1, -center_radius, -center_radius, center_radius*2.5 ); //note we have to offset the gradient from our centerpoint
pattern->add_color_stop_rgba (0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0.2);
pattern->add_color_stop_rgba (1.0, 1, 1, 1, 0.3);
context->set_source (pattern);
context->arc (0, 0, center_radius, 0, 2.0*G_PI);
context->fill ();
//black knob border
context->set_line_width (border_width);
set_source_rgba (context, _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobBorder));
context->set_source_rgba (0, 0, 0, 1 );
context->arc (0, 0, center_radius, 0, 2.0*G_PI);
context->stroke ();
//line shadow
if (!flat) {
context->translate(1, 1 );
set_source_rgba (context, _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobLineShadow));
context->set_line_cap (Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND);
context->set_line_width (pointer_thickness);
context->move_to ((center_radius * value_x), (center_radius * value_y));
context->line_to (((center_radius*0.4) * value_x), ((center_radius*0.4) * value_y));
context->stroke ();
set_source_rgba (context, _p2.get_color (Push2::KnobLine));
context->set_line_cap (Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND);
context->set_line_width (pointer_thickness);
context->move_to ((center_radius * value_x), (center_radius * value_y));
context->line_to (((center_radius*0.4) * value_x), ((center_radius*0.4) * value_y));
context->stroke ();
/* reset all translations, scaling etc. */
render_children (area, context);
Push2Knob::compute_bounding_box () const
if (!_canvas || _r == 0) {
_bounding_box = Rect ();
set_bbox_clean ();
if (bbox_dirty()) {
Rect r = Rect (_position.x - _r, _position.y - _r, _position.x + _r, _position.y + _r);
_bounding_box = r;
set_bbox_clean ();
/* Item::bounding_box() will add children */
Push2Knob::set_controllable (std::shared_ptr<AutomationControl> c)
watch_connection.disconnect (); //stop watching the old controllable
if (!c) {
_controllable.reset ();
_controllable = c;
_controllable->Changed.connect (watch_connection, invalidator(*this), boost::bind (&Push2Knob::controllable_changed, this), &_p2);
controllable_changed ();
Push2Knob::set_pan_azimuth_text (double pos)
/* We show the position of the center of the image relative to the left & right.
This is expressed as a pair of percentage values that ranges from (100,0)
(hard left) through (50,50) (hard center) to (0,100) (hard right).
This is pretty weird, but its the way audio engineers expect it. Just remember that
the center of the USA isn't Kansas, its (50LA, 50NY) and it will all make sense.
char buf[64];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("L:%3d R:%3d"), (int) rint (100.0 * (1.0 - pos)), (int) rint (100.0 * pos));
_text->set (buf);
Push2Knob::set_pan_width_text (double val)
char buf[16];
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d%%", (int) floor (val*100));
_text->set (buf);
Push2Knob::set_gain_text (double)
char buf[16];
/* need to ignore argument, because it has already been converted into
the "interface" (0..1) range.
snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.1f dB", accurate_coefficient_to_dB (_controllable->get_value()));
_text->set (buf);
Push2Knob::controllable_changed ()
if (_controllable) {
_normal = _controllable->internal_to_interface (_controllable->normal());
_val = _controllable->internal_to_interface (_controllable->get_value());
switch (_controllable->parameter().type()) {
case ARDOUR::PanAzimuthAutomation:
set_pan_azimuth_text (_val);
case ARDOUR::PanWidthAutomation:
set_pan_width_text (_val);
case ARDOUR::GainAutomation:
case ARDOUR::BusSendLevel:
case ARDOUR::InsertReturnLevel:
case ARDOUR::TrimAutomation:
set_gain_text (_val);
_text->set (std::string());
redraw ();
Push2Knob::add_flag (Flags f)
_flags = Flags (_flags | f);
redraw ();
Push2Knob::remove_flag (Flags f)
_flags = Flags (_flags & ~f);
redraw ();
Push2Knob::set_arc_start_color (uint32_t c)
_arc_start_color = c;
redraw ();
Push2Knob::set_arc_end_color (uint32_t c)
_arc_end_color = c;
redraw ();