#include "midi_channel_selector.h" #include "gtkmm/separator.h" #include "i18n.h" #include using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace sigc; MidiChannelSelector::MidiChannelSelector(int no_rows, int no_columns, int start_row, int start_column) : Table(no_rows, no_columns, true), _recursion_counter(0) { assert(no_rows >= 4); assert(no_rows >= start_row + 4); assert(no_columns >=4); assert(no_columns >= start_column + 4); property_column_spacing() = 0; property_row_spacing() = 0; uint8_t channel_nr = 0; for(int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) { for(int column = 0; column < 4; ++column) { ostringstream channel; channel << int(++channel_nr); _button_labels[row][column].set_text(channel.str()); _button_labels[row][column].set_justify(JUSTIFY_RIGHT); _buttons[row][column].add(_button_labels[row][column]); _buttons[row][column].signal_toggled().connect( bind( mem_fun(this, &MidiChannelSelector::button_toggled), &_buttons[row][column], channel_nr - 1)); int table_row = start_row + row; int table_column = start_column + column; attach(_buttons[row][column], table_column, table_column + 1, table_row, table_row + 1); } } } MidiChannelSelector::~MidiChannelSelector() { } SingleMidiChannelSelector::SingleMidiChannelSelector(uint8_t active_channel) : MidiChannelSelector() { _last_active_button = 0; ToggleButton *button = &_buttons[active_channel / 4][active_channel % 4]; _active_channel = active_channel; button->set_active(true); _last_active_button = button; } void SingleMidiChannelSelector::button_toggled(ToggleButton *button, uint8_t channel) { ++_recursion_counter; if(_recursion_counter == 1) { // if the current button is active it must // be different from the first one if(button->get_active()) { if(_last_active_button) { _last_active_button->set_active(false); _active_channel = channel; _last_active_button = button; channel_selected.emit(channel); } } else { // if not, the user pressed the already active button button->set_active(true); _active_channel = channel; } } --_recursion_counter; } MidiMultipleChannelSelector::MidiMultipleChannelSelector(uint16_t initial_selection, int8_t force_channel) : MidiChannelSelector(4, 6, 0, 0), _mode(FILTERING_MULTIPLE_CHANNELS) { _select_all.add(*manage(new Label(_("All")))); _select_all.signal_clicked().connect( bind(mem_fun(this, &MidiMultipleChannelSelector::select_all), true)); _select_none.add(*manage(new Label(_("None")))); _select_none.signal_clicked().connect( bind(mem_fun(this, &MidiMultipleChannelSelector::select_all), false)); _invert_selection.add(*manage(new Label(_("Invert")))); _invert_selection.signal_clicked().connect( mem_fun(this, &MidiMultipleChannelSelector::invert_selection)); _force_channel.add(*manage(new Label(_("Force")))); _force_channel.signal_toggled().connect( mem_fun(this, &MidiMultipleChannelSelector::force_channels_button_toggled)); set_homogeneous(false); attach(*manage(new VSeparator()), 4, 5, 0, 4, SHRINK, FILL, 0, 0); //set_row_spacing(4, -5); attach(_select_all, 5, 6, 0, 1); attach(_select_none, 5, 6, 1, 2); attach(_invert_selection, 5, 6, 2, 3); attach(_force_channel, 5, 6, 3, 4); set_selected_channels(initial_selection); } MidiMultipleChannelSelector::~MidiMultipleChannelSelector() { selection_changed.clear(); force_channel_changed.clear(); } const int8_t MidiMultipleChannelSelector::get_force_channel() const { if(_mode == FORCING_SINGLE_CHANNEL) { for(int8_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { const ToggleButton *button = &_buttons[i / 4][i % 4]; if(button->get_active()) { return i; } } // this point should not be reached. assert(false); } return -1; } void MidiMultipleChannelSelector::set_force_channel(int8_t channel) { if(channel < 0) { // if forcing is already activated, deactivate if(_mode == FORCING_SINGLE_CHANNEL) { _force_channel.toggled(); } // if not, nothing to do } else { // otherwise simulate activating force channels by pressing the // two buttons the user would press _force_channel.toggled(); _buttons[channel / 4][channel % 4].toggled(); } } const uint16_t MidiMultipleChannelSelector::get_selected_channels() const { uint16_t selected_channels = 0; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { const ToggleButton *button = &_buttons[i / 4][i % 4]; if(button->get_active()) { selected_channels |= (1L << i); } } return selected_channels; } void MidiMultipleChannelSelector::set_selected_channels(uint16_t selected_channels) { for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ToggleButton *button = &_buttons[i / 4][i % 4]; if(selected_channels & (1L << i)) { button->set_active(true); } else { button->set_active(false); } } } void MidiMultipleChannelSelector::button_toggled(ToggleButton *button, uint8_t channel) { ++_recursion_counter; if(_recursion_counter == 1) { if(_mode == FORCING_SINGLE_CHANNEL) { set_selected_channels(1 << channel); } force_channel_changed.emit(get_force_channel()); selection_changed.emit(get_selected_channels()); } --_recursion_counter; } void MidiMultipleChannelSelector::force_channels_button_toggled() { if(_force_channel.get_active()) { _mode = FORCING_SINGLE_CHANNEL; bool found_first_active = false; // leave only the first button enabled for(int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { ToggleButton *button = &_buttons[i / 4][i % 4]; if(button->get_active()) { if(found_first_active) { ++_recursion_counter; button->set_active(false); --_recursion_counter; } else { found_first_active = true; } } } if(!found_first_active) { _buttons[0][0].set_active(true); } _select_all.set_sensitive(false); _select_none.set_sensitive(false); _invert_selection.set_sensitive(false); force_channel_changed.emit(get_force_channel()); selection_changed.emit(get_selected_channels()); } else { _mode = FILTERING_MULTIPLE_CHANNELS; _select_all.set_sensitive(true); _select_none.set_sensitive(true); _invert_selection.set_sensitive(true); force_channel_changed.emit(get_force_channel()); selection_changed.emit(get_selected_channels()); } } void MidiMultipleChannelSelector::select_all(bool on) { ++_recursion_counter; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ToggleButton *button = &_buttons[i / 4][i % 4]; button->set_active(on); } --_recursion_counter; selection_changed.emit(get_selected_channels()); } void MidiMultipleChannelSelector::invert_selection(void) { ++_recursion_counter; for(uint16_t i = 0; i < 16; i++) { ToggleButton *button = &_buttons[i / 4][i % 4]; if(button->get_active()) { button->set_active(false); } else { button->set_active(true); } } --_recursion_counter; selection_changed.emit(get_selected_channels()); }