#!/bin/bash # script for pulling together a MacOSX app bundle. GTKSTACK_ROOT=$HOME/gtk/inst ARDOURSTACK_ROOT=$HOME/a3/inst BUILD_ROOT=../../build SAE= MIXBUS= WITH_LADSPA=1 STRIP=1 PRINT_SYSDEPS= WITH_NLS= while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do echo "arg = $1" case $1 in # # top level build targets # --sae) WITH_NLS= ; SAE=1 ; WITH_LADSPA=1; STRIP= ; PRODUCT_PKG_DIR=ArdourSAE ; APPNAME=Ardour ; shift ;; --mixbus) MIXBUS=1; WITH_NLS=1 ; SAE= ; WITH_LADSPA=; STRIP= ; PRODUCT_PKG_DIR=MixBus; APPNAME=Mixbus ; shift ;; --public) WITH_NLS= ; SAE= ; WITH_LADSPA=1; STRIP= ; PRODUCT_PKG_DIR=Ardour; APPNAME=Ardour ; shift ;; --allinone) SAE= ; WITH_NLS= ; WITH_LADSPA=1; STRIP= ; PRODUCT_PKG_DIR=Ardour ; shift ;; --test) SAE= ; WITH_LADSPA=; STRIP= ; shift ;; # # specific build flags # --noladspa) WITH_LADSPA= ; shift ;; --nostrip) STRIP= ; shift ;; --sysdeps) PRINT_SYSDEPS=1; shift ;; --nls) WITH_NLS=1 ; shift ;; esac done if test -z "$PRODUCT_PKG_DIR" -o -z "$APPNAME"; then echo "application or product-name was not specified" exit 1 fi release_version=`grep -m 1 '[^A-Za-z_]OSX_VERSION = ' ../../wscript | cut -d"'" -f2` revision=`grep -m 1 'revision =' ../../libs/ardour/revision.cc | cut -d'"' -f 2 | sed 's/^.*-//g'` echo "Version is $release_version / $revision" info_string="$release_version/$revision built on `hostname` by `whoami` on `date`" echo "Info string is $info_string" # setup directory structure APPDIR=${APPNAME}.app APPROOT=$APPDIR/Contents Frameworks=$APPROOT/lib Resources=$APPROOT/Resources # # Since this is OS X, don't try to distinguish between etc and shared # (machine dependent and independent data) - just put everything # into Resources. # Shared=$Resources Etc=$Resources Locale=$Resources/locale # # Bundled Plugins live in a top level folder # Plugins=$APPROOT/Plugins Surfaces=$Frameworks/surfaces Panners=$Frameworks/panners MidiMaps=$Shared/midi_maps ExportFormats=$Shared/export Templates=$Shared/templates PatchFiles=$Shared/patchfiles MackieControl=$Shared/mcp if [ x$PRINT_SYSDEPS != x ] ; then # # print system dependencies # for file in $APPROOT/MacOS/* $Frameworks/* $Frameworks/modules/* $Plugins/*.so ; do if ! file $file | grep -qs Mach-O ; then continue fi otool -L $file | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v "(^@executable_path|^Ardour[0-9][.0-9]*.app)" done | sort | uniq exit 0 fi echo "Removing old $APPDIR tree ..." rm -rf $APPDIR echo "Building new app directory structure ..." # only bother to make the longest paths mkdir -p $APPROOT/MacOS mkdir -p $APPROOT/Resources mkdir -p $Plugins mkdir -p $Surfaces mkdir -p $Panners mkdir -p $MidiMaps mkdir -p $ExportFormats mkdir -p $Templates mkdir -p $Frameworks/modules mkdir -p $Etc mkdir -p $MackieControl # maybe set variables env="" if test x$SAE != x ; then appname="Ardour3/SAE" env="$envARDOUR_SAEtrue" # # current default for SAE version is German keyboard layout without a keypad # env="$envARDOUR_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTde-nokeypad" env="$envARDOUR_UI_CONFardour3_ui_sae.conf" env="$envARDOUR3_UI_RCardour3_ui_dark_sae.rc" elif test x$MIXBUS != x ; then appname="Ardour3/Mixbus" env="$envARDOUR_MIXBUStrue" # # current default for MIXBUS version is US keyboard layout without a keypad # env="$envARDOUR_KEYBOARD_LAYOUTus-nokeypad" env="$envARDOUR_UI_CONFardour3_ui.conf" env="$envARDOUR3_UI_RCardour3_ui_dark.rc" else appname="Ardour3" fi # # if we're not going to bundle JACK, make sure we can find # jack in the places where it might be # env="$envPATH/usr/local/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" env="$envDYLIB_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH/usr/local/lib:/opt/lib" env="LSEnvironment$envARDOUR_BUNDLEDtrue" # edit plist sed -e "s?@ENV@?$env?g" \ -e "s?@VERSION@?$release_version/$revision?g" \ -e "s?@INFOSTRING@?$info_string?g" < Info.plist.in > Info.plist # and plist strings sed -e "s?@APPNAME@?$appname?" \ -e "s?@ENV@?$env?g" \ -e "s?@VERSION@?$release_version/$revision?g" \ -e "s?@INFOSTRING@?$info_string?g" < InfoPlist.strings.in > Resources/InfoPlist.strings || exit 1 # copy static files cp Info.plist $APPROOT cp -R Resources $APPROOT # # if we build a bundle without jack, then # make the Ardour3 executable a helper # script that checks to see if JACK is # installed. # cp startup_script $APPROOT/MacOS/Ardour3 chmod 775 $APPROOT/MacOS/Ardour3 MAIN_EXECUTABLE=Ardour3.bin echo "Copying ardour executable ...." cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/ardour-$release_version $APPROOT/MacOS/$MAIN_EXECUTABLE if test x$SAE != x ; then # cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/evtest $APPROOT/MacOS/gtkevents cp Ardour3-SAE.icns $Resources/appIcon.icns elif test x$MIXBUS != x ; then cp Mixbus.icns $Resources/appIcon.icns else cp Ardour3.icns $Resources/appIcon.icns fi cp typeArdour.icns $Resources/ if test x$STRIP != x ; then strip $APPROOT/MacOS/Ardour3 fi # copy locale files if test x$WITH_NLS != x ; then echo "NLS support ..." echo "I hope you remembered to run scons msgupdate!" LINGUAS= for file in $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/*.mo do lang=`basename $file | sed 's/\.mo//'` mkdir -p $Locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES cp $file $Locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/gtk2_ardour.mo LINGUAS="$LINGUAS $lang" done for file in $BUILD_ROOT/libs/ardour/*.mo do lang=`basename $file | sed 's/\.mo//'` mkdir -p $Locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES cp $file $Locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/libardour.mo done for l in $LINGUAS do if [ -d $GTKSTACK_ROOT/share/locale/$l ] ; then echo "Copying GTK i18n files for $l..." cp -r $GTKSTACK_ROOT/share/locale/$l $Locale else # try with just the language spec just_lang=`echo $l | sed 's/_[A-Z][A-Z]$//'` if [ -d $GTKSTACK_ROOT/share/locale/$just_lang ] ; then echo "Copying GTK i18n files for $l..." cp -r $GTKSTACK_ROOT/share/locale/$just_lang $Locale fi fi done else echo "Skipping NLS support" fi # # Copy stuff that may be dynamically loaded # cp -R $GTKSTACK_ROOT/etc/* $Etc echo "Copying all Pango modules ..." cp -R $GTKSTACK_ROOT/lib/pango/1.6.0/modules/*.so $Frameworks/modules echo "Copying all GDK Pixbuf loaders ..." cp -R $GTKSTACK_ROOT/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/*.so $Frameworks/modules # charset alias file cp -R $GTKSTACK_ROOT/lib/charset.alias $Resources # generate new Pango module file cat > pangorc < $Resources/pango.modules rm pangorc # generate a new GDK pixbufs loaders file gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders | sed "s?$GTKSTACK_ROOT/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders/?@executable_path/../lib/modules/?" > $Resources/gdk-pixbuf.loaders # We rely on clearlooks, so include a version from our own build tree # this one is special - we will set GTK_PATH to $Frameworks/gtkengines GTK_ENGINE_DIR=$Frameworks/gtkengines/engines mkdir -p $GTK_ENGINE_DIR echo "Copying GTK engines ..." cp $BUILD_ROOT/libs/clearlooks-newer/libclearlooks.dylib $Frameworks (cd $GTK_ENGINE_DIR && ln -s ../../libclearlooks.dylib . && ln -s ../../libclearlooks.dylib libclearlooks.so) cp $GTKSTACK_ROOT/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libpixmap.so $Frameworks (cd $GTK_ENGINE_DIR && ln -s ../../libpixmap.so) if test x$WITH_LADSPA != x ; then if test x$SAE != x ; then plugdir=sae_ladspa elif test x$MIXBUS != x ; then plugdir=mixbus_ladspa else plugdir=ladspa fi if [ -d $plugdir -a "x$(ls $plugdir)" != x ] ; then echo "Copying `ls $plugdir | wc -l` plugins ..." cp -r $plugdir/* $Plugins fi fi # Control Surface shared libraries cp $BUILD_ROOT/libs/surfaces/*/libardour_*.dylib $Surfaces cp $BUILD_ROOT/libs/surfaces/control_protocol/libardourcp*.dylib $Frameworks # Panners cp $BUILD_ROOT/libs/panners/*/lib*.dylib $Panners # Export Formats/Presets for f in $BUILD_ROOT/../export/*.preset $BUILD_ROOT/../export/*.format ; do cp "$f" $ExportFormats ; done # Session and Route templates #for f in $BUILD_ROOT/../templates/* ; do # if [ -d "$f" ] ; then # cp -r "$f" $Templates ; # fi #done # MidiMaps # got to be careful with names here for x in $BUILD_ROOT/../midi_maps/*.map ; do cp "$x" $MidiMaps done # MIDNAM Patch Files # got to be careful with names here for x in $BUILD_ROOT/../patchfiles/*.midnam ; do cp "$x" $PatchFiles done # MackieControl data # got to be careful with names here for x in $BUILD_ROOT/../mcp/*.device $BUILD_ROOT/../mcp/*.profile ; do cp "$x" $MackieControl done # VAMP plugins that we use cp $BUILD_ROOT/libs/vamp-plugins/libardourvampplugins.dylib $Frameworks # Suil modules cp $ARDOURSTACK_ROOT/lib/suil-0/lib* $Frameworks while [ true ] ; do missing=false for file in $APPROOT/MacOS/* $Frameworks/* $Frameworks/modules/* $Panners/*.dylib $Surfaces/*.dylib $Plugins/*.so ; do if ! file $file | grep -qs Mach-O ; then continue fi deps=`otool -L $file | awk '{print $1}' | egrep "($GTKSTACK_ROOT|$ARDOURSTACK_ROOT|/opt/|/local/|libs/)" | grep -v 'libjack\.'` # echo -n "." for dep in $deps ; do base=`basename $dep` if ! test -f $Frameworks/$base; then if echo $dep | grep -sq '^libs' ; then cp $BUILD_ROOT/$dep $Frameworks else cp $dep $Frameworks fi missing=true fi done done if test x$missing = xfalse ; then # everything has been found break fi done echo echo "Copying other stuff to $APPDIR ..." #cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/ergonomic-us.bindings $Resources cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/mnemonic-us.bindings $Resources cp ../../gtk2_ardour/mixer.bindings $Resources cp ../../gtk2_ardour/step_editing.bindings $Resources cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/ardour.menus $Resources if test x$SAE != x ; then cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/SAE-de-keypad.bindings $Resources cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/SAE-de-nokeypad.bindings $Resources cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/SAE-us-keypad.bindings $Resources cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/SAE-us-nokeypad.bindings $Resources cp $BUILD_ROOT/ardour_system_sae.rc $Resources/ardour_system.rc echo cp $BUILD_ROOT/ardour_system_sae.rc $Resources/ardour_system.rc cp $BUILD_ROOT/instant.xml.sae $Resources/instant.xml echo cp $BUILD_ROOT/instant.xml.sae $Resources/instant.xml else cp ../../ardour_system.rc $Resources/ardour_system.rc cp ../../instant.xml $Resources/instant.xml echo cp ../../instant.xml $Resources/instant.xml fi cp ../../gtk2_ardour/ardour3_ui_default.conf $Resources cp ../../gtk2_ardour/ardour3_ui_default.conf $Resources/ardour3_ui.conf cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/ardour3_ui_light.rc $Resources cp $BUILD_ROOT/gtk2_ardour/ardour3_ui_dark.rc $Resources cp -r ../../gtk2_ardour/icons $Resources cp -r ../../gtk2_ardour/pixmaps $Resources # shared stuff cp -R ../../gtk2_ardour/splash.png $Shared cp -R ../../gtk2_ardour/ArdourMono.ttf $Shared # go through and recursively remove any .svn dirs in the bundle for svndir in `find $APPDIR -name .svn -type dir`; do rm -rf $svndir done # now fix up the executables echo "Fixing up executable dependency names ..." executables=$MAIN_EXECUTABLE if test x$SAE != x ; then executables="$executables" fi for exe in $executables; do EXE=$APPROOT/MacOS/$exe changes="" for lib in `otool -L $EXE | egrep "($GTKSTACK_ROOT|$ARDOURSTACK_ROOT|/opt/|/local/|libs/)" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v 'libjack\.'` ; do base=`basename $lib` changes="$changes -change $lib @executable_path/../lib/$base" done if test "x$changes" != "x" ; then install_name_tool $changes $EXE fi done echo "Fixing up library names ..." # now do the same for all the libraries we include for libdir in $Frameworks $Frameworks/modules $Surfaces $Panners ; do libbase=`basename $libdir` for dylib in $libdir/*.dylib $libdir/*.so ; do # skip symlinks if test -L $dylib ; then continue fi # change all the dependencies changes="" for lib in `otool -L $dylib | egrep "($GTKSTACK_ROOT|$ARDOURSTACK_ROOT|/opt/|/local/|libs/)" | awk '{print $1}' | grep -v 'libjack\.'` ; do base=`basename $lib` if echo $lib | grep -s libbase; then changes="$changes -change $lib @executable_path/../$libbase/$base" else changes="$changes -change $lib @executable_path/../lib/$base" fi done if test "x$changes" != x ; then if install_name_tool $changes $dylib ; then : else exit 1 fi fi # now the change what the library thinks its own name is base=`basename $dylib` install_name_tool -id @executable_path/../$libbase/$base $dylib done done # # and now ... the DMG # rm -rf $PRODUCT_PKG_DIR mkdir $PRODUCT_PKG_DIR if [ x$SAE != x ] ; then # SAE packaging echo "Creating SAE packaging directory" mv $APPDIR $PRODUCT_PKG_DIR/Ardour3-SAE.app cp HowToInstallArdourSAE.pdf "$PRODUCT_PKG_DIR/How To Install Ardour SAE.pdf" cp SAE-de-keypad.pdf "$PRODUCT_PKG_DIR/Ardour SAE Shortcuts (keypad).pdf" cp SAE-de-nokeypad.pdf "$PRODUCT_PKG_DIR/Ardour SAE Shortcuts.pdf" elif [ x$MIXBUS != x ] ; then # Mixbus packaging echo "Creating Mixbus packaging directory" mv $APPDIR $PRODUCT_PKG_DIR/ cp MixBus_Install_QuickStart.pdf "$PRODUCT_PKG_DIR/Mixbus Install & Quick Start Guide.pdf" else echo "Creating $APPNAME packaging directory" mv $APPDIR $PRODUCT_PKG_DIR/ fi echo "Building DMG ..." # UC_DMG=$APPNAME-${release_version}-${revision}-UC.dmg # FINAL_DMG=$APPNAME-${release_version}-${revision}.dmg UC_DMG=$APPNAME-${release_version}-${revision}.dmg VOLNAME=$APPNAME-$release_version # TODO use mktemp MNTPATH=`mktemp -d -t ardourimg` TMPDMG=`mktemp -t ardour` ICNSTMP=`mktemp -t ardouricon` DMGSIZE=$[ `du -sm "$PRODUCT_PKG_DIR" | cut -f 1` * 1049 / 1000 + 3 ] rm -f $UC_DMG "$TMPDMG" "${TMPDMG}.dmg" "$ICNSTMP" rm -rf "$MNTPATH" mkdir -p "$MNTPATH" TMPDMG="${TMPDMG}.dmg" hdiutil create -megabytes $DMGSIZE "$TMPDMG" DiskDevice=$(hdid -nomount "$TMPDMG" | grep Apple_HFS | cut -f 1 -d ' ') newfs_hfs -v "${VOLNAME}" "${DiskDevice}" mount -t hfs "${DiskDevice}" "${MNTPATH}" cp -r ${PRODUCT_PKG_DIR}/${APPDIR} "${MNTPATH}" || exit mkdir "${MNTPATH}/.background" cp -vi dmgbg.png "${MNTPATH}/.background/dmgbg.png" echo "setting DMG background ..." echo ' tell application "Finder" tell disk "'${VOLNAME}'" open set current view of container window to icon view set toolbar visible of container window to false set statusbar visible of container window to false set the bounds of container window to {400, 200, 800, 440} set theViewOptions to the icon view options of container window set arrangement of theViewOptions to not arranged set icon size of theViewOptions to 64 set background picture of theViewOptions to file ".background:dmgbg.png" make new alias file at container window to POSIX file "/Applications" with properties {name:"Applications"} set position of item "'${APPDIR}'" of container window to {90, 100} set position of item "Applications" of container window to {310, 100} close open update without registering applications delay 5 eject end tell end tell ' | osascript chmod -Rf go-w "${MNTPATH}" sync echo "compressing Image ..." # Umount the image umount "${DiskDevice}" hdiutil eject "${DiskDevice}" # Create a read-only version, use zlib compression hdiutil convert -format UDZO "${TMPDMG}" -imagekey zlib-level=9 -o "${UC_DMG}" # Delete the temporary files rm "$TMPDMG" rmdir "$MNTPATH" echo "setting file icon ..." cp ${PRODUCT_PKG_DIR}/$Resources/appIcon.icns ${ICNSTMP}.icns /usr/bin/sips -i ${ICNSTMP}.icns /Developer/Tools/DeRez -only icns ${ICNSTMP}.icns > ${ICNSTMP}.rsrc /Developer/Tools/Rez -append ${ICNSTMP}.rsrc -o "$UC_DMG" /Developer/Tools/SetFile -a C "$UC_DMG" rm ${ICNSTMP}.icns ${ICNSTMP}.rsrc echo echo "packaging suceeded." ls -l "$UC_DMG" echo "Done." exit