/* * Copyright (C) 2017-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2018 Nikolaus Gullotta * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/rc_configuration.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "widgets/ardour_dropdown.h" #include "widgets/slider_controller.h" #include "stripable_colorpicker.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "luadialog.h" #include "splash.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace LuaDialog; /* ***************************************************************************** * Simple Message Dialog */ Message::Message (std::string const& title, std::string const& msg, Message::MessageType mt, Message::ButtonType bt) : _message_dialog (msg, true, to_gtk_mt (mt), to_gtk_bt (bt), true) { _message_dialog.set_title (title); } int Message::run () { bool splash_pushed = false; Splash* spl = Splash::exists () ? Splash::instance() : NULL; if (spl && spl->get_visible()) { spl->pop_back_for (_message_dialog); splash_pushed = true; } int rv = _message_dialog.run (); _message_dialog.hide (); if (splash_pushed) { spl = Splash::exists () ? Splash::instance() : NULL; if (spl) { spl->pop_front_for (_message_dialog); } } switch (rv) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_OK: return 0; case Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL: return 1; case Gtk::RESPONSE_CLOSE: return 2; case Gtk::RESPONSE_YES: return 3; case Gtk::RESPONSE_NO: return 4; default: break; } return -1; } Gtk::ButtonsType Message::to_gtk_bt (ButtonType bt) { switch (bt) { case OK: return Gtk::BUTTONS_OK; case Close: return Gtk::BUTTONS_CLOSE; case Cancel: return Gtk::BUTTONS_CANCEL; case Yes_No: return Gtk::BUTTONS_YES_NO; case OK_Cancel: return Gtk::BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL; } assert (0); return Gtk::BUTTONS_OK; } Gtk::MessageType Message::to_gtk_mt (MessageType mt) { switch (mt) { case Info: return Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO; case Warning: return Gtk::MESSAGE_WARNING; case Question: return Gtk::MESSAGE_QUESTION; case Error: return Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR; } assert (0); return Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO; } /* ***************************************************************************** * Lua Dialog Widgets */ class LuaDialogLabel : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogLabel (std::string const& title, Gtk::AlignmentEnum xalign) : LuaDialogWidget ("", "", 0, 2) , _lbl (title, xalign, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false) { } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_lbl; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { } protected: Gtk::Label _lbl; }; class LuaDialogHeading : public LuaDialogLabel { public: LuaDialogHeading (std::string const& title, Gtk::AlignmentEnum xalign) : LuaDialogLabel ("" + title + "", xalign) { _lbl.set_use_markup (); } }; class LuaHSeparator : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaHSeparator () : LuaDialogWidget ("", "", 0, 2) {} Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_sep; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { } protected: Gtk::HSeparator _sep; }; class LuaColorPicker : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaColorPicker (std::string const& key) : LuaDialogWidget (key, "", 0, 1) {} Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_cs; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { uint32_t rgba = ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::gdk_color_to_rgba(_cs.get_color()); (*rv)[_key] = rgba; } protected: Gtk::ColorButton _cs; }; class LuaDialogCheckbox : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogCheckbox (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, bool on) : LuaDialogWidget (key, "", 1, 1) { if (!title.empty ()) { _cb.add_label (title, false, 0); } _cb.set_active (on); } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_cb; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { (*rv)[_key] = _cb.get_active (); } protected: Gtk::CheckButton _cb; }; class LuaDialogEntry : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogEntry (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, std::string const& dflt) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) { _entry.set_text (dflt); } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_entry; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { (*rv)[_key] = std::string (_entry.get_text ()); } protected: Gtk::Entry _entry; }; class LuaDialogFader : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogFader (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, double dflt) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) , _db_adjustment (ARDOUR::gain_to_slider_position_with_max (1.0, ARDOUR::Config->get_max_gain ()), 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1) { _db_slider = Gtk::manage (new ArdourWidgets::HSliderController (&_db_adjustment, boost::shared_ptr (), 220, 18)); _fader_centering_box.pack_start (*_db_slider, true, false); _box.set_spacing (4); _box.set_homogeneous (false); _box.pack_start (_fader_centering_box, false, false); _box.pack_start (_db_display, false, false); _box.pack_start (*Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label ("dB")), false, false); Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (_db_display, "-99.00", 12, 0); _db_adjustment.signal_value_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LuaDialogFader::db_changed)); _db_display.signal_activate ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LuaDialogFader::on_activate)); _db_display.signal_key_press_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LuaDialogFader::on_key_press), false); double coeff_val = dB_to_coefficient (dflt); _db_adjustment.set_value (ARDOUR::gain_to_slider_position_with_max (coeff_val, ARDOUR::Config->get_max_gain ())); db_changed (); } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_box; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { double const val = ARDOUR::slider_position_to_gain_with_max (_db_adjustment.get_value (), ARDOUR::Config->get_max_gain ()); (*rv)[_key] = accurate_coefficient_to_dB (val); } protected: void db_changed () { double const val = ARDOUR::slider_position_to_gain_with_max (_db_adjustment.get_value (), ARDOUR::Config->get_max_gain ()); char buf[16]; if (val == 0.0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "-inf"); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.2f", accurate_coefficient_to_dB (val)); } _db_display.set_text (buf); } void on_activate () { float db_val = atof (_db_display.get_text ().c_str ()); double coeff_val = dB_to_coefficient (db_val); _db_adjustment.set_value (ARDOUR::gain_to_slider_position_with_max (coeff_val, ARDOUR::Config->get_max_gain ())); } bool on_key_press (GdkEventKey* ev) { if (ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::key_is_legal_for_numeric_entry (ev->keyval)) { return false; } return true; } Gtk::Adjustment _db_adjustment; ArdourWidgets::HSliderController* _db_slider; Gtk::Entry _db_display; Gtk::HBox _box; Gtk::VBox _fader_centering_box; }; class LuaDialogSlider : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogSlider (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, double lower, double upper, double dflt, int digits, luabridge::LuaRef scalepoints) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) , _adj (dflt, lower, upper, 1, (upper - lower) / 20, 0) , _hscale (_adj) { _hscale.set_digits (digits); _hscale.set_draw_value (true); _hscale.set_value_pos (Gtk::POS_TOP); if (!scalepoints.isTable ()) { return; } for (luabridge::Iterator i (scalepoints); !i.isNil (); ++i) { if (!i.key ().isNumber ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ().isString ()) { continue; } _hscale.add_mark (i.key ().cast (), Gtk::POS_BOTTOM, i.value ().cast ()); } } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_hscale; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { (*rv)[_key] = _adj.get_value (); } protected: Gtk::Adjustment _adj; Gtk::HScale _hscale; }; class LuaDialogSpinBox : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogSpinBox (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, double lower, double upper, double dflt, double step, int digits) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) , _adj (dflt, lower, upper, step, step, 0) , _spin (_adj) { _spin.set_digits (digits); } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_spin; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { (*rv)[_key] = _adj.get_value (); } protected: Gtk::Adjustment _adj; Gtk::SpinButton _spin; }; class LuaDialogRadio : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogRadio (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, luabridge::LuaRef values, std::string const& dflt) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) , _rv (0) { for (luabridge::Iterator i (values); !i.isNil (); ++i) { if (!i.key ().isString ()) { continue; } std::string key = i.key ().cast (); Gtk::RadioButton* rb = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::RadioButton (_group, key)); _hbox.pack_start (*rb); luabridge::LuaRef* ref = new luabridge::LuaRef (i.value ()); _refs.push_back (ref); if (!_rv) { _rv = ref; } rb->signal_toggled ().connect (sigc::bind ( sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LuaDialogRadio::rb_toggled), rb, ref ) , false); if (key == dflt) { rb->set_active (); } } } ~LuaDialogRadio () { for (std::vector::const_iterator i = _refs.begin (); i != _refs.end (); ++i) { delete *i; } _refs.clear (); } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_hbox; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { if (_rv) { (*rv)[_key] = *_rv; } else { (*rv)[_key] = luabridge::Nil (); } } protected: LuaDialogRadio (LuaDialogRadio const&); // prevent cc void rb_toggled (Gtk::RadioButton* b, luabridge::LuaRef* rv) { if (b->get_active ()) { _rv = rv; } } Gtk::HBox _hbox; Gtk::RadioButtonGroup _group; std::vector _refs; luabridge::LuaRef* _rv; }; class LuaDialogDropDown : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaDialogDropDown (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, luabridge::LuaRef values, std::string const& dflt) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) , _rv (0) { populate (_dd.items (), values, dflt); } ~LuaDialogDropDown () { for (std::vector::const_iterator i = _refs.begin (); i != _refs.end (); ++i) { delete *i; } _refs.clear (); } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_dd; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { if (_rv) { (*rv)[_key] = *_rv; } else { (*rv)[_key] = luabridge::Nil (); } } protected: void populate (Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items, luabridge::LuaRef values, std::string const& dflt) { using namespace Gtk::Menu_Helpers; std::vector keys; for (luabridge::Iterator i (values); !i.isNil (); ++i) { if (!i.key ().isString ()) { continue; } keys.push_back (i.key ().cast ()); } std::sort (keys.begin(), keys.end()); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = keys.begin (); i != keys.end(); ++i) { std::string key = *i; if (values[key].isTable ()) { Gtk::Menu* menu = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Menu); items.push_back (MenuElem (key, *menu)); populate (menu->items (), values[key], dflt); continue; } luabridge::LuaRef* ref = new luabridge::LuaRef (values[key]); _refs.push_back (ref); items.push_back (MenuElem (key, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LuaDialogDropDown::dd_select), key, ref))); if (!_rv || key == dflt) { _rv = ref; _dd.set_text (key); } } } void dd_select (std::string const& key, luabridge::LuaRef* rv) { _dd.set_text (key); _rv = rv; } ArdourWidgets::ArdourDropdown _dd; std::vector _refs; luabridge::LuaRef* _rv; }; class LuaFileChooser : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaFileChooser (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, Gtk::FileChooserAction a, const std::string& path) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) , _fc (a) { Gtkmm2ext::add_volume_shortcuts (_fc); if (!path.empty ()) { switch (a) { case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN: case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER: _fc.set_filename (path); break; case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE: case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER: /* not supported by Gtk::FileChooserButton */ break; } } } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_fc; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { (*rv)[_key] = std::string (_fc.get_filename ()); } protected: Gtk::FileChooserButton _fc; }; class LuaFileChooserWidget : public LuaDialogWidget { public: LuaFileChooserWidget (std::string const& key, std::string const& title, Gtk::FileChooserAction a, const std::string& path) : LuaDialogWidget (key, title) , _fc (a) { Gtkmm2ext::add_volume_shortcuts (_fc); if (!path.empty ()) { switch (a) { case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN: case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER: _fc.set_filename (path); break; case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE: case Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER: _fc.set_filename (path); _fc.set_current_name (Glib::path_get_basename (path)); break; break; } } } Gtk::Widget* widget () { return &_fc; } void assign (luabridge::LuaRef* rv) const { (*rv)[_key] = std::string (_fc.get_filename ()); } protected: Gtk::FileChooserWidget _fc; }; /* ***************************************************************************** * Lua Parameter Dialog */ Dialog::Dialog (std::string const& title, luabridge::LuaRef lr) :_ad (title, true, false) , _title (title) { if (!lr.isTable ()) { return; } int row_count = 0; for (luabridge::Iterator i (lr); !i.isNil (); ++i) { if (!i.key ().isNumber ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ().isTable ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ()["title"].isString ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ()["type"].isString ()) { continue; } std::string title = i.value ()["title"].cast (); std::string type = i.value ()["type"].cast (); std::string key; if (i.value ()["key"].isString ()) { key = i.value ()["key"].cast (); } LuaDialogWidget* w = NULL; if (type == "heading") { Gtk::AlignmentEnum xalign = Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER; if (i.value ()["align"].isString ()) { std::string align = i.value ()["align"].cast (); if (align == "left") { xalign = Gtk::ALIGN_START; } else if (align == "right") { xalign = Gtk::ALIGN_END; } } w = new LuaDialogHeading (title, xalign); } else if (type == "label") { Gtk::AlignmentEnum xalign = Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER; if (i.value ()["align"].isString ()) { std::string align = i.value ()["align"].cast (); if (align == "left") { xalign = Gtk::ALIGN_START; } else if (align == "right") { xalign = Gtk::ALIGN_END; } } w = new LuaDialogLabel (title, xalign); } else if (type == "hseparator") { w = new LuaHSeparator (); } /* the following widgets do require a key */ else if (key.empty ()) { continue; } else if (type == "checkbox") { bool dflt = false; if (i.value ()["default"].isBoolean ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } w = new LuaDialogCheckbox (key, title, dflt); } else if (type == "entry") { std::string dflt; if (i.value ()["default"].isString ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } w = new LuaDialogEntry (key, title, dflt); } else if (type == "radio") { std::string dflt; if (!i.value ()["values"].isTable ()) { continue; } if (i.value ()["default"].isString ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } w = new LuaDialogRadio (key, title, i.value ()["values"], dflt); } else if (type == "fader") { double dflt = 0; if (i.value ()["default"].isNumber ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } w = new LuaDialogFader (key, title, dflt); } else if (type == "slider") { double lower, upper, dflt; int digits = 0; if (!i.value ()["min"].isNumber ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ()["max"].isNumber ()) { continue; } lower = i.value ()["min"].cast (); upper = i.value ()["max"].cast (); if (i.value ()["default"].isNumber ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } else { dflt = lower; } if (i.value ()["digits"].isNumber ()) { digits = i.value ()["digits"].cast (); } w = new LuaDialogSlider (key, title, lower, upper, dflt, digits, i.value ()["scalepoints"]); } else if (type == "number") { double lower, upper, dflt, step; int digits = 0; if (!i.value ()["min"].isNumber ()) { continue; } if (!i.value ()["max"].isNumber ()) { continue; } lower = i.value ()["min"].cast (); upper = i.value ()["max"].cast (); if (i.value ()["default"].isNumber ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } else { dflt = lower; } if (i.value ()["step"].isNumber ()) { step = i.value ()["step"].cast (); } else { step = 1.0; } if (i.value ()["digits"].isNumber ()) { digits = i.value ()["digits"].cast (); } w = new LuaDialogSpinBox (key, title, lower, upper, dflt, step, digits); } else if (type == "dropdown") { std::string dflt; if (!i.value ()["values"].isTable ()) { continue; } if (i.value ()["default"].isString ()) { dflt = i.value ()["default"].cast (); } w = new LuaDialogDropDown (key, title, i.value ()["values"], dflt); } else if (type == "file") { std::string path; if (i.value ()["path"].isString ()) { path = i.value ()["path"].cast (); } w = new LuaFileChooser (key, title, Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN, path); } else if (type == "folder") { std::string path; if (i.value ()["path"].isString ()) { path = i.value ()["path"].cast (); } w = new LuaFileChooser (key, title, Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER, path); } else if (type == "createfile") { std::string path; if (i.value ()["path"].isString ()) { path = i.value ()["path"].cast (); } w = new LuaFileChooserWidget (key, title, Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SAVE, path); } else if (type == "createdir") { std::string path; if (i.value ()["path"].isString ()) { path = i.value ()["path"].cast (); } w = new LuaFileChooserWidget (key, title, Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_CREATE_FOLDER, path); } else if (type == "color") { w = new LuaColorPicker (key); } if (w) { if (i.value ()["col"].isNumber ()) { w->set_col (i.value ()["col"].cast ()); } if (i.value ()["colspan"].isNumber ()) { w->set_span (i.value ()["colspan"].cast ()); } _widgets.push_back(w); } row_count++; } _ad.add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); _ad.add_button (Gtk::Stock::OK, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); Gtk::Table* table = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Table ()); table->set_col_spacings (20); table->set_row_spacings (8); table->set_border_width (8); table->signal_size_allocate ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (this, &Dialog::table_size_alloc)); if (row_count>16) { _scroller.set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_NONE); _scroller.set_border_width(0); _scroller.add (*table); _scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_NEVER); _ad.get_vbox ()->pack_start (_scroller); } else { _ad.get_vbox ()->pack_start (*table); } int row = 0; int last_end = -1; for (DialogWidgets::const_iterator i = _widgets.begin (); i != _widgets.end (); ++i) { int col = (*i)->col(); int cend = col + (*i)->span(); if (col < last_end) { ++row; } last_end = cend; std::string const& label = (*i)->label (); if (!label.empty ()) { /* items with implicit label (title) */ Gtk::Label* lbl = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (label + ":", Gtk::ALIGN_END, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false)); if (cend - col > 1) { table->attach (*lbl, col, col + 1, row, row + 1, Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK); table->attach (*((*i)->widget ()), col + 1, cend, row, row + 1, Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK); } else { Gtk::HBox* hb = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HBox()); hb->set_spacing(4); hb->pack_start (*lbl, true, false); hb->pack_start (*(*i)->widget (), true, false); table->attach (*hb, col, cend, row, row + 1, Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::SHRINK); } } else { table->attach (*((*i)->widget ()), col, cend, row, row + 1, Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND, (_widgets.size() == 1) ? (Gtk::FILL | Gtk::EXPAND) : Gtk::SHRINK); } } } Dialog::~Dialog () { for (DialogWidgets::const_iterator i = _widgets.begin (); i != _widgets.end () ; ++i) { delete *i; } _widgets.clear (); } int Dialog::run (lua_State *L) { _ad.get_vbox ()->show_all (); switch (_ad.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: lua_pushnil (L); return 1; } luabridge::LuaRef rv (luabridge::newTable (L)); for (DialogWidgets::const_iterator i = _widgets.begin (); i != _widgets.end () ; ++i) { (*i)->assign (&rv); } luabridge::push (L, rv); return 1; } void Dialog::table_size_alloc (Gtk::Allocation& allocation) { /* XXX: consider using 0.75 * screen-height instead of 512 */ if (allocation.get_height () > 512) { _scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); _ad.set_size_request (-1, 512); } } /* ***************************************************************************** * Lua Progress Dialog */ ProgressWindow::ProgressWindow (std::string const& title, bool allow_cancel) : ArdourDialog (title, true) , _canceled (false) { _bar.set_orientation (Gtk::PROGRESS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT); set_border_width (12); get_vbox()->set_spacing (6); get_vbox()->pack_start (_bar, false, false); if (allow_cancel) { using namespace Gtk; Button* b = add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); b->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ProgressWindow::cancel_clicked)); } set_default_size (200, -1); show_all (); } bool ProgressWindow::progress (float prog, std::string const& text) { if (!text.empty ()) { _bar.set_text (text); } if (prog < 0 || prog > 1) { _bar.set_pulse_step(.1); _bar.pulse(); } else { _bar.set_fraction (prog); } ARDOUR::GUIIdle (); return _canceled; } void ProgressWindow::done () { Gtk::Dialog::response(_canceled ? Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL : Gtk::RESPONSE_OK); }