/* Copyright (C) 2017 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #include "ardour/beatbox.h" #include "ardour/parameter_descriptor.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/smf_source.h" #include "ardour/source_factory.h" #include "ardour/step_sequencer.h" #include "ardour/region.h" #include "ardour/region_factory.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/grid.h" #include "canvas/box.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "canvas/polygon.h" #include "canvas/scroll_group.h" #include "canvas/step_button.h" #include "canvas/text.h" #include "canvas/widget.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gui_thread.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h" #include "beatbox_gui.h" #include "floating_text_entry.h" #include "timers.h" #include "ui_config.h" using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace ArdourCanvas; using std::cerr; using std::endl; const int _nsteps = 32; const int _nrows = 8; const double _step_dimen = 32; BBGUI::BBGUI (boost::shared_ptr bb) : ArdourDialog (_("BeatBox")) , bbox (bb) , horizontal_adjustment (0.0, 0.0, 800.0) , vertical_adjustment (0.0, 0.0, 10.0, 400.0) , vscrollbar (vertical_adjustment) , mode_velocity_button (_("Velocity")) , mode_pitch_button (_("Pitch")) , mode_octave_button (_("Octave")) , mode_group_button (_("Group")) , mode_duration_button (_("Gate")) { _canvas_viewport = new GtkCanvasViewport (horizontal_adjustment, vertical_adjustment); _canvas = _canvas_viewport->canvas(); _canvas->set_background_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bases")); _canvas->use_nsglview (); _sequencer = new SequencerGrid (bbox->sequencer(), _canvas); canvas_hbox.pack_start (*_canvas_viewport, true, true); canvas_hbox.pack_start (vscrollbar, false, false); get_vbox()->set_spacing (12); get_vbox()->pack_start (mode_box, false, false); get_vbox()->pack_start (canvas_hbox, true, true); export_as_region_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &BBGUI::export_as_region)); get_action_area()->pack_end (export_as_region_button); bbox->sequencer().PropertyChanged.connect (sequencer_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&BBGUI::sequencer_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); { /* trigger initial draw */ PropertyChange pc; sequencer_changed (pc); } show_all (); } BBGUI::~BBGUI () { } void BBGUI::update () { _sequencer->update (); } void BBGUI::on_map () { timer_connection = Timers::rapid_connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &BBGUI::update)); ArdourDialog::on_map (); } void BBGUI::on_unmap () { timer_connection.disconnect (); ArdourDialog::on_unmap (); } #if 0 bool BBGUI::SwitchRow::switch_event (GdkEvent* ev, int col) { Timecode::BBT_Time at; const int beats_per_bar = owner.bbox->meter_beats(); at.bars = col / beats_per_bar; at.beats = col % beats_per_bar; at.ticks = 0; at.bars++; at.beats++; Switch* s = switches[col]; if (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) { /* XXX changes hould be driven by model */ if (s->button->value()) { owner.bbox->remove_note (note, at); s->button->set_value (0); } else { s->button->set_value (64); owner.bbox->add_note (note, rint (s->button->value()), at); } return true; } else if (ev->type == GDK_SCROLL) { switch (ev->scroll.direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_UP: case GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT: s->button->set_value (s->button->value() + 1); break; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: case GDK_SCROLL_LEFT: s->button->set_value (s->button->value() - 1); break; } return true; } return false; } #endif void BBGUI::clear () { } void BBGUI::export_as_region () { std::string path = bbox->session().new_midi_source_path (bbox->owner()->name()); boost::shared_ptr src; /* caller must check for pre-existing file */ assert (!path.empty()); assert (!Glib::file_test (path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)); src = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(SourceFactory::createWritable (DataType::MIDI, bbox->session(), path, false, bbox->session().sample_rate())); try { if (src->create (path)) { return; } } catch (...) { return; } if (!bbox->fill_source (src)) { return; } std::string region_name = region_name_from_path (src->name(), true); PBD::PropertyList plist; plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start, 0); plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length, src->length (0)); plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::name, region_name); plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::layer, 0); plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::whole_file, true); plist.add (ARDOUR::Properties::external, false); boost::shared_ptr region = RegionFactory::create (src, plist, true); } void BBGUI::sequencer_changed (PropertyChange const &) { const size_t nsteps = bbox->sequencer().step_capacity (); const size_t nsequences = bbox->sequencer().nsequences(); _width = _step_dimen * nsteps; _height = (_step_dimen * (1+nsequences)) + SequencerGrid::mode_button_ydim; size_t required_scroll = _height - _canvas_viewport->get_allocation().get_height(); vertical_adjustment.set_upper (required_scroll); /* height is 1 step_dimen larger to accomodate the "step indicator" * line at the top */ _canvas_viewport->set_size_request (SequencerGrid::rhs_xoffset + _width, _height); } /**/ Gtkmm2ext::Color SequencerGrid::current_mode_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); Gtkmm2ext::Color SequencerGrid::not_current_mode_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); double SequencerGrid::rhs_xoffset = 250.0; double SequencerGrid::mode_button_width = 110.0; double SequencerGrid::mode_button_height = 60.0; double SequencerGrid::mode_button_spacing = 10; double SequencerGrid::mode_button_xdim = mode_button_width + mode_button_spacing; double SequencerGrid::mode_button_ydim = mode_button_height + mode_button_spacing; SequencerGrid::SequencerGrid (StepSequencer& s, Canvas* c) : Rectangle (c) , _sequencer (s) , _mode (Velocity) { if (current_mode_color == 0) { current_mode_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_lightest"); not_current_mode_color = contrasting_text_color (current_mode_color); } const Duple mode_button_center (mode_button_width/2.0, mode_button_height/2.0); no_scroll_group = new ArdourCanvas::Container (_canvas->root()); step_indicator_box = new ArdourCanvas::Container (no_scroll_group); step_indicator_box->set_position (Duple (rhs_xoffset, mode_button_height + (mode_button_spacing * 2.0))); v_scroll_group = new ScrollGroup (_canvas->root(), ScrollGroup::ScrollsVertically); _canvas->add_scroller (*v_scroll_group); v_scroll_group->add (this); velocity_mode_button = new Rectangle (no_scroll_group); velocity_mode_button->set_corner_radius (10.0); velocity_mode_button->set_position (Duple (rhs_xoffset, mode_button_spacing)); velocity_mode_button->set (Rect (0, 0, mode_button_width, mode_button_height)); velocity_mode_button->set_fill_color (current_mode_color); velocity_mode_text = new Text (velocity_mode_button); velocity_mode_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance().get_LargeFont()); velocity_mode_text->set (_("Velocity")); velocity_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (velocity_mode_button->fill_color())); velocity_mode_text->set_position (mode_button_center.translate (Duple (-velocity_mode_text->width()/2.0, -velocity_mode_text->height()/2.0))); pitch_mode_button = new Rectangle (no_scroll_group); pitch_mode_button->set_corner_radius (10.0); pitch_mode_button->set_position (Duple (rhs_xoffset + mode_button_xdim, mode_button_spacing)); pitch_mode_button->set (Rect (0, 0, mode_button_width, mode_button_height)); pitch_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); pitch_mode_text = new Text (pitch_mode_button); pitch_mode_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance().get_LargeFont()); pitch_mode_text->set (_("Pitch")); pitch_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (pitch_mode_button->fill_color())); pitch_mode_text->set_position (mode_button_center.translate (Duple (-pitch_mode_text->width()/2.0, -pitch_mode_text->height()/2.0))); gate_mode_button = new Rectangle (no_scroll_group); gate_mode_button->set_corner_radius (10.0); gate_mode_button->set_position (Duple (rhs_xoffset + (mode_button_xdim * 2), mode_button_spacing)); gate_mode_button->set (Rect (0, 0, mode_button_width, mode_button_height)); gate_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); gate_mode_text = new Text (gate_mode_button); gate_mode_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance().get_LargeFont()); gate_mode_text->set (_("Gate")); gate_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (gate_mode_button->fill_color())); gate_mode_text->set_position (mode_button_center.translate (Duple (-gate_mode_text->width()/2.0, -gate_mode_text->height()/2.0))); octave_mode_button = new Rectangle (no_scroll_group); octave_mode_button->set_corner_radius (10.0); octave_mode_button->set_position (Duple (rhs_xoffset + (mode_button_xdim * 3), mode_button_spacing)); octave_mode_button->set (Rect (0, 0, mode_button_width, mode_button_height)); octave_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); octave_mode_text = new Text (octave_mode_button); octave_mode_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance().get_LargeFont()); octave_mode_text->set (_("Octave")); octave_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (octave_mode_button->fill_color())); octave_mode_text->set_position (mode_button_center.translate (Duple (-octave_mode_text->width()/2.0, -octave_mode_text->height()/2.0))); /* place "us", the rectangle that contains/defines/draws the grid */ set_position (Duple (rhs_xoffset, _step_dimen + mode_button_ydim + mode_button_spacing)); octave_mode_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SequencerGrid::mode_button_event), Octave)); gate_mode_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SequencerGrid::mode_button_event), Duration)); pitch_mode_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SequencerGrid::mode_button_event), Pitch)); velocity_mode_button->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SequencerGrid::mode_button_event), Velocity)); _sequencer.PropertyChanged.connect (sequencer_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&SequencerGrid::sequencer_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); { /* trigger initial draw */ PropertyChange pc; sequencer_changed (pc); } } bool SequencerGrid::mode_button_event (GdkEvent* ev, Mode m) { switch (ev->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: set_mode (m); return true; default: break; } return false; } void SequencerGrid::update () { bool running = true; size_t step = _sequencer.last_step (); if (!running) { for (StepIndicators::iterator s = step_indicators.begin(); s != step_indicators.end(); ++s) { (*s)->set_current (false); } } else { size_t n = 0; for (StepIndicators::iterator s = step_indicators.begin(); s != step_indicators.end(); ++s, ++n) { if (n == step) { (*s)->set_current (true); } else { (*s)->set_current (false); } } } } void SequencerGrid::sequencer_changed (PropertyChange const &) { const size_t nsteps = _sequencer.step_capacity (); const size_t nsequences = _sequencer.nsequences(); _width = _step_dimen * nsteps; _height = _step_dimen * nsequences; set (Rect (0, 0, _width, _height)); step_indicator_box->clear (true); /* delete all existing step indicators */ step_indicators.clear (); step_indicator_bg = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (step_indicator_box); step_indicator_bg->set_fill_color (HSV (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bases")).lighter (0.1)); step_indicator_bg->set_outline (false); step_indicator_bg->set (Rect (0, 0, _width, _step_dimen)); /* indicator row */ for (size_t n = 0; n < nsteps; ++n) { SequencerStepIndicator* ssi = new SequencerStepIndicator (*this, step_indicator_box, n); ssi->set_position (Duple (n * _step_dimen, 0)); ssi->set (Rect (0, 0, _step_dimen, _step_dimen)); ssi->set_fill_color (random()); step_indicators.push_back (ssi); } /* step views, one per step per sequence */ clear (true); step_views.clear (); if (nsequences != sequence_headers.size()) { //sequence_headers.clear (true); cerr << "Creating " << nsequences << " SH\n"; for (size_t s = 0; s < nsequences; ++s) { SequenceHeader* sh = new SequenceHeader (*this, _sequencer.sequence (s), v_scroll_group); sh->set_position (Duple (0, (mode_button_ydim + mode_button_spacing) + ((s+1) * _step_dimen))); sh->set (Rect (1, 1, rhs_xoffset - 2, _step_dimen - 2)); sh->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bright_color")); sequence_headers.push_back (sh); } } for (size_t s = 0; s < nsequences; ++s) { for (size_t n = 0; n < nsteps; ++n) { StepView* sv = new StepView (*this, _sequencer.sequence (s).step (n), this); sv->set_position (Duple (n * _step_dimen, s * _step_dimen)); sv->set (Rect (1, 1, _step_dimen - 2, _step_dimen - 2)); step_views.push_back (sv); } } } void SequencerGrid::set_mode (Mode m) { if (_mode == m) { return; } _mode = m; switch (_mode) { case Octave: octave_mode_button->set_fill_color (current_mode_color); octave_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (current_mode_color)); velocity_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); gate_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); pitch_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); pitch_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (not_current_mode_color)); gate_mode_text->set_color (pitch_mode_text->color ()); velocity_mode_text->set_color (pitch_mode_text->color()); break; case Duration: gate_mode_button->set_fill_color (current_mode_color); gate_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (current_mode_color)); velocity_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); octave_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); pitch_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); pitch_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (not_current_mode_color)); octave_mode_text->set_color (pitch_mode_text->color ()); velocity_mode_text->set_color (pitch_mode_text->color()); break; case Pitch: pitch_mode_button->set_fill_color (current_mode_color); pitch_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (current_mode_color)); velocity_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); octave_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); gate_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); gate_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (not_current_mode_color)); octave_mode_text->set_color (gate_mode_text->color ()); velocity_mode_text->set_color (gate_mode_text->color()); break; case Velocity: velocity_mode_button->set_fill_color (current_mode_color); velocity_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (current_mode_color)); pitch_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); octave_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); gate_mode_button->set_fill_color (not_current_mode_color); pitch_mode_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (not_current_mode_color)); octave_mode_text->set_color (pitch_mode_text->color ()); gate_mode_text->set_color (pitch_mode_text->color()); default: break; } for (StepViews::iterator s = step_views.begin(); s != step_views.end(); ++s) { (*s)->view_mode_changed (); } redraw (); } void SequencerGrid::render (Rect const & area, Cairo::RefPtr context) const { Rect self (item_to_window (get(), false)); const Rect draw = self.intersection (area); if (!draw) { return; } setup_fill_context (context); context->rectangle (draw.x0, draw.y0, draw.width(), draw.height()); context->fill (); context->set_line_width (1.0); /* horizontal lines */ Gtkmm2ext::set_source_rgba (context, 0x000000ff); for (int n = 0; n < _nrows; ++n) { double x = 0; double y = n * _step_dimen; Duple start = item_to_window (Duple (x, y).translate (Duple (0.5, 0.5))); context->move_to (start.x, start.y); context->line_to (start.x + _width, start.y); context->stroke (); } /* vertical */ for (int n = 0; n < _nsteps; ++n) { double x = n * _step_dimen; double y = 0; Duple start = item_to_window (Duple (x, y).translate (Duple (0.5, 0.5))); context->move_to (start.x, start.y); context->line_to (start.x, start.y + _height); context->stroke (); } render_children (area, context); } SequenceHeader& SequencerGrid::sequence_header (size_t n) const { assert (n < sequence_headers.size()); return *sequence_headers[n]; } /**/ Gtkmm2ext::Color SequencerStepIndicator::other_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); Gtkmm2ext::Color SequencerStepIndicator::current_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); Gtkmm2ext::Color SequencerStepIndicator::other_text_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); Gtkmm2ext::Color SequencerStepIndicator::current_text_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); Gtkmm2ext::Color SequencerStepIndicator::bright_outline_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); int SequencerStepIndicator::dragging = 0; SequencerStepIndicator::SequencerStepIndicator (SequencerGrid& s, Item *p, size_t n) : Rectangle (p) , grid (s) , number (n) , being_dragged (false) { if (current_color == 0) { /* zero alpha? not set */ other_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bases"); current_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bright_color"); other_text_color = contrasting_text_color (other_color); current_text_color = contrasting_text_color (current_color); bright_outline_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bright_indicator"); } set_fill (false); set_outline (false); poly = new Polygon (this); Points points; /* half pixel shifts are to get a clean single pixel outline */ points.push_back (Duple (0.5, 0.5)); points.push_back (Duple (_step_dimen - 0.5, 0.5)); points.push_back (Duple (_step_dimen - 0.5, (_step_dimen - 1.0)/2.0)); points.push_back (Duple ((_step_dimen - 1.0)/2.0, _step_dimen - 0.5)); points.push_back (Duple (0.5, (_step_dimen - 1.0)/2.0)); poly->set (points); poly->set_fill_color (current_color); poly->set_outline_color (other_color); poly->set_ignore_events (true); text = new Text (this); set_text (); text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_NormalFont ()); text->set_position (Duple ((_step_dimen/2.0) - (text->width()/2.0), 5.0)); text->set_color (other_text_color); text->set_ignore_events (true); Event.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SequencerStepIndicator::on_event)); grid.sequencer().PropertyChanged.connect (sequencer_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&SequencerStepIndicator::sequencer_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); } void SequencerStepIndicator::sequencer_changed (PropertyChange const &) { set_text (); } void SequencerStepIndicator::set_text () { if (number == grid.sequencer().end_step() - 1) { text->set ("\u21a9"); } else if (number == grid.sequencer().start_step()) { text->set ("\u21aa"); } else { text->set (string_compose ("%1", number+1)); } } bool SequencerStepIndicator::on_event (GdkEvent* ev) { bool ret = false; switch (ev->type) { case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: switch (dragging) { case 1: /* end */ poly->set_outline_color (bright_outline_color); poly->set_fill_color (current_color); being_dragged = true; break; case -1: poly->set_outline_color (bright_outline_color); poly->set_fill_color (current_color); being_dragged = true; break; default: poly->set_outline_color (other_color); poly->set_fill_color (other_color); } break; case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: if (dragging) { poly->set_outline_color (other_color); poly->set_fill_color (other_color); being_dragged = false; } break; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: ret = motion_event (&ev->motion); break; case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: ret = button_press_event (&ev->button); break; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: ret = button_release_event (&ev->button); break; default: break; } return ret; } bool SequencerStepIndicator::motion_event (GdkEventMotion* ev) { return true; } bool SequencerStepIndicator::button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (number == grid.sequencer().end_step() - 1) { dragging = 1; } else if (number == grid.sequencer().start_step()) { dragging = -1; } return true; } bool SequencerStepIndicator::button_release_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { switch (dragging) { case 1: grid.sequencer().set_end_step (number+1); break; case -1: grid.sequencer().set_start_step (number); break; default: break; } dragging = 0; being_dragged = false; return true; } void SequencerStepIndicator::set_current (bool yn) { if (being_dragged) { return; } if (yn) { poly->set_fill_color (current_color); text->set_color (current_text_color); } else { poly->set_fill_color (other_color); text->set_color (other_text_color); } } void SequencerStepIndicator::render (Rect const & area, Cairo::RefPtr context) const { Rectangle::render (area, context); render_children (area, context); } Gtkmm2ext::Color StepView::on_fill_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); Gtkmm2ext::Color StepView::off_fill_color = Gtkmm2ext::Color (0); StepView::StepView (SequencerGrid& sg, Step& s, ArdourCanvas::Item* parent) : ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (parent) , _step (s) , _seq (sg) , text (new Text (this)) , grabbed (false) { if (on_fill_color == 0) { on_fill_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bases"); off_fill_color = HSV (on_fill_color).lighter (0.1); } set_fill_color (off_fill_color); set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("gtk_bright_color")); set_outline (false); text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (fill_color())); text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance ().get_SmallFont ()); text->hide (); Event.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StepView::on_event)); _step.PropertyChanged.connect (step_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&StepView::step_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); } void StepView::view_mode_changed () { /* this should leave the text to the last text-displaying mode */ if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Octave) { set_octave_text (); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Group) { set_group_text (); } } void StepView::set_group_text () { text->set ("-"); } void StepView::set_octave_text () { if (_step.octave_shift() > 0) { text->set (string_compose ("+%1", _step.octave_shift())); text->show (); } else if (_step.octave_shift() == 0) { text->hide (); } else { text->set (string_compose ("%1", _step.octave_shift())); text->show (); } if (text->self_visible()) { const double w = text->width(); const double h = text->height(); text->set_position (Duple (_step_dimen/2 - (w/2), _step_dimen/2 - (h/2))); } } void StepView::step_changed (PropertyChange const &) { if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Octave) { set_octave_text (); } if (_step.velocity()) { set_fill_color (on_fill_color); } else { set_fill_color (off_fill_color); } redraw (); } void StepView::render (ArdourCanvas::Rect const & area, Cairo::RefPtr context) const { Rectangle::render (area, context); if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Velocity) { if (_step.velocity()) { const double height = (_step_dimen - 4) * _step.velocity(); const Duple origin = item_to_window (Duple (0, 0)); set_source_rgba (context, outline_color()); context->rectangle (origin.x + 2, origin.y + (_step_dimen - height - 2), _step_dimen - 4, height); context->fill (); } } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Pitch) { if (_step.velocity()) { const double height = (_step_dimen - 4) * (_step.note() / 128.0); const Duple origin = item_to_window (Duple (0, 0)); set_source_rgba (context, outline_color()); context->rectangle (origin.x + 2, origin.y + (_step_dimen - height - 2), _step_dimen - 4, height); context->fill (); } } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Duration) { if (_step.velocity()) { const Step::DurationRatio d (_step.duration()); const double height = ((_step_dimen - 4.0) * d.numerator()) / d.denominator(); const Duple origin = item_to_window (Duple (0, 0)); set_source_rgba (context, outline_color()); context->rectangle (origin.x + 2, origin.y + (_step_dimen - height - 2), _step_dimen - 4, height); context->fill (); } } /* now deal with any children (e.g. text) */ render_children (area, context); } bool StepView::on_event (GdkEvent *ev) { bool ret = false; switch (ev->type) { case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: ret = motion_event (&ev->motion); break; case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: ret = button_press_event (&ev->button); break; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: ret = button_release_event (&ev->button); break; case GDK_SCROLL: ret = scroll_event (&ev->scroll); default: break; } return ret; } bool StepView::motion_event (GdkEventMotion* ev) { if (!grabbed) { return false; } const double distance = last_motion.second - ev->y; if ((ev->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) || _seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Pitch) { adjust_step_pitch (distance); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Velocity) { adjust_step_velocity (distance); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Duration) { adjust_step_duration (Step::DurationRatio (distance, 32)); /* adjust by 1/32 of the sequencer step size */ } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Octave) { adjust_step_octave (distance); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Group) { } last_motion = std::make_pair (ev->x, ev->y); return true; } bool StepView::button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { grab_at = std::make_pair (ev->x, ev->y); last_motion = grab_at; grab (); grabbed = true; return true; } bool StepView::button_release_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (grabbed) { ungrab (); grabbed = false; if (fabs (last_motion.second - grab_at.second) < 4) { /* just a click */ /* in all modes except octave, turn step on if it is off */ if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Octave) { if (_step.velocity()) { _step.set_octave_shift (0); } else { _step.set_velocity (0.8); } } else { if (_step.velocity()) { _step.set_velocity (0.0); } else { _step.set_velocity (0.8); } } } } return true; } bool StepView::scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* ev) { int amt = 0; switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_UP: amt = 1; break; case GDK_SCROLL_LEFT: amt = -1; break; case GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT: amt = 1; break; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: amt = -1; break; } if ((ev->state & GDK_MOD1_MASK) || _seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Pitch) { adjust_step_pitch (amt); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Velocity) { adjust_step_velocity (amt); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Duration) { /* adjust by 1/32 of the sequencer step size */ adjust_step_duration (Step::DurationRatio (amt, 32)); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Octave) { adjust_step_octave (amt); } else if (_seq.mode() == SequencerGrid::Group) { } return true; } void StepView::adjust_step_pitch (int amt) { _step.adjust_pitch (amt); } void StepView::adjust_step_velocity (int amt) { _step.adjust_velocity (amt); } void StepView::adjust_step_octave (int amt) { _step.adjust_octave (amt); } void StepView::adjust_step_duration (Step::DurationRatio const & amt) { _step.adjust_duration (amt); } /**/ SequenceHeader::SequenceHeader (SequencerGrid& sg, StepSequence& sq, Item* parent) : Rectangle (parent) , grid (sg) , sequence (sq) { number_display = new Rectangle (this); number_display->set_position (Duple (4.0, 4.0)); number_display->set_corner_radius (5); number_text = new Text (number_display); number_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance().get_LargeFont()); number_text->set ("88"); // likely widest number label number_display->set (Rect (0.0, 0.0, number_text->width() + 8.0, _step_dimen - 8.0)); number_text->set (string_compose ("%1", sequence.index() + 1)); number_text->set_position (Duple ((number_display->width()/2.0) - (number_text->width()/2.0), ((_step_dimen - 8.0) / 2.0) - (number_text->height() / 2.0))); number_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (number_display->fill_color())); name_text = new Text (this); name_text->set (_("Snare")); name_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance().get_LargeFont()); name_text->set_position (Duple (number_display->width() + 5.0, (_step_dimen/2.0) - (name_text->height() / 2.0))); name_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (fill_color())); name_text->Event.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SequenceHeader::name_text_event)); root_display = new Rectangle (this); root_display->set_position (Duple (180, 4.0)); root_display->set (Rect (0.0, 0.0, _step_dimen * 1.5, _step_dimen - 8.0)); root_display->set_corner_radius (5); root_text = new Text (root_display); root_text->set (ParameterDescriptor::midi_note_name (sequence.root())); root_text->set_font_description (UIConfiguration::instance().get_LargeFont()); root_text->set_position (Duple (4.0, ((_step_dimen - 8.0) / 2.0) - (root_text->height() / 2.0))); root_text->set_color (contrasting_text_color (root_display->fill_color())); } bool SequenceHeader::name_text_event (GdkEvent *ev) { switch (ev->type) { case GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS: edit_name (); return true; default: break; } return false; } void SequenceHeader::edit_name () { GtkCanvas* gc = dynamic_cast (name_text->canvas()); assert (gc); Gtk::Window* toplevel = (Gtk::Window*) gc->get_toplevel(); assert (toplevel); floating_entry = new FloatingTextEntry (toplevel, name_text->text()); floating_entry->use_text.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &SequenceHeader::name_edited)); floating_entry->set_name (X_("LargeTextEntry")); /* move fte top left corner to top left corner of name text */ Duple wc = name_text->item_to_window (Duple (0,0)); int x, y; int wx, wy; gc->translate_coordinates (*toplevel, wc.x, wc.y, x, y); toplevel->get_window()->get_origin (wx, wy); floating_entry->move (wx + x, wy + y); floating_entry->present (); } void SequenceHeader::name_edited (std::string str, int next) { name_text->set (str); switch (next) { case 0: break; case 1: if (sequence.index() < grid.sequencer().nsequences() - 1) { grid.sequence_header (sequence.index() + 1).edit_name(); } break; case -1: if (sequence.index() > 0) { grid.sequence_header (sequence.index() - 1).edit_name(); } break; } }