/* Copyright (C) 2000-2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/tokenizer.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" #include "plugin_selector.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace std; using namespace ArdourWidgets; static const uint32_t MAX_CREATOR_LEN = 24; PluginSelector::PluginSelector (PluginManager& mgr) : ArdourDialog (_("Plugin Manager"), true, false) , search_clear_button (Stock::CLEAR) , manager (mgr) , _inhibit_refill (false) { set_name ("PluginSelectorWindow"); add_events (Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); _plugin_menu = 0; in_row_change = false; //anytime the list changes ( Status, Tags, or scanned plugins ) we need to rebuild redirect-box plugin selector menu manager.PluginListChanged.connect (plugin_list_changed_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginSelector::build_plugin_menu, this), gui_context()); //these are used to update the info of specific entries, while they are being edited manager.PluginStatusChanged.connect (plugin_list_changed_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginSelector::plugin_status_changed, this, _1, _2, _3), gui_context()); manager.PluginTagChanged.connect(plugin_list_changed_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginSelector::tags_changed, this, _1, _2, _3), gui_context()); plugin_model = Gtk::ListStore::create (plugin_columns); plugin_display.set_model (plugin_model); /* XXX translators: try to convert "Fav" into a short term * related to "favorite" and "Hid" into a short term * related to "hidden" */ plugin_display.append_column (_("Fav"), plugin_columns.favorite); plugin_display.append_column (_("Hide"), plugin_columns.hidden); plugin_display.append_column (_("Name"), plugin_columns.name); plugin_display.append_column (_("Tags"), plugin_columns.tags); plugin_display.append_column (_("Creator"), plugin_columns.creator); plugin_display.append_column (_("Type"), plugin_columns.type_name); plugin_display.append_column (_("Audio I/O"),plugin_columns.audio_io); plugin_display.append_column (_("MIDI I/O"), plugin_columns.midi_io); plugin_display.set_headers_visible (true); plugin_display.set_headers_clickable (true); plugin_display.set_reorderable (false); plugin_display.set_rules_hint (true); plugin_display.add_object_drag (plugin_columns.plugin.index(), "PluginInfoPtr"); plugin_display.set_drag_column (plugin_columns.name.index()); // setting a sort-column prevents re-ordering via Drag/Drop plugin_model->set_sort_column (plugin_columns.name.index(), Gtk::SORT_ASCENDING); plugin_display.set_name("PluginSelectorDisplay"); plugin_display.signal_row_activated().connect_notify (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PluginSelector::row_activated)); plugin_display.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PluginSelector::display_selection_changed)); CellRendererToggle* fav_cell = dynamic_cast(plugin_display.get_column_cell_renderer (0)); fav_cell->property_activatable() = true; fav_cell->property_radio() = true; fav_cell->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::favorite_changed)); CellRendererToggle* hidden_cell = dynamic_cast(plugin_display.get_column_cell_renderer (1)); hidden_cell->property_activatable() = true; hidden_cell->property_radio() = true; hidden_cell->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::hidden_changed)); scroller.set_border_width(10); scroller.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); scroller.add(plugin_display); amodel = Gtk::ListStore::create(acols); added_list.set_model (amodel); added_list.append_column (_("Plugins to be connected"), acols.text); added_list.set_headers_visible (true); added_list.set_reorderable (false); for (int i = 2; i <= 7; ++i) { Gtk::TreeView::Column* column = plugin_display.get_column(i); if (column) { column->set_sort_column(i); } } ascroller.set_border_width(10); ascroller.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); ascroller.add(added_list); btn_add = manage(new Gtk::Button(Stock::ADD)); set_tooltip(*btn_add, _("Add a plugin to the effect list")); btn_add->set_sensitive (false); btn_remove = manage(new Gtk::Button(Stock::REMOVE)); btn_remove->set_sensitive (false); set_tooltip(*btn_remove, _("Remove a plugin from the effect list")); btn_add->set_name("PluginSelectorButton"); btn_remove->set_name("PluginSelectorButton"); /* SEARCH */ Gtk::Table* search_table = manage(new Gtk::Table(2, 2)); search_entry.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::search_entry_changed)); search_clear_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::search_clear_button_clicked)); _search_name_checkbox = manage (new ArdourButton (_("Name"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements, true)); _search_name_checkbox->set_active(true); _search_name_checkbox->set_name ("pluginlist filter button"); _search_tags_checkbox = manage (new ArdourButton (_("Tags"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements, true)); _search_tags_checkbox->set_active(true); _search_tags_checkbox->set_name ("pluginlist filter button"); _search_ignore_checkbox = manage (new ArdourButton(_("Ignore Filters when searching"), ArdourButton::led_default_elements, true)); _search_ignore_checkbox->set_active(true); _search_ignore_checkbox->set_name ("pluginlist filter button"); Gtk::Label* search_help_label1 = manage (new Label( _("All search terms must be matched."), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)); Gtk::Label* search_help_label2 = manage (new Label( _("Ex: \"ess dyn\" will find \"dynamic de-esser\" but not \"de-esser\"."), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)); search_table->attach (search_entry, 0, 3, 0, 1, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); search_table->attach (search_clear_button, 3, 4, 0, 1, FILL, FILL); search_table->attach (*_search_name_checkbox, 0, 1, 1, 2, FILL, FILL); search_table->attach (*_search_tags_checkbox, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL, FILL); search_table->attach (*_search_ignore_checkbox,2, 3, 1, 2, FILL, FILL); search_table->attach (*search_help_label1, 0, 3, 2, 3, FILL, FILL); search_table->attach (*search_help_label2, 0, 3, 3, 4, FILL, FILL); search_table->set_border_width (4); search_table->set_col_spacings (4); search_table->set_row_spacings (4); Frame* search_frame = manage (new Frame); search_frame->set_name ("BaseFrame"); search_frame->set_label (_("Search")); search_frame->add (*search_table); search_frame->show_all (); _search_name_checkbox->signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _search_tags_checkbox->signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _search_ignore_checkbox->signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::set_sensitive_widgets)); /* FILTER */ Gtk::RadioButtonGroup fil_radio_group; _fil_effects_radio = manage (new RadioButton (fil_radio_group, _("Show Effects Only"))); _fil_instruments_radio = manage (new RadioButton (fil_radio_group, _("Show Instruments Only"))); _fil_utils_radio = manage (new RadioButton (fil_radio_group, _("Show Utilities Only"))); _fil_favorites_radio = manage (new RadioButton (fil_radio_group, _("Show Favorites Only"))); _fil_hidden_radio = manage (new RadioButton (fil_radio_group, _("Show Hidden Only"))); _fil_all_radio = manage (new RadioButton (fil_radio_group, _("Show All"))); //_fil_type_combo = manage (new ComboBoxText); _fil_type_combo.append_text_item (_("Show All Formats")); _fil_type_combo.append_text_item (X_("VST")); #ifdef AUDIOUNIT_SUPPORT _fil_type_combo.append_text_item (X_("AudioUnit")); #endif #ifdef LV2_SUPPORT _fil_type_combo.append_text_item (X_("LV2")); #endif _fil_type_combo.append_text_item (X_("Lua")); _fil_type_combo.append_text_item (X_("LADSPA")); _fil_type_combo.set_text (_("Show All Formats")); /* note: _fil_creator_combo menu gets filled in build_plugin_menu */ _fil_creator_combo.set_text_ellipsize (Pango::ELLIPSIZE_END); _fil_creator_combo.set_layout_ellipsize_width (PANGO_SCALE * 160 * UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ()); _fil_channel_combo.append_text_item (_("Audio I/O")); _fil_channel_combo.append_text_item (_("Mono Audio I/O")); _fil_channel_combo.append_text_item (_("Stereo Audio I/O")); _fil_channel_combo.append_text_item (_("MIDI I/O (only)")); _fil_channel_combo.append_text_item (_("Show All I/O")); #ifdef MIXBUS _fil_channel_combo.set_text (_("Audio I/O")); #else _fil_channel_combo.set_text (_("Show All I/O")); #endif VBox* filter_vbox = manage (new VBox); filter_vbox->pack_start (*_fil_effects_radio, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (*_fil_instruments_radio, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (*_fil_utils_radio, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (*_fil_favorites_radio, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (*_fil_hidden_radio, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (*_fil_all_radio, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (_fil_type_combo, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (_fil_creator_combo, false, false); filter_vbox->pack_start (_fil_channel_combo, false, false); filter_vbox->set_border_width (4); filter_vbox->set_spacing (4); Frame* filter_frame = manage (new Frame); filter_frame->set_name ("BaseFrame"); filter_frame->set_label (_("Filter")); filter_frame->add (*filter_vbox); filter_frame->show_all (); _fil_effects_radio->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _fil_instruments_radio->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _fil_utils_radio->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _fil_favorites_radio->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _fil_hidden_radio->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _fil_type_combo.StateChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _fil_creator_combo.StateChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); _fil_channel_combo.StateChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::refill)); /* TAG entry */ Gtk::Table* tagging_table = manage(new Gtk::Table(1, 2)); tagging_table->set_border_width (4); tagging_table->set_col_spacings (4); tagging_table->set_row_spacings (4); tag_entry = manage (new Gtk::Entry); tag_entry_connection = tag_entry->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::tag_entry_changed)); tag_reset_button = manage (new Button (_("Reset"))); tag_reset_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::tag_reset_button_clicked)); Gtk::Label* tagging_help_label1 = manage (new Label( _("Enter space-separated, one-word Tags for the selected plugin."), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)); Gtk::Label* tagging_help_label2 = manage (new Label( _("You can include dashes, colons or underscores in a Tag."), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)); Gtk::Label* tagging_help_label3 = manage (new Label( _("Ex: \"dynamic de-esser vocal\" applies 3 Tags."), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)); int p = 0; tagging_table->attach (*tag_entry, 0, 1, p, p+1, FILL|EXPAND, FILL); tagging_table->attach (*tag_reset_button, 1, 2, p, p+1, FILL, FILL); p++; tagging_table->attach (*tagging_help_label1, 0, 2, p, p+1, FILL, FILL); p++; tagging_table->attach (*tagging_help_label2, 0, 2, p, p+1, FILL, FILL); p++; tagging_table->attach (*tagging_help_label3, 0, 2, p, p+1, FILL, FILL); p++; Frame* tag_frame = manage (new Frame); tag_frame->set_name ("BaseFrame"); tag_frame->set_label (_("Tags for Selected Plugin")); tag_frame->add (*tagging_table); tag_frame->show_all (); /* Add & remove buttons */ HBox* add_remove = manage (new HBox); add_remove->pack_start (*btn_add, true, true); add_remove->pack_start (*btn_remove, true, true); btn_add->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PluginSelector::btn_add_clicked)); btn_remove->signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PluginSelector::btn_remove_clicked)); added_list.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PluginSelector::added_list_selection_changed)); added_list.signal_button_press_event().connect_notify (mem_fun(*this, &PluginSelector::added_row_clicked)); added_list.set_name("PluginSelectorList"); /* Top-level Layout */ VBox* to_be_inserted_vbox = manage (new VBox); to_be_inserted_vbox->pack_start (ascroller); to_be_inserted_vbox->pack_start (*add_remove, false, false); to_be_inserted_vbox->set_size_request (200, -1); Gtk::Table* table = manage(new Gtk::Table(3, 3)); table->set_size_request(-1, 600); table->attach (scroller, 0, 3, 0, 5); /* this is the main plugin list */ table->attach (*search_frame, 0, 1, 6, 7, FILL, FILL, 5, 5); table->attach (*tag_frame, 0, 1, 7, 8, FILL, FILL, 5, 5); table->attach (*filter_frame, 1, 2, 6, 8, FILL, FILL, 5, 5); table->attach (*to_be_inserted_vbox, 2, 3, 6, 8, FILL|EXPAND, FILL, 5, 5); /* to be inserted... */ add_button (Stock::CLOSE, RESPONSE_CLOSE); add_button (_("Insert Plugin(s)"), RESPONSE_APPLY); set_default_response (RESPONSE_APPLY); set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_APPLY, false); get_vbox()->pack_start (*table); table->set_name("PluginSelectorTable"); plugin_display.grab_focus(); build_plugin_menu (); display_selection_changed (); } PluginSelector::~PluginSelector () { delete _plugin_menu; } void PluginSelector::row_activated(Gtk::TreeModel::Path, Gtk::TreeViewColumn*) { btn_add_clicked(); } void PluginSelector::added_row_clicked(GdkEventButton* event) { if (event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) btn_remove_clicked(); } bool PluginSelector::show_this_plugin (const PluginInfoPtr& info, const std::string& searchstr) { string mode; bool maybe_show = false; if (!searchstr.empty()) { std::string compstr; if (_search_name_checkbox->get_active()) { /* name contains */ compstr = info->name; transform (compstr.begin(), compstr.end(), compstr.begin(), ::toupper); if (compstr.find (searchstr) != string::npos) { maybe_show = true; } } if (_search_tags_checkbox->get_active()) { /* tag contains */ compstr = manager.get_tags_as_string (info); transform (compstr.begin(), compstr.end(), compstr.begin(), ::toupper); if (compstr.find (searchstr) != string::npos) { maybe_show = true; } } if (!maybe_show) { return false; } /* user asked to ignore filters */ if (maybe_show && _search_ignore_checkbox->get_active()) { if (manager.get_status (info) == PluginManager::Hidden) { return false; } return true; } } if (_fil_effects_radio->get_active() && !info->is_effect()) { return false; } if (_fil_instruments_radio->get_active() && !info->is_instrument()) { return false; } if (_fil_utils_radio->get_active() && !(info->is_utility() || info->is_analyzer())) { return false; } if (_fil_favorites_radio->get_active() && !(manager.get_status (info) == PluginManager::Favorite)) { return false; } if (_fil_hidden_radio->get_active() && !(manager.get_status (info) == PluginManager::Hidden)) { return false; } if (!_fil_hidden_radio->get_active() && manager.get_status (info) == PluginManager::Hidden) { return false; } /* Filter "type" combobox */ if (_fil_type_combo.get_text() == X_("VST") && PluginManager::to_generic_vst(info->type) != LXVST) { return false; } if (_fil_type_combo.get_text() == X_("AudioUnit") && info->type != AudioUnit) { return false; } #ifdef LV2_SUPPORT if (_fil_type_combo.get_text() == X_("LV2") && info->type != LV2) { return false; } #endif if (_fil_type_combo.get_text() == X_("Lua") && info->type != Lua) { return false; } if (_fil_type_combo.get_text() == X_("LADSPA") && info->type != LADSPA) { return false; } /* Filter "creator" combobox */ if (_fil_creator_combo.get_text() != _("Show All Creators")) { if (_fil_creator_combo.get_text() != info->creator) { return false; } } /* Filter "I/O" combobox */ if (_fil_channel_combo.get_text() != _("Show All I/O") || info->reconfigurable_io ()) { #if 0 if (info->reconfigurable_io ()) { return true; // who knows.... ? } #endif if (_fil_channel_combo.get_text() == _("Audio I/O")) { if ((info->n_inputs.n_audio() == 0 || info->n_outputs.n_audio() == 0)) { return false; } } if (_fil_channel_combo.get_text() == _("Mono Audio I/O")) { if (info->n_inputs.n_audio() != 1 || info->n_outputs.n_audio() != 1) { return false; } } if (_fil_channel_combo.get_text() == _("Stereo Audio I/O")) { if (info->n_inputs.n_audio() != 2 || info->n_outputs.n_audio() != 2) { return false; } } if (_fil_channel_combo.get_text() == _("MIDI I/O (only)")) { if ((info->n_inputs.n_audio() != 0 || info->n_outputs.n_audio() == 0)) { return false; } } } return true; } void PluginSelector::setup_search_string (string& searchstr) { searchstr = search_entry.get_text (); transform (searchstr.begin(), searchstr.end(), searchstr.begin(), ::toupper); } void PluginSelector::set_sensitive_widgets () { if (_search_ignore_checkbox->get_active() && !search_entry.get_text().empty()) { _fil_effects_radio->set_sensitive(false); _fil_instruments_radio->set_sensitive(false); _fil_utils_radio->set_sensitive(false); _fil_favorites_radio->set_sensitive(false); _fil_hidden_radio->set_sensitive(false); _fil_all_radio->set_sensitive(false); _inhibit_refill = true; _fil_type_combo.set_sensitive(false); _fil_creator_combo.set_sensitive(false); _fil_channel_combo.set_sensitive(false); _inhibit_refill = false; } else { _fil_effects_radio->set_sensitive(true); _fil_instruments_radio->set_sensitive(true); _fil_utils_radio->set_sensitive(true); _fil_favorites_radio->set_sensitive(true); _fil_hidden_radio->set_sensitive(true); _fil_all_radio->set_sensitive(true); _inhibit_refill = true; _fil_type_combo.set_sensitive(true); _fil_creator_combo.set_sensitive(true); _fil_channel_combo.set_sensitive(true); _inhibit_refill = false; } if (!search_entry.get_text().empty()) { refill (); } } void PluginSelector::refill () { if (_inhibit_refill) { return; } std::string searchstr; in_row_change = true; plugin_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); int sort_col; SortType sort_type; bool sorted = plugin_model->get_sort_column_id (sort_col, sort_type); /* Disable sorting to gain performance */ plugin_model->set_sort_column (-2, SORT_ASCENDING); plugin_model->clear (); setup_search_string (searchstr); ladspa_refiller (searchstr); lv2_refiller (searchstr); vst_refiller (searchstr); lxvst_refiller (searchstr); mac_vst_refiller (searchstr); au_refiller (searchstr); lua_refiller (searchstr); in_row_change = false; plugin_display.set_model (plugin_model); if (sorted) { plugin_model->set_sort_column (sort_col, sort_type); } } void PluginSelector::refiller (const PluginInfoList& plugs, const::std::string& searchstr, const char* type) { char buf[16]; for (PluginInfoList::const_iterator i = plugs.begin(); i != plugs.end(); ++i) { if (show_this_plugin (*i, searchstr)) { TreeModel::Row newrow = *(plugin_model->append()); newrow[plugin_columns.favorite] = (manager.get_status (*i) == PluginManager::Favorite); newrow[plugin_columns.hidden] = (manager.get_status (*i) == PluginManager::Hidden); string name = (*i)->name; if (name.length() > 48) { name = name.substr (0, 48); name.append("..."); } newrow[plugin_columns.name] = name; newrow[plugin_columns.type_name] = type; /* Creator */ string creator = (*i)->creator; string::size_type pos = 0; if ((*i)->type == ARDOUR::LADSPA) { /* stupid LADSPA creator strings */ #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS while (pos < creator.length() && creator[pos] > -2 && creator[pos] < 256 && (isalnum (creator[pos]) || isspace (creator[pos]))) ++pos; #else while (pos < creator.length() && (isalnum (creator[pos]) || isspace (creator[pos]))) ++pos; #endif } else { pos = creator.length (); } // If there were too few characters to create a // meaningful name, mark this creator as 'Unknown' if (creator.length() < 2 || pos < 3) { creator = "Unknown"; } else{ creator = creator.substr (0, pos); } if (creator.length() > MAX_CREATOR_LEN) { creator = creator.substr (0, MAX_CREATOR_LEN); creator.append("..."); } newrow[plugin_columns.creator] = creator; /* Tags */ string tags = manager.get_tags_as_string(*i); if (tags.length() > 32) { tags = tags.substr (0, 32); tags.append("..."); } newrow[plugin_columns.tags] = tags; if ((*i)->reconfigurable_io ()) { newrow[plugin_columns.audio_io] = "* / *"; newrow[plugin_columns.midi_io] = "* / *"; } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d / %d", (*i)->n_inputs.n_audio(), (*i)->n_outputs.n_audio()); newrow[plugin_columns.audio_io] = buf; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d / %d", (*i)->n_inputs.n_audio(), (*i)->n_outputs.n_audio()); newrow[plugin_columns.midi_io] = buf; } newrow[plugin_columns.plugin] = *i; } } } void PluginSelector::ladspa_refiller (const std::string& searchstr) { refiller (manager.ladspa_plugin_info(), searchstr, "LADSPA"); } void PluginSelector::lua_refiller (const std::string& searchstr) { refiller (manager.lua_plugin_info(), searchstr, "Lua"); } void PluginSelector::lv2_refiller (const std::string& searchstr) { #ifdef LV2_SUPPORT refiller (manager.lv2_plugin_info(), searchstr, "LV2"); #endif } void #ifdef WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT PluginSelector::vst_refiller (const std::string& searchstr) #else PluginSelector::vst_refiller (const std::string&) #endif { #ifdef WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT refiller (manager.windows_vst_plugin_info(), searchstr, "VST"); #endif } void #ifdef LXVST_SUPPORT PluginSelector::lxvst_refiller (const std::string& searchstr) #else PluginSelector::lxvst_refiller (const std::string&) #endif { #ifdef LXVST_SUPPORT refiller (manager.lxvst_plugin_info(), searchstr, "LXVST"); #endif } void #ifdef MACVST_SUPPORT PluginSelector::mac_vst_refiller (const std::string& searchstr) #else PluginSelector::mac_vst_refiller (const std::string&) #endif { #ifdef MACVST_SUPPORT refiller (manager.mac_vst_plugin_info(), searchstr, "MacVST"); #endif } void #ifdef AUDIOUNIT_SUPPORT PluginSelector::au_refiller (const std::string& searchstr) #else PluginSelector::au_refiller (const std::string&) #endif { #ifdef AUDIOUNIT_SUPPORT refiller (manager.au_plugin_info(), searchstr, "AU"); #endif } PluginPtr PluginSelector::load_plugin (PluginInfoPtr pi) { if (_session == 0) { return PluginPtr(); } return pi->load (*_session); } void PluginSelector::btn_add_clicked() { if (plugin_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() == 0) { /* may happen with ctrl + double-click un-selecting but activating a row */ return; } std::string name; PluginInfoPtr pi; TreeModel::Row newrow = *(amodel->append()); TreeModel::Row row; row = *(plugin_display.get_selection()->get_selected()); name = row[plugin_columns.name]; pi = row[plugin_columns.plugin]; newrow[acols.text] = name; newrow[acols.plugin] = pi; if (!amodel->children().empty()) { set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_APPLY, true); } } void PluginSelector::btn_remove_clicked() { TreeModel::iterator iter = added_list.get_selection()->get_selected(); amodel->erase(iter); if (amodel->children().empty()) { set_response_sensitive (RESPONSE_APPLY, false); } } void PluginSelector::display_selection_changed() { tag_entry_connection.block (); if (plugin_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() != 0) { /* a plugin row is selected; allow the user to edit the "tags" on it. */ TreeModel::Row row = *(plugin_display.get_selection()->get_selected()); string tags = manager.get_tags_as_string (row[plugin_columns.plugin]); tag_entry->set_text (tags); tag_entry->set_sensitive (true); tag_reset_button->set_sensitive (true); btn_add->set_sensitive (true); } else { tag_entry->set_text (""); tag_entry->set_sensitive (false); tag_reset_button->set_sensitive (false); btn_add->set_sensitive (false); } tag_entry_connection.unblock (); } void PluginSelector::added_list_selection_changed() { if (added_list.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() != 0) { btn_remove->set_sensitive (true); } else { btn_remove->set_sensitive (false); } } int PluginSelector::run () { ResponseType r; TreeModel::Children::iterator i; bool finish = false; while (!finish) { SelectedPlugins plugins; r = (ResponseType) Dialog::run (); switch (r) { case RESPONSE_APPLY: for (i = amodel->children().begin(); i != amodel->children().end(); ++i) { PluginInfoPtr pp = (*i)[acols.plugin]; PluginPtr p = load_plugin (pp); if (p) { plugins.push_back (p); } else { MessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("The plugin \"%1\" could not be loaded\n\nSee the Log window for more details (maybe)"), pp->name)); msg.run (); } } if (interested_object && !plugins.empty()) { finish = !interested_object->use_plugins (plugins); } break; default: finish = true; break; } } hide(); amodel->clear(); interested_object = 0; if (_need_tag_save) { manager.save_tags(); } if (_need_status_save) { manager.save_statuses(); } if ( _need_tag_save || _need_status_save || _need_menu_rebuild ) { manager.PluginListChanged(); //emit signal } return (int) r; } void PluginSelector::search_clear_button_clicked () { search_entry.set_text (""); } void PluginSelector::tag_reset_button_clicked () { if (plugin_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() != 0) { TreeModel::Row row = *(plugin_display.get_selection()->get_selected()); ARDOUR::PluginInfoPtr pi = row[plugin_columns.plugin]; manager.reset_tags (pi); display_selection_changed (); _need_tag_save = true; _need_menu_rebuild = true; } } void PluginSelector::search_entry_changed () { set_sensitive_widgets(); if (search_entry.get_text().empty()) { refill (); } } void PluginSelector::tag_entry_changed () { if (plugin_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() != 0) { TreeModel::Row row = *(plugin_display.get_selection()->get_selected()); ARDOUR::PluginInfoPtr pi = row[plugin_columns.plugin]; manager.set_tags (pi->type, pi->unique_id, tag_entry->get_text(), pi->name, PluginManager::FromGui); _need_tag_save = true; _need_menu_rebuild = true; } } void PluginSelector::tags_changed (PluginType t, std::string unique_id, std::string tags) { if (plugin_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() != 0) { TreeModel::Row row = *(plugin_display.get_selection()->get_selected()); if (tags.length() > 32) { tags = tags.substr (0, 32); tags.append ("..."); } row[plugin_columns.tags] = tags; } } void PluginSelector::plugin_status_changed (PluginType t, std::string uid, PluginManager::PluginStatusType stat) { Gtk::TreeModel::iterator i; for (i = plugin_model->children().begin(); i != plugin_model->children().end(); ++i) { PluginInfoPtr pp = (*i)[plugin_columns.plugin]; if ((pp->type == t) && (pp->unique_id == uid)) { (*i)[plugin_columns.favorite] = (stat == PluginManager::Favorite) ? true : false; (*i)[plugin_columns.hidden] = (stat == PluginManager::Hidden) ? true : false; /* if plug was hidden, remove it from the view */ if (stat == PluginManager::Hidden) { if (!_fil_hidden_radio->get_active() && !_fil_all_radio->get_active()) { plugin_model->erase(i); } } else if (_fil_hidden_radio->get_active()) { plugin_model->erase(i); } /* if no longer a favorite, remove it from the view */ if (stat != PluginManager::Favorite && _fil_favorites_radio->get_active()) { plugin_model->erase(i); } return; } } } void PluginSelector::on_show () { ArdourDialog::on_show (); search_entry.grab_focus (); refill (); _need_tag_save = false; _need_status_save = false; _need_menu_rebuild = false; } struct PluginMenuCompareByCreator { bool operator() (PluginInfoPtr a, PluginInfoPtr b) const { int cmp; cmp = cmp_nocase_utf8 (a->creator, b->creator); if (cmp < 0) { return true; } else if (cmp == 0) { /* same creator ... compare names */ if (cmp_nocase_utf8 (a->name, b->name) < 0) { return true; } } return false; } }; struct PluginMenuCompareByName { bool operator() (PluginInfoPtr a, PluginInfoPtr b) const { int cmp; cmp = cmp_nocase_utf8 (a->name, b->name); if (cmp < 0) { return true; } else if (cmp == 0) { /* same name ... compare type */ if (a->type < b->type) { return true; } } return false; } }; /** @return Plugin menu. The caller should not delete it */ Gtk::Menu* PluginSelector::plugin_menu() { return _plugin_menu; } void PluginSelector::build_plugin_menu () { PluginInfoList all_plugs; all_plugs.insert (all_plugs.end(), manager.ladspa_plugin_info().begin(), manager.ladspa_plugin_info().end()); all_plugs.insert (all_plugs.end(), manager.lua_plugin_info().begin(), manager.lua_plugin_info().end()); #ifdef WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT all_plugs.insert (all_plugs.end(), manager.windows_vst_plugin_info().begin(), manager.windows_vst_plugin_info().end()); #endif #ifdef LXVST_SUPPORT all_plugs.insert (all_plugs.end(), manager.lxvst_plugin_info().begin(), manager.lxvst_plugin_info().end()); #endif #ifdef MACVST_SUPPORT all_plugs.insert (all_plugs.end(), manager.mac_vst_plugin_info().begin(), manager.mac_vst_plugin_info().end()); #endif #ifdef AUDIOUNIT_SUPPORT all_plugs.insert (all_plugs.end(), manager.au_plugin_info().begin(), manager.au_plugin_info().end()); #endif #ifdef LV2_SUPPORT all_plugs.insert (all_plugs.end(), manager.lv2_plugin_info().begin(), manager.lv2_plugin_info().end()); #endif using namespace Menu_Helpers; delete _plugin_menu; _plugin_menu = manage (new Menu); _plugin_menu->set_name("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = _plugin_menu->items(); items.clear (); Gtk::Menu* favs = create_favs_menu(all_plugs); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Favorites"), *manage (favs))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Plugin Manager..."), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::show_manager))); items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); Menu* by_creator = create_by_creator_menu(all_plugs); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("By Creator"), *manage (by_creator))); Menu* by_tags = create_by_tags_menu(all_plugs); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("By Tags"), *manage (by_tags))); } string GetPluginTypeStr(PluginInfoPtr info) { string type; switch (info->type) { case LADSPA: type = X_(" (LADSPA)"); break; case AudioUnit: type = X_(" (AU)"); break; case LV2: type = X_(" (LV2)"); break; case Windows_VST: case LXVST: case MacVST: type = X_(" (VST)"); break; case Lua: type = X_(" (Lua)"); break; } return type; } Gtk::Menu* PluginSelector::create_favs_menu (PluginInfoList& all_plugs) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; Menu* favs = new Menu(); favs->set_name("ArdourContextMenu"); PluginMenuCompareByName cmp_by_name; all_plugs.sort (cmp_by_name); for (PluginInfoList::const_iterator i = all_plugs.begin(); i != all_plugs.end(); ++i) { if (manager.get_status (*i) == PluginManager::Favorite) { string typ = GetPluginTypeStr(*i); MenuElem elem ((*i)->name + typ, (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::plugin_chosen_from_menu), *i))); elem.get_child()->set_use_underline (false); favs->items().push_back (elem); } } return favs; } Gtk::Menu* PluginSelector::create_by_creator_menu (ARDOUR::PluginInfoList& all_plugs) { _inhibit_refill = true; _fil_creator_combo.clear_items (); _fil_creator_combo.append_text_item (_("Show All Creators")); _fil_creator_combo.set_text (_("Show All Creators")); _inhibit_refill = false; using namespace Menu_Helpers; typedef std::map SubmenuMap; SubmenuMap creator_submenu_map; Menu* by_creator = new Menu(); by_creator->set_name("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& by_creator_items = by_creator->items(); PluginMenuCompareByCreator cmp_by_creator; all_plugs.sort (cmp_by_creator); for (PluginInfoList::const_iterator i = all_plugs.begin(); i != all_plugs.end(); ++i) { if (manager.get_status (*i) == PluginManager::Hidden) continue; string creator = (*i)->creator; /* If there were too few characters to create a * meaningful name, mark this creator as 'Unknown' */ if (creator.length() < 2) { creator = "Unknown"; } SubmenuMap::iterator x; Gtk::Menu* submenu; if ((x = creator_submenu_map.find (creator)) != creator_submenu_map.end()) { submenu = x->second; } else { _fil_creator_combo.append_text_item (creator); submenu = new Gtk::Menu; by_creator_items.push_back (MenuElem (creator, *manage (submenu))); creator_submenu_map.insert (pair (creator, submenu)); submenu->set_name("ArdourContextMenu"); } string typ = GetPluginTypeStr(*i); MenuElem elem ((*i)->name+typ, (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::plugin_chosen_from_menu), *i))); elem.get_child()->set_use_underline (false); submenu->items().push_back (elem); } return by_creator; } Gtk::Menu* PluginSelector::create_by_tags_menu (ARDOUR::PluginInfoList& all_plugs) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; typedef std::map SubmenuMap; SubmenuMap tags_submenu_map; Menu* by_tags = new Menu(); by_tags->set_name("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& by_tags_items = by_tags->items(); std::vector all_tags = manager.get_all_tags (PluginManager::NoHidden); for (vector::iterator t = all_tags.begin(); t != all_tags.end(); ++t) { Gtk::Menu *submenu = new Gtk::Menu; by_tags_items.push_back (MenuElem (*t, *manage (submenu))); tags_submenu_map.insert (pair (*t, submenu)); submenu->set_name("ArdourContextMenu"); } PluginMenuCompareByName cmp_by_name; all_plugs.sort (cmp_by_name); for (PluginInfoList::const_iterator i = all_plugs.begin(); i != all_plugs.end(); ++i) { if (manager.get_status (*i) == PluginManager::Hidden) continue; /* for each tag in the plugins tag list, add it to that submenu */ vector tokens = manager.get_tags(*i); for (vector::iterator t = tokens.begin(); t != tokens.end(); ++t) { SubmenuMap::iterator x; Gtk::Menu* submenu; if ((x = tags_submenu_map.find (*t)) != tags_submenu_map.end()) { submenu = x->second; string typ = GetPluginTypeStr(*i); MenuElem elem ((*i)->name + typ, (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginSelector::plugin_chosen_from_menu), *i))); elem.get_child()->set_use_underline (false); submenu->items().push_back (elem); } } } return by_tags; } void PluginSelector::plugin_chosen_from_menu (const PluginInfoPtr& pi) { PluginPtr p = load_plugin (pi); if (p && interested_object) { SelectedPlugins plugins; plugins.push_back (p); interested_object->use_plugins (plugins); } interested_object = 0; } void PluginSelector::favorite_changed (const std::string& path) { PluginInfoPtr pi; if (in_row_change) { return; } in_row_change = true; TreeModel::iterator iter = plugin_model->get_iter (path); if (iter) { bool favorite = !(*iter)[plugin_columns.favorite]; /* change state */ PluginManager::PluginStatusType status = (favorite ? PluginManager::Favorite : PluginManager::Normal); /* save new statuses list */ pi = (*iter)[plugin_columns.plugin]; manager.set_status (pi->type, pi->unique_id, status); _need_status_save = true; _need_menu_rebuild = true; } in_row_change = false; } void PluginSelector::hidden_changed (const std::string& path) { PluginInfoPtr pi; if (in_row_change) { return; } in_row_change = true; TreeModel::iterator iter = plugin_model->get_iter (path); if (iter) { bool hidden = !(*iter)[plugin_columns.hidden]; /* change state */ PluginManager::PluginStatusType status = (hidden ? PluginManager::Hidden : PluginManager::Normal); /* save new statuses list */ pi = (*iter)[plugin_columns.plugin]; manager.set_status (pi->type, pi->unique_id, status); _need_status_save = true; _need_menu_rebuild = true; } in_row_change = false; } void PluginSelector::show_manager () { show_all(); run (); } void PluginSelector::set_interested_object (PluginInterestedObject& obj) { interested_object = &obj; }