-- [disable CPU freq scaling for benchmark] -- create a session -- add 16 mono tracks -- record 2-3 mins on each track starting at 00:00:00:00 -- rewind the playhead to 00:00:00:00 -- run this script in Menu > Window. Scripting 10 times ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Split Benchmark" } function factory (params) return function () function split_at (pos) local add_undo = false -- keep track if something has changed Session:begin_reversible_command ("Auto Region Split") for route in Session:get_tracks():iter() do local playlist = route:to_track():playlist () playlist:to_stateful ():clear_changes () for region in playlist:regions_at (pos):iter () do playlist:split_region (region, Temporal.timepos_t (pos)) end if not Session:add_stateful_diff_command (playlist:to_statefuldestructible ()):empty () then add_undo = true end end if add_undo then Session:commit_reversible_command (nil) else Session:abort_reversible_command () end end function count_regions () local total = 0 for route in Session:get_tracks():iter() do total = total + route:to_track():playlist():region_list():size() end return total end for x = 1, 3 do local playhead = Session:transport_sample () local step = Session:samples_per_timecode_frame() local n_steps = 20 local t_start = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.monotonic_time () for i = 1, n_steps do split_at (playhead + step * i) end local t_end = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.monotonic_time () Session:request_locate((playhead + step * n_steps), false, ARDOUR.LocateTransportDisposition.MustStop, ARDOUR.TransportRequestSource.TRS_UI) print (count_regions (), (t_end - t_start) / 1000 / n_steps) collectgarbage (); ARDOUR.LuaAPI.usleep(500000) end end end