ardour { ["type"] = "EditorHook", name = "Save Extra Data (instruments)", author = "Ardour Team", description = "Export custom data when the session is saved", } -- subscribe to signals -- function signals () s = LuaSignal.Set() s:add ({[LuaSignal.StateSaved] = true}) return s end -- create callback functions function factory () return function (signal, ...) assert (signal == LuaSignal.StateSaved) local all_instruments = {} -- iterate over all routes for r in Session:get_routes():iter() do local proc = r:the_instrument() -- get instrument processor (if any) if proc:isnil() then goto nextroute end -- skip tracks/busses without instrument local pi = proc:to_insert() -- check if it's a plugin-insert if pi:isnil() then goto nextroute end local pp = pi:plugin (0) -- get first instance all_instruments[r:name()] = string.format ("%s (%s)", proc:name(), pp:unique_id()) ::nextroute:: end if next (all_instruments) ~= nil then -- check if table is not empty -- write to a file in the session-folder file = (ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename (Session:path(), Session:name () .. ".instruments.txt"), "w") for nme, nfo in pairs (all_instruments) do file:write (nme .. ": " .. nfo) end file:close() end end end