/* Copyright (C) 2016 Robin Gareus This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifdef PLATFORM_WINDOWS #define random() rand() #endif #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h" #include #include #include "pbd/basename.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/md5.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/window_title.h" #include "widgets/pane.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "ardour/luabindings.h" #include "LuaBridge/LuaBridge.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "luainstance.h" #include "luawindow.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "utils.h" #include "utils_videotl.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace std; inline LuaWindow::BufferFlags operator| (const LuaWindow::BufferFlags& a, const LuaWindow::BufferFlags& b) { return static_cast (static_cast (a) | static_cast (b)); } inline LuaWindow::BufferFlags operator|= (LuaWindow::BufferFlags& a, const LuaWindow::BufferFlags& b) { return a = static_cast (static_cast (a) | static_cast (b)); } inline LuaWindow::BufferFlags operator&= (LuaWindow::BufferFlags& a, const LuaWindow::BufferFlags& b) { return a = static_cast (static_cast (a) & static_cast (b)); } LuaWindow* LuaWindow::_instance = 0; LuaWindow* LuaWindow::instance () { if (!_instance) { _instance = new LuaWindow; } return _instance; } LuaWindow::LuaWindow () : Window (Gtk::WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) , VisibilityTracker (*((Gtk::Window*) this)) , lua (0) , _visible (false) , _menu_scratch (0) , _menu_snippet (0) , _menu_actions (0) , _btn_run (_("Run")) , _btn_clear (_("Clear Output")) , _btn_open (_("Import")) , _btn_save (_("Save")) , _btn_delete (_("Delete")) , _btn_revert (_("Revert")) , _current_buffer () { set_name ("Lua"); reinit_lua (); update_title (); set_wmclass (X_("ardour_mixer"), PROGRAM_NAME); script_select.disable_scrolling (); set_border_width (0); outtext.set_editable (false); outtext.set_wrap_mode (Gtk::WRAP_WORD); outtext.set_cursor_visible (false); signal_delete_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LuaWindow::hide_window)); signal_configure_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*ARDOUR_UI::instance(), &ARDOUR_UI::configure_handler)); _btn_run.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::run_script)); _btn_clear.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::clear_output)); _btn_open.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::import_script)); _btn_save.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::save_script)); _btn_delete.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::delete_script)); _btn_revert.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::revert_script)); _btn_open.set_sensitive (false); // TODO _btn_save.set_sensitive (false); _btn_delete.set_sensitive (false); _btn_revert.set_sensitive (false); // layout Gtk::ScrolledWindow *scrollin = manage (new Gtk::ScrolledWindow); scrollin->set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); scrollin->add (entry); scrollout.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS); scrollout.add (outtext); entry.set_name ("ArdourLuaEntry"); outtext.set_name ("ArdourLuaEntry"); Gtk::HBox *hbox = manage (new HBox()); hbox->pack_start (_btn_run, false, false, 2); hbox->pack_start (_btn_clear, false, false, 2); hbox->pack_start (_btn_open, false, false, 2); hbox->pack_start (_btn_save, false, false, 2); hbox->pack_start (_btn_delete, false, false, 2); hbox->pack_start (_btn_revert, false, false, 2); hbox->pack_start (script_select, false, false, 2); Gtk::VBox *vbox = manage (new VBox()); vbox->pack_start (*scrollin, true, true, 0); vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, false, 2); ArdourWidgets::VPane *vpane = manage (new ArdourWidgets::VPane ()); vpane->add (*vbox); vpane->add (scrollout); vpane->set_divider (0, 0.75); vpane->show_all (); add (*vpane); set_size_request (640, 480); // XXX ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (script_select, _("Select Editor Buffer")); setup_buffers (); LuaScripting::instance().scripts_changed.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&LuaWindow::refresh_scriptlist, this), gui_context()); Glib::RefPtr tb (entry.get_buffer()); _script_changed_connection = tb->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::script_changed)); } LuaWindow::~LuaWindow () { delete lua; } void LuaWindow::show_window () { present(); _visible = true; } bool LuaWindow::hide_window (GdkEventAny *ev) { if (!_visible) return 0; _visible = false; return ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::just_hide_it (ev, static_cast(this)); } void LuaWindow::reinit_lua () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &LuaWindow::session_going_away); delete lua; lua = new LuaState(); lua->Print.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &LuaWindow::append_text)); lua->sandbox (false); lua_State* L = lua->getState(); LuaInstance::register_classes (L); luabridge::push (L, &PublicEditor::instance()); lua_setglobal (L, "Editor"); } void LuaWindow::set_session (Session* s) { SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s); if (!_session) { return; } update_title (); _session->DirtyChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&LuaWindow::update_title, this), gui_context()); lua_State* L = lua->getState(); LuaBindings::set_session (L, _session); } void LuaWindow::session_going_away () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &LuaWindow::session_going_away); reinit_lua (); // drop state (all variables, session references) SessionHandlePtr::session_going_away (); _session = 0; update_title (); lua_State* L = lua->getState(); LuaBindings::set_session (L, _session); } void LuaWindow::update_title () { if (_session) { string n; if (_session->snap_name() != _session->name()) { n = _session->snap_name (); } else { n = _session->name (); } if (_session->dirty ()) { n = "*" + n; } WindowTitle title (n); title += S_("Window|Lua"); title += Glib::get_application_name (); set_title (title.get_string()); } else { WindowTitle title (S_("Window|Lua")); title += Glib::get_application_name (); set_title (title.get_string()); } } void LuaWindow::scroll_to_bottom () { Gtk::Adjustment *adj; adj = scrollout.get_vadjustment(); adj->set_value (MAX(0,(adj->get_upper() - adj->get_page_size()))); } void LuaWindow::run_script () { Glib::RefPtr tb (entry.get_buffer()); std::string script = tb->get_text(); const std::string& bytecode = LuaScripting::get_factory_bytecode (script); if (bytecode.empty()) { // plain script or faulty script -- run directly try { lua->do_command ("function ardour () end"); if (0 == lua->do_command (script)) { append_text ("> OK"); } } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) { append_text (string_compose (_("LuaException: %1"), e.what())); } catch (Glib::Exception const& e) { append_text (string_compose (_("Glib Exception: %1"), e.what())); } catch (std::exception const& e) { append_text (string_compose (_("C++ Exception: %1"), e.what())); } catch (...) { append_text (string_compose (_("C++ Exception: %1"), "...")); } } else { // script with factory method try { lua_State* L = lua->getState(); lua->do_command ("function ardour () end"); LuaScriptParamList args = LuaScriptParams::script_params (script, "action_param", false); luabridge::LuaRef tbl_arg (luabridge::newTable(L)); LuaScriptParams::params_to_ref (&tbl_arg, args); lua->do_command (script); // register "factory" luabridge::LuaRef lua_factory = luabridge::getGlobal (L, "factory"); if (lua_factory.isFunction()) { lua_factory(tbl_arg)(); } lua->do_command ("factory = nil;"); } catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) { append_text (string_compose (_("LuaException: %1"), e.what())); } catch (Glib::Exception const& e) { append_text (string_compose (_("Glib Exception: %1"), e.what())); } catch (std::exception const& e) { append_text (string_compose (_("C++ Exception: %1"), e.what())); } catch (...) { append_text (string_compose (_("C++ Exception: %1"), "...")); } } } void LuaWindow::append_text (std::string s) { Glib::RefPtr tb (outtext.get_buffer()); tb->insert (tb->end(), s + "\n"); scroll_to_bottom (); Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->flush_pending (0.05); } void LuaWindow::clear_output () { Glib::RefPtr tb (outtext.get_buffer()); tb->set_text (""); } void LuaWindow::edit_script (const std::string& name, const std::string& script) { ScriptBuffer* sb = new LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer (name); sb->script = script; script_buffers.push_back (ScriptBufferPtr (sb)); script_selection_changed (script_buffers.back ()); refresh_scriptlist (); show_window (); } void LuaWindow::new_script () { char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "#%d", count_scratch_buffers () + 1); script_buffers.push_back (ScriptBufferPtr (new LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer (buf))); script_selection_changed (script_buffers.back ()); refresh_scriptlist (); } void LuaWindow::delete_script () { assert ((_current_buffer->flags & Buffer_Scratch) || !(_current_buffer->flags & Buffer_ReadOnly)); bool refresh = false; bool neednew = true; if (_current_buffer->flags & Buffer_HasFile) { if (0 == ::g_unlink (_current_buffer->path.c_str())) { append_text (X_("> ") + string_compose (_("Deleted %1"), _current_buffer->path)); refresh = true; } else { append_text (X_("> ") + string_compose (_("Failed to delete %1"), _current_buffer->path)); } } for (ScriptBufferList::iterator i = script_buffers.begin (); i != script_buffers.end (); ++i) { if ((*i) == _current_buffer) { script_buffers.erase (i); break; } } for (ScriptBufferList::const_iterator i = script_buffers.begin (); i != script_buffers.end (); ++i) { if ((*i)->flags & Buffer_Scratch) { script_selection_changed (*i); neednew = false; } } if (neednew) { new_script (); } if (refresh) { LuaScripting::instance ().refresh (true); } } void LuaWindow::revert_script () { _current_buffer->flags &= BufferFlags(~Buffer_Valid); script_selection_changed (_current_buffer, true); } void LuaWindow::import_script () { // TODO: dialog to select file or enter URL // TODO convert a few URL (eg. pastebin) to raw. #if 0 char *url = "http://pastebin.com/raw/3UMkZ6nV"; char *rv = ArdourCurl::http_get (url, 0); if (rv) { new_script (); Glib::RefPtr tb (entry.get_buffer()); tb->set_text (rv); _current_buffer->flags &= BufferFlags(~Buffer_Dirty); update_gui_state (); } free (rv); #endif } void LuaWindow::save_script () { Glib::RefPtr tb (entry.get_buffer()); std::string script = tb->get_text(); std::string msg = "Unknown error"; std::string path; LuaScriptInfoPtr lsi = LuaScripting::script_info (script); ScriptBuffer & sb (*_current_buffer); assert (sb.flags & Buffer_Dirty); // 1) check if it has a valid header and factory const std::string& bytecode = LuaScripting::get_factory_bytecode (script); if (bytecode.empty()) { msg = _("Missing script header.\nThe script requires an '{ardour}' info table and a 'factory' function."); goto errorout; } if (!LuaScripting::try_compile (script, LuaScriptParams::script_params (script, "action_param", false))) { msg = _("Script fails to compile."); goto errorout; } // 2) check script name & type lsi = LuaScripting::script_info (script); if (!lsi) { msg = _("Invalid or missing script-name or script-type."); goto errorout; } if (lsi->type != LuaScriptInfo::Snippet && lsi->type != LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction) { msg = _("Invalid script-type.\nValid types are 'EditorAction' and 'Snippet'."); goto errorout; } // 3) if there's already a writable file,... if ((sb.flags & Buffer_HasFile) && !(sb.flags & Buffer_ReadOnly)) { try { Glib::file_set_contents (sb.path, script); sb.name = lsi->name; sb.flags &= BufferFlags(~Buffer_Dirty); update_gui_state (); // XXX here? append_text (X_("> ") + string_compose (_("Saved as %1"), sb.path)); return; // OK } catch (Glib::FileError e) { msg = string_compose (_("Error saving file: %1"), e.what()); goto errorout; } } // 4) check if the name is unique for the given type; locally at least if (true /*sb.flags & Buffer_HasFile*/) { LuaScriptList& lsl (LuaScripting::instance ().scripts (lsi->type)); for (LuaScriptList::const_iterator s = lsl.begin(); s != lsl.end(); ++s) { if ((*s)->name == lsi->name) { msg = string_compose (_("Script with given name '%1' already exists.\nUse a different name in the descriptor."), lsi->name); goto errorout; } } } // 5) construct filename -- TODO ask user for name, ask to replace file. do { char tme[80]; char buf[80]; time_t t = time(0); struct tm * timeinfo = localtime (&t); strftime (tme, sizeof(tme), "%s", timeinfo); snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%ld", tme, random ()); MD5 md5; std::string fn = md5.digestString (buf); switch (lsi->type) { case LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction: fn = "a_" + fn; break; case LuaScriptInfo::Snippet: fn = "s_" + fn; break; default: break; } path = Glib::build_filename (LuaScripting::user_script_dir (), fn.substr(0, 11) + ".lua"); } while (Glib::file_test (path, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)); try { Glib::file_set_contents (path, script); sb.path = path; sb.name = lsi->name; sb.flags |= Buffer_HasFile; sb.flags &= BufferFlags(~Buffer_Dirty); sb.flags &= BufferFlags(~Buffer_ReadOnly); update_gui_state (); // XXX here? .refresh (true) may trigger this, too LuaScripting::instance().refresh (true); append_text (X_("> ") + string_compose (_("Saved as %1"), path)); return; // OK } catch (Glib::FileError e) { msg = string_compose (_("Error saving file: %1"), e.what()); goto errorout; } errorout: MessageDialog am (msg); am.run (); } void LuaWindow::setup_buffers () { if (script_buffers.size() > 0) { return; } script_buffers.push_back (ScriptBufferPtr (new LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer("#1"))); _current_buffer = script_buffers.front(); Glib::RefPtr tb (entry.get_buffer()); tb->set_text (_current_buffer->script); refresh_scriptlist (); update_gui_state (); } uint32_t LuaWindow::count_scratch_buffers () const { uint32_t n = 0; for (ScriptBufferList::const_iterator i = script_buffers.begin (); i != script_buffers.end (); ++i) { if ((*i)->flags & Buffer_Scratch) { ++n; } } return n; } void LuaWindow::refresh_scriptlist () { for (ScriptBufferList::iterator i = script_buffers.begin (); i != script_buffers.end ();) { if ((*i)->flags & Buffer_Scratch) { ++i; continue; } i = script_buffers.erase (i); } LuaScriptList& lsa (LuaScripting::instance ().scripts (LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction)); for (LuaScriptList::const_iterator s = lsa.begin(); s != lsa.end(); ++s) { script_buffers.push_back (ScriptBufferPtr (new LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer(*s))); } LuaScriptList& lss (LuaScripting::instance ().scripts (LuaScriptInfo::Snippet)); for (LuaScriptList::const_iterator s = lss.begin(); s != lss.end(); ++s) { script_buffers.push_back (ScriptBufferPtr (new LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer(*s))); } rebuild_menu (); } void LuaWindow::rebuild_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; _menu_scratch = manage (new Menu); _menu_snippet = manage (new Menu); _menu_actions = manage (new Menu); MenuList& items_scratch (_menu_scratch->items()); MenuList& items_snippet (_menu_snippet->items()); MenuList& items_actions (_menu_actions->items()); { Menu_Helpers::MenuElem elem = Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("New"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::new_script)); items_scratch.push_back(elem); } items_scratch.push_back(SeparatorElem()); for (ScriptBufferList::const_iterator i = script_buffers.begin (); i != script_buffers.end (); ++i) { std::string name; if ((*i)->flags & Buffer_ReadOnly) { name = "[R] " + (*i)->name; } else { name = (*i)->name; } Menu_Helpers::MenuElem elem = Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(name, sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &LuaWindow::script_selection_changed), (*i), false)); if ((*i)->flags & Buffer_Scratch) { items_scratch.push_back(elem); } else if ((*i)->type == LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction) { items_actions.push_back(elem); } else if ((*i)->type == LuaScriptInfo::Snippet) { items_snippet.push_back(elem); } } script_select.clear_items (); script_select.AddMenuElem (Menu_Helpers::MenuElem ("Scratch", *_menu_scratch)); script_select.AddMenuElem (Menu_Helpers::MenuElem ("Snippets", *_menu_snippet)); script_select.AddMenuElem (Menu_Helpers::MenuElem ("Actions", *_menu_actions)); } void LuaWindow::script_selection_changed (ScriptBufferPtr n, bool force) { if (n == _current_buffer && !force) { return; } Glib::RefPtr tb (entry.get_buffer()); if (_current_buffer->flags & Buffer_Valid) { _current_buffer->script = tb->get_text(); } if (!(n->flags & Buffer_Valid)) { if (!n->load()) { append_text ("! Failed to load buffer."); } } if (n->flags & Buffer_Valid) { _current_buffer = n; _script_changed_connection.block (); tb->set_text (n->script); _script_changed_connection.unblock (); } else { append_text ("! Failed to switch buffer."); } update_gui_state (); } void LuaWindow::update_gui_state () { const ScriptBuffer & sb (*_current_buffer); std::string name; if (sb.flags & Buffer_Scratch) { name = string_compose (_("Scratch Buffer %1"), sb.name); } else if (sb.type == LuaScriptInfo::EditorAction) { name = string_compose (_("Action: '%1'"), sb.name); } else if (sb.type == LuaScriptInfo::Snippet) { name = string_compose (_("Snippet: %1"), sb.name); } else { cerr << "Invalid Script type\n"; assert (0); return; } if (sb.flags & Buffer_Dirty) { name += " *"; } script_select.set_text(name); if (sb.flags & Buffer_ReadOnly) { _btn_save.set_text (_("Save as")); } else { _btn_save.set_text (_("Save")); } _btn_save.set_sensitive (sb.flags & Buffer_Dirty); _btn_delete.set_sensitive (sb.flags & Buffer_Scratch || ((sb.flags & (Buffer_ReadOnly | Buffer_HasFile)) == Buffer_HasFile)); _btn_revert.set_sensitive ((sb.flags & Buffer_Dirty) && (sb.flags & Buffer_HasFile)); } void LuaWindow::script_changed () { if (_current_buffer->flags & Buffer_Dirty) { return; } _current_buffer->flags |= Buffer_Dirty; update_gui_state (); } LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer::ScriptBuffer (const std::string& n) : name (n) , flags (Buffer_Scratch | Buffer_Valid) { script = "---- this header is (only) required to save the script\n" "-- ardour { [\"type\"] = \"Snippet\", name = \"\" }\n" "-- function factory () return function () -- -- end end\n"; } LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer::ScriptBuffer (LuaScriptInfoPtr p) : name (p->name) , path (p->path) , flags (Buffer_HasFile) , type (p->type) { if (!PBD::exists_and_writable (path)) { flags |= Buffer_ReadOnly; } if (path.find (user_config_directory ()) != 0) { // mark non-user scripts as read-only flags |= Buffer_ReadOnly; } } #if 0 LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer::ScriptBuffer (const ScriptBuffer& other) : script (other.script) , name (other.name) , path (other.path) , flags (other.flags) , type (other.type) { } #endif LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer::~ScriptBuffer () { } bool LuaWindow::ScriptBuffer::load () { assert (!(flags & Buffer_Valid)); if (!(flags & Buffer_HasFile)) return false; try { script = Glib::file_get_contents (path); flags |= Buffer_Valid; flags &= BufferFlags(~Buffer_Dirty); } catch (Glib::FileError e) { return false; } return true; }