Add a plugin-preset list/selector GUI

This is currently only used for "Preset only" plugins, generic UI.
And also depends on plugin-presets having a description.
This commit is contained in:
Robin Gareus 2018-12-20 16:56:34 +01:00
parent a48d6a37b3
commit 9594e12c52
Signed by: rgareus
GPG Key ID: A090BCE02CF57F04
6 changed files with 254 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
#include "widgets/tooltips.h"
#include "plugin_ui.h"
#include "plugin_presets_ui.h"
#include "plugin_display.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "automation_controller.h"
@ -412,7 +413,20 @@ GenericPluginUI::build ()
if (grid) {
if (control_uis.empty ()) {
std::vector<Plugin::PresetRecord> presets = insert->plugin()->get_presets();
bool show_preset_browser = false;
for (std::vector<Plugin::PresetRecord>::const_iterator i = presets.begin(); i != presets.end(); ++i) {
if (i->valid && !i->description.empty()) {
show_preset_browser = true;
if (show_preset_browser) {
preset_gui = new PluginPresetsUI (insert);
hpacker.pack_start (*preset_gui, true, true);
} else if (grid) {
custom_layout (control_uis);
} else {
automatic_layout (control_uis);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
* Copyright (C) 2018 Robin Gareus <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h"
#include "ardour/plugin.h"
#include "gui_thread.h"
#include "plugin_presets_ui.h"
#include "pbd/i18n.h"
using namespace ARDOUR;
PluginPresetsUI::PluginPresetsUI (boost::shared_ptr<PluginInsert> insert)
: _insert (insert)
, _load_button (_("Load"))
_plugin_preset_model = Gtk::TreeStore::create (_plugin_preset_columns);
_plugin_preset_display.set_model (_plugin_preset_model);
_plugin_preset_display.set_headers_visible (true);
_plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->set_mode (Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE);
_plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->signal_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPresetsUI::preset_selected));
_plugin_preset_display.set_sensitive (true);
Gtk::CellRendererText* label_render = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::CellRendererText());
Gtk::TreeView::Column* label_col = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::TreeView::Column (_("Preset"), *label_render));
label_col->add_attribute (label_render->property_markup(),;
_plugin_preset_display.append_column (*label_col);
_preset_desc.set_editable (false);
_preset_desc.set_can_focus (false);
_preset_desc.set_wrap_mode (Gtk::WRAP_WORD);
_preset_desc.set_size_request (400,200);
_preset_desc.set_name (X_("TextOnBackground"));
_preset_desc.set_border_width (6);
_preset_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
_preset_scroller.add (_plugin_preset_display);
_load_button.set_name ("generic button");
_load_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PluginPresetsUI::load_preset));
_load_button.set_sensitive (false);
attach (_preset_scroller, 0, 1, 0, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, 2, 0);
attach (_preset_desc, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::EXPAND|Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL, 2, 0);
attach (_load_button, 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::SHRINK, 2, 0);
boost::shared_ptr<Plugin> plugin (_insert->plugin ());
plugin->PresetAdded.connect (_preset_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPresetsUI::update_preset_list, this), gui_context ());
plugin->PresetRemoved.connect (_preset_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPresetsUI::update_preset_list, this), gui_context ());
plugin->PresetLoaded.connect (_preset_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PluginPresetsUI::update_preset_list, this), gui_context ());
update_preset_list ();
PluginPresetsUI::update_preset_list ()
boost::shared_ptr<Plugin> plugin (_insert->plugin ());
Plugin::PresetRecord const& p = plugin->last_preset ();
std::vector<Plugin::PresetRecord> presets = plugin->get_presets ();
std::string selected_uri;
if (_plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->count_selected_rows () == 1) {
Gtk::TreeIter iter = _plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->get_selected ();
ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord const& ppr ((*iter)[_plugin_preset_columns.plugin_preset]);
selected_uri = ppr.uri;
_plugin_preset_model->clear ();
bool found_active = false;
for (std::vector<Plugin::PresetRecord>::const_iterator i = presets.begin (); i != presets.end (); ++i) {
Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(_plugin_preset_model->append ());
if (p.uri == i->uri) {
row[] = string_compose ("<span weight=\"bold\" background=\"green\">%1</span>", i->label);
found_active = true;
} else {
row[] = i->label;
row[_plugin_preset_columns.description] = i->description;
row[_plugin_preset_columns.plugin_preset] = *i;
Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(_plugin_preset_model->prepend ());
if (found_active) {
row[] = _("(none)");
} else {
row[] = string_compose ("<span weight=\"bold\" background=\"green\">%1</span>", _("(none)"));
row[_plugin_preset_columns.description] = "";
row[_plugin_preset_columns.plugin_preset] = Plugin::PresetRecord ();
Gtk::TreeModel::Children rows = _plugin_preset_model->children ();
for (Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator i = rows.begin (); i != rows.end (); ++i) {
ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord const& ppr ((*i)[_plugin_preset_columns.plugin_preset]);
if (ppr.uri == selected_uri) {
_plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->select (*i);
PluginPresetsUI::preset_selected ()
if (_plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->count_selected_rows () != 1) {
Gtk::TreeIter iter = _plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->get_selected ();
assert (iter);
ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord const& ppr ((*iter)[_plugin_preset_columns.plugin_preset]);
std::string d;
if (!ppr.valid) {
d = "-";
} else if (ppr.user) {
d = _("(user preset)");
} else {
d = (*iter)[_plugin_preset_columns.description];
_preset_desc.get_buffer ()->set_text (Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text (d));
Plugin::PresetRecord const& p = _insert->plugin ()->last_preset ();
_load_button.set_sensitive (ppr.valid && !(p.valid && p.uri == ppr.uri));
PluginPresetsUI::load_preset ()
if (_plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->count_selected_rows () != 1) {
Gtk::TreeIter iter = _plugin_preset_display.get_selection ()->get_selected ();
ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord const& ppr ((*iter)[_plugin_preset_columns.plugin_preset]);
if (ppr.valid) {
_insert->load_preset (ppr);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
* Copyright (C) 2018 Robin Gareus <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef _gtkardour_plugin_presets_ui_h_
#define _gtkardour_plugin_presets_ui_h_
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <gtkmm/liststore.h>
#include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/textview.h>
#include <gtkmm/treemodel.h>
#include <gtkmm/treestore.h>
#include <gtkmm/treeview.h>
#include "widgets/ardour_button.h"
#include "ardour/plugin_insert.h"
class PluginPresetsUI : public Gtk::Table
PluginPresetsUI (boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert>);
void update_preset_list ();
void preset_selected ();
void load_preset ();
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::PluginInsert> _insert;
PBD::ScopedConnectionList _preset_connections;
struct PluginPresetModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord {
PluginPresetModelColumns () {
add (name);
add (description);
add (plugin_preset);
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<std::string> name;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<std::string> description;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetRecord> plugin_preset;
ArdourWidgets::ArdourButton _load_button;
PluginPresetModelColumns _plugin_preset_columns;
Gtk::TreeView _plugin_preset_display;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeStore> _plugin_preset_model;
Gtk::ScrolledWindow _preset_scroller;
Gtk::TextView _preset_desc;

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
#include "latency_gui.h"
#include "plugin_dspload_ui.h"
#include "plugin_eq_gui.h"
#include "plugin_presets_ui.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "new_plugin_preset_dialog.h"
@ -468,6 +469,7 @@ PlugUIBase::PlugUIBase (boost::shared_ptr<PluginInsert> pi)
, latency_dialog (0)
, eqgui (0)
, stats_gui (0)
, preset_gui (0)
_preset_modified.set_size_request (16, -1);
@ -544,6 +546,7 @@ PlugUIBase::~PlugUIBase()
delete eqgui;
delete stats_gui;
delete preset_gui;
delete latency_gui;

View File

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ class LatencyGUI;
class ArdourWindow;
class PluginEqGui;
class PluginLoadStatsGui;
class PluginPresetsUI;
class VSTPluginUI;
class PlugUIBase : public virtual sigc::trackable, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList
@ -159,6 +160,7 @@ protected:
PluginEqGui* eqgui;
PluginLoadStatsGui* stats_gui;
PluginPresetsUI* preset_gui;
Gtk::Image* focus_out_image;
Gtk::Image* focus_in_image;

View File

@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ gtk2_ardour_sources = [