Use XMLNode::get/set_property API in Selection class

There were many possible value truncations occuring and some precision loss
with the double conversions.
This commit is contained in:
Tim Mayberry 2016-12-07 14:41:46 +10:00
parent 5b97b1a191
commit 8219e3c6ee

View File

@ -22,9 +22,11 @@
#include "pbd/error.h"
#include "pbd/stacktrace.h"
#include "pbd/types_convert.h"
#include "ardour/playlist.h"
#include "ardour/rc_configuration.h"
#include "ardour/evoral_types_convert.h"
#include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h"
@ -1294,7 +1296,6 @@ Selection::get_state () const
so that re-opening plugin windows for editor mixer strips works
char buf[32];
XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Selection"));
for (TrackSelection::const_iterator i = tracks.begin(); i != tracks.end(); ++i) {
@ -1302,17 +1303,17 @@ Selection::get_state () const
AutomationTimeAxisView* atv = dynamic_cast<AutomationTimeAxisView*> (*i);
if (rtv) {
XMLNode* t = node->add_child (X_("RouteView"));
t->add_property (X_("id"), atoi (rtv->route()->id().to_s().c_str()));
t->set_property (X_("id"), rtv->route()->id ());
} else if (atv) {
XMLNode* t = node->add_child (X_("AutomationView"));
t->add_property (X_("id"), atoi (atv->parent_route()->id().to_s().c_str()));
t->add_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol (atv->parameter ()));
t->set_property (X_("id"), atv->parent_route()->id ());
t->set_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol (atv->parameter ()));
for (RegionSelection::const_iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) {
XMLNode* r = node->add_child (X_("Region"));
r->add_property (X_("id"), atoi ((*i)->region ()->id ().to_s ().c_str()));
r->set_property (X_("id"), (*i)->region ()->id ());
/* midi region views have thir own internal selection. */
@ -1322,13 +1323,11 @@ Selection::get_state () const
list<pair<PBD::ID, std::set<boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<Evoral::Beats> > > > >::iterator rn_it;
for (rn_it = rid_notes.begin(); rn_it != rid_notes.end(); ++rn_it) {
XMLNode* n = node->add_child (X_("MIDINotes"));
n->add_property (X_("region-id"), atoi((*rn_it).first.to_s().c_str()));
n->set_property (X_("region-id"), (*rn_it).first);
for (std::set<boost::shared_ptr<Evoral::Note<Evoral::Beats> > >::iterator i = (*rn_it).second.begin(); i != (*rn_it).second.end(); ++i) {
XMLNode* nc = n->add_child(X_("note"));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (*i)->id());
nc->add_property (X_("note-id"), string(buf));
nc->set_property(X_("note-id"), (*i)->id());
@ -1337,33 +1336,28 @@ Selection::get_state () const
if (atv) {
XMLNode* r = node->add_child (X_("ControlPoint"));
r->add_property (X_("type"), "track");
r->add_property (X_("route-id"), atoi (atv->parent_route()->id ().to_s ().c_str()));
r->add_property (X_("automation-list-id"), atoi ((*i)->line().the_list()->id ().to_s ().c_str()));
r->add_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol ((*i)->line().the_list()->parameter ()));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (*i)->view_index());
r->add_property (X_("view-index"), string(buf));
r->set_property (X_("type"), "track");
r->set_property (X_("route-id"), atv->parent_route()->id ());
r->set_property (X_("automation-list-id"), (*i)->line().the_list()->id ());
r->set_property (X_("parameter"), EventTypeMap::instance().to_symbol ((*i)->line().the_list()->parameter ()));
r->set_property (X_("view-index"), (*i)->view_index());
AudioRegionGainLine* argl = dynamic_cast<AudioRegionGainLine*> (&(*i)->line());
if (argl) {
XMLNode* r = node->add_child (X_("ControlPoint"));
r->add_property (X_("type"), "region");
r->add_property (X_("region-id"), atoi (argl->region_view ().region ()->id ().to_s ().c_str()));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (*i)->view_index());
r->add_property (X_("view-index"), string(buf));
r->set_property (X_("type"), "region");
r->set_property (X_("region-id"), argl->region_view ().region ()->id ());
r->set_property (X_("view-index"), (*i)->view_index());
for (TimeSelection::const_iterator i = time.begin(); i != time.end(); ++i) {
XMLNode* t = node->add_child (X_("AudioRange"));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRId64, (*i).start);
t->add_property (X_("start"), string(buf));
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRId64, (*i).end);
t->add_property (X_("end"), string(buf));
t->set_property (X_("start"), (*i).start);
t->set_property (X_("end"), (*i).end);
for (MarkerSelection::const_iterator i = markers.begin(); i != markers.end(); ++i) {
@ -1372,8 +1366,8 @@ Selection::get_state () const
bool is_start;
Location* loc = editor->find_location_from_marker (*i, is_start);
t->add_property (X_("id"), atoi (loc->id().to_s().c_str()));
t->add_property (X_("start"), is_start ? X_("yes") : X_("no"));
t->set_property (X_("id"), loc->id());
t->set_property (X_("start"), is_start);
return *node;
@ -1393,22 +1387,25 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
clear_tracks ();
clear_markers ();
PBD::ID id;
XMLNodeList children = node.children ();
for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->name() == X_("RouteView")) {
XMLProperty const * prop_id = (*i)->property (X_("id"));
assert (prop_id);
PBD::ID id (prop_id->value ());
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("id"), id)) {
assert(false); // handle this more gracefully?
RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = editor->get_route_view_by_route_id (id);
if (rtv) {
add (rtv);
} else if ((*i)->name() == X_("Region")) {
XMLProperty const * prop_id = (*i)->property (X_("id"));
assert (prop_id);
PBD::ID id (prop_id->value ());
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("id"), id)) {
RegionSelection rs;
editor->get_regionviews_by_id (id, rs);
@ -1424,11 +1421,11 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
} else if ((*i)->name() == X_("MIDINotes")) {
XMLProperty const * prop_region_id = (*i)->property (X_("region-id"));
assert (prop_region_id);
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("region-id"), id)) {
assert (false);
PBD::ID const id (prop_region_id->value ());
RegionSelection rs;
editor->get_regionviews_by_id (id, rs); // there could be more than one
@ -1437,9 +1434,8 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
XMLNodeList children = (*i)->children ();
for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator ci = children.begin(); ci != children.end(); ++ci) {
XMLProperty const * prop_id = (*ci)->property (X_("note-id"));
if (prop_id) {
Evoral::event_id_t id = atoi(prop_id->value());
Evoral::event_id_t id;
if ((*ci)->get_property (X_ ("note-id"), id)) {
notes.push_back (id);
@ -1463,27 +1459,28 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
if (prop_type->value () == "track") {
XMLProperty const * prop_route_id = (*i)->property (X_("route-id"));
XMLProperty const * prop_alist_id = (*i)->property (X_("automation-list-id"));
XMLProperty const * prop_parameter = (*i)->property (X_("parameter"));
XMLProperty const * prop_view_index = (*i)->property (X_("view-index"));
PBD::ID route_id;
PBD::ID alist_id;
std::string param;
uint32_t view_index;
assert (prop_route_id);
assert (prop_alist_id);
assert (prop_parameter);
assert (prop_view_index);
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("route-id"), route_id) ||
!(*i)->get_property (X_("automation-list-id"), alist_id) ||
!(*i)->get_property (X_("parameter"), param) ||
!(*i)->get_property (X_("view-index"), view_index)) {
PBD::ID route_id (prop_route_id->value ());
RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = editor->get_route_view_by_route_id (route_id);
vector <ControlPoint *> cps;
if (rtv) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> atv = rtv->automation_child (EventTypeMap::instance().from_symbol (prop_parameter->value ()));
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> atv = rtv->automation_child (EventTypeMap::instance().from_symbol (param));
if (atv) {
list<boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> > lines = atv->lines();
for (list<boost::shared_ptr<AutomationLine> > ::iterator li = lines.begin(); li != lines.end(); ++li) {
if ((*li)->the_list()->id() == prop_alist_id->value()) {
ControlPoint* cp = (*li)->nth(atol(prop_view_index->value().c_str()));
if ((*li)->the_list()->id() == alist_id) {
ControlPoint* cp = (*li)->nth(view_index);
if (cp) {
cps.push_back (cp);
@ -1496,14 +1493,14 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
add (cps);
} else if (prop_type->value () == "region") {
XMLProperty const * prop_region_id = (*i)->property (X_("region-id"));
XMLProperty const * prop_view_index = (*i)->property (X_("view-index"));
if (!prop_region_id || !prop_view_index) {
PBD::ID region_id;
uint32_t view_index;
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("region-id"), region_id) ||
!(*i)->get_property (X_("view-index"), view_index)) {
PBD::ID region_id (prop_region_id->value ());
RegionSelection rs;
editor->get_regionviews_by_id (region_id, rs);
@ -1513,7 +1510,7 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
AudioRegionView* arv = dynamic_cast<AudioRegionView*> (*rsi);
if (arv) {
boost::shared_ptr<AudioRegionGainLine> gl = arv->get_gain_line ();
ControlPoint* cp = gl->nth(atol(prop_view_index->value().c_str()));
ControlPoint* cp = gl->nth(view_index);
if (cp) {
cps.push_back (cp);
@ -1527,30 +1524,26 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
} else if ((*i)->name() == X_("AudioRange")) {
XMLProperty const * prop_start = (*i)->property (X_("start"));
XMLProperty const * prop_end = (*i)->property (X_("end"));
framepos_t start;
framepos_t end;
assert (prop_start);
assert (prop_end);
framepos_t s (atol (prop_start->value ().c_str()));
framepos_t e (atol (prop_end->value ().c_str()));
set_preserving_all_ranges (s, e);
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("start"), start) || !(*i)->get_property (X_("end"), end)) {
set_preserving_all_ranges (start, end);
} else if ((*i)->name() == X_("AutomationView")) {
XMLProperty const * prop_id = (*i)->property (X_("id"));
XMLProperty const * prop_parameter = (*i)->property (X_("parameter"));
std::string param;
assert (prop_id);
assert (prop_parameter);
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("id"), id) || !(*i)->get_property (X_("parameter"), param)) {
assert (false);
PBD::ID id (prop_id->value ());
RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = editor->get_route_view_by_route_id (id);
if (rtv) {
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> atv = rtv->automation_child (EventTypeMap::instance().from_symbol (prop_parameter->value ()));
boost::shared_ptr<AutomationTimeAxisView> atv = rtv->automation_child (EventTypeMap::instance().from_symbol (param));
/* the automation could be for an entity that was never saved
in the session file. Don't freak out if we can't find
@ -1564,13 +1557,12 @@ Selection::set_state (XMLNode const & node, int)
} else if ((*i)->name() == X_("Marker")) {
XMLProperty const * prop_id = (*i)->property (X_("id"));
XMLProperty const * prop_start = (*i)->property (X_("start"));
assert (prop_id);
assert (prop_start);
bool is_start;
if (!(*i)->get_property (X_("id"), id) || !(*i)->get_property (X_("start"), is_start)) {
PBD::ID id (prop_id->value ());
ArdourMarker* m = editor->find_marker_from_location_id (id, string_is_affirmative (prop_start->value ()));
ArdourMarker* m = editor->find_marker_from_location_id (id, is_start);
if (m) {
add (m);