Upgrade to waf 1.6.7 and autowaf r52.

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/3.0@10162 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
This commit is contained in:
David Robillard 2011-09-29 19:17:54 +00:00
parent 426d3d8207
commit 723ab60b39
42 changed files with 374 additions and 1286 deletions

View File

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Waf utilities for easily building standard unixey packages/libraries
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING file for details.
# Copyright (C) 2008 David Robillard
# Copyright (C) 2008 Nedko Arnaudov
import Configure
import Options
import Utils
import misc
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import glob
from TaskGen import feature, before, after
global g_is_child
g_is_child = False
# Only run autowaf hooks once (even if sub projects call several times)
global g_step
g_step = 0
# Compute dependencies globally
#import preproc
#preproc.go_absolute = True
@feature('cc', 'cxx')
@before('apply_obj_vars_cc', 'apply_obj_vars_cxx')
def include_config_h(self):
self.env.append_value('INC_PATHS', self.bld.srcnode)
def set_options(opt):
"Add standard autowaf options if they havn't been added yet"
global g_step
if g_step > 0:
opt.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=True, dest='debug',
help="Build debuggable binaries [Default: True]")
opt.add_option('--optimize', action='store_false', default=True, dest='debug',
help="Build optimized binaries [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--strict', action='store_true', default=False, dest='strict',
help="Use strict compiler flags and show all warnings [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--docs', action='store_true', default=False, dest='docs',
help="Build documentation - requires doxygen [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--bundle', action='store_true', default=False,
help="Build a self-contained bundle [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--bindir', type='string',
help="Executable programs [Default: PREFIX/bin]")
opt.add_option('--libdir', type='string',
help="Libraries [Default: PREFIX/lib]")
opt.add_option('--includedir', type='string',
help="Header files [Default: PREFIX/include]")
opt.add_option('--datadir', type='string',
help="Shared data [Default: PREFIX/share]")
opt.add_option('--configdir', type='string',
help="Configuration data [Default: PREFIX/etc]")
opt.add_option('--mandir', type='string',
help="Manual pages [Default: DATADIR/man]")
opt.add_option('--htmldir', type='string',
help="HTML documentation [Default: DATADIR/doc/PACKAGE]")
opt.add_option('--lv2-user', action='store_true', default=False, dest='lv2_user',
help="Install LV2 bundles to user-local location [Default: False]")
if sys.platform == "darwin":
opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string',
help="LV2 bundles [Default: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2]")
opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string',
help="LV2 bundles [Default: LIBDIR/lv2]")
g_step = 1
def check_header(conf, name, define='', mandatory=False):
"Check for a header iff it hasn't been checked for yet"
if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']) != dict:
conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS'] = {}
checked = conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']
if not name in checked:
checked[name] = True
includes = '' # search default system include paths
if sys.platform == "darwin":
includes = '/opt/local/include'
if define != '':
conf.check(header_name=name, includes=includes, define_name=define, mandatory=mandatory)
conf.check(header_name=name, includes=includes, mandatory=mandatory)
def nameify(name):
return name.replace('/', '_').replace('++', 'PP').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
def check_pkg(conf, name, **args):
if not 'mandatory' in args:
args['mandatory'] = True
"Check for a package iff it hasn't been checked for yet"
var_name = 'HAVE_' + nameify(args['uselib_store'])
check = not var_name in conf.env
if not check and 'atleast_version' in args:
# Re-check if version is newer than previous check
checked_version = conf.env['VERSION_' + name]
if checked_version and checked_version < args['atleast_version']:
check = True;
if check:
conf.check_cfg(package=name, args="--cflags --libs", **args)
found = bool(conf.env[var_name])
if found:
conf.define(var_name, int(found))
if 'atleast_version' in args:
conf.env['VERSION_' + name] = args['atleast_version']
if args['mandatory'] == True:
conf.fatal("Required package " + name + " not found")
def configure(conf):
global g_step
if g_step > 1:
def append_cxx_flags(vals):
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', vals.split())
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', vals.split())
display_header('Global Configuration')
conf.env['DOCS'] = Options.options.docs
conf.env['DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug
conf.env['STRICT'] = Options.options.strict
conf.env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(conf.env['PREFIX'])))
if Options.options.bundle:
conf.env['BUNDLE'] = True
conf.define('BUNDLE', 1)
conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX']
conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Headers')
conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Libraries')
conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources')
conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Documentation')
conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Man')
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'PlugIns')
conf.env['BUNDLE'] = False
if Options.options.bindir:
conf.env['BINDIR'] = Options.options.bindir
conf.env['BINDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'bin')
if Options.options.includedir:
conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = Options.options.includedir
conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'include')
if Options.options.libdir:
conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir
conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'lib')
if Options.options.datadir:
conf.env['DATADIR'] = Options.options.datadir
conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'share')
if Options.options.configdir:
conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = Options.options.configdir
conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'etc')
if Options.options.htmldir:
conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = Options.options.htmldir
conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'doc', Utils.g_module.APPNAME)
if Options.options.mandir:
conf.env['MANDIR'] = Options.options.mandir
conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'man')
if Options.options.lv2dir:
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = Options.options.lv2dir
if Options.options.lv2_user:
if sys.platform == "darwin":
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2')
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.lv2')
if sys.platform == "darwin":
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2'
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'], 'lv2')
conf.env['BINDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['BINDIR'])
conf.env['LIBDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LIBDIR'])
conf.env['DATADIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['DATADIR'])
conf.env['CONFIGDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['CONFIGDIR'])
conf.env['LV2DIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LV2DIR'])
if Options.options.docs:
doxygen = conf.find_program('doxygen')
if not doxygen:
conf.fatal("Doxygen is required to build documentation, configure without --docs")
dot = conf.find_program('dot')
if not dot:
conf.fatal("Graphviz (dot) is required to build documentation, configure without --docs")
if Options.options.debug:
conf.env['CCFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ]
conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ]
if Options.options.strict:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', [ '-std=c99', '-pedantic' ])
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-ansi', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wnon-virtual-dtor'])
append_cxx_flags('-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter')
append_cxx_flags('-fPIC -DPIC -fshow-column')
display_msg(conf, "Install prefix", conf.env['PREFIX'])
display_msg(conf, "Debuggable build", str(conf.env['DEBUG']))
display_msg(conf, "Strict compiler flags", str(conf.env['STRICT']))
display_msg(conf, "Build documentation", str(conf.env['DOCS']))
g_step = 2
def set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects):
conf.define('HAVE_' + nameify(name.upper()), 1)
if has_objects:
if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']) != dict:
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] = {}
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'][name.lower()] = True
if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']) != dict:
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] = {}
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'][name.lower()] = True
def use_lib(bld, obj, libs):
abssrcdir = os.path.abspath('.')
libs_list = libs.split()
for l in libs_list:
in_headers = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']
in_libs = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']
if in_libs:
if hasattr(obj, 'uselib_local'):
obj.uselib_local += ' lib' + l.lower() + ' '
obj.uselib_local = 'lib' + l.lower() + ' '
if in_headers or in_libs:
inc_flag = '-iquote ' + os.path.join(abssrcdir, l.lower())
for f in ['CCFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']:
if not inc_flag in bld.env[f]:
bld.env.append_value(f, inc_flag)
if hasattr(obj, 'uselib'):
obj.uselib += ' ' + l
obj.uselib = l
def display_header(title):
Utils.pprint('BOLD', title)
def display_msg(conf, msg, status = None, color = None):
color = 'CYAN'
if type(status) == bool and status or status == "True":
color = 'GREEN'
elif type(status) == bool and not status or status == "False":
color = 'YELLOW'
Utils.pprint('BOLD', "%s :" % msg.ljust(conf.line_just), sep='')
Utils.pprint(color, status)
def link_flags(env, lib):
return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['LIB_ST'] % x, env['LIB_' + lib]))
def compile_flags(env, lib):
return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['CPPPATH_ST'] % x, env['CPPPATH_' + lib]))
def set_recursive():
global g_is_child
g_is_child = True
def is_child():
global g_is_child
return g_is_child
# Pkg-config file
def build_pc(bld, name, version, libs):
'''Build a pkg-config file for a library.
name -- uppercase variable name (e.g. 'SOMENAME')
version -- version string (e.g. '1.2.3')
libs -- string/list of dependencies (e.g. 'LIBFOO GLIB')
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst')
obj.source = name.lower() + '.pc.in'
obj.target = name.lower() + '.pc'
obj.install_path = '${PREFIX}/${LIBDIRNAME}/pkgconfig'
pkg_prefix = bld.env['PREFIX']
if pkg_prefix[-1] == '/':
pkg_prefix = pkg_prefix[:-1]
obj.dict = {
'prefix' : pkg_prefix,
'exec_prefix' : '${prefix}',
'libdir' : '${prefix}/' + bld.env['LIBDIRNAME'],
'includedir' : '${prefix}/include',
name + '_VERSION' : version,
if type(libs) != list:
libs = libs.split()
for i in libs:
obj.dict[i + '_LIBS'] = link_flags(bld.env, i)
obj.dict[i + '_CFLAGS'] = compile_flags(bld.env, i)
# Doxygen API documentation
def build_dox(bld, name, version, srcdir, blddir):
if not bld.env['DOCS']:
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst')
obj.source = 'doc/reference.doxygen.in'
obj.target = 'doc/reference.doxygen'
if is_child():
src_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, name.lower())
doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, 'default', name.lower(), 'doc')
src_dir = srcdir
doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, 'default', 'doc')
obj.dict = {
name + '_VERSION' : version,
name + '_SRCDIR' : os.path.abspath(src_dir),
name + '_DOC_DIR' : os.path.abspath(doc_dir)
obj.install_path = ''
out1 = bld.new_task_gen('command-output')
out1.dependencies = [obj]
out1.stdout = '/doc/doxygen.out'
out1.stdin = '/doc/reference.doxygen' # whatever..
out1.command = 'doxygen'
out1.argv = [os.path.abspath(doc_dir) + '/reference.doxygen']
out1.command_is_external = True
# Version code file generation
def build_version_files(header_path, source_path, domain, major, minor, micro):
header_path = os.path.abspath(header_path)
source_path = os.path.abspath(source_path)
text = "int " + domain + "_major_version = " + str(major) + ";\n"
text += "int " + domain + "_minor_version = " + str(minor) + ";\n"
text += "int " + domain + "_micro_version = " + str(micro) + ";\n"
o = open(source_path, 'w')
except IOError:
print("Could not open %s for writing\n", source_path)
text = "#ifndef __" + domain + "_version_h__\n"
text += "#define __" + domain + "_version_h__\n"
text += "extern const char* " + domain + "_revision;\n"
text += "extern int " + domain + "_major_version;\n"
text += "extern int " + domain + "_minor_version;\n"
text += "extern int " + domain + "_micro_version;\n"
text += "#endif /* __" + domain + "_version_h__ */\n"
o = open(header_path, 'w')
except IOError:
print("Could not open %s for writing\n", header_path)
return None
def run_tests(ctx, appname, tests):
orig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
failures = 0
base = '..'
top_level = os.path.abspath(ctx.curdir) != os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
if top_level:
os.chdir('./build/default/' + appname)
base = '../..'
lcov = True
lcov_log = open('lcov.log', 'w')
# Clear coverage data
subprocess.call('lcov -d ./src -z'.split(),
stdout=lcov_log, stderr=lcov_log)
lcov = False
print("Failed to run lcov, no coverage report will be generated")
# Run all tests
for i in tests:
Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Running %s test %s' % (appname, i))
if subprocess.call(i) == 0:
Utils.pprint('GREEN', 'Passed %s %s' % (appname, i))
failures += 1
Utils.pprint('RED', 'Failed %s %s' % (appname, i))
if lcov:
# Generate coverage data
coverage_lcov = open('coverage.lcov', 'w')
subprocess.call(('lcov -c -d ./src -d ./test -b ' + base).split(),
stdout=coverage_lcov, stderr=lcov_log)
# Strip out unwanted stuff
coverage_stripped_lcov = open('coverage-stripped.lcov', 'w')
subprocess.call('lcov --remove coverage.lcov *boost* c++*'.split(),
stdout=coverage_stripped_lcov, stderr=lcov_log)
# Generate HTML coverage output
if not os.path.isdir('./coverage'):
subprocess.call('genhtml -o coverage coverage-stripped.lcov'.split(),
stdout=lcov_log, stderr=lcov_log)
Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Summary:', sep=''),
if failures == 0:
Utils.pprint('GREEN', 'All ' + appname + ' tests passed')
Utils.pprint('RED', str(failures) + ' ' + appname + ' test(s) failed')
Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Coverage:', sep='')
def shutdown():
# This isn't really correct (for packaging), but people asking is annoying
if Options.commands['install']:
try: os.popen("/sbin/ldconfig")
except: pass
def build_i18n(bld,srcdir,dir,name,sources):
pwd = os.getcwd()
os.chdir(os.path.join (srcdir, dir))
pot_file = '%s.pot' % name
args = [ 'xgettext',
'-o', pot_file,
'--copyright-holder="Paul Davis"' ]
args += sources
print 'Updating ', pot_file
os.spawnvp (os.P_WAIT, 'xgettext', args)
po_files = glob.glob ('po/*.po')
languages = [ po.replace ('.po', '') for po in po_files ]
for po_file in po_files:
args = [ 'msgmerge',
pot_file ]
print 'Updating ', po_file
os.spawnvp (os.P_WAIT, 'msgmerge', args)
for po_file in po_files:
mo_file = po_file.replace ('.po', '.mo')
args = [ 'msgfmt',
po_file ]
print 'Generating ', po_file
os.spawnvp (os.P_WAIT, 'msgfmt', args)
os.chdir (pwd)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
#!/usr/bin/python #!/usr/bin/python
import os import os
import glob
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
pass pass
def build(bld): def build(bld):
presets = glob.glob (os.path.join(bld.get_curdir(), '*.preset')) presets = bld.path.ant_glob ('*.preset')
formats = glob.glob (os.path.join(bld.get_curdir(), '*.format')) formats = bld.path.ant_glob ('*.format')
bld.install_files (os.path.join(bld.env['DATADIR'], 'ardour3', 'export'), bld.install_files (os.path.join(bld.env['DATADIR'], 'ardour3', 'export'),
presets + formats) presets + formats)
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
pass pass

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
. `dirname "$0"`/../build/default/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh . `dirname "$0"`/../build/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh
exec valgrind --error-limit=no --num-callers=50 --tool=callgrind $TOP/$EXECUTABLE --novst "$@" exec valgrind --error-limit=no --num-callers=50 --tool=callgrind $TOP/$EXECUTABLE --novst "$@"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
. `dirname "$0"`/../build/default/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh . `dirname "$0"`/../build/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh
exec gdb --args $TOP/$EXECUTABLE $@ exec gdb --args $TOP/$EXECUTABLE $@

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
. `dirname "$0"`/../build/default/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh . `dirname "$0"`/../build/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh
exec $TOP/$EXECUTABLE "$@" exec $TOP/$EXECUTABLE "$@"

View File

@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ TOP=`dirname "$0"`/..
libs=$TOP/@LIBS@ libs=$TOP/@LIBS@
export ARDOUR_PATH=$TOP/gtk2_ardour/icons:$TOP/gtk2_ardour/pixmaps:$TOP/build/default/gtk2_ardour:$TOP/gtk2_ardour:. export ARDOUR_PATH=$TOP/gtk2_ardour/icons:$TOP/gtk2_ardour/pixmaps:$TOP/build/gtk2_ardour:$TOP/gtk2_ardour:.
export ARDOUR_SURFACES_PATH=$libs/surfaces/osc:$libs/surfaces/generic_midi:$libs/surfaces/tranzport:$libs/surfaces/powermate:$libs/surfaces/mackie export ARDOUR_SURFACES_PATH=$libs/surfaces/osc:$libs/surfaces/generic_midi:$libs/surfaces/tranzport:$libs/surfaces/powermate:$libs/surfaces/mackie
export ARDOUR_PANNER_PATH=$libs/panners/2in2out:$libs/panners/1in2out:$libs/panners/vbap export ARDOUR_PANNER_PATH=$libs/panners/2in2out:$libs/panners/1in2out:$libs/panners/vbap
export ARDOUR_DATA_PATH=$TOP/gtk2_ardour:build/default/gtk2_ardour:. export ARDOUR_DATA_PATH=$TOP/gtk2_ardour:build/gtk2_ardour:.
if test -d $HOME/gtk/inst ; then if test -d $HOME/gtk/inst ; then
export GTK_PATH=~/.ardour3:$libs/clearlooks-newer export GTK_PATH=~/.ardour3:$libs/clearlooks-newer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
. `dirname "$0"`/../build/default/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh . `dirname "$0"`/../build/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/bin/sh #!/bin/sh
. `dirname "$0"`/../build/default/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh . `dirname "$0"`/../build/gtk2_ardour/ardev_common_waf.sh
exec valgrind --error-limit=no --num-callers=50 --tool=memcheck $TOP/$EXECUTABLE --novst "$@" exec valgrind --error-limit=no --num-callers=50 --tool=memcheck $TOP/$EXECUTABLE --novst "$@"

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import waflib.Logs as Logs, waflib.Utils as Utils
import os import os
import glob
import Options import Options
import sys import sys
import TaskGen import TaskGen
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ APPNAME = 'gtk2_ardour'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'gtk2_ardour/' path_prefix = 'gtk2_ardour/'
@ -233,10 +233,11 @@ gtk2_ardour_sources = [
'window_proxy.cc' 'window_proxy.cc'
] ]
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.build_version_files( autowaf.build_version_files(
path_prefix + 'version.h', path_prefix + 'version.h',
path_prefix + 'version.cc', path_prefix + 'version.cc',
@ -261,13 +262,11 @@ def configure(conf):
uselib_store='GNOMECANVASMM', atleast_version='2.16') uselib_store='GNOMECANVASMM', atleast_version='2.16')
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'ogg', uselib_store='OGG', atleast_version='1.1.2') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'ogg', uselib_store='OGG', atleast_version='1.1.2')
conf.check_tool('misc') # subst tool conf.write_config_header('gtk2ardour-config.h', remove=False)
# Boost headers # Boost headers
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp')
# Add a waf `feature' to allow compilation of things using winegcc # Add a waf `feature' to allow compilation of things using winegcc
from TaskGen import feature from TaskGen import feature
@ -305,12 +304,13 @@ def _doPyp(infileName):
outStr += _doPyp(incName) outStr += _doPyp(incName)
else: else:
outStr += line outStr += line
# done # done
return outStr return outStr
def include_processor(task): def include_processor(task):
infileName = task.inputs[0].srcpath(task.env) infileName = task.inputs[0].srcpath()
outfileName = task.outputs[0].bldpath(task.env) outfileName = os.path.join(out, task.outputs[0].bldpath())
fdOut = file (outfileName, "w") fdOut = file (outfileName, "w")
fdOut.write (_doPyp(infileName)) fdOut.write (_doPyp(infileName))
fdOut.close () fdOut.close ()
@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ def build(bld):
# GTK front-end; if we're using VST we build this as a shared library, # GTK front-end; if we're using VST we build this as a shared library,
# otherwise it's a normal executabale # otherwise it's a normal executabale
if bld.env['VST_SUPPORT']: if bld.env['VST_SUPPORT']:
obj = bld.new_task_gen(features = 'cxx cc cshlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx c cxxshlib')
else: else:
obj = bld.new_task_gen(features = 'cxx cc cprogram') obj = bld(features = 'cxx c cxxprogram')
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.source = gtk2_ardour_sources obj.source = gtk2_ardour_sources
@ -355,15 +355,15 @@ def build(bld):
obj.uselib += ' GTKMM GNOMECANVASMM ' obj.uselib += ' GTKMM GNOMECANVASMM '
obj.uselib += ' AUDIOUNITS OSX GTKOSX ' obj.uselib += ' AUDIOUNITS OSX GTKOSX '
obj.uselib_local = '''libpbd libmidipp libtaglib libardour libardour_cp obj.use = '''libpbd libmidipp libtaglib libardour libardour_cp
libgtkmm2ext libtaglib libgnomecanvas-2''' libgtkmm2ext libtaglib libgnomecanvas-2'''
if sys.platform == 'darwin': if sys.platform == 'darwin':
obj.uselib_local + ' libappleutility' obj.use += ' libappleutility'
obj.defines = [ obj.defines = [
'PACKAGE="gtk2_ardour"', 'PACKAGE="gtk2_ardour"',
'VERSIONSTRING="' + bld.env['VERSION'] + '"', 'VERSIONSTRING="' + bld.env['VERSION'] + '"',
'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"', 'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"',
'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['CONFIGDIR']) + '"', 'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['SYSCONFDIR']) + '"',
'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"', 'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"',
'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join(os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join(os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']),
'locale') + '"', 'locale') + '"',
@ -397,12 +397,12 @@ def build(bld):
if bld.env['COREAUDIO']: if bld.env['COREAUDIO']:
TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.mm'] = TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.cc'] TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.mm'] = TaskGen.task_gen.mappings['.cc']
obj.source += [ 'cocoacarbon.mm', 'au_pluginui.mm' ] obj.source += [ 'cocoacarbon.mm', 'au_pluginui.mm' ]
obj.uselib_local += ' libappleutility ' obj.use += ' libappleutility '
if bld.env['VST_SUPPORT']: if bld.env['VST_SUPPORT']:
# If we require VST support we build a stub main() and the FST library # If we require VST support we build a stub main() and the FST library
# here using winegcc, and link it to the GTK front-end library # here using winegcc, and link it to the GTK front-end library
obj = bld.new_task_gen (features = 'cxx cc cprogram wine') obj = bld(features = 'cxx c cxxprogram wine')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
../libs/fst/fst.c ../libs/fst/fst.c
../libs/fst/fstinfofile.c ../libs/fst/fstinfofile.c
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ def build(bld):
obj.linkflags += ['-mwindows', '-Wl,--export-dynamic', '-lpthread'] obj.linkflags += ['-mwindows', '-Wl,--export-dynamic', '-lpthread']
obj.defines = ['_POSIX_SOURCE', 'USE_WS_PREFIX'] obj.defines = ['_POSIX_SOURCE', 'USE_WS_PREFIX']
obj.uselib = 'ALSA' obj.uselib = 'ALSA'
obj.uselib_local = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libtaglib','libardour', obj.use = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libtaglib','libardour',
'libardour_cp','libgtkmm2ext','libtaglib', 'libardour_cp','libgtkmm2ext','libtaglib',
'gtk2_ardour'] 'gtk2_ardour']
@ -423,24 +423,30 @@ def build(bld):
wrapper_subst_dict = { wrapper_subst_dict = {
'LIBDIR' : os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIRNAME']), 'LIBDIR' : os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']),
'LIBS' : 'build/default/libs', 'LIBS' : 'build/libs',
'VERSION' : '3.0', 'VERSION' : '3.0',
'EXECUTABLE' : 'build/default/gtk2_ardour/ardour-3.0' 'EXECUTABLE' : 'build/gtk2_ardour/ardour-3.0'
} }
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') def set_subst_dict(obj, dict):
for i in dict:
setattr(obj, i, dict[i])
obj = bld(features = 'subst', rule= 'chmod 0755 ${TGT}')
obj.source = 'ardev_common.sh.in' obj.source = 'ardev_common.sh.in'
obj.target = 'ardev_common_waf.sh' obj.target = 'ardev_common_waf.sh'
obj.chmod = 0755 obj.chmod = Utils.O755
obj.dict = wrapper_subst_dict obj.dict = wrapper_subst_dict
set_subst_dict(obj, wrapper_subst_dict)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = 'ardour.sh.in' obj.source = 'ardour.sh.in'
obj.target = 'ardour3' obj.target = 'ardour3'
obj.chmod = 0755 obj.chmod = Utils.O755
obj.dict = wrapper_subst_dict obj.dict = wrapper_subst_dict
obj.install_path = bld.env['BINDIR'] obj.install_path = bld.env['BINDIR']
set_subst_dict(obj, wrapper_subst_dict)
# Font configuration # Font configuration
@ -507,49 +513,47 @@ def build(bld):
'gtk2_ardour/ardour3_ui_light.rc.in', 'ARDOUR_LIGHT') 'gtk2_ardour/ardour3_ui_light.rc.in', 'ARDOUR_LIGHT')
light_rc_subst_dict['COLPREFIX'] = 'ARDOUR_LIGHT' light_rc_subst_dict['COLPREFIX'] = 'ARDOUR_LIGHT'
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = [ 'ardour3_ui_dark.rc.in' ] obj.source = [ 'ardour3_ui_dark.rc.in' ]
obj.target = 'ardour3_ui_dark.rc.pre' obj.target = 'ardour3_ui_dark.rc.pre'
obj.dict = dark_rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = None obj.install_path = None
set_subst_dict(obj, dark_rc_subst_dict)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = [ 'ardour3_ui_light.rc.in' ] obj.source = [ 'ardour3_ui_light.rc.in' ]
obj.target = 'ardour3_ui_light.rc.pre' obj.target = 'ardour3_ui_light.rc.pre'
obj.dict = light_rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = None obj.install_path = None
set_subst_dict(obj, light_rc_subst_dict)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = [ 'ardour3_styles.rc.in' ] obj.source = [ 'ardour3_styles.rc.in' ]
obj.target = 'ardour3_dark_styles.rc' obj.target = 'ardour3_dark_styles.rc'
obj.dict = dark_rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = None obj.install_path = None
set_subst_dict(obj, dark_rc_subst_dict)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = [ 'ardour3_styles.rc.in' ] obj.source = [ 'ardour3_styles.rc.in' ]
obj.target = 'ardour3_light_styles.rc' obj.target = 'ardour3_light_styles.rc'
obj.dict = light_rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = None obj.install_path = None
set_subst_dict(obj, light_rc_subst_dict)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = [ 'ardour3_fonts.rc.in' ] obj.source = [ 'ardour3_fonts.rc.in' ]
obj.target = 'ardour3_dark_fonts.rc' obj.target = 'ardour3_dark_fonts.rc'
obj.dict = dark_rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = None obj.install_path = None
set_subst_dict(obj, dark_rc_subst_dict)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = [ 'ardour3_fonts.rc.in' ] obj.source = [ 'ardour3_fonts.rc.in' ]
obj.target = 'ardour3_light_fonts.rc' obj.target = 'ardour3_light_fonts.rc'
obj.dict = light_rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = None obj.install_path = None
set_subst_dict(obj, light_rc_subst_dict)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('copy') obj = bld(rule = 'cp ${SRC} ${TGT}')
obj.source = [ 'ardour3_widget_list.rc' ] obj.source = [ 'ardour3_widget_list.rc' ]
obj.target = 'ardour3_widgets.rc' obj.target = 'ardour3_widgets.rc'
obj.install_path = None obj.install_path = None
bld ( bld (
rule = include_processor, rule = include_processor,
source = 'ardour3_ui_dark.rc.pre', source = 'ardour3_ui_dark.rc.pre',
@ -568,14 +572,14 @@ def build(bld):
menus_argv = [ '-E', '-P', '-DGTKOSX' ] menus_argv = [ '-E', '-P', '-DGTKOSX' ]
else: else:
menus_argv = [ '-E', '-P' ] menus_argv = [ '-E', '-P' ]
obj = bld.new_task_gen('command-output') obj = bld(features = 'command-output')
obj.command = 'cpp' obj.command = 'cpp'
obj.command_is_external = True obj.command_is_external = True
obj.no_inputs = True obj.no_inputs = True
obj.argv = menus_argv obj.argv = menus_argv
obj.stdin = 'ardour.menus.in' obj.stdin = 'ardour.menus.in'
obj.stdout = 'ardour.menus' obj.stdout = 'ardour.menus'
bld.install_files(os.path.join(bld.env['CONFIGDIR'], 'ardour3'), bld.install_files(os.path.join(bld.env['SYSCONFDIR'], 'ardour3'),
'ardour.menus') 'ardour.menus')
# Keybindings # Keybindings
@ -584,15 +588,15 @@ def build(bld):
# 'SAE-us-nokeypad', 'ergonomic-us' # 'SAE-us-nokeypad', 'ergonomic-us'
for b in [ 'mnemonic-us' ] : for b in [ 'mnemonic-us' ] :
obj = bld.new_task_gen ( obj = bld(
target = b + '.bindings', target = b + '.bindings',
source = b + '.bindings.in', source = b + '.bindings.in',
rule = '../tools/fmt-bindings --winkey="%s" --accelmap <${SRC} >${TGT}' % bld.env['WINDOWS_KEY'] rule = '../tools/fmt-bindings --winkey="%s" --accelmap <${SRC} >${TGT}' % bld.env['WINDOWS_KEY']
) )
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['CONFIGDIR'], 'ardour3') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['SYSCONFDIR'], 'ardour3')
# not modified at present # not modified at present
bld.install_files(os.path.join(bld.env['CONFIGDIR'], 'ardour3'), bld.install_files(os.path.join(bld.env['SYSCONFDIR'], 'ardour3'),
'step_editing.bindings') 'step_editing.bindings')
# Icons/Images # Icons/Images
@ -601,16 +605,16 @@ def build(bld):
bld.install_files('${DATADIR}/ardour3', 'splash.png') bld.install_files('${DATADIR}/ardour3', 'splash.png')
# Default UI configuration # Default UI configuration
bld.install_files('${CONFIGDIR}/ardour3', 'ardour3_ui_default.conf') bld.install_files('${SYSCONFDIR}/ardour3', 'ardour3_ui_default.conf')
# Generic widget style mappings # Generic widget style mappings
bld.install_files('${CONFIGDIR}/ardour3', 'ardour3_widgets.rc') bld.install_files('${SYSCONFDIR}/ardour3', 'ardour3_widgets.rc')
# Default export stuff # Default export stuff
bld.install_files('${CONFIGDIR}/ardour3/export', 'export/*.format') bld.install_files('${SYSCONFDIR}/ardour3/export', 'export/*.format')
# i18n # i18n
if bld.env['ENABLE_NLS']: if bld.env['ENABLE_NLS']:
mo_files = glob.glob (os.path.join (bld.get_curdir(), 'po/*.mo')) mo_files = bld.path.ant_glob ('po/*.mo')
for mo in mo_files: for mo in mo_files:
lang = os.path.basename (mo).replace ('.mo', '') lang = os.path.basename (mo).replace ('.mo', '')
bld.install_as (os.path.join(bld.env['PREFIX'], 'share', 'locale', bld.install_as (os.path.join(bld.env['PREFIX'], 'share', 'locale',

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import autowaf #!/usr/bin/env python
from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
libappleutility_sources = [ libappleutility_sources = [
@ -20,17 +21,17 @@ libappleutility_sources = [
'CAXException.cpp' 'CAXException.cpp'
] ]
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.uselib = 'AUDIOUNITS OSX' obj.uselib = 'AUDIOUNITS OSX'
obj.source = libappleutility_sources obj.source = libappleutility_sources
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libappleutility' obj.name = 'libappleutility'
obj.target = 'appleutility' obj.target = 'appleutility'

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
import glob
import Options import Options
import re import re
import subprocess import subprocess
@ -26,8 +25,8 @@ APPNAME = 'libardour'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'libs/ardour/' path_prefix = 'libs/ardour/'
@ -233,7 +232,7 @@ def ogg_supported():
out = cmd.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8'); out = cmd.communicate()[0].decode('utf-8');
return re.search ('unknown format', out) == None return re.search ('unknown format', out) == None
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -292,7 +291,7 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.check_cc(fragment = ''' conf.check_cc(fragment = '''
#include <jack/jack.h> #include <jack/jack.h>
void callback(int code, const char* reason, void* arg) { return; } void callback(jack_status_t code, const char* reason, void* arg) { return; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int main(int argc, char **argv) {
jack_client_t* c; jack_client_t* c;
jack_on_info_shutdown(c, callback, (void*) 0); jack_on_info_shutdown(c, callback, (void*) 0);
@ -341,27 +340,27 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if conf.env['HAVE_LILV'] or conf.env['HAVE_SLV2']: if conf.env['HAVE_LILV'] or conf.env['HAVE_SLV2']:
conf.define ('LV2_SUPPORT', 1) conf.define ('LV2_SUPPORT', 1)
conf.write_config_header('libardour-config.h') conf.write_config_header('libardour-config.h', remove=False)
# Boost headers # Boost headers
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/scoped_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/scoped_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp')
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'c cxx cshlib cxxshlib')
obj.source = libardour_sources obj.source = libardour_sources
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.', '../surfaces/control_protocol', '..'] obj.includes = ['.', '../surfaces/control_protocol', '..']
obj.name = 'libardour' obj.name = 'libardour'
obj.target = 'ardour' obj.target = 'ardour'
obj.uselib = ['GLIBMM','GTHREAD','AUBIO','SIGCPP','XML','UUID', obj.uselib = ['GLIBMM','GTHREAD','AUBIO','SIGCPP','XML','UUID',
obj.uselib_local = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libevoral','libvamphost', obj.use = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libevoral','libvamphost',
'libvampplugin','libtaglib','librubberband', 'libvampplugin','libtaglib','librubberband',
'libaudiographer'] 'libaudiographer']
@ -369,7 +368,7 @@ def build(bld):
obj.defines = [ obj.defines = [
'PACKAGE="libardour3"', 'PACKAGE="libardour3"',
'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"', 'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"',
'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['CONFIGDIR']) + '"', 'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['SYSCONFDIR']) + '"',
'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"', 'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"',
'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join( 'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join(
os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'locale') + '"', os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'locale') + '"',
@ -405,7 +404,7 @@ def build(bld):
if bld.env['COREAUDIO']: if bld.env['COREAUDIO']:
obj.source += [ 'coreaudiosource.cc', 'caimportable.cc' ] obj.source += [ 'coreaudiosource.cc', 'caimportable.cc' ]
obj.uselib_local += ['libappleutility'] obj.use += ['libappleutility']
obj.source += [ 'audio_unit.cc' ] obj.source += [ 'audio_unit.cc' ]
if bld.env['FPU_OPTIMIZATION']: if bld.env['FPU_OPTIMIZATION']:
@ -417,7 +416,7 @@ def build(bld):
# i18n # i18n
if bld.env['ENABLE_NLS']: if bld.env['ENABLE_NLS']:
mo_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(bld.get_curdir(), 'po/*.mo')) mo_files = bld.path.ant_glob('po/*.mo')
for mo in mo_files: for mo in mo_files:
lang = os.path.basename(mo).replace('.mo', '') lang = os.path.basename(mo).replace('.mo', '')
bld.install_as(os.path.join(bld.env['PREFIX'], 'share', 'locale', bld.install_as(os.path.join(bld.env['PREFIX'], 'share', 'locale',
@ -426,7 +425,7 @@ def build(bld):
if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']: if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']:
# Unit tests # Unit tests
testobj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program') testobj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram')
testobj.source = ''' testobj.source = '''
test/bbt_test.cpp test/bbt_test.cpp
test/interpolation_test.cpp test/interpolation_test.cpp
@ -438,14 +437,14 @@ def build(bld):
testobj.includes = obj.includes + ['test', '../pbd'] testobj.includes = obj.includes + ['test', '../pbd']
testobj.uselib = ['CPPUNIT','SIGCPP','JACK','GLIBMM','GTHREAD', testobj.uselib = ['CPPUNIT','SIGCPP','JACK','GLIBMM','GTHREAD',
testobj.uselib_local = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libardour'] testobj.use = ['libpbd','libmidipp','libardour']
testobj.name = 'libardour-tests' testobj.name = 'libardour-tests'
testobj.target = 'run-tests' testobj.target = 'run-tests'
testobj.install_path = '' testobj.install_path = ''
testobj.defines = [ testobj.defines = [
'PACKAGE="libardour3test"', 'PACKAGE="libardour3test"',
'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"', 'DATA_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']) + '"',
'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['CONFIGDIR']) + '"', 'CONFIG_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['SYSCONFDIR']) + '"',
'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"', 'MODULE_DIR="' + os.path.normpath(bld.env['LIBDIR']) + '"',
'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join( 'LOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join(
os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'locale') + '"', os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'locale') + '"',

View File

@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Waf utilities for easily building standard unixey packages/libraries
# Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING file for details.
# Copyright (C) 2008 David Robillard
# Copyright (C) 2008 Nedko Arnaudov
import Configure
import Options
import Utils
import misc
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from TaskGen import feature, before, after
global g_is_child
g_is_child = False
# Only run autowaf hooks once (even if sub projects call several times)
global g_step
g_step = 0
# Compute dependencies globally
#import preproc
#preproc.go_absolute = True
@feature('cc', 'cxx')
@before('apply_obj_vars_cc', 'apply_obj_vars_cxx')
def include_config_h(self):
self.env.append_value('INC_PATHS', self.bld.srcnode)
def set_options(opt):
"Add standard autowaf options if they havn't been added yet"
global g_step
if g_step > 0:
opt.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug',
help="Build debuggable binaries [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--strict', action='store_true', default=False, dest='strict',
help="Use strict compiler flags and show all warnings [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--docs', action='store_true', default=False, dest='docs',
help="Build documentation - requires doxygen [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--bundle', action='store_true', default=False,
help="Build a self-contained bundle [Default: False]")
opt.add_option('--bindir', type='string',
help="Executable programs [Default: PREFIX/bin]")
opt.add_option('--libdir', type='string',
help="Libraries [Default: PREFIX/lib]")
opt.add_option('--includedir', type='string',
help="Header files [Default: PREFIX/include]")
opt.add_option('--datadir', type='string',
help="Shared data [Default: PREFIX/share]")
opt.add_option('--configdir', type='string',
help="Configuration data [Default: PREFIX/etc]")
opt.add_option('--mandir', type='string',
help="Manual pages [Default: DATADIR/man]")
opt.add_option('--htmldir', type='string',
help="HTML documentation [Default: DATADIR/doc/PACKAGE]")
opt.add_option('--lv2-user', action='store_true', default=False, dest='lv2_user',
help="Install LV2 bundles to user-local location [Default: False]")
if sys.platform == "darwin":
opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string',
help="LV2 bundles [Default: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2]")
opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string',
help="LV2 bundles [Default: LIBDIR/lv2]")
g_step = 1
def check_header(conf, name, define='', mandatory=False):
"Check for a header iff it hasn't been checked for yet"
if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']) != dict:
conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS'] = {}
checked = conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']
if not name in checked:
checked[name] = True
includes = '' # search default system include paths
if sys.platform == "darwin":
includes = '/opt/local/include'
if define != '':
conf.check(header_name=name, includes=includes, define_name=define, mandatory=mandatory)
conf.check(header_name=name, includes=includes, mandatory=mandatory)
def nameify(name):
return name.replace('/', '_').replace('++', 'PP').replace('-', '_').replace('.', '_')
def check_pkg(conf, name, **args):
if not 'mandatory' in args:
args['mandatory'] = True
"Check for a package iff it hasn't been checked for yet"
var_name = 'HAVE_' + nameify(args['uselib_store'])
check = not var_name in conf.env
if not check and 'atleast_version' in args:
# Re-check if version is newer than previous check
checked_version = conf.env['VERSION_' + name]
if checked_version and checked_version < args['atleast_version']:
check = True;
if check:
conf.check_cfg(package=name, args="--cflags --libs", **args)
found = bool(conf.env[var_name])
if found:
conf.define(var_name, int(found))
if 'atleast_version' in args:
conf.env['VERSION_' + name] = args['atleast_version']
if args['mandatory'] == True:
conf.fatal("Required package " + name + " not found")
def configure(conf):
global g_step
if g_step > 1:
def append_cxx_flags(vals):
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', vals.split())
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', vals.split())
conf.line_just = 43
display_header('Global Configuration')
conf.env['DOCS'] = Options.options.docs
conf.env['DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug
conf.env['STRICT'] = Options.options.strict
conf.env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(conf.env['PREFIX'])))
if Options.options.bundle:
conf.env['BUNDLE'] = True
conf.define('BUNDLE', 1)
conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX']
conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Headers')
conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Libraries')
conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources')
conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Documentation')
conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'Resources/Man')
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'PlugIns')
conf.env['BUNDLE'] = False
if Options.options.bindir:
conf.env['BINDIR'] = Options.options.bindir
conf.env['BINDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'bin')
if Options.options.includedir:
conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = Options.options.includedir
conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'include')
if Options.options.libdir:
conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir
conf.env['LIBDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'lib')
if Options.options.datadir:
conf.env['DATADIR'] = Options.options.datadir
conf.env['DATADIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'share')
if Options.options.configdir:
conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = Options.options.configdir
conf.env['CONFIGDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['PREFIX'], 'etc')
if Options.options.htmldir:
conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = Options.options.htmldir
conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'doc', Utils.g_module.APPNAME)
if Options.options.mandir:
conf.env['MANDIR'] = Options.options.mandir
conf.env['MANDIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['DATADIR'], 'man')
if Options.options.lv2dir:
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = Options.options.lv2dir
if Options.options.lv2_user:
if sys.platform == "darwin":
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2')
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), '.lv2')
if sys.platform == "darwin":
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2'
conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.path.join(conf.env['LIBDIR'], 'lv2')
conf.env['BINDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['BINDIR'])
conf.env['LIBDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LIBDIR'])
conf.env['DATADIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['DATADIR'])
conf.env['CONFIGDIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['CONFIGDIR'])
conf.env['LV2DIRNAME'] = os.path.basename(conf.env['LV2DIR'])
if Options.options.docs:
doxygen = conf.find_program('doxygen')
if not doxygen:
conf.fatal("Doxygen is required to build documentation, configure without --docs")
dot = conf.find_program('dot')
if not dot:
conf.fatal("Graphviz (dot) is required to build documentation, configure without --docs")
if Options.options.debug:
conf.env['CCFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ]
conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = [ '-O0', '-g' ]
if Options.options.strict:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', [ '-std=c99', '-pedantic' ])
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-ansi', '-Woverloaded-virtual', '-Wnon-virtual-dtor'])
append_cxx_flags('-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter')
append_cxx_flags('-fPIC -DPIC -fshow-column')
display_msg(conf, "Install prefix", conf.env['PREFIX'])
display_msg(conf, "Debuggable build", str(conf.env['DEBUG']))
display_msg(conf, "Strict compiler flags", str(conf.env['STRICT']))
display_msg(conf, "Build documentation", str(conf.env['DOCS']))
g_step = 2
def set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects):
conf.define('HAVE_' + nameify(name.upper()), 1)
if has_objects:
if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']) != dict:
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] = {}
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'][name.lower()] = True
if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']) != dict:
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] = {}
conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'][name.lower()] = True
def use_lib(bld, obj, libs):
abssrcdir = os.path.abspath('.')
libs_list = libs.split()
for l in libs_list:
in_headers = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']
in_libs = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']
if in_libs:
if hasattr(obj, 'uselib_local'):
obj.uselib_local += ' lib' + l.lower() + ' '
obj.uselib_local = 'lib' + l.lower() + ' '
if in_headers or in_libs:
inc_flag = '-iquote ' + os.path.join(abssrcdir, l.lower())
for f in ['CCFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']:
if not inc_flag in bld.env[f]:
bld.env.append_value(f, inc_flag)
if hasattr(obj, 'uselib'):
obj.uselib += ' ' + l
obj.uselib = l
def display_header(title):
Utils.pprint('BOLD', title)
def display_msg(conf, msg, status = None, color = None):
color = 'CYAN'
if type(status) == bool and status or status == "True":
color = 'GREEN'
elif type(status) == bool and not status or status == "False":
color = 'YELLOW'
Utils.pprint('BOLD', "%s :" % msg.ljust(conf.line_just), sep='')
Utils.pprint(color, status)
def link_flags(env, lib):
return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['LIB_ST'] % x, env['LIB_' + lib]))
def compile_flags(env, lib):
return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['CPPPATH_ST'] % x, env['CPPPATH_' + lib]))
def set_recursive():
global g_is_child
g_is_child = True
def is_child():
global g_is_child
return g_is_child
# Pkg-config file
def build_pc(bld, name, version, libs):
'''Build a pkg-config file for a library.
name -- uppercase variable name (e.g. 'SOMENAME')
version -- version string (e.g. '1.2.3')
libs -- string/list of dependencies (e.g. 'LIBFOO GLIB')
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst')
obj.source = name.lower() + '.pc.in'
obj.target = name.lower() + '.pc'
obj.install_path = '${PREFIX}/${LIBDIRNAME}/pkgconfig'
pkg_prefix = bld.env['PREFIX']
if pkg_prefix[-1] == '/':
pkg_prefix = pkg_prefix[:-1]
obj.dict = {
'prefix' : pkg_prefix,
'exec_prefix' : '${prefix}',
'libdir' : '${prefix}/' + bld.env['LIBDIRNAME'],
'includedir' : '${prefix}/include',
name + '_VERSION' : version,
if type(libs) != list:
libs = libs.split()
for i in libs:
obj.dict[i + '_LIBS'] = link_flags(bld.env, i)
obj.dict[i + '_CFLAGS'] = compile_flags(bld.env, i)
# Doxygen API documentation
def build_dox(bld, name, version, srcdir, blddir):
if not bld.env['DOCS']:
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst')
obj.source = 'doc/reference.doxygen.in'
obj.target = 'doc/reference.doxygen'
if is_child():
src_dir = os.path.join(srcdir, name.lower())
doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, 'default', name.lower(), 'doc')
src_dir = srcdir
doc_dir = os.path.join(blddir, 'default', 'doc')
obj.dict = {
name + '_VERSION' : version,
name + '_SRCDIR' : os.path.abspath(src_dir),
name + '_DOC_DIR' : os.path.abspath(doc_dir)
obj.install_path = ''
out1 = bld.new_task_gen('command-output')
out1.dependencies = [obj]
out1.stdout = '/doc/doxygen.out'
out1.stdin = '/doc/reference.doxygen' # whatever..
out1.command = 'doxygen'
out1.argv = [os.path.abspath(doc_dir) + '/reference.doxygen']
out1.command_is_external = True
# Version code file generation
def build_version_files(header_path, source_path, domain, major, minor, micro):
header_path = os.path.abspath(header_path)
source_path = os.path.abspath(source_path)
text = "int " + domain + "_major_version = " + str(major) + ";\n"
text += "int " + domain + "_minor_version = " + str(minor) + ";\n"
text += "int " + domain + "_micro_version = " + str(micro) + ";\n"
o = file(source_path, 'w')
except IOError:
print "Could not open", source_path, " for writing\n"
text = "#ifndef __" + domain + "_version_h__\n"
text += "#define __" + domain + "_version_h__\n"
text += "extern const char* " + domain + "_revision;\n"
text += "extern int " + domain + "_major_version;\n"
text += "extern int " + domain + "_minor_version;\n"
text += "extern int " + domain + "_micro_version;\n"
text += "#endif /* __" + domain + "_version_h__ */\n"
o = file(header_path, 'w')
except IOError:
print "Could not open", header_path, " for writing\n"
return None
def run_tests(ctx, appname, tests):
orig_dir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
failures = 0
base = '..'
top_level = os.path.abspath(ctx.curdir) != os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
if top_level:
os.chdir('./build/default/' + appname)
base = '../..'
lcov = True
lcov_log = open('lcov.log', 'w')
# Clear coverage data
subprocess.call('lcov -d ./src -z'.split(),
stdout=lcov_log, stderr=lcov_log)
lcov = False
print "Failed to run lcov, no coverage report will be generated"
# Run all tests
for i in tests:
Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Running %s test %s' % (appname, i))
if subprocess.call(i) == 0:
Utils.pprint('GREEN', 'Passed %s %s' % (appname, i))
failures += 1
Utils.pprint('RED', 'Failed %s %s' % (appname, i))
if lcov:
# Generate coverage data
coverage_lcov = open('coverage.lcov', 'w')
subprocess.call(('lcov -c -d ./src -d ./test -b ' + base).split(),
stdout=coverage_lcov, stderr=lcov_log)
# Strip out unwanted stuff
coverage_stripped_lcov = open('coverage-stripped.lcov', 'w')
subprocess.call('lcov --remove coverage.lcov *boost* c++*'.split(),
stdout=coverage_stripped_lcov, stderr=lcov_log)
# Generate HTML coverage output
if not os.path.isdir('./coverage'):
subprocess.call('genhtml -o coverage coverage-stripped.lcov'.split(),
stdout=lcov_log, stderr=lcov_log)
Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Summary:', sep=''),
if failures == 0:
Utils.pprint('GREEN', 'All ' + appname + ' tests passed')
Utils.pprint('RED', str(failures) + ' ' + appname + ' test(s) failed')
Utils.pprint('BOLD', 'Coverage:', sep='')
print os.path.abspath('coverage/index.html')
def shutdown():
# This isn't really correct (for packaging), but people asking is annoying
if Options.commands['install']:
try: os.popen("/sbin/ldconfig")
except: pass

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ APPNAME = 'audiographer'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ def configure(conf):
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'sndfile', uselib_store='SNDFILE', atleast_version='1.0.18', mandatory=False) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'sndfile', uselib_store='SNDFILE', atleast_version='1.0.18', mandatory=False)
# Boost headers # Boost headers
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/format.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/format.hpp')
def build(bld): def build(bld):
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ def build(bld):
#bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = True #bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = True
bld.env['HAVE_ALL_GTHREAD'] = bld.env['HAVE_GLIB'] and bld.env['HAVE_GLIBMM'] and bld.env['HAVE_GTHREAD'] bld.env['HAVE_ALL_GTHREAD'] = bld.env['HAVE_GLIB'] and bld.env['HAVE_GLIBMM'] and bld.env['HAVE_GTHREAD']
audiographer = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') audiographer = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
audiographer.source = ''' audiographer.source = '''
private/gdither/gdither.cc private/gdither/gdither.cc
src/general/sample_format_converter.cc src/general/sample_format_converter.cc
@ -69,17 +69,17 @@ def build(bld):
audiographer.name = 'libaudiographer' audiographer.name = 'libaudiographer'
audiographer.target = 'audiographer' audiographer.target = 'audiographer'
audiographer.export_incdirs = ['.', './src'] audiographer.export_includes = ['.', './src']
audiographer.includes = ['.', './src'] audiographer.includes = ['.', './src']
audiographer.uselib_local = 'libpbd' audiographer.use = 'libpbd'
audiographer.vnum = AUDIOGRAPHER_LIB_VERSION audiographer.vnum = AUDIOGRAPHER_LIB_VERSION
audiographer.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3') audiographer.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')
if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']: if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']:
# Unit tests # Unit tests
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
tests/test_runner.cc tests/test_runner.cc
tests/type_utils_test.cc tests/type_utils_test.cc
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def build(bld):
tests/general/sr_converter_test.cc tests/general/sr_converter_test.cc
''' '''
obj.uselib_local = 'libaudiographer' obj.use = 'libaudiographer'
obj.uselib = 'CPPUNIT GLIBMM' obj.uselib = 'CPPUNIT GLIBMM'
obj.target = 'run-tests' obj.target = 'run-tests'
obj.install_path = '' obj.install_path = ''

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
import sys import sys
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'libs/clearlooks-newer' path_prefix = 'libs/clearlooks-newer'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.check_tool('compiler_cc') conf.check_tool('compiler_cc')
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cc', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
animation.c animation.c
cairo-support.c cairo-support.c
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ def build(bld):
if sys.platform == 'darwin': if sys.platform == 'darwin':
# Bit of a hack: make a symlink to the .dylib that meets GTK's criteria for finding it (namely that the library must be a *.so # Bit of a hack: make a symlink to the .dylib that meets GTK's criteria for finding it (namely that the library must be a *.so
# and that it must reside in a directory called `engines') # and that it must reside in a directory called `engines')
obj = bld.new_task_gen(target = 'engines', rule = 'mkdir -p ${TGT} && rm -f ${TGT}/libclearlooks.so && ln -s ../libclearlooks.dylib ${TGT}/libclearlooks.so') obj = bld(target = 'engines', rule = 'mkdir -p ${TGT} && rm -f ${TGT}/libclearlooks.so && ln -s ../libclearlooks.dylib ${TGT}/libclearlooks.so')
def shutdown(): def shutdown():

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import Options import Options
import os import os
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ APPNAME = 'evoral'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
opt.add_option('--test', action='store_true', default=False, dest='build_tests', opt.add_option('--test', action='store_true', default=False, dest='build_tests',
help="Build unit tests") help="Build unit tests")
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ def configure(conf):
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'gthread-2.0', uselib_store='GTHREAD', atleast_version='2.14.0') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'gthread-2.0', uselib_store='GTHREAD', atleast_version='2.14.0')
# Boost headers # Boost headers
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp')
conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = Options.options.build_tests conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = Options.options.build_tests
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ def build(bld):
# Pkgconfig file # Pkgconfig file
#autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'EVORAL', EVORAL_VERSION, 'GLIBMM GTHREAD') #autowaf.build_pc(bld, 'EVORAL', EVORAL_VERSION, 'GLIBMM GTHREAD')
libsmf = bld.new_task_gen('cc', 'shlib') libsmf = bld(features = 'c cshlib')
libsmf.source = ''' libsmf.source = '''
src/libsmf/smf.c src/libsmf/smf.c
src/libsmf/smf_decode.c src/libsmf/smf_decode.c
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ def build(bld):
src/libsmf/smf_save.c src/libsmf/smf_save.c
src/libsmf/smf_tempo.c src/libsmf/smf_tempo.c
''' '''
libsmf.export_incdirs = ['./src/libsmf'] libsmf.export_includes = ['./src/libsmf']
libsmf.defines = 'SMF_VERSION="1.2"' libsmf.defines = 'SMF_VERSION="1.2"'
libsmf.includes = ['./src'] libsmf.includes = ['./src']
libsmf.name = 'libsmf' libsmf.name = 'libsmf'
@ -85,50 +85,50 @@ def build(bld):
''' '''
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = lib_source obj.source = lib_source
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.', './src'] obj.includes = ['.', './src']
obj.name = 'libevoral' obj.name = 'libevoral'
obj.target = 'evoral' obj.target = 'evoral'
obj.uselib = 'GLIBMM GTHREAD SMF' obj.uselib = 'GLIBMM GTHREAD SMF'
obj.uselib_local = 'libsmf libpbd' obj.use = 'libsmf libpbd'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')
obj.defines = ['PACKAGE="libevoral"' ] obj.defines = ['PACKAGE="libevoral"' ]
if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']: if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']:
# Static library (for unit test code coverage) # Static library (for unit test code coverage)
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'staticlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cstlib')
obj.source = lib_source obj.source = lib_source
obj.source = lib_source obj.source = lib_source
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.', './src'] obj.includes = ['.', './src']
obj.name = 'libevoral_static' obj.name = 'libevoral_static'
obj.target = 'evoral_static' obj.target = 'evoral_static'
obj.uselib = 'GLIBMM GTHREAD SMF' obj.uselib = 'GLIBMM GTHREAD SMF'
obj.uselib_local = 'libsmf libpbd' obj.use = 'libsmf libpbd'
obj.install_path = '' obj.install_path = ''
obj.ccflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ] obj.cflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ]
obj.cxxflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ] obj.cxxflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ]
obj.defines = ['PACKAGE="libevoral"' ] obj.defines = ['PACKAGE="libevoral"' ]
# Unit tests # Unit tests
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
test/SequenceTest.cpp test/SequenceTest.cpp
test/SMFTest.cpp test/SMFTest.cpp
test/testrunner.cpp test/testrunner.cpp
''' '''
obj.includes = ['.', './src'] obj.includes = ['.', './src']
obj.uselib_local = 'libevoral_static' obj.use = 'libevoral_static'
obj.uselib = 'CPPUNIT SNDFILE' obj.uselib = 'CPPUNIT SNDFILE'
obj.libs = 'gcov' obj.libs = 'gcov'
obj.target = 'run-tests' obj.target = 'run-tests'
obj.name = 'libevoral-tests' obj.name = 'libevoral-tests'
obj.install_path = '' obj.install_path = ''
obj.ccflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ] obj.cflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ]
obj.cxxflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ] obj.cxxflags = [ '-fprofile-arcs', '-ftest-coverage' ]
def shutdown(): def shutdown():

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ APPNAME = 'libgnomecanvas'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'libs/gnomecanvas/' path_prefix = 'libs/gnomecanvas/'
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ libgnomecanvas_sources = [
'libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvastypes.c' 'libgnomecanvas/libgnomecanvastypes.c'
] ]
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cc', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'c cshlib')
obj.source = libgnomecanvas_sources obj.source = libgnomecanvas_sources
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libgnomecanvas-2' obj.name = 'libgnomecanvas-2'
obj.target = 'gnomecanvas-2' obj.target = 'gnomecanvas-2'

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
import glob
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
MAJOR = '0' MAJOR = '0'
@ -60,12 +59,12 @@ gtkmm2ext_sources = [
] ]
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'libs/gtkmm2ext/' path_prefix = 'libs/gtkmm2ext/'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -78,20 +77,20 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen(features = 'cc cxx cshlib') obj = bld(features = 'c cxx cxxshlib cshlib')
obj.source = gtkmm2ext_sources obj.source = gtkmm2ext_sources
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libgtkmm2ext' obj.name = 'libgtkmm2ext'
obj.target = 'gtkmm2ext' obj.target = 'gtkmm2ext'
obj.uselib_local = 'libpbd' obj.use = 'libpbd'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')
obj.cxxflags = [ obj.cxxflags = [
'-DPACKAGE="libgtkmm2ext"', '-DPACKAGE="libgtkmm2ext"',
'-DLOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join( '-DLOCALEDIR="' + os.path.join(
os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIRNAME']), 'locale') + '"'] os.path.normpath(bld.env['DATADIR']), 'locale') + '"']
if bld.env['GTKOSX']: if bld.env['GTKOSX']:
obj.source += ['gtkapplication_quartz.mm'] obj.source += ['gtkapplication_quartz.mm']
else: else:
@ -99,7 +98,7 @@ def build(bld):
# i18n # i18n
if bld.env['ENABLE_NLS']: if bld.env['ENABLE_NLS']:
mo_files = glob.glob (os.path.join (bld.get_curdir(), 'po/*.mo')) mo_files = bld.path.ant_glob ('po/*.mo')
for mo in mo_files: for mo in mo_files:
lang = os.path.basename (mo).replace ('.mo', '') lang = os.path.basename (mo).replace ('.mo', '')
bld.install_as (os.path.join(bld.env['PREFIX'], 'share', 'locale', bld.install_as (os.path.join(bld.env['PREFIX'], 'share', 'locale',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
import sys import sys
@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ APPNAME = 'libmidipp'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'libs/midi++2/' path_prefix = 'libs/midi++2/'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ def configure(conf):
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'sigc++-2.0', uselib_store='SIGCPP', atleast_version='2.0') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'sigc++-2.0', uselib_store='SIGCPP', atleast_version='2.0')
# Boost headers # Boost headers
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp')
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
midi.cc midi.cc
channel.cc channel.cc
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ def build(bld):
''' '''
# everybody loves JACK # everybody loves JACK
obj.cxxflags = [ '-DWITH_JACK_MIDI' ] obj.cxxflags = [ '-DWITH_JACK_MIDI' ]
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.', '../surfaces/control_protocol'] obj.includes = ['.', '../surfaces/control_protocol']
obj.name = 'libmidipp' obj.name = 'libmidipp'
obj.target = 'midipp' obj.target = 'midipp'
obj.uselib_local = 'libpbd libevoral libtimecode' obj.use = 'libpbd libevoral libtimecode'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,24 +9,24 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = [ 'panner_1in2out.cc' ] obj.source = [ 'panner_1in2out.cc' ]
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="libardour_pan1in2out"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="libardour_pan1in2out"'
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libardour_pan1in2out' obj.name = 'libardour_pan1in2out'
obj.target = 'pan1in2out' obj.target = 'pan1in2out'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'panners') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'panners')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,24 +9,24 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = [ 'panner_2in2out.cc' ] obj.source = [ 'panner_2in2out.cc' ]
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="libardour_pan2in2out"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="libardour_pan2in2out"'
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libardour_pan2in2out' obj.name = 'libardour_pan2in2out'
obj.target = 'pan2in2out' obj.target = 'pan2in2out'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'panners') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'panners')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,24 +9,24 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = [ 'vbap_speakers.cc', 'vbap.cc' ] obj.source = [ 'vbap_speakers.cc', 'vbap.cc' ]
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="libardour_panvbap"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="libardour_panvbap"'
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libardour_panvbap' obj.name = 'libardour_panvbap'
obj.target = 'panvbap' obj.target = 'panvbap'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'panners') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'panners')

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
panners = [ '2in2out', '1in2out', 'vbap' ] panners = [ '2in2out', '1in2out', 'vbap' ]
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def sub_config_and_use(conf, name, has_objects = True): def sub_config_and_use(conf, name, has_objects = True):

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
import sys import sys
import TaskGen import TaskGen
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ APPNAME = 'libpbd'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'libs/pbd/' path_prefix = 'libs/pbd/'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -42,19 +42,19 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.check(function_name='getmntent', header_name='mntent.h', define_name='HAVE_GETMNTENT') conf.check(function_name='getmntent', header_name='mntent.h', define_name='HAVE_GETMNTENT')
conf.check(header_name='execinfo.h', define_name='HAVE_EXECINFO') conf.check(header_name='execinfo.h', define_name='HAVE_EXECINFO')
conf.check(header_name='unistd.h', define_name='HAVE_UNISTD') conf.check(header_name='unistd.h', define_name='HAVE_UNISTD')
if conf.check_cc(function_name='posix_memalign', header_name='stdlib.h', ccflags='-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600') == False: if conf.check_cc(function_name='posix_memalign', header_name='stdlib.h', cflags='-D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600') == False:
conf.define ('NO_POSIX_MEMALIGN',1) conf.define ('NO_POSIX_MEMALIGN',1)
conf.write_config_header('libpbd-config.h') conf.write_config_header('libpbd-config.h', remove=False)
# Boost headers # Boost headers
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/shared_ptr.hpp')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp') autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/weak_ptr.hpp')
# autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/uuid/uuid.hpp') # autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/uuid/uuid.hpp')
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
basename.cc basename.cc
base_ui.cc base_ui.cc
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def build(bld):
if bld.env['DEBUG_RT_ALLOC']: if bld.env['DEBUG_RT_ALLOC']:
obj.source += 'debug_rt_alloc.c' obj.source += 'debug_rt_alloc.c'
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libpbd' obj.name = 'libpbd'
obj.target = 'pbd' obj.target = 'pbd'
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ def build(bld):
if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']: if bld.env['BUILD_TESTS'] and bld.env['HAVE_CPPUNIT']:
# Unit tests # Unit tests
testobj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'program') testobj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram')
testobj.source = ''' testobj.source = '''
test/testrunner.cc test/testrunner.cc
test/xpath.cc test/xpath.cc
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def build(bld):
testobj.target = 'run-tests' testobj.target = 'run-tests'
testobj.includes = obj.includes + ['test', '../pbd'] testobj.includes = obj.includes + ['test', '../pbd']
testobj.uselib = 'CPPUNIT XML SNDFILE' testobj.uselib = 'CPPUNIT XML SNDFILE'
testobj.uselib_local = 'libpbd' testobj.use = 'libpbd'
def shutdown(): def shutdown():

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ APPNAME = 'qm-dsp'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Host Library # Host Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
dsp/onsets/DetectionFunction.cpp dsp/onsets/DetectionFunction.cpp
dsp/onsets/PeakPicking.cpp dsp/onsets/PeakPicking.cpp
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def build(bld):
maths/MathUtilities.cpp maths/MathUtilities.cpp
base/Pitch.cpp base/Pitch.cpp
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libqmdsp' obj.name = 'libqmdsp'
obj.target = 'qmdsp' obj.target = 'qmdsp'

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import glob
import os import os
import glob
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ APPNAME = 'librubberband'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -29,18 +29,18 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
prefix = 'libs/rubberband/' prefix = 'libs/rubberband/'
sources = glob.glob(prefix + 'src/*.cpp') sources = glob.glob(prefix + 'src/*.cpp')
obj.source = [ ] obj.source = [ ]
for i in sources: for i in sources:
obj.source += [ i.replace(prefix, '') ] obj.source += [ i.replace(prefix, '') ]
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.', 'rubberband'] obj.includes = ['.', 'rubberband']
obj.name = 'librubberband' obj.name = 'librubberband'
obj.target = 'rubberband' obj.target = 'rubberband'
obj.uselib_local = 'libvamphost' obj.use = 'libvamphost'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="librubberband"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="librubberband"'

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -10,27 +10,27 @@ APPNAME = 'libardour_cp'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
basic_ui.cc basic_ui.cc
control_protocol.cc control_protocol.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.', './control_protocol' ] obj.export_includes = ['.', './control_protocol' ]
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_cp"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_cp"'
obj.includes = ['.', './control_protocol'] obj.includes = ['.', './control_protocol']
obj.name = 'libardour_cp' obj.name = 'libardour_cp'
obj.target = 'ardourcp' obj.target = 'ardourcp'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libtimecode' obj.use = 'libardour libtimecode'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ APPNAME = 'libsurfaces'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -27,18 +27,18 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Generic MIDI # Generic MIDI
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
generic_midi_control_protocol.cc generic_midi_control_protocol.cc
interface.cc interface.cc
midicontrollable.cc midicontrollable.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['./generic_midi'] obj.export_includes = ['./generic_midi']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_genericmidi"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_genericmidi"'
obj.includes = ['.', './generic_midi'] obj.includes = ['.', './generic_midi']
obj.name = 'libgeneric_midi' obj.name = 'libgeneric_midi'
obj.target = 'generic_midi' obj.target = 'generic_midi'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libsurfaces' obj.use = 'libardour libsurfaces'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
generic_midi_control_protocol.cc generic_midi_control_protocol.cc
gmcp_gui.cc gmcp_gui.cc
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ def build(bld):
midifunction.cc midifunction.cc
midiaction.cc midiaction.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_genericmidi"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_genericmidi"'
obj.includes = ['.', './generic_midi'] obj.includes = ['.', './generic_midi']
obj.name = 'libardour_generic_midi' obj.name = 'libardour_generic_midi'
obj.target = 'ardour_generic_midi' obj.target = 'ardour_generic_midi'
obj.uselib = 'GTKMM GTK GDK' obj.uselib = 'GTKMM GTK GDK'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp libgtkmm2ext libpbd' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp libgtkmm2ext libpbd'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
bcf_surface.cc bcf_surface.cc
bcf_surface_generated.cc bcf_surface_generated.cc
@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ def build(bld):
surface_port.cc surface_port.cc
types.cc types.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['./mackie'] obj.export_includes = ['./mackie']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_mackie"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_mackie"'
obj.includes = ['.', './mackie'] obj.includes = ['.', './mackie']
obj.name = 'libardour_mcp' obj.name = 'libardour_mcp'
obj.target = 'ardour_mcp' obj.target = 'ardour_mcp'
obj.uselib = 'GTKMM' obj.uselib = 'GTKMM'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp libgtkmm2ext' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp libgtkmm2ext'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -20,20 +20,20 @@ def configure(conf):
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'liblo', uselib_store='LO', linkflags='-llo') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'liblo', uselib_store='LO', linkflags='-llo')
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
osc.cc osc.cc
osc_controllable.cc osc_controllable.cc
osc_route_observer.cc osc_route_observer.cc
interface.cc interface.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_cp"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_cp"'
obj.includes = ['.', './osc'] obj.includes = ['.', './osc']
obj.name = 'libardour_osc' obj.name = 'libardour_osc'
obj.target = 'ardour_osc' obj.target = 'ardour_osc'
obj.uselib = ' LO ' obj.uselib = ' LO '
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp libpbd'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,27 +9,27 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
interface.cc interface.cc
powermate.cc powermate.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_powermate"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_powermate"'
obj.includes = ['.' ] obj.includes = ['.' ]
obj.name = 'libpowermate' obj.name = 'libpowermate'
obj.target = 'powermate' obj.target = 'powermate'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,17 +9,17 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
button_events.cc button_events.cc
buttons.cc buttons.cc
@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ def build(bld):
wheel.cc wheel.cc
wheel_modes.cc wheel_modes.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['./tranzport'] obj.export_includes = ['./tranzport']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_tranzport"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_tranzport"'
obj.includes = ['.', './tranzport'] obj.includes = ['.', './tranzport']
obj.name = 'libardour_tranzport' obj.name = 'libardour_tranzport'
obj.target = 'ardour_tranzport' obj.target = 'ardour_tranzport'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro) # Library version (UNIX style major, minor, micro)
@ -9,27 +9,27 @@ import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
autowaf.configure(conf) autowaf.configure(conf)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
wiimote.cc wiimote.cc
interface.cc interface.cc
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['./wiimote'] obj.export_includes = ['./wiimote']
obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_wiimote"' obj.cxxflags = '-DPACKAGE="ardour_wiimote"'
obj.includes = ['.', './wiimote'] obj.includes = ['.', './wiimote']
obj.name = 'libwiimote' obj.name = 'libwiimote'
obj.target = 'wiimote' obj.target = 'wiimote'
obj.uselib_local = 'libardour libardour_cp' obj.use = 'libardour libardour_cp'
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3', 'surfaces')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import Options import Options
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ APPNAME = 'libsurfaces'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
children = [ children = [
'control_protocol', 'control_protocol',
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ children = [
'wiimote' 'wiimote'
] ]
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def sub_config_and_use(conf, name, has_objects = True): def sub_config_and_use(conf, name, has_objects = True):
@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ def configure(conf):
for i in children: for i in children:
sub_config_and_use(conf, i) sub_config_and_use(conf, i)
conf.check_cc (lib='libusb', header_name='libusb.h', function_name='usb_interrupt_write', define_name='BUILD_TRANZPORT') autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'libusb-1.0', uselib_store='USB', mandatory=False)
if conf.env['HAVE_USB']:
conf.define('BUILD_TRANZPORT', 1)
#conf.check_cc (lib='libusb', header_name='libusb.h', function_name='usb_interrupt_write', define_name='BUILD_TRANZPORT')
conf.check_cc (header_name='linux/input.h', define_name='BUILD_POWERMATE') conf.check_cc (header_name='linux/input.h', define_name='BUILD_POWERMATE')
conf.check_cc (lib='lo', header_name='lo/lo.h', function_name='lo_server_new', define_name='BUILD_OSC') conf.check_cc (lib='lo', header_name='lo/lo.h', function_name='lo_server_new', define_name='BUILD_OSC')

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import glob import glob
import os import os
@ -17,12 +17,10 @@ APPNAME = 'libtaglib'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
path_prefix = 'libs/taglib/' def options(opt):
def set_options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -31,25 +29,23 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
sources = glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/*.cpp') sources = bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/flac/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/flac/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/mpc/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/mpc/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/mpeg/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/mpeg/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/mpeg/id3v1/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/mpeg/id3v1/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/mpeg/id3v2/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/mpeg/id3v2/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/mpeg/id3v2/frames/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/mpeg/id3v2/frames/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/ogg/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/ogg/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/ogg/vorbis/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/ogg/vorbis/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/ogg/speex/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/ogg/speex/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/ogg/flac/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/ogg/flac/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/trueaudio/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/trueaudio/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/wavpack/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/wavpack/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/ape/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/ape/*.cpp')
sources += glob.glob(path_prefix + 'taglib/toolkit/*.cpp') sources += bld.path.ant_glob('taglib/toolkit/*.cpp')
obj.source = [] obj.source = sources
for i in sources:
obj.source += [ i.replace(path_prefix, '') ]
include_dirs = ''' include_dirs = '''
taglib taglib
@ -67,7 +63,7 @@ def build(bld):
taglib/ogg/speex taglib/ogg/speex
taglib/ogg/flac taglib/ogg/flac
'''.split() '''.split()
obj.export_incdirs = ['.', 'taglib', 'taglib/toolkit'] obj.export_includes = ['.', 'taglib', 'taglib/toolkit']
obj.includes = include_dirs obj.includes = include_dirs
obj.name = 'libtaglib' obj.name = 'libtaglib'
obj.target = 'taglib' obj.target = 'taglib'

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import Options import Options
import os import os
@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ APPNAME = 'timecode'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = [ 'src/time.cc', 'src/bbt_time.cc' ] obj.source = [ 'src/time.cc', 'src/bbt_time.cc' ]
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.', './src'] obj.includes = ['.', './src']
obj.name = 'libtimecode' obj.name = 'libtimecode'
obj.target = 'timecode' obj.target = 'timecode'

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ APPNAME = 'libardourvampplugins'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx') conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx')
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'fftw3f', uselib_store='FFTW3F', mandatory=True) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'fftw3f', uselib_store='FFTW3F', mandatory=True)
autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'aubio', uselib_store='AUBIO', mandatory=False) autowaf.check_pkg(conf, 'aubio', uselib_store='AUBIO', mandatory=False)
conf.write_config_header('libvampplugins-config.h') conf.write_config_header('libvampplugins-config.h', remove=False)
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Library # Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
plugins.cpp plugins.cpp
AmplitudeFollower.cpp AmplitudeFollower.cpp
@ -40,12 +40,12 @@ def build(bld):
SpectralCentroid.cpp SpectralCentroid.cpp
ZeroCrossing.cpp ZeroCrossing.cpp
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libardourvampplugins' obj.name = 'libardourvampplugins'
obj.target = 'ardourvampplugins' obj.target = 'ardourvampplugins'
obj.uselib = 'FFTW3F' obj.uselib = 'FFTW3F'
obj.uselib_local = 'libvampplugin libqmdsp' obj.use = 'libvampplugin libqmdsp'
if bld.env['HAVE_AUBIO']: if bld.env['HAVE_AUBIO']:
obj.source += ' Onset.cpp ' obj.source += ' Onset.cpp '
obj.uselib += ' AUBIO ' obj.uselib += ' AUBIO '

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import os import os
# Version of this package (even if built as a child) # Version of this package (even if built as a child)
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ APPNAME = 'libvamp'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def configure(conf):
def build(bld): def build(bld):
# Host Library # Host Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
src/vamp-hostsdk/PluginHostAdapter.cpp src/vamp-hostsdk/PluginHostAdapter.cpp
src/vamp-hostsdk/PluginBufferingAdapter.cpp src/vamp-hostsdk/PluginBufferingAdapter.cpp
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ def build(bld):
src/vamp-hostsdk/PluginWrapper.cpp src/vamp-hostsdk/PluginWrapper.cpp
src/vamp-hostsdk/RealTime.cpp src/vamp-hostsdk/RealTime.cpp
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libvamphost' obj.name = 'libvamphost'
obj.target = 'vamphost' obj.target = 'vamphost'
@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ def build(bld):
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['LIBDIR'], 'ardour3')
# Plugin Library # Plugin Library
obj = bld.new_task_gen('cxx', 'shlib') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxshlib')
obj.source = ''' obj.source = '''
src/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp src/vamp-sdk/PluginAdapter.cpp
src/vamp-sdk/RealTime.cpp src/vamp-sdk/RealTime.cpp
''' '''
obj.export_incdirs = ['.'] obj.export_includes = ['.']
obj.includes = ['.'] obj.includes = ['.']
obj.name = 'libvampplugin' obj.name = 'libvampplugin'
obj.target = 'vampplugin' obj.target = 'vampplugin'

View File

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
#!/usr/bin/python #!/usr/bin/python
import os import os
import glob
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
pass pass
@ -19,14 +18,13 @@ def build(bld):
subst_dict['%JACK_INPUT%'] = 'alsa_pcm:playback_' subst_dict['%JACK_INPUT%'] = 'alsa_pcm:playback_'
subst_dict['%JACK_OUTPUT%'] = 'alsa_pcm:capture_' subst_dict['%JACK_OUTPUT%'] = 'alsa_pcm:capture_'
templates = glob.glob(os.path.join(bld.get_curdir(), '*.template.in')) templates = bld.path.ant_glob('*.template.in')
for t in templates: for t in templates:
b = os.path.basename(t) obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj.source = [ t ]
obj.source = [ b ] obj.target = [ os.path.basename(t.srcpath()).replace('.in', '') ]
obj.target = [ b.replace('.in', '') ]
obj.dict = subst_dict obj.dict = subst_dict
obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['DATADIR'], 'ardour3', 'templates') obj.install_path = os.path.join(bld.env['DATADIR'], 'ardour3', 'templates')
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
pass pass

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import Options import Options
import os import os
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx') conf.check_tool('compiler_cxx')
def build(bld): def build(bld):
obj = bld.new_task_gen(features = 'cxx cprogram') obj = bld(features = 'cxx cxxprogram')
obj.includes = [ '.' ] obj.includes = [ '.' ]
obj.source = [ 'main.cpp', 'systemtest.cpp' ] obj.source = [ 'main.cpp', 'systemtest.cpp' ]
obj.target = 'sanityCheck' obj.target = 'sanityCheck'

waf vendored

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python #!/usr/bin/env python
import autowaf from waflib.extras import autowaf as autowaf
import Options import Options
import os import os
import re import re
import string import string
import subprocess import subprocess
import sys import sys
import glob
# Variables for 'waf dist' # Variables for 'waf dist'
VERSION = '3.0alpha10' VERSION = '3.0alpha10'
APPNAME = 'Ardour' APPNAME = 'Ardour'
# Mandatory variables # Mandatory variables
srcdir = '.' top = '.'
blddir = 'build' out = 'build'
children = [ children = [
'libs/pbd', 'libs/pbd',
@ -139,22 +138,22 @@ def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
if config[config_arch] == 'apple': if config[config_arch] == 'apple':
# The [.] matches to the dot after the major version, "." would match any character # The [.] matches to the dot after the major version, "." would match any character
if re.search ("darwin[0-7][.]", config[config_kernel]) != None: if re.search ("darwin[0-7][.]", config[config_kernel]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'panther') conf.env['build_target'] = 'panther'
elif re.search ("darwin8[.]", config[config_kernel]) != None: elif re.search ("darwin8[.]", config[config_kernel]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'tiger') conf.env['build_target'] = 'tiger'
else: else:
conf.define ('build_target', 'leopard') conf.env['build_target'] = 'leopard'
else: else:
if re.search ("x86_64", config[config_cpu]) != None: if re.search ("x86_64", config[config_cpu]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'x86_64') conf.env['build_target'] = 'x86_64'
elif re.search("i[0-5]86", config[config_cpu]) != None: elif re.search("i[0-5]86", config[config_cpu]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'i386') conf.env['build_target'] = 'i386'
elif re.search("powerpc", config[config_cpu]) != None: elif re.search("powerpc", config[config_cpu]) != None:
conf.define ('build_target', 'powerpc') conf.env['build_target'] = 'powerpc'
else: else:
conf.define ('build_target', 'i686') conf.env['build_target'] = 'i686'
else: else:
conf.define ('build_target', opt.dist_target) conf.env['build_target'] = opt.dist_target
if config[config_cpu] == 'powerpc' and conf.env['build_target'] != 'none': if config[config_cpu] == 'powerpc' and conf.env['build_target'] != 'none':
# #
@ -246,7 +245,7 @@ def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
print("\nIt is theoretically possible to build a 32 bit host on a 64 bit system.") print("\nIt is theoretically possible to build a 32 bit host on a 64 bit system.")
print("However, this is tricky and not recommended for beginners.") print("However, this is tricky and not recommended for beginners.")
sys.exit (-1) sys.exit (-1)
if opt.lxvst: if opt.lxvst:
if conf.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64': if conf.env['build_target'] == 'x86_64':
print("\n\n********************************************************") print("\n\n********************************************************")
@ -264,7 +263,7 @@ def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
conf.define ('IS_OSX', 1) conf.define ('IS_OSX', 1)
# force tiger or later, to avoid issues on PPC which defaults # force tiger or later, to avoid issues on PPC which defaults
# back to 10.1 if we don't tell it otherwise. # back to 10.1 if we don't tell it otherwise.
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', "-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1040") conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', "-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1040")
else: else:
conf.define ('IS_OSX', 0) conf.define ('IS_OSX', 0)
@ -294,11 +293,11 @@ def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
] ]
if opt.debug: if opt.debug:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', debug_flags) conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', debug_flags)
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', debug_flags) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', debug_flags)
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', debug_flags) conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', debug_flags)
else: else:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', optimization_flags) conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', optimization_flags)
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', optimization_flags) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', optimization_flags)
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', optimization_flags) conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', optimization_flags)
@ -306,12 +305,12 @@ def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', "-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG") conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', "-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG")
if conf.env['DEBUG_RT_ALLOC']: if conf.env['DEBUG_RT_ALLOC']:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-DDEBUG_RT_ALLOC') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-DDEBUG_RT_ALLOC')
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DDEBUG_RT_ALLOC') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DDEBUG_RT_ALLOC')
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-ldl') conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', '-ldl')
if opt.universal: if opt.universal:
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc") conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc")
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc") conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc")
conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc") conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS', "-arch i386 -arch ppc")
@ -319,21 +318,21 @@ def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
# warnings flags # warnings flags
# #
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', "-Wall") conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', "-Wall")
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-Wall', '-Woverloaded-virtual']) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', [ '-Wall', '-Woverloaded-virtual'])
if opt.extra_warn: if opt.extra_warn:
flags = [ '-Wextra' ] flags = [ '-Wextra' ]
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', flags ) conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', flags)
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', flags ) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', flags)
# #
# more boilerplate # more boilerplate
# #
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE')
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64')
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE')
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64')
@ -342,13 +341,15 @@ def set_compiler_flags (conf,opt):
if opt.nls: if opt.nls:
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DENABLE_NLS') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DENABLE_NLS')
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-DENABLE_NLS') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-DENABLE_NLS')
#---------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------
# Waf stages # Waf stages
def set_options(opt): def options(opt):
autowaf.set_options(opt) autowaf.set_options(opt)
opt.add_option('--program-name', type='string', action='store', default='Ardour', dest='program_name', opt.add_option('--program-name', type='string', action='store', default='Ardour', dest='program_name',
help='The user-visible name of the program being built') help='The user-visible name of the program being built')
@ -410,6 +411,8 @@ def sub_config_and_use(conf, name, has_objects = True):
autowaf.set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects) autowaf.set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects)
def configure(conf): def configure(conf):
if not Options.options.noconfirm: if not Options.options.noconfirm:
print ('\n\nThis is an alpha version of Ardour 3.0.\n\n' + print ('\n\nThis is an alpha version of Ardour 3.0.\n\n' +
'You are respectfully requested NOT to ask for assistance with build issues\n' + 'You are respectfully requested NOT to ask for assistance with build issues\n' +
@ -446,20 +449,20 @@ def configure(conf):
# on Darwin to add all applicable flags at once # on Darwin to add all applicable flags at once
# #
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', '-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1040') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', '-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1040')
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS_OSX', '-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1040') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS_OSX', '-DMAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED=1040')
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4')
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS_OSX', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS_OSX', '-mmacosx-version-min=10.4')
#conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', "-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk") #conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', "-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk")
#conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS_OSX', "-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk") #conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS_OSX', "-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk")
#conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS_OSX', "-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk") #conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS_OSX', "-isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk")
#conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS_OSX', "-sysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk") #conf.env.append_value('LINKFLAGS_OSX', "-sysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk")
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', "-msse") conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', "-msse")
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS_OSX', "-msse") conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS_OSX', "-msse")
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', "-msse2") conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS_OSX', "-msse2")
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS_OSX', "-msse2") conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS_OSX', "-msse2")
# #
# TODO: The previous sse flags NEED to be based # TODO: The previous sse flags NEED to be based
# off processor type. Need to add in a check # off processor type. Need to add in a check
@ -486,14 +489,14 @@ def configure(conf):
if Options.options.boost_include != '': if Options.options.boost_include != '':
conf.env.append_value('CPPPATH', Options.options.boost_include) conf.env.append_value('CPPPATH', Options.options.boost_include)
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'boost/signals2.hpp', mandatory = True) autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'boost/signals2.hpp', mandatory = True)
if Options.options.boost_sp_debug: if Options.options.boost_sp_debug:
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DBOOST_SP_ENABLE_DEBUG_HOOKS') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DBOOST_SP_ENABLE_DEBUG_HOOKS')
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'jack/session.h', define="JACK_SESSION", mandatory = False) autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'jack/session.h', define="JACK_SESSION", mandatory = False)
conf.check_cc(fragment = "#include <boost/version.hpp>\nint main(void) { return (BOOST_VERSION >= 103900 ? 0 : 1); }\n", conf.check_cxx(fragment = "#include <boost/version.hpp>\nint main(void) { return (BOOST_VERSION >= 103900 ? 0 : 1); }\n",
execute = "1", execute = "1",
mandatory = True, mandatory = True,
msg = 'Checking for boost library >= 1.39', msg = 'Checking for boost library >= 1.39',
@ -512,43 +515,47 @@ def configure(conf):
sub_config_and_use(conf, i) sub_config_and_use(conf, i)
# Fix utterly braindead FLAC include path to not smash assert.h # Fix utterly braindead FLAC include path to not smash assert.h
conf.env['CPPPATH_FLAC'] = [] conf.env['INCLUDES_FLAC'] = []
conf.check_cc(function_name='dlopen', header_name='dlfcn.h', linkflags='-ldl', uselib_store='DL') conf.check_cc(function_name='dlopen', header_name='dlfcn.h', linkflags='-ldl', uselib_store='DL')
conf.check_cc(function_name='curl_global_init', header_name='curl/curl.h', linkflags='-lcurl', uselib_store='CURL') conf.check_cc(function_name='curl_global_init', header_name='curl/curl.h', linkflags='-lcurl', uselib_store='CURL')
# Tell everyone that this is a waf build # Tell everyone that this is a waf build
conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', '-DWAF_BUILD') conf.env.append_value('CFLAGS', '-DWAF_BUILD')
conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DWAF_BUILD') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-DWAF_BUILD')
# Set up waf environment # Set up waf environment and C defines
opts = Options.options opts = Options.options
if opts.debug: if opts.debug:
opts.phone_home = False; # debug builds should not call home opts.phone_home = False; # debug builds should not call home
if opts.phone_home: if opts.phone_home:
conf.env['PHONE_HOME'] = opts.phone_home conf.env['PHONE_HOME'] = opts.phone_home
if opts.fpu_optimization: if opts.fpu_optimization:
conf.define('FPU_OPTIMIZATION', 1) conf.env['FPU_OPTIMIZATION'] = True
if opts.freesound: if opts.freesound:
conf.define('FREESOUND',1) conf.define('FREESOUND',1)
conf.env['FREESOUND'] = True
if opts.nls: if opts.nls:
conf.define ('ENABLE_NLS', 1) conf.define('ENABLE_NLS', 1)
conf.env['ENABLE_NLS'] = True
if opts.build_tests: if opts.build_tests:
conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = opts.build_tests conf.env['BUILD_TESTS'] = opts.build_tests
if opts.tranzport: if opts.tranzport:
conf.define('TRANZPORT', 1) conf.env['TRANZPORT'] = 1
if opts.vst: if opts.vst:
conf.define('VST_SUPPORT', 1) conf.define('VST_SUPPORT', 1)
conf.env['VST_SUPPORT'] = True
conf.env.append_value('CPPPATH', Options.options.wine_include) conf.env.append_value('CPPPATH', Options.options.wine_include)
autowaf.check_header(conf, 'windows.h', mandatory = True) autowaf.check_header(conf, 'cxx', 'windows.h', mandatory = True)
if opts.lxvst: if opts.lxvst:
conf.define('LXVST_SUPPORT', 1) conf.define('LXVST_SUPPORT', 1)
conf.env['LXVST_SUPPORT'] = True conf.env['LXVST_SUPPORT'] = True
if bool(conf.env['JACK_SESSION']): if bool(conf.env['JACK_SESSION']):
conf.define ('HAVE_JACK_SESSION', 1) conf.define ('HAVE_JACK_SESSION', 1)
if opts.wiimote: if opts.wiimote:
conf.define('WIIMOTE',1) conf.define('WIIMOTE', 1)
conf.env['WIIMOTE'] = True
conf.define('WINDOWS_KEY', opts.windows_key) conf.define('WINDOWS_KEY', opts.windows_key)
conf.env['PROGRAM_NAME'] = opts.program_name conf.env['PROGRAM_NAME'] = opts.program_name
if opts.rt_alloc_debug: if opts.rt_alloc_debug:
@ -601,7 +608,7 @@ const char* const ardour_config_info = "\\n\\
write_config_text('Wiimote support', opts.wiimote) write_config_text('Wiimote support', opts.wiimote)
write_config_text('Windows key', opts.windows_key) write_config_text('Windows key', opts.windows_key)
write_config_text('C compiler flags', conf.env['CCFLAGS']) write_config_text('C compiler flags', conf.env['CFLAGS'])
write_config_text('C++ compiler flags', conf.env['CXXFLAGS']) write_config_text('C++ compiler flags', conf.env['CXXFLAGS'])
config_text.write ('";\n}\n') config_text.write ('";\n}\n')
@ -644,11 +651,11 @@ def build(bld):
'JACK_INPUT' : 'auditioner' 'JACK_INPUT' : 'auditioner'
} }
obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj = bld(features = 'subst')
obj.source = 'ardour.rc.in' obj.source = 'ardour.rc.in'
obj.target = 'ardour_system.rc' obj.target = 'ardour_system.rc'
obj.dict = rc_subst_dict obj.dict = rc_subst_dict
obj.install_path = '${CONFIGDIR}/ardour3' obj.install_path = '${SYSCONF}/ardour3'
def i18n(bld): def i18n(bld):
bld.recurse (i18n_children) bld.recurse (i18n_children)