obey note name display preference

This commit is contained in:
Paul Davis 2023-08-18 10:59:22 -06:00
parent b81da94fa2
commit 71f168834d

View File

@ -283,43 +283,47 @@ PianoRollHeader::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* ev)
cr->rectangle (0,0,_scroomer_size, get_height () );
/* Now draw the actual text */
for (int i = lowest; i <= highest; ++i) {
int size_x, size_y;
double y = floor(_view.note_to_y(i)) - 0.5f;
midnamName note = get_note_name (i);
if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_note_name_display() != Editing::Never) {
_midnam_layout->set_text (note.name);
/* Draw the actual text */
cr->set_source_rgb(white.r, white.g, white.b);
cr->move_to(2.f, y);
for (int i = lowest; i <= highest; ++i) {
int size_x, size_y;
double y = floor(_view.note_to_y(i)) - 0.5f;
midnamName note = get_note_name (i);
if (!_mini_map_display) {
_midnam_layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
} else {
/* Too small for text, just show a thing rect where the
text would have been.
if (!note.from_midnam) {
cr->set_source_rgb(gray.r, gray.g, gray.b);
_midnam_layout->set_text (note.name);
cr->set_source_rgb(white.r, white.g, white.b);
cr->move_to(2.f, y);
if (!_mini_map_display) {
_midnam_layout->show_in_cairo_context (cr);
} else {
/* Too small for text, just show a thing rect where the
text would have been.
if (!note.from_midnam) {
cr->set_source_rgb(gray.r, gray.g, gray.b);
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (_midnam_layout->gobj (), &size_x, &size_y);
cr->rectangle (2.f, y + (av_note_height * 0.5), size_x, av_note_height * 0.2);
cr->fill ();
pango_layout_get_pixel_size (_midnam_layout->gobj (), &size_x, &size_y);
cr->rectangle (2.f, y + (av_note_height * 0.5), size_x, av_note_height * 0.2);
cr->fill ();
/* Add a gradient over the text, to act as a sort of "visual
elision". This avoids using text elision with "..." which takes up too
much space.
double fade_width = 30.;
auto gradient_ptr = Cairo::LinearGradient::create (_scroomer_size - fade_width, 0, _scroomer_size, 0);
gradient_ptr->add_color_stop_rgba (0,.23,.23,.23,0);
gradient_ptr->add_color_stop_rgba (1,.23,.23,.23,1);
cr->set_source (gradient_ptr);
cr->rectangle (_scroomer_size - fade_width, 0, _scroomer_size, get_height () );
/* Add a gradient over the text, to act as a sort of "visual
elision". This avoids using text elision with "..." which takes up too
much space.
double fade_width = 30.;
auto gradient_ptr = Cairo::LinearGradient::create (_scroomer_size - fade_width, 0, _scroomer_size, 0);
gradient_ptr->add_color_stop_rgba (0,.23,.23,.23,0);
gradient_ptr->add_color_stop_rgba (1,.23,.23,.23,1);
cr->set_source (gradient_ptr);
cr->rectangle (_scroomer_size - fade_width, 0, _scroomer_size, get_height () );
/* Now draw the semi-transparent scroomer over the top */