show a different audio/MIDI option screen if JACK is already running. try to fix problem with using AudioBackend::<property-value>() functions before anything has been set.

This commit is contained in:
Paul Davis 2013-09-19 15:03:20 -04:00
parent 20fa19e69e
commit 57d24608e7
4 changed files with 507 additions and 284 deletions

View File

@ -399,14 +399,10 @@ ARDOUR_UI::engine_stopped ()
ARDOUR_UI::engine_running ()
cerr << "ENGINE RUNNING\n";
if (first_time_engine_run) {
first_time_engine_run = false;
} else {
cerr << "AGAIN...\n";
update_disk_space ();
update_cpu_load ();
@ -1084,8 +1080,6 @@ ARDOUR_UI::update_sample_rate (framecnt_t)
char buf[64];
cerr << "USR\n";
ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &ARDOUR_UI::update_sample_rate, ignored)
if (!AudioEngine::instance()->connected()) {
@ -1112,8 +1106,6 @@ ARDOUR_UI::update_sample_rate (framecnt_t)
cerr << "SRL = " << buf << endl;
sample_rate_label.set_markup (buf);

View File

@ -78,20 +78,146 @@ EngineControl::EngineControl ()
, aj_button (_("Start MIDI ALSA/JACK bridge"))
, ignore_changes (0)
, _desired_sample_rate (0)
, no_push (true)
if (!ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->setup_required()) {
_have_control = false;
} else {
_have_control = true;
using namespace Notebook_Helpers;
vector<string> strings;
Label* label;
AttachOptions xopt = AttachOptions (FILL|EXPAND);
int row;
set_name (X_("AudioMIDISetup"));
build_notebook ();
/* the backend combo is the one thing that is ALWAYS visible
vector<const ARDOUR::AudioBackendInfo*> backends = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->available_backends();
for (vector<const ARDOUR::AudioBackendInfo*>::const_iterator b = backends.begin(); b != backends.end(); ++b) {
strings.push_back ((*b)->name);
set_popdown_strings (backend_combo, strings);
backend_combo.set_active_text (strings.front());
backend_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::backend_changed));
/* setup basic packing characteristics for the table used on the main
* tab of the notebook
basic_packer.set_spacings (6);
basic_packer.set_border_width (12);
basic_packer.set_homogeneous (true);
/* pack it in */
basic_hbox.pack_start (basic_packer, false, false);
/* latency tab */
/* latency measurement tab */
lm_title.set_markup (string_compose ("<span size=\"large\" weight=\"bold\">%1</span>", _("Latency Measurement Tool")));
row = 0;
lm_table.set_row_spacings (12);
lm_table.attach (lm_title, 0, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
Gtk::Label* preamble;
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("<span weight=\"bold\">Turn down the volume on your hardware to a very low level.</span>"));
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("Select two channels below and connect them using a cable or (less ideally) a speaker and microphone."));
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
label = manage (new Label (_("Output channel")));
lm_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
Gtk::Alignment* misc_align = manage (new Alignment (0.0, 0.5));
misc_align->add (lm_output_channel_combo);
lm_table.attach (*misc_align, 1, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
label = manage (new Label (_("Input channel")));
lm_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
misc_align = manage (new Alignment (0.0, 0.5));
misc_align->add (lm_input_channel_combo);
lm_table.attach (*misc_align, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL, (AttachOptions) 0);
xopt = AttachOptions(0);
lm_measure_button.add (lm_start_stop_label);
lm_measure_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::latency_button_toggled));
lm_use_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::use_latency_button_clicked));
lm_use_button.set_sensitive (false);
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("Once the channels are connected, click the \"Measure latency\" button."));
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_table.attach (lm_measure_button, 0, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_table.attach (lm_results, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("When satisfied with the results, click the \"Use results\" button."));
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_table.attach (lm_use_button, 0, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_results.set_markup ("<i>No measurement results yet</i>");
lm_vbox.set_border_width (12);
lm_vbox.pack_start (lm_table, false, false);
/* pack it all up */
notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (basic_vbox, _("Audio")));
notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (midi_vbox, _("MIDI")));
notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (lm_vbox, _("Latency")));
notebook.set_border_width (12);
notebook.set_tab_pos (POS_RIGHT);
notebook.show_all ();
notebook.set_name ("SettingsNotebook");
/* packup the notebook */
get_vbox()->set_border_width (12);
get_vbox()->pack_start (notebook);
/* need a special function to print "all available channels" when the
* channel counts hit zero.
input_channels.signal_output().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&EngineControl::print_channel_count), &input_channels));
output_channels.signal_output().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&EngineControl::print_channel_count), &output_channels));
control_app_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::control_app_button_clicked));
manage_control_app_sensitivity ();
@ -103,12 +229,31 @@ EngineControl::EngineControl ()
XMLNode* audio_setup = ARDOUR::Config->extra_xml ("AudioMIDISetup");
/* push a change as if we altered the backend */
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->Running.connect (running_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&EngineControl::engine_running, this), gui_context());
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->Stopped.connect (stopped_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&EngineControl::engine_stopped, this), gui_context());
ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->Halted.connect (stopped_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&EngineControl::engine_stopped, this), gui_context());
backend_changed ();
if (audio_setup) {
set_state (*audio_setup);
/* Connect to signals */
driver_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::driver_changed));
sample_rate_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::sample_rate_changed));
buffer_size_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::buffer_size_changed));
device_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::device_changed));
input_latency.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
output_latency.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
input_channels.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
output_channels.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
notebook.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::on_switch_page));
no_push = false;
@ -139,36 +284,58 @@ EngineControl::on_response (int response_id)
EngineControl::build_notebook ()
Label* label;
AttachOptions xopt = AttachOptions (FILL|EXPAND);
/* clear the table */
Gtkmm2ext::container_clear (basic_vbox);
Gtkmm2ext::container_clear (basic_packer);
label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Audio System:")));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, 0, 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
basic_packer.attach (backend_combo, 1, 2, 0, 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
if (_have_control) {
build_full_control_notebook ();
} else {
build_no_control_notebook ();
basic_vbox.pack_start (basic_hbox, false, false);
if (_have_control) {
Gtk::HBox* hpacker = manage (new HBox);
hpacker->set_border_width (12);
hpacker->pack_start (control_app_button, false, false);
hpacker->show ();;
basic_vbox.pack_start (*hpacker);
basic_vbox.show_all ();
EngineControl::build_full_control_notebook ()
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioBackend> backend = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->current_backend();
assert (backend);
using namespace Notebook_Helpers;
Label* label;
vector<string> strings;
int row = 0;
vector<const ARDOUR::AudioBackendInfo*> backends = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->available_backends();
for (vector<const ARDOUR::AudioBackendInfo*>::const_iterator b = backends.begin(); b != backends.end(); ++b) {
strings.push_back ((*b)->name);
set_popdown_strings (backend_combo, strings);
backend_combo.set_active_text (strings.front());
basic_packer.set_spacings (6);
basic_packer.set_border_width (12);
basic_packer.set_homogeneous (true);
row = 0;
AttachOptions xopt = AttachOptions (FILL|EXPAND);
int row = 1; // row zero == backend combo
label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Audio System:")));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
basic_packer.attach (backend_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
/* start packing it up */
label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Driver:")));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
basic_packer.attach (driver_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
if (backend->requires_driver_selection()) {
label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Driver:")));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
basic_packer.attach (driver_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Device:")));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
@ -236,126 +403,46 @@ EngineControl::build_notebook ()
basic_packer.attach (*label, 2, 3, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
basic_hbox.pack_start (basic_packer, false, false);
basic_vbox.pack_start (basic_hbox, false, false);
Gtk::HBox* hpacker = manage (new HBox);
hpacker->set_border_width (12);
hpacker->pack_start (control_app_button, false, false);
hpacker->show ();;
basic_vbox.pack_start (*hpacker);
EngineControl::build_no_control_notebook ()
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioBackend> backend = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->current_backend();
assert (backend);
/* latency measurement tab */
lm_title.set_markup (string_compose ("<span size=\"large\" weight=\"bold\">%1</span>", _("Latency Measurement Tool")));
row = 0;
lm_table.set_row_spacings (12);
using namespace Notebook_Helpers;
Label* label;
vector<string> strings;
AttachOptions xopt = AttachOptions (FILL|EXPAND);
int row = 1; // row zero == backend combo
const string msg = string_compose (_("The %1 audio backend was configured and started externally.\nThis limits your control over it."), backend->name());
lm_table.attach (lm_title, 0, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
label = manage (new Label);
label->set_markup (string_compose ("<span weight=\"bold\" foreground=\"red\">%1</span>", msg));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 2, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
Gtk::Label* preamble;
if (backend->can_change_sample_rate_when_running()) {
label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Sample rate:")));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
basic_packer.attach (sample_rate_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("<span weight=\"bold\">Turn down the volume on your hardware to a very low level.</span>"));
if (backend->can_change_buffer_size_when_running()) {
label = manage (left_aligned_label (_("Buffer size:")));
basic_packer.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
basic_packer.attach (buffer_size_combo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
buffer_size_duration_label.set_alignment (0.0); /* left-align */
basic_packer.attach (buffer_size_duration_label, 2, 3, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
connect_disconnect_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::connect_disconnect_click));
basic_packer.attach (connect_disconnect_button, 0, 2, row, row+1, FILL, AttachOptions (0));
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("Select two channels below and connect them using a cable or (less ideally) a speaker and microphone."));
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
label = manage (new Label (_("Output channel")));
lm_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
Gtk::Alignment* misc_align = manage (new Alignment (0.0, 0.5));
misc_align->add (lm_output_channel_combo);
lm_table.attach (*misc_align, 1, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
label = manage (new Label (_("Input channel")));
lm_table.attach (*label, 0, 1, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
misc_align = manage (new Alignment (0.0, 0.5));
misc_align->add (lm_input_channel_combo);
lm_table.attach (*misc_align, 1, 2, row, row+1, FILL, (AttachOptions) 0);
xopt = AttachOptions(0);
lm_measure_button.add (lm_start_stop_label);
lm_measure_button.signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::latency_button_toggled));
lm_use_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::use_latency_button_clicked));
lm_use_button.set_sensitive (false);
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("Once the channels are connected, click the \"Measure latency\" button."));
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_table.attach (lm_measure_button, 0, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_table.attach (lm_results, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
preamble = manage (new Label);
preamble->set_width_chars (60);
preamble->set_line_wrap (true);
preamble->set_markup (_("When satisfied with the results, click the \"Use results\" button."));
lm_table.attach (*preamble, 0, 2, row, row+1, AttachOptions(FILL|EXPAND), (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_table.attach (lm_use_button, 0, 2, row, row+1, xopt, (AttachOptions) 0);
lm_results.set_markup ("<i>No measurement results yet</i>");
lm_vbox.set_border_width (12);
lm_vbox.pack_start (lm_table, false, false);
/* pack it all up */
notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (basic_vbox, _("Audio")));
notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (midi_vbox, _("MIDI")));
notebook.pages().push_back (TabElem (lm_vbox, _("Latency")));
notebook.set_border_width (12);
notebook.set_tab_pos (POS_RIGHT);
notebook.show_all ();
notebook.set_name ("SettingsNotebook");
/* Connect to signals */
backend_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::backend_changed));
driver_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::driver_changed));
sample_rate_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::sample_rate_changed));
buffer_size_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::buffer_size_changed));
device_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::device_changed));
input_latency.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
output_latency.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
input_channels.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
output_channels.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::parameter_changed));
input_channels.signal_output().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&EngineControl::print_channel_count), &input_channels));
output_channels.signal_output().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&EngineControl::print_channel_count), &output_channels));
notebook.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EngineControl::on_switch_page));
EngineControl::~EngineControl ()
@ -470,6 +557,11 @@ EngineControl::refresh_midi_display ()
EngineControl::update_sensitivity ()
EngineControl::backend_changed ()
@ -485,16 +577,29 @@ EngineControl::backend_changed ()
_have_control = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->setup_required ();
build_notebook ();
setup_midi_tab_for_backend ();
if (backend->requires_driver_selection()) {
vector<string> drivers = backend->enumerate_drivers();
driver_combo.set_sensitive (true);
set_popdown_strings (driver_combo, drivers);
driver_combo.set_active_text (drivers.front());
driver_changed ();
if (!drivers.empty()) {
PBD::Unwinder<uint32_t> protect_ignore_changes (ignore_changes, ignore_changes + 1);
set_popdown_strings (driver_combo, drivers);
driver_combo.set_active_text (drivers.front());
driver_changed ();
} else {
driver_combo.set_sensitive (false);
/* this will change the device text which will cause a call to
* device changed which will set up parameters
list_devices ();
@ -540,33 +645,33 @@ EngineControl::list_devices ()
available_devices.push_back (i->name);
set_popdown_strings (device_combo, available_devices);
if (!available_devices.empty()) {
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (true);
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (true);
input_latency.set_sensitive (true);
output_latency.set_sensitive (true);
input_channels.set_sensitive (true);
output_channels.set_sensitive (true);
update_sensitivity ();
/* changing the text in the combo will trigger device_changed()
which should populate the parameter controls
device_combo.set_active_text (available_devices.front());
PBD::Unwinder<uint32_t> protect_ignore_changes (ignore_changes, ignore_changes + 1);
set_popdown_strings (device_combo, available_devices);
device_combo.set_active_text (available_devices.front());
device_changed ();
ok_button->set_sensitive (true);
apply_button->set_sensitive (true);
} else {
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (true);
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (true);
input_latency.set_sensitive (true);
output_latency.set_sensitive (true);
input_channels.set_sensitive (true);
output_channels.set_sensitive (true);
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (false);
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (false);
input_latency.set_sensitive (false);
output_latency.set_sensitive (false);
input_channels.set_sensitive (false);
output_channels.set_sensitive (false);
ok_button->set_sensitive (false);
apply_button->set_sensitive (false);
EngineControl::driver_changed ()
@ -595,58 +700,94 @@ EngineControl::device_changed ()
string device_name = device_combo.get_active_text ();
vector<string> s;
/* don't allow programmatic change to sample_rate_combo to cause a
recursive call to this method.
PBD::Unwinder<uint32_t> protect_ignore_changes (ignore_changes, ignore_changes + 1);
/* sample rates */
string desired;
/* don't allow programmatic change to combos to cause a
recursive call to this method.
/* sample rates */
string desired;
vector<float> sr;
vector<float> sr = backend->available_sample_rates (device_name);
for (vector<float>::const_iterator x = sr.begin(); x != sr.end(); ++x) {
s.push_back (rate_as_string (*x));
if (*x == _desired_sample_rate) {
desired = s.back();
if (!s.empty()) {
set_popdown_strings (sample_rate_combo, s);
if (desired.empty()) {
sample_rate_combo.set_active_text (s.front());
if (_have_control) {
sr = backend->available_sample_rates (device_name);
} else {
sample_rate_combo.set_active_text (desired);
sr.push_back (8000.0f);
sr.push_back (16000.0f);
sr.push_back (32000.0f);
sr.push_back (44100.0f);
sr.push_back (48000.0f);
sr.push_back (88200.0f);
sr.push_back (96000.0f);
sr.push_back (192000.0f);
sr.push_back (384000.0f);
} else {
/* hmm ... how to tell the user about the fact that we have no
* available sample rates.
for (vector<float>::const_iterator x = sr.begin(); x != sr.end(); ++x) {
s.push_back (rate_as_string (*x));
if (*x == _desired_sample_rate) {
desired = s.back();
if (!s.empty()) {
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (true);
set_popdown_strings (sample_rate_combo, s);
if (desired.empty()) {
sample_rate_combo.set_active_text (s.front());
} else {
sample_rate_combo.set_active_text (desired);
} else {
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (false);
/* buffer sizes */
vector<uint32_t> bs;
if (_have_control) {
bs = backend->available_buffer_sizes(device_name);
} else if (backend->can_change_buffer_size_when_running()) {
bs.push_back (8);
bs.push_back (16);
bs.push_back (32);
bs.push_back (64);
bs.push_back (128);
bs.push_back (256);
bs.push_back (512);
bs.push_back (1024);
bs.push_back (2048);
bs.push_back (4096);
bs.push_back (8192);
s.clear ();
for (vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator x = bs.begin(); x != bs.end(); ++x) {
s.push_back (bufsize_as_string (*x));
if (!s.empty()) {
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (true);
set_popdown_strings (buffer_size_combo, s);
buffer_size_combo.set_active_text (s.front());
show_buffer_duration ();
} else {
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (false);
/* XXX theoretically need to set min + max channel counts here
manage_control_app_sensitivity ();
vector<uint32_t> bs = backend->available_buffer_sizes(device_name);
s.clear ();
for (vector<uint32_t>::const_iterator x = bs.begin(); x != bs.end(); ++x) {
s.push_back (bufsize_as_string (*x));
if (!s.empty()) {
set_popdown_strings (buffer_size_combo, s);
buffer_size_combo.set_active_text (s.front());
show_buffer_duration ();
} else {
/* hmm ... how to tell the user about the fact that we have no
* available buffer sizes.
manage_control_app_sensitivity ();
/* pick up any saved state for this device */
@ -774,6 +915,10 @@ EngineControl::get_saved_state_for_currently_displayed_backend_and_device ()
EngineControl::save_state ()
if (!_have_control) {
return 0;
bool existing = true;
State* state = get_saved_state_for_currently_displayed_backend_and_device ();
@ -808,10 +953,15 @@ EngineControl::store_state (State& state)
EngineControl::maybe_display_saved_state ()
if (!_have_control) {
State* state = get_saved_state_for_currently_displayed_backend_and_device ();
if (state) {
PBD::Unwinder<uint32_t> protect_ignore_changes (ignore_changes, ignore_changes + 1);
if (!_desired_sample_rate) {
sample_rate_combo.set_active_text (rate_as_string (state->sample_rate));
@ -822,7 +972,6 @@ EngineControl::maybe_display_saved_state ()
show_buffer_duration ();
input_latency.set_value (state->input_latency);
output_latency.set_value (state->output_latency);
@ -952,6 +1101,7 @@ EngineControl::set_state (const XMLNode& root)
/* now see if there was an active state and switch the setup to it */
for (StateList::const_iterator i = states.begin(); i != states.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i).active) {
backend_combo.set_active_text ((*i).backend);
@ -971,6 +1121,10 @@ EngineControl::set_state (const XMLNode& root)
EngineControl::push_state_to_backend (bool start)
if (no_push) {
return 0;
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioBackend> backend = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->current_backend();
if (!backend) {
@ -992,47 +1146,60 @@ EngineControl::push_state_to_backend (bool start)
uint32_t ichan = get_input_channels ();
if (_have_control) {
/* we can control the backend */
if (backend->requires_driver_selection()) {
if (get_driver() != backend->driver_name()) {
change_driver = true;
if (started_at_least_once) {
/* we can control the backend */
if (backend->requires_driver_selection()) {
if (get_driver() != backend->driver_name()) {
change_driver = true;
if (get_device_name() != backend->device_name()) {
change_device = true;
if (get_rate() != backend->sample_rate()) {
change_rate = true;
if (get_buffer_size() != backend->buffer_size()) {
change_bufsize = true;
/* zero-requested channels means "all available" */
if (get_device_name() != backend->device_name()) {
if (ichan == 0) {
ichan = backend->input_channels();
if (ochan == 0) {
ochan = backend->output_channels();
if (ichan != backend->input_channels()) {
change_channels = true;
if (ochan != backend->output_channels()) {
change_channels = true;
if (get_input_latency() != backend->systemic_input_latency() ||
get_output_latency() != backend->systemic_output_latency()) {
change_latency = true;
} else {
/* backend never started, so we have to force a group
of settings.
change_driver = true;
change_device = true;
if (get_rate() != backend->sample_rate()) {
change_rate = true;
if (get_buffer_size() != backend->buffer_size()) {
change_bufsize = true;
/* zero-requested channels means "all available" */
if (ichan == 0) {
ichan = backend->input_channels();
if (ochan == 0) {
ochan = backend->output_channels();
if (ichan != backend->input_channels()) {
change_channels = true;
if (ochan != backend->output_channels()) {
change_channels = true;
if (get_input_latency() != backend->systemic_input_latency() ||
get_output_latency() != backend->systemic_output_latency()) {
change_latency = true;
@ -1175,26 +1342,28 @@ EngineControl::post_push ()
* necessary
State* state = get_saved_state_for_currently_displayed_backend_and_device ();
if (!state) {
state = save_state ();
assert (state);
if (_have_control) {
State* state = get_saved_state_for_currently_displayed_backend_and_device ();
if (!state) {
state = save_state ();
assert (state);
/* all off */
for (StateList::iterator i = states.begin(); i != states.end(); ++i) {
(*i).active = false;
/* mark this one active (to be used next time the dialog is
* shown)
state->active = true;
manage_control_app_sensitivity ();
/* all off */
for (StateList::iterator i = states.begin(); i != states.end(); ++i) {
(*i).active = false;
/* mark this one active (to be used next time the dialog is
* shown)
state->active = true;
manage_control_app_sensitivity ();
/* schedule a redisplay of MIDI ports */
@ -1482,3 +1651,51 @@ EngineControl::on_delete_event (GdkEventAny* ev)
return ArdourDialog::on_delete_event (ev);
EngineControl::engine_running ()
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioBackend> backend = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->current_backend();
assert (backend);
buffer_size_combo.set_active_text (bufsize_as_string (backend->buffer_size()));
sample_rate_combo.set_active_text (rate_as_string (backend->sample_rate()));
if (backend->can_change_buffer_size_when_running()) {
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (true);
} else {
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (false);
if (backend->can_change_sample_rate_when_running()) {
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (true);
} else {
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (false);
connect_disconnect_button.set_label (string_compose (_("Disconnect from %1"), backend->name()));
started_at_least_once = true;
EngineControl::engine_stopped ()
boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioBackend> backend = ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->current_backend();
assert (backend);
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (false);
connect_disconnect_button.set_label (string_compose (_("Connect to %1"), backend->name()));
sample_rate_combo.set_sensitive (true);
buffer_size_combo.set_sensitive (true);
if (ARDOUR::AudioEngine::instance()->running()) {
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->disconnect_from_engine ();
} else {
ARDOUR_UI::instance()->reconnect_to_engine ();

View File

@ -75,8 +75,11 @@ class EngineControl : public ArdourDialog, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList {
Gtk::Adjustment ports_adjustment;
Gtk::SpinButton ports_spinner;
Gtk::Label have_control_text;
Gtk::Button control_app_button;
Gtk::Button connect_disconnect_button;
/* latency measurement */
Gtk::ComboBoxText lm_output_channel_combo;
@ -106,9 +109,9 @@ class EngineControl : public ArdourDialog, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList {
uint32_t ignore_changes;
uint32_t _desired_sample_rate;
static bool engine_running ();
bool no_push;
bool started_at_least_once;
void driver_changed ();
void backend_changed ();
void sample_rate_changed ();
@ -174,6 +177,8 @@ class EngineControl : public ArdourDialog, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList {
static bool print_channel_count (Gtk::SpinButton*);
void build_notebook ();
void build_full_control_notebook ();
void build_no_control_notebook ();
void on_response (int);
void control_app_button_clicked ();
@ -181,6 +186,7 @@ class EngineControl : public ArdourDialog, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList {
void manage_control_app_sensitivity ();
int push_state_to_backend (bool start);
void post_push ();
void update_sensitivity ();
/* latency measurement */
void latency_button_toggled ();
@ -190,9 +196,16 @@ class EngineControl : public ArdourDialog, public PBD::ScopedConnectionList {
void disable_latency_tab ();
void start_latency_detection ();
void end_latency_detection ();
void on_switch_page (GtkNotebookPage*, guint page_num);
bool on_delete_event (GdkEventAny*);
void engine_running ();
void engine_stopped ();
PBD::ScopedConnection running_connection;
PBD::ScopedConnection stopped_connection;
void connect_disconnect_click ();
#endif /* __gtk2_ardour_engine_dialog_h__ */

View File

@ -960,6 +960,7 @@ JACKAudioBackend::disconnected (const char* why)
engine.halted_callback (why); /* EMIT SIGNAL */
JACKAudioBackend::cpu_load() const