Temporal: add test program to evaluate performance of various ways of using int64_t atomically

This commit is contained in:
Paul Davis 2020-08-06 11:26:10 -06:00
parent 56795a97a3
commit 3beffbd3ee

libs/temporal/test2.cc Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
#include <atomic>
#include <bitset>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/time.h>
static int loop_count = 10000000;
using namespace std;
get_microseconds ()
struct timespec ts;
if (clock_gettime (CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts) != 0) {
/* EEEK! */
return 0;
return (int64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000000 + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000);
single_atomic ()
struct alignas(16) thing {
std::atomic<int64_t> v;
thing() : v (0) { }
thing t;
int odd = 0;
int64_t before = get_microseconds ();
for (int n = 0; n < loop_count; ++n) {
t.v = random ();
t.v = t.v + 1;
if (t.v % 2) {
int64_t after = get_microseconds ();
std::cout << "odd: " << odd << " usecs = " << after - before << std::endl;
bitfields ()
struct alignas(16) thing {
int b : 1;
int64_t v : 62;
thing() : b (0), v (0) {}
thing (int bc, int64_t vc) : b (bc), v (vc) {}
thing operator+(int n) { return thing (b, v + n); }
thing& operator=(thing const & other) { b = other.b; v = other.v; return *this; }
thing t;
int odd = 0;
int64_t before = get_microseconds ();
for (int n = 0; n < loop_count; ++n) {
t.v = random ();
t.v = t.v + 1;
if (t.v % 2) {
int64_t after = get_microseconds ();
std::cout << "odd: " << odd << " usecs = " << after - before << std::endl;
masks ()
struct alignas(16) thing {
int64_t v;
bool is_beats() const { return v&(1LL<<62); }
int64_t val() const { return v & ~(1LL<<62); }
static int64_t build (bool bc, int64_t v) { return (bc ? (1LL<<62) : 0) | v; }
thing() : v (0) {}
thing (bool bc, int64_t vc) : v (build (bc, vc)) {}
thing operator+(int n) const { return thing (is_beats(), val() + n); }
thing& operator=(thing const & other) { v = other.v; return *this; }
thing& operator+=(int64_t n) { v = build (is_beats(), val() + n); return *this; }
thing& operator=(int64_t n) { v = build (is_beats(), n); return *this; }
operator int64_t () const { return val(); }
bool operator==(int64_t vv) const { return val() == vv; }
thing t;
int odd = 0;
int64_t before = get_microseconds ();
for (int n = 0; n < loop_count; ++n) {
t = random ();
t = t + 1;
if ((t % 2) == 0) {
int64_t after = get_microseconds ();
std::cout << "odd: " << odd << " usecs = " << after - before << std::endl;
#include "pbd/int62.h"
atomic_masks ()
int62_t t;
int odd = 0;
int64_t before = get_microseconds ();
for (int n = 0; n < loop_count; ++n) {
t = random ();
if ((t.val() % 2LL) == 0LL) {
int64_t after = get_microseconds ();
std::cout << "odd: " << odd << " usecs = " << after - before << std::endl;
int62_t x;
x = 1;
cerr << "should be 1: " << x.val() << endl;
x -= 1;
cerr << "should be 0: " << x.val() << endl;
x -= 1;
cerr << "should be -1: " << x.val() << endl;
x = int62_t::build (false, int62_t::min);
cerr << "should be " << int62_t::min << ' ' << x.val() << endl;
x = int62_t::build (true, int62_t::min);
cerr << "should still be " << int62_t::min << ' ' << x.val() << " and also flag: " << x.flagged() << endl;
x += -x;
cerr << "invert+add should be zero: " << x.val() << " and also flag: " << x.flagged() << endl;
test_ints ()
int62_t i62;
int64_t i64 (0);
int64_t arg;
int64_t old62;
int64_t old64;
int skips = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < loop_count; ++n) {
arg = random();
old62 = i62.val();
old64 = i64;
char opchar;
int op = random() % 4;
switch (op) {
case 0:
if (INT64_MAX - arg >= i64) {
i64 += arg;
if (i64 <= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::max() && i64 >= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::min()) {
i62 += arg;
} else {
i64 = old64;
opchar = '+';
case 1:
if (INT64_MIN + arg <= i64) {
i64 -= arg;
if (i64 <= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::max() && i64 >= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::min()) {
i62 -= arg;
} else {
i64 = old64;
opchar = '-';
case 2:
if (arg == 0) {
i64 = 0;
i62 = 0;
} else {
if (INT64_MAX / arg > i64) {
i64 *= arg;
if (i64 <= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::max() && i64 >= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::min()) {
i62 *= arg;
} else {
i64 = old64;
opchar = '*';
case 3:
if (arg == 0) {
i64 /= arg;
if (i64 <= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::max() && i64 >= std::numeric_limits<int62_t>::min()) {
i62 /= arg;
} else {
i64 = old64;
opchar = '/';
if (i62.val() != i64) {
cerr << "failure after " << n << " op = " << opchar << " arg " << arg << " old was " << old62 << " cur " << i62.val() << " vs. " << i64 << " whose old was " << old64 << endl;
// cerr << old64 << ' ' << opchar << ' ' << arg << " = " << i64 << endl;
cerr << "Had to skip " << skips << " of " << loop_count << endl;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > 1) {
loop_count = atoi (argv[1]);
srandom (time ((time_t *) 0));
//single_atomic ();
//bitfields ();
//masks ();
atomic_masks ();
test_ints ();
return 0;