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\title{Region Layering}
When regions overlap in time, we need to decide which one should be
played. Ardour has a few options to set how this decision is made.
Each region on a playlist is on a \emph{layer}. All overlapping regions
are on a unique layer, and when overlaps exist the highest-layered
region is played. This is illustrated in Figure~\ref{fig:basic-layering}.
\caption{Basic region layering}
Here we see that region $A$ overlaps $B$, $B$ overlaps $C$, and
$D$ overlaps nothing. There are several ways in which these regions
could be arranged; in the drawing, $A$ is on layer~2, $B$ on layer~1,
$C$ and $D$ on layer~0. If this area is played back, region $A$ will
play in its entirety, followed by the end part of region $B$, followed
by the end part of region $C$, followed by the whole of region $D$.
This follows the basic rule that, at any given point, the region on
the highest layer will be played.
\section{Choice of layering}
There are two main decisions to be made with regards to how a playlist should be layered:
\item Given overlapping regions, what order should they be layered in?
\item When should layering be changed?
\subsection{Layering order}
Ardour provides three-and-a-half ways to decide on the order in which
regions are layered. The most basic choice is:
\item \emph{Later is higher} --- regions which are later in time will
be on higher layers.
\item \emph{Most recently added is higher} --- regions which were more
recently added to the playlist will be on higher layers.
\item \emph{Most recently edited or added is higher} --- regions which
were more recently edited or added to the playlist will be on
higher layers.
This choice can be set per-session from the \emph{Session Properties} dialogue
\subsubsection{Explicit ordering}
There are also cases when none of these rules should apply. If, for
example, you want to put a given region at the top of the stack (on
the highest layer), this is possible using the region `raise to top'
command. Following such a command (called an `explicit layering'),
the regions on the playlist may no longer obey any of the standard
ordering rules.
This situation also arises when editing tracks using the `stacked' layer mode.
In this mode, almost all layering is explicit. When starting a region drag,
the other regions on a track spread apart vertically to allow the dragged
region to be dropped in any position within the region stack. The normal
layering rules will only be followed if a region is dropped on top of another;
in all other cases, explicit layering will be used to put the region wherever
it was dropped.
\subsection{When to update layering}
There are two distinct approaches to updating layering:
\item Update whenever any region edit is performed.
\item Update only when a region is edited such that a new overlap has been set up.
The approach to use is optional, and can be set in \emph{Session Properties}.
This decision only has consequences when an explicit layering command has
been used. Consider the case in Figure~\ref{fig:explicit-layering1}.
\caption{Explicit layering: stage 1}
Given that arrangement, imagine that we perform a `raise to top' on region $C$.
This results in the arrangement in Figure~\ref{fig:explicit-layering2}.
\caption{Explicit layering: stage 2}
Imagine now that region $C$ is moved very slightly to the left, so
that it still overlaps both $A$ and $B$. If we are updating whenever
any region edit is performed, this will result in a relayer; the
regions' arrangement will go back to that in
If, on the other hand, we only relayer when a new overlap is set up,
the region layering will remain as in
Figure~\ref{fig:explicit-layering2}. Before the edit, regions $A$,
$B$ and $C$ overlapped; after the edit, the situation is the same, so
no relayering is performed.
Another, more complex, example is shown in Figure~\ref{fig:tricky-explicit-layering}.
\caption{More complex explicit layering}
% XXX: this makes no sense
Here, imagine that $C$ has been moved to the top of the stack with an explicit
`raise to top' command. Now consider an extension of $C$ so that its
right-hand edge overlaps $D$. If we are relayering only on new overlaps, this
case presents one new overlap (that of $C$ with $D$). In this case, $C$ is
moved according to the current layering rules so that it is correct with
respect to $D$. In addition, $A$ and $B$ are re-layered so that the relation
of $C$ to $A$ and $B$ is preserved.