
203 lines
6.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Davis
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <gtkmm/table.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <gtkmm/stock.h>
#include "ardour/audioregion.h"
#include "ardour/audiosource.h"
#include "ardour/dB.h"
#include "ardour_ui.h"
#include "strip_silence_dialog.h"
#include "canvas_impl.h"
#include "waveview.h"
#include "simplerect.h"
#include "rgb_macros.h"
#include "i18n.h"
/** Construct Strip silence dialog box */
StripSilenceDialog::StripSilenceDialog (std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioRegion> > const & regions)
: ArdourDialog (_("Strip Silence")), _wave_width (640), _wave_height (64)
for (std::list<boost::shared_ptr<ARDOUR::AudioRegion> >::const_iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) {
Wave w;
w.region = *i;
w.view = 0;
w.samples_per_unit = 1;
_waves.push_back (w);
Gtk::HBox* hbox = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::HBox);
hbox->set_spacing (16);
Gtk::Table* table = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Table (4, 3));
table->set_spacings (4);
Gtk::Label* l = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("Threshold:")));
l->set_alignment (1, 0.5);
table->attach (*l, 0, 1, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
_threshold.set_digits (1);
_threshold.set_increments (1, 10);
_threshold.set_range (-120, 0);
_threshold.set_value (-60);
table->attach (_threshold, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
l = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("dBFS")));
l->set_alignment (0, 0.5);
table->attach (*l, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
l = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("Minimum length:")));
l->set_alignment (1, 0.5);
table->attach (*l, 0, 1, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
_minimum_length.set_digits (0);
_minimum_length.set_increments (1, 10);
_minimum_length.set_range (0, 65536);
_minimum_length.set_value (256);
table->attach (_minimum_length, 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
l = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("samples")));
table->attach (*l, 2, 3, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
l = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("Fade length:")));
l->set_alignment (1, 0.5);
table->attach (*l, 0, 1, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
_fade_length.set_digits (0);
_fade_length.set_increments (1, 10);
_fade_length.set_range (0, 1024);
_fade_length.set_value (64);
table->attach (_fade_length, 1, 2, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
l = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Label (_("samples")));
table->attach (*l, 2, 3, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL);
hbox->pack_start (*table, false, false);
Gtk::VBox* v = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::VBox);
Gtk::Button* b = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Button (_("Update display")));
b->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StripSilenceDialog::update_silence_rects));
v->pack_start (*b, false, false);
hbox->pack_start (*v, false, false);
get_vbox()->add (*hbox);
add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL);
add_button (Gtk::Stock::APPLY, Gtk::RESPONSE_OK);
_canvas = new ArdourCanvas::CanvasAA ();
_canvas->signal_size_allocate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &StripSilenceDialog::canvas_allocation));
_canvas->set_size_request (_wave_width, _wave_height * _waves.size ());
get_vbox()->pack_start (*_canvas, true, true);
show_all ();
create_waves ();
update_silence_rects ();
StripSilenceDialog::~StripSilenceDialog ()
for (std::list<Wave>::iterator i = _waves.begin(); i != _waves.end(); ++i) {
delete i->view;
for (std::list<ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect*>::iterator j = i->silence_rects.begin(); j != i->silence_rects.end(); ++j) {
delete *j;
delete _canvas;
StripSilenceDialog::create_waves ()
int n = 0;
for (std::list<Wave>::iterator i = _waves.begin(); i != _waves.end(); ++i) {
if (i->region->audio_source(0)->peaks_ready (boost::bind (&StripSilenceDialog::peaks_ready, this), _peaks_ready_connection)) {
i->view = new WaveView (*(_canvas->root()));
i->view->property_data_src() = static_cast<gpointer>(i->region.get());
i->view->property_cache() = WaveView::create_cache ();
i->view->property_cache_updater() = true;
i->view->property_channel() = 0;
i->view->property_length_function() = (void *) region_length_from_c;
i->view->property_sourcefile_length_function() = (void *) sourcefile_length_from_c;
i->view->property_peak_function() = (void *) region_read_peaks_from_c;
i->view->property_x() = 0;
i->view->property_y() = n * _wave_height;
i->view->property_height() = _wave_height;
i->view->property_samples_per_unit() = i->samples_per_unit;
i->view->property_region_start() = i->region->start();
i->view->property_wave_color() = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_WaveForm.get();
i->view->property_fill_color() = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_WaveFormFill.get();
StripSilenceDialog::peaks_ready ()
_peaks_ready_connection.disconnect ();
create_waves ();
StripSilenceDialog::canvas_allocation (Gtk::Allocation& alloc)
_canvas->set_scroll_region (0.0, 0.0, alloc.get_width(), alloc.get_height());
_wave_width = alloc.get_width ();
for (std::list<Wave>::iterator i = _waves.begin(); i != _waves.end(); ++i) {
i->samples_per_unit = ((double) i->region->length() / _wave_width);
StripSilenceDialog::update_silence_rects ()
int n = 0;
for (std::list<Wave>::iterator i = _waves.begin(); i != _waves.end(); ++i) {
for (std::list<ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect*>::iterator j = i->silence_rects.begin(); j != i->silence_rects.end(); ++j) {
delete *j;
i->silence_rects.clear ();
std::list<std::pair<nframes_t, nframes_t> > const silence =
i->region->find_silence (dB_to_coefficient (threshold ()), minimum_length ());
for (std::list<std::pair<nframes_t, nframes_t> >::const_iterator j = silence.begin(); j != silence.end(); ++j) {
ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect* r = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect (*(_canvas->root()));
r->property_x1() = j->first / i->samples_per_unit;
r->property_x2() = j->second / i->samples_per_unit;
r->property_y1() = n * _wave_height;
r->property_y2() = (n + 1) * _wave_height;
r->property_outline_pixels() = 0;
r->property_fill_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT (128, 128, 128, 128);
i->silence_rects.push_back (r);