Mixer window

The Mixer window, can be viewed by going to the main menu and clicking Window > Mixer > Show Mixer. Alternatively, you can press Alt+M.

TODO: not just display mixer strips, but control gain and plugins etc.

The main function of the Mixer window is to display all the mixer strips for the various tracks and busses side by side for easy reference. This window is mainly used during the mixing process. It also provides access to plugins and routing features. See the chapters on understanding routing, mixing, and using plugins for details.

Mixer Window

The Mixer window has 3 larger sections:

  1. Left sidebar with a list of favorite plugins, visibility control for mixer strips, and a track/bus groups manager
  2. Mixer strips for tracks and busses, including a master bus that the final signal usually travels through
  3. Optional Monitor Section with features like Pre/After Fade Listen, Exclusive Solo etc.


In the next section we’ll take a quick look at the Recorder window that is streamlined for launching and controlling the recording of multiple tracks at the same time.

Next: Cue window