+++ title = "Credits" chapter = false weight = 4 +++ The main body of the manual was written during a **Book Sprint** led by Derek Holzer in the [moddr_lab](http://moddr.net "moddr_lab @ WORM, Rotterdam") at WORM in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, between 23 and 27 November 2009, with input and support from the international community of Ardour users and developers. The tutorial was originally written for Ardour 2.X versions. The original FLOSS manual can be found at [flossmanuals.net](http://archive.flossmanuals.net/ardour/index.html). Original contributors: Adam Hyde, Bruno Ruviaro, Dave Peticolas, Walter Langelaar, David Elwell, Thomas Goose, Derick H., Rob Fell, William Abernathy, Derek Holzer, Stefan Hanser, Tomasz Kaye, Dick MacInnis, Mr Stock, Ross Johnson, Jon Cohrs, Claudia Borges, Ma Rk, Al Thompson, Jay Maechtlen, Christopher Stamper, Thomas Margolf, Mark Lindhout, Joern Nettingsmeier. It was further updated in 2010 by Chou Shoichi, Damian Soto, Ross Johnson, Christian Herzberg, Malcolm Smith, Giorgio Moscardi. In December 2014, the tutorial was updated for Ardour 3.5 and moved to GitHub. The text was completely revised, and screenshots were replaced with newer ones. In August 2015, a similar revision was made to update all screenshots and text to Ardour 4.2. The 2014 and 2015 revisions were made by Bruno Ruviaro and Alex Christie. 2016/2017 fixes by Dan "dannybpng" and Jougleur. 2018 update by Miroslav Ć ulc. 2021 update for Ardour v6 by Luca Aquino. 2022 update for Ardour v7 by Alexandre Prokoudine. [FURTHER HELP](../further-help) || [GLOSSARY](../glossary) || [LINKS](../links)